what happens when you don't have a lawyer in a child custody case

by Nayeli Torphy Sr. 3 min read

If you’ve already been to your initial appearance, chances are you’re going to your custody trial. If you haven’t hired an attorney yet, you can show up and ask for a continuance – but it’s risky. There is always a chance that the judge will move forward without granting your continuance.

Full Answer

Do I need an attorney to get custody of my child?

Feb 14, 2018 · If you haven’t hired an attorney yet, you can show up and ask for a continuance – but it’s risky. There is always a chance that the judge will move forward without granting your continuance. You can ask, though – after all, it never hurts to ask. As a pro se litigant (a person showing up to represent herself without an attorney) you stand a better chance than most.

Can a judge give a parent sole custody of a child?

Jul 03, 2021 · Myth #11: You must have an attorney to get custody. This is true if you want full custody or if you are contesting the other parent. Most states require a minimum amount of contact with your child for them to be considered a “custodial” parent. However, if you have 50/50 legal custody then a lawyer is optional.

What happens if you don’t follow a court order for child custody?

Feb 04, 2022 · Child custody and visitation issues may have legal effects and consequences on either or both parents. More importantly, they may place the child in situations which are not ideal. Your attorney can assist you with your child custody and visitation dispute issues and help you create a new agreement with your child’s other parent.

Are child custody cases bad for your child?

Apr 09, 2015 · You can lose custody if you abuse visitation rights or refuse to allow your child to visit your ex. Regular contact with both parents serves a child’s best interests. A judge will consider each parent’s ability and efforts to facilitate the parent-child relationship.


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