what happens after i give my deposition to the insurance lawyer

by Chyna Dooley 9 min read

After your deposition, it may take a few weeks before you receive the transcript. It may take a while longer before your lawyer comes to an agreement with the insurance company. Once a fair settlement is reached, the insurance company will ask you to sign a release form.

The Trial Happens (or a Settlement Is Agreed Upon)
After the deposition and any medical examinations are completed, your personal injury lawyer will keep negotiating with the insurance company. The goal is to reach an agreement on a fair settlement amount—without the need to go to trial.

Full Answer

What happens if you give a deposition during a trial?

Mar 01, 2022 · After the deposition, the lawyers will gather and review the transcription (s), documentation, and other evidence from the discovery period. Then, they will try to build a case based on what was revealed. At this point, it may become clear that a trial will only harm their client and they’ll push for a settlement.

What happens after a deposition in a civil case?

In terms of a settlement, your lawyer will negotiate with the insurance company after the deposition has been completed. Most of the time, it is not too difficult to come to an agreement, and most car accident cases are settled eventually.

What happens when you get called into a deposition?

Sep 23, 2018 · After depositions are complete, your lawyer will update or change your strategy going forward as needed, based on the information gleaned from the key witness interviews. This is why it’s important to hire an attorney, to help you complete depositions and use the information to your advantage.

What happens if depositions are not part of the case?

After your deposition, it may take a few weeks before you receive the transcript. It may take a while longer before your lawyer comes to an agreement with the insurance company. Once a fair settlement is reached, the insurance company will ask you to sign a release form. You can expect to receive a settlement check within four to six weeks.


What is a deposition in personal injury?

A deposition refers to an official interview of a witness to learn more about the case. In general, depositions involve one party interviewing the other party’s witnesses to find out what they know.

What is a deposition in a trial?

With a deposition, a witness’s full account will be on record, protected from the effects of time on memory. Even if the trial doesn’t happen for a few more years, the original depositions will preserve a witness’s statements while the issue is still fresh in mind. A deposition requires sworn and recorded testimony by the witness, ...

Why is it important to hire an attorney?

This is why it’s important to hire an attorney, to help you complete depositions and use the information to your advantage. If you need to follow up with any council members after your deposition (i.e., to provide documentation), your personal injury attorney can help you with this as well.

What happens after discovery phase?

Once the discovery phase has completely ended, case litigation can continue. Depositions might have provided just the right information to allow the case to reach a successful settlement and end there. Most personal injury claims, for example, can reach settlements without the parties needing to take the case to court.

What is a court reporter?

A Court Reporter Creates a Transcript of Your Testimony. Depositions serve two main purposes: to find out what a witness knows and to preserve the witness’s testimony until it’s time for the trial. With a deposition, a witness’s full account will be on record, protected from the effects of time on memory. Even if the trial doesn’t happen ...

What happens if you get a transcript of a deposition?

Once your attorney receives the transcript of the deposition, both sides will have a chance to carefully review everything said during the deposition. Your attorney will probably sit down with you and review it carefully.

How long does it take to get a settlement from an insurance company?

The insurance company or liable party typically has 30 days after that agreement to pay out your settlement.

What is a verbatim report?

The report serves as vital evidence that can help establish exactly what you said or didn’t say about your accident.

How does guilt help in a personal injury case?

An admission of guilt on the part of the other party in your personal injury claim may help prove your claim and make it easier for you to get the compensation you deserve for your injuries. In an auto accident, for example, the attorney may see if the other driver admits to driving while distracted or to breaking the rules of the road, which could serve as evidence of guilt. Your attorney will also review the deposition to make sure he has accurately identified all parties who may share fault in the accident.

Who is the mediator in a mediation?

Generally, you will use a judge or former judge as a mediator.

Can a mediator negotiate a settlement?

The mediator may recommend a fair settlement offer and see if you and the liable party accept. He cannot, however, force you to accept a compromise. At the end of mediation, you can either reach an agreement or decide to take your claim to trial. 6. Trial.

What does inconsistency in testimony mean?

Inconsistencies could indicate a problem with the testimony or could prove that the other party attempted to lie under oath. Your attorney will look for any inconsistencies or inaccurate information in the testimony to make it easier to correct the record.

What happens if you file a personal injury lawsuit?

If you file a personal injury lawsuit, there is a significant chance that the at-fault party’s attorney will ask to take your deposition at some point. It is often one of the most challenging and intimidating parts of the litigation process.

How long does it take for a lawyer to pay for a settlement?

The insurer typically has 30 days to send payment. On the other hand, if your case makes it to trial and the jury decides the defendant is liable, they will also determine your award for damages (compensation). After a settlement or favorable judgment, your lawyer will collect your payment and pay for the costs associated with your case, including their legal fees, before sending you the remainder of your award.


The Court Reporter Will Provide A Written Transcript of The Deposition.

During your deposition, the court reporter will record everything said throughout the process: the questions asked, how you replied, and any other interactions within the court environment. During the deposition itself, the court reporter will create a record by using a recording device or by taking notes in shorthand. After the depo…
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Independent Medical Exams, If Needed

  • In some cases, the other side in your claim may request an independent medical examination. During this exam, a doctor other than the one you have been seeing throughout your recovery will evaluate your physical condition, including the extent of your injuries. The doctor will provide an assessment of how those injuries impact you in each area of your life. The insurance company…
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  • In most personal injury claims, the victim and the insurance company that covers the liable party will go through several rounds of negotiation before arriving at an agreement. The first round of negotiation may occur shortly after your accident, before the insurance company even has a chance to conduct a full examination. The insurance company may issue you a settlement offer …
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  • You went through multiple rounds of negotiation, but you and the liable party or that party’s insurance company simply could not come to an agreement about the funds you deserve. What happens next? If you cannot reach an agreement with the insurance company on your own, you will sit down for a mediation session. During a mediation session, you and your attorney will sit …
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  • If you cannot reach an agreement through negotiation or mediation, your attorney may recommend taking your claim to trial. Most personal injury claims settle out of court. Most of the time, going to trial means expensive legal fees on top of the other fees that the liable party or that party’s insurance company must already worry about. As a result, insurance companies generall…
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  • Once you either reach a settlement agreementwith the insurance company or the court renders a verdict in your claim, you will receive payment for your personal injury claim. The insurance company or liable party typically has 30 days after that agreement to pay out your settlement. If you do not receive your settlement within that time frame, you should contact your attorney as s…
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