what happens at a first consult with a lawyer

by Mrs. Sandy Will Sr. 5 min read

At the initial consultation the attorney will generally ask you to give him or her a brief description of what you need help with. At this point, the attorney is not looking for the whole story, but a brief summary. He or she will then ask you a series of targeted questions in order to determine:

During your consultation, the attorney will ask about the issues in your case and discuss the merits of the actions and the various ways you can proceed. There will then be a mutual selection process.

Full Answer

What happens at an initial consultation with a lawyer?

Meeting with a lawyer for an initial consultation is generally not a chance to ask legal questions that are in depth, but is instead an opportunity to get a sense as to whether this lawyer is the right one to handle your case. Use this meeting to help you decide which lawyer will be the best one for your case.

Do lawyers do free first consultations?

Some lawyers do free first consultations, others may charge several hundred dollars. The more prepared you are . . . the easier this process will be, and the more you will impress the lawyer. What Should I Bring? Here are some suggestions for what to bring to your meeting with your attorney. A pen and pad of paper or the electronic equivalent!

What should I bring to my first consultation with a lawyer?

Make a set of copies of everything that you plan to share with the lawyer. Give the lawyer the copies at the beginning of the initial consultation. Prudent attorneys do not accept original documents, and you do not want to waste precious time or money waiting while the attorney makes copies.

How do I find a good lawyer to consult?

Finding the Right Attorney Before you can have an attorney consultation, you need to find a lawyer who might be a good fit. Look for an attorney who focuses his or her practice on your type of legal question, or someone who lists this as a type of law they regularly practice. Your local bar association may have a referral program.


How do I prepare for my first meeting with a lawyer?

Tips For Meeting With Your Lawyer For the First TimeDress To Impress. ... Be Ready To Give Your Attorney Important Information About Yourself. ... Gather Your Evidence And Have It Ready For Your First Meeting. ... Get Your Facts Straight. ... Plan Something You Can Look Forward To For After Your Meeting.

What does a consultation consist of?

Consultation definition A meeting to discuss, decide, or plan something, as a meeting of several doctors to discuss the diagnosis and treatment of a patient. The act or process of consulting. A conference for the exchange of information and advice.

What does it mean to consult with a lawyer?

In short, a legal consultation is an initial meeting with an attorney that takes place before you make the decision on whether to hire that attorney to represent you in your particular legal matter.

How do you prepare to talk to a lawyer?

Tips for Talking to an AttorneyAlways be as honest and candid as possible about the facts of your case. ... Ask questions if you don't understand something that your attorney mentions or explains to you.Approach an attorney about your case as soon as you think you may need one.More items...•

What happens at an initial consultation?

During your consultation, the attorney will ask about the issues in your case and discuss the merits of the actions and the various ways you can proceed. There will then be a mutual selection process.

What happens at a consultation appointment?

Consultation – an in-depth discussion between you and the Consultant about your medical symptoms or condition. Preparing to visit us. At your outpatient visit, you will meet with the Consultant who will look after you throughout your treatment and, if necessary, your hospital stay.

What should I wear to a lawyer consultation?

Day of consultation The standard attire for meeting with you lawyer should be business casual. Wear dress pants, a nice shirt or top. Women should wear a conservative dress or skirt. Nothing too revealing.

What does getting consultation mean?

the process of discussing something with someone in order to get their advice or opinion about it: He made the decision in consultation with his parents and teachers.

What does a free consultation include?

So, when a lawyer says that he or she will provide a free consultation it means that they will sit down with you, hear about your problem, and give you some initial thoughts about it, at no charge or obligation to you. This meeting gives you a chance to "interview" the lawyer and the lawyer the chance to interview you.

What should you not say to a lawyer?

Five things not to say to a lawyer (if you want them to take you..."The Judge is biased against me" Is it possible that the Judge is "biased" against you? ... "Everyone is out to get me" ... "It's the principle that counts" ... "I don't have the money to pay you" ... Waiting until after the fact.

What are good questions to ask lawyers?

Questions to Ask Your Lawyer During a Consultation1) What kind of experience do you have with similar cases?2) What would be your strategy for my case?3) Are there any alternatives to going to court?4) What are my possible outcomes?5) Who will actually handle my case?6) What is my role in my case?More items...•

Does my lawyer have to do what I say?

An attorney must always do what they say they will in a prompt and timely manner as unreasonable delay may adversely affect the outcome of your case.

Can you remember what you discussed with an attorney?

It can be difficult to remember what you discussed with an attorney days or even weeks later when the situation arises again. We encourage all potential clients to take a few notes on important discussion topics during their consultation so they have something to jog their memory later. Additionally, there may be follow-up information or documents we need you to obtain before we can take the next step, and it is always helpful to have those type of instructions written down.

Can Melissa Graham Hurd and Associates prepare for an appointment?

The attorneys at Melissa Graham-Hurd & Associates, LLC, can take time to prepare for your appointment if you complete any provided client information sheets and return them to the office well in advance of your appointment. Your time with one of the attorneys will be most productive if you fill the questionnaire out fully so we know what questions to ask you.

Answers to common questions about your first meeting with an attorney

Find out what to expect from an attorney consultation, including whether initial consultations are always free and how to be prepared.

Is it really free?

The vast majority of attorneys offer free consultations. Many attorneys advertise this on their website.

What happens during an initial consultation with an attorney?

Because you and the attorney haven’t yet formed an attorney-client relationship, initial consultations are limited in time and depth. Nevertheless, the attorney should listen to the details of your case and provide you with some important information.

Are initial consultations confidential?

When you attend an initial consultation, you are NOT yet a client. Rather, you are a prospective client. However, lawyers still owe certain duties to prospective clients. One of these duties is the duty of attorney-client confidentiality.

What should I do to prepare for an initial consultation?

To get the most out of your free initial consultation, you need to be prepared. Keep in mind, there are 2 main things you want to accomplish with an initial consultation:

How do I schedule a free initial consultation?

Now that you know how beneficial free consultations are, we think you’ll agree that there’s often no reason not to schedule one.

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Why is it important to have a first meeting with an attorney?

This first meeting is also an opportunity for you to evaluate the attorney. This is important, because you will be sharing thoughts and feelings that you may not share with anyone else. For that reason, you should feel comfortable speaking with the attorney and you should feel that you can trust the attorney to act in your best interests.

Can an attorney guarantee a monetary award?

However, if the attorney does see merit in your case, you will discuss the situation further. While an attorney can’t guarantee you a specific monetary award, he can use his expertise and past experiences to give you an idea of what to expect in your case.

An Initial Consultation with an Attorney

First and foremost, your initial consultation with an attorney is the time when you first meet that person face to face. While you can do an awful lot of research about a lawyer online, nothing is as important as the meeting you’ll have with them for the first time.

Laying Out the Basics in a Lawyer Consultation

Your consultation is also a time for you to lay out the basics of what you need from the lawyer. If you are discussing setting up a business, for example, you’ll talk about the type of business you are setting up, any history you have in that field, and what you’re looking for from an attorney.

A Frank Assessment of What Happens Next

One of the most important things you’ll get during a consultation is a frank assessment of what should happen next. In some cases, the consultation will be the time when a lawyer will tell you that your needs are outside of their area of expertise and when they might refer you to someone else.

What is the first meeting between a lawyer and a prospective client?

All attorneys meet with prospective clients in what is called an initial consultation. This is a first meeting between you and the lawyer to help you both decide whether you want to work together in an attorney-client relationship. At this point, you are both checking each other out, and getting information and advice that can help you with your case regardless of whether you hire that lawyer or any other one.

Why do attorneys keep their information confidential?

Remember, the attorney will keep this information confidential, unless required to share it with a court because it is relevant to the legal matter or with law enforcement for a public-safety reason. You may think the information is too trivial or embarrassing to mention, but it may well be extremely important, so share it.

How to share documents with a lawyer?

Make a set of copies of everything that you plan to share with the lawyer. Give the lawyer the copies at the beginning of the initial consultation. Prudent attorneys do not accept original documents, and you do not want to waste precious time or money waiting while the attorney makes copies. So fax the documents to the law office before the meeting.

What to do if you have no court papers?

Even if you have no court papers yet, you may have on hand or could readily obtain documents that could be helpful.

Can I meet with an attorney alone?

It is usually in your best interest to meet with the attorney alone, even if the other person is paying for the appointment. Your friend (s) or loved one (s) can wait in the lobby. To avoid interruptions, be sure to turn off all cell phones or other electronic devices just before your appointment.

Why do lawyers offer free consultations?

Most lawyers offer a free consultation so that you have a chance to determine if he or she is the right person for you. Going to the first meeting with some simple questions can help you ensure you find the right person for the legal help you need. You will not get much legal advice at this consult since it is not meant to resolve your legal ...

Why is it important to meet with a small business attorney?

Meeting with a small business attorney is an important way to get your business off to a good start and minimize future risks. Here are questions to ask at your first meeting.

What to ask a lawyer about a case?

An important question to ask a lawyer is what the strategy for your case will be and the outcome the lawyer expects. You’ll want to get details on what kind of procedures to expect. Ask how long it will take for the entire case to be resolved. Discuss the legal strategies that will be used. Find out if your attorney will attempt to settle and if mediation or arbitration are options. Think about the answers and if you are comfortable with them. Maybe you want to avoid a trial at all costs but your attorney really wants to just go to trial, or perhaps you have no intention of settling and want your day in court. It is important that your lawyer’s strategy lines up with your needs.

What is a meeting with a lawyer?

Meeting with a lawyer for an initial consultation is generally not a chance to ask legal questions that are in depth, but is instead an opportunity to get a sense as to whether this lawyer is the right one to handle your case. Use this meeting to help you decide which lawyer will be the best one for your case.

Can you ask where an attorney went to law school?

It is generally not very helpful to ask where the attorney went to law school since you can find this information online and it often tells you nothing useful anyhow. Focus instead on experience with your type of case. You can also ask the average verdict the lawyer has obtained in your type of case.

Make Sure You Know What to Ask

It’s always a good idea to know in advance what you intend to ask your lawyer. All of the relevant questions that you need immediate answers to need to be worked out in advance. This way, you won’t be stumbling through the interview blindly, asking every question but the right one.

Bring the Legal Documents Your Lawyer Needs to See

Your next step will be to bring all of the relevant documents that are related to your legal case. Your lawyer will need to review these in order to help you determine if your case is going to be strong enough to bring to court.

Make Sure You Know What to Expect

Your lawyer should be able to bring their knowledge and experience to bear to let you know what to expect from your legal case. For example, if they have expertise in workman’s comp cases, they should be able to let you know what kind of settlement to expect. They should have a rough idea of how long it will take.

What is an initial meeting with an attorney?

An initial meeting with your attorney is important, not just for exchanging information about your case, but also for building rapport and trust. Commonly, you will first have a short phone call with the lawyer, who will then ask to meet you in person. If you aren't yet certain you plan to use this lawyer, ...

What to bring to a lawyer meeting?

What Should I Bring? 1 A pen and pad of paper or the electronic equivalent! In the course of your conversation with your attorney, you will surely want to write down notes on any issues or questions that arise. 2 A list of questions. Clients often have a million questions and concerns before a meeting, one or more of which they then forget to ask when sitting face to face with their attorney. Write these questions down ahead of time, to make sure you get every query answered while you're sitting there. 3 A check for the initial consultation fee, if your attorney charges one. This should be discussed ahead of the meeting. Nothing gets a lawyer-client relationship off on the wrong foot faster than forgetting to make your first payment. Presenting that fee immediately shows that you're taking the relationship seriously. 4 Any documents relevant to your case. If, for example, you are negotiating a lease and want the lawyer to review it, you should obviously bring a copy of the draft lease. If possible, make multiple copies of each document you give to your lawyer, so that you can take a set back home. (Or you can ask the lawyer's office to make the copies, but you'll likely be charged at premium rates for those.)

What to write in a conversation with an attorney?

In the course of your conversation with your attorney, you will surely want to write down notes on any issues or questions that arise. A list of questions. Clients often have a million questions and concerns before a meeting, one or more of which they then forget to ask when sitting face to face with their attorney.

What happens if you don't hire a lawyer?

Be honest. Remember that, even if you do not end up hiring the lawyer, everything you tell him or her during your meeting is generally subject to the attorney-client privilege. (The biggest exception to this, not surprisingly, is if you tell your lawyer that you are going to commit a crime, which information the lawyer may be duty-bound ...

Is honesty good for a lawyer?

In most cases, honesty is in your best interest. Lawyers seldom see cases that are cut and dried, with one party completely the "good guy.". It 's much better for the lawyer to know any bad news up front than to be surprised later with revelations you failed to share.

Should I get a second opinion before surgery?

Much like getting a second medical opinion before a surgery, it is common to seek advice from two or more lawyers before committing. The attorney-client relationship is important, and you need to feel comfortable with your choice.

Should I hire an attorney at the end of a meeting?

By the end of your meeting, you should leave with a clear understanding of what you've accomplished and what's ahead. Remember, you are under no obligation to hire a particular attorney merely because you had an initial meeting.
