what important questions do you ask workers comp lawyer

by Kaleb Kub 7 min read

Top 8 Questions to Ask Your Workers' Comp Attorney

  1. Do I need a lawyer for a workers’ comp claim? Not all workers’ comp claims will require assistance from a lawyer. ...
  2. When should I call an attorney for workers’ comp? Ideally, you should contact a workers’ comp attorney right away; waiting too long could potentially jeopardize your entitlement to certain ...
  3. How much experience should an attorney have with workers’ comp cases? ...
  4. What does it cost to hire a workers’ comp attorney? Always ask about attorney’s fees. ...
  5. What workers’ comp benefits am I entitled to? In California, workers’ compensation provides five basic benefits: medical care, temporary disability, permanent disability, supplemental job displacement, and death benefits. ...
  6. Can I sue a third party? If someone besides your employer caused the accident or situation that resulted in your injury, they may be liable for their actions. ...
  7. Will my workers’ comp case go to trial? The vast majority of workers’ comp cases settle before going to trial. ...
  8. When will my workers’ comp case settle?

9 Important Questions to Ask a Workers' Comp Lawyer
  • What is Your Experience Handling Workers' Compensation Cases? ...
  • Have You Represented Someone With a Case Similar to Mine? ...
  • Do You Personally Handle Workers' Comp Cases? ...
  • What Benefits am I Entitled To From Workers' Compensation? ...
  • Does it Matter That the Injury Was My Fault?
Jun 29, 2021

Full Answer

When should employers hire a workers' comp lawyer?

  • You suffered a minor workplace injury, such as a twisted ankle or a cut requiring a few stitches.
  • Your employer admits that the injury happened at work.
  • You missed little or no work due to your injury.

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Should you hire workers comp lawyer?

The experienced workers’ compensation lawyers at Davis Law Group will help guide you through the workers’ comp claim ... Another example when someone should hire a workers’ compensation lawyer is when they suffer severe injuries.

Why do I need workers comp lawyer?

  • Your employer or their insurer downplays the severity of your harm, damage, or injury
  • Your employer tries to force you to return to work before you are ready and fully able
  • The insurance company offers a lowball settlement offer
  • The insurance company refuses to settle at all
  • You can no longer work
  • A third party is involved
  • Your disability is disputed

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What are good questions to ask a lawyer?

As a buyer you must therefore ask the right questions. Still, if you as a seller withhold ... the condition precedent is the most drastic legal technique to secure a good share deal and avoid trouble. It means that you agree in advance that the transaction ...


What is the most common injury claim on workmans comp?

The 5 Most Common Workers' Compensation InjuriesStrains (30.06% of workers' compensation claims)Contusions (20.83% of claims)Lacerations (11.79% of claims)Sprains (8.85% of claims)Punctures (5.50% of claims)

What is required to prove for an injured party to receive workers compensation?

In order to receive the compensation they deserve, an injured person must prove that another party was at fault. However, workers' compensation cases are different — injured employees do not have to prove that their employer was at fault to receive damages for their medical bills and other expenses.

Which of the following is not covered under workers compensation?

Intentional acts: When a worker intentionally causes their workplace injuries or illnesses, they are not covered under a Workers' Comp insurance policy. Illegal activities: Employee injuries due to illegal activities at the worksite are not covered by an organization's Workers' Compensation insurance policy.

What is a 4600 letter workers compensation?

This is a form that was created by the Division of Workers' Compensation, consistent with Labor Code Section 4600(d), to allow an injured worker to predesignate a physician prior to an industrial injury. The form itself lists the requirements to be able to predesignate a physician.

How much do workers comp lawyers charge?

Almost all states require contingency fees for workers' compensation cases. Most states also place a cap on the percentage, which is usually between 10% and 20%. More experienced workers' compensation lawyers may charge a higher percentage than less experienced lawyers, so that is something to keep in mind.

What happens if you are injured on the job?

If you were injured on the job and you need medical treatment or are unable to work, you might be eligible for workers' compensation to help cover your medical expenses and lost wages.

Why is it important to have an attorney?

An attorney can be crucial in cases involving serious or permanent injuries to make sure that you get the full amount of benefits that you are entitled to.

Can you sue your employer for a car accident?

Generally, you can't sue your employer for personal injury after a workplace injury, even if the accident was your employer's fault. However, if there was a third party involved in the accident, such as another driver in the case of a work-related car accident, or a defective product such as in the case of an equipment-related injury, you may be able to sue the third party for damages.

Can a lawyer give you legal advice on a workers compensation claim?

Keep in mind that the lawyer you meet with will not be able to give you legal advice until you have formed an attorney-client relationship.

Can employers deny workers comp claims?

Unfortunately, many employers and their insurance companies do what they can to limit or deny workers' comp claims. That means you need to take precautions to protect your work injury claim.

What is a Workers Compensation Lawyer

A workers compensation lawyer specializes in cases for people with a workers compensation claim. Workers compensation laws protect people injured or disabled while working.

Should You Hire a Workers Compensation Lawyer

If you’ve never experienced a serious injury, resulting in disability, you may not know what to do. A workers compensation lawyer is experienced and knows the steps for securing a settlement. He will explain the necessary tasks from filing the claim to receiving your recovery.

Important Questions to Ask Your Workers Compensation Lawyer

When considering to hire an attorney you should take your time to find the right professional. Compose a list of questions to ask a workers comp lawyer. If you are unsure of what questions to ask then do some research online. Or speak with someone you know who went through the process of hiring an attorney.

Do You Offer Free Consultations

One of the most important questions to ask a workers compensation lawyer is whether he offers a free consultation. Many attorneys do this as a courtesy to a potential client but it’s better to ask and not assume.

How Many Years Have You Practiced

Another vital question to ask an attorney is how long he has practiced as a workers compensation lawyer. Again every case is different as are the laws for each state. Yet if your claim is complicated it’s better to hire a seasoned attorney.

What Fees Do I Pay

Everyone wants to know what they need to pay to receive service. For many people, the ability to secure legal representation hinges on whether they can afford it. Thankfully workers compensation lawyers usually use a contingency fee.

What is a Contingency Fee

A contingent fee arrangement is when “the lawyer agrees to accept a fixed percentage (often one third) of the recovery, which is the amount finally paid to the client,” according to the American Bar Association.

How to be honest with a doctor about workers compensation?

Be truthful but careful with any company-appointed doctors. Answer the questions honestly and briefly. Avoid small talk. You can be much more open with your regular physician. They should know everything about your workers’ compensation claim.

What is the job of a workers compensation lawyer?

The job of a workers’ compensation lawyer is to help you make decisions, prepare your case, assist with gathering all your documentation and guide you through the landscape of filing a workers’ compensation claim. But before you hire this kind of attorney, you should ask many questions to help you select the right one.

How much do workers compensation lawyers charge in Pennsylvania?

In Pennsylvania, all workers’ compensation lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. The maximum attorneys’ fee they can charge is 20 percent of your weekly benefits for a specific period of time.

How long does a workers comp claim last?

And depending upon the severity of your injury, those benefits could last anywhere from a few weeks to a lifetime. But you might not know how to file a workers’ comp claim, deal with an insurance company claim adjuster or mandatory doctors’ visits or how to gather all the information you need to make a claim.

What to do before returning to work?

Before you return to work, you and your attorney should work with your employer on a plan that will allow you to work within the restrictions. You should give a copy of the restrictions to both your employer and the company’s workers’ compensation representative.

How much does Pennsylvania pay for workers compensation?

The most anyone can receive from workers’ compensation in wage loss benefits will be $1,049 per week during 2019. Depending upon the severity of your injury, you may also be eligible for partial permanent disability benefits, which can last up to 500 weeks, or total permanent disability benefits, which can last a lifetime. If your injury resulted in the permanent loss of the use of a body part, you might also be eligible to receive a Special Loss benefit.

What happens if you work outside your restrictions?

If you work outside your restrictions or do something extra, the employer’s workers’ compensation insurance company may use it as a reason to argue that you’re in better health than your doctor has stated and will try to end your workers’ compensation benefits. 4.

Why is it important to hire a lawyer for workers comp?

Because workers’ compensation is a specialized area of law, it’s crucial to hire a lawyer who has extensive experiencerepresenting injured workers. When interviewing potential workers’ comp attorneys, ask how many years they’ve been in the business, how many clients they’ve taken on, and what their rate of success is in winning workers’ comp settlements.

How long does it take to settle a workers comp claim?

Unfortunately, there are no one-size-fits-all answers to these questions. Some cases take months to settle, while others take years. Your workers’ comp attorney will be able to give you some idea of what to expect as you move forward together.

What are the benefits of workers compensation in California?

In California, workers’ compensation provides five basic benefits: medical care, temporary disability, permanent disability, supplemental job displacement, and death benefits. After reviewing the details of your case, your attorney will be able to tell you exactly which benefits you’re entitled to.

Can you get workers compensation if you have an illness?

If you do get a work-related injury or illness, you may be eligible to receive a workers’ compensation settlement. So how do you get the most out of your workers’ compensation settlement?

Do workers compensation lawyers get paid?

Always ask about attorney’s fees. Most workers’ compensation lawyers work on contingency – meaning they don’t get paid unless you get paid. Find out upfront what percentage of your settlement they’ll collect when you win.

Do you have to settle a workers comp case before trial?

However, if your claim is denied or your employer refuses to provide the benefits to which you’re entitled, it’s more likely that you’ll have a hearing.

Who can assess if you can go back to work?

Your doctor is the one who can assess whether you’re physically able to go back to work and administer treatments to help you recover more quickly. They’re better able to do these things when they understand the full scope of your injury and how it happened.

Why do attorneys have an extensive legal team?

Attorneys often have an extensive legal team to help them manage their caseload, perform research, and gather the necessary information. In many cases, the attorney you meet with will handle the case.

Can an employer fire you for filing a workers comp claim?

Filing a workers’ comp claim can feel scary, but it’s in your best interest to do it. Your employer cannot legally fire you or retaliate against you for filing a claim.

What to do after being injured on the job?

One of the most important steps that an employee can take after he or she has been injured on the job is to contact an experienced workers’ compensation attorney. The first meeting with an attorney provides an injured worker with a good idea of the strengths and weaknesses of his or her workers’ compensation claim as well as ...

How long do you have to report an injury to your employer?

An injured employee will always need to report an injury to his or her employer within 30 days of the workplace accident to be eligible to collect benefits. The amount of benefits that you are eligible to receive will depend on your average wage.

Do personal injury lawyers get paid?

Personal injury lawyers generally don’t require an upfront payment. Instead, they often work for a portion of your settlement. If you don’t win your case, the lawyer may not get paid.

Can you file a workers compensation claim if you are at fault?

Generally, it won’t matter if you were at fault for the work injury. If you were negligent, tired, or otherwise at fault, you can still file a workers’ compensation claim. There are a few exceptions to this rule.

Can you get fired for workers comp?

No, you can’t get fired for filing a workers’ compensation claim . It’s against the law for your employer to fire you because you filed a claim or became injured on the job.
