what does it mean if your lawyer doesn't return your phone call

by Ms. Katrina Schumm 8 min read

If a lawyer will not return your phone call, then that may indicate that he is neglecting the legal matter that you have entrusted to him. If so, then you may want to retain another attorney. Any new attorney may wish to see the file.

So often when a lawyer does not return your call for a few days it may simply mean your lawyer is busy getting some important work done in your case or in another client's case. There is nothing going on with your case.May 9, 2018

Full Answer

What can I do if my attorney will not return my calls?

But when the attorney does not return phone calls and you do not know why you can't reach him on the phone, send him a letter. In the letter state that you have called him and he is not available and will not return your call. Keep a copy of the letter. State that it is very important he call you.

Why your lawyer won't return your phone calls?

If a lawyer will not return your phone call, then that may indicate that he is neglecting the legal matter that you have entrusted to him. If so, then you may want to retain another attorney. Any new attorney may wish to see the file. You can call on the phone and request your file, saying that you will come by to pick it up.

What if my lawyer won't return my phone calls?

What to Do If My Lawyer Won't Return My Calls in Atlanta? Track everything. Keep track of each time you have called and the name of every person you have spoken with. ... Send a certified letter. ... Contact the State Bar. ... Fire the lawyer. ... Hire an Attorney at The Champion Firm: At The Champion Firm, you will never have to worry whether or not your case is being attended to. ...

What to do when your attorney is not responsive?

  • Tell your lawyer directly and give your reasons.
  • Send your lawyer a letter of dismissal and retain a copy.
  • Arrange to pay any outstanding charges.
  • Pick up the file as soon as possible.
  • Select another lawyer.


What do you do when a lawyer doesn't respond?

If your lawyer still does not respond, you can send him or her a letter explaining the communication problems. If at this point you do not hear anything from your lawyer, you should consult with a legal malpractice attorney.

How long should you give a lawyer to call you back?

Regrettably, even the most discerning clients can hire an attorney who simply will not call them back. It's frustrating. As a general rule, give your lawyer 1-2 days to return your non-urgent phone call; very often, your lawyer may be out of the office for a half-day, whole day, or longer if he/she is in court.

Is it normal not to hear from your attorney?

Throughout the process of getting your financial settlement after becoming injured, there may be periods of time that you do not hear from your attorney. Although this can be unnerving, it is a normal part of the legal process.

What if my lawyer ignores me?

If you have called your attorney, left messages, sent emails, and you still haven't heard a response, the best course of action is to send a certified letter to his or her office questioning the failure to communicate and informing them that you are prepared to find a new lawyer if the situation does not improve.

How often should I hear from my lawyer?

There is no set formula for how often you will hear from your attorney. However, the key to a successful attorney client relationship is communication. Whenever there is an important occurrence in your case you will be contacted or notified.

How do you know if your lawyer is working for you?

Check your lawyer on legal sites such as Avvo or nolo, as well as on general sites like Google Places and Yelp! to see what other clients have to say. Search peer-review online databases such as martindale.com to see comments and opinions from other lawyers. 5. Get another lawyer's opinion.

Why do attorneys take so long to respond?

Once a case gets filed in court, things can really slow down. Common reasons why a case will take longer than one would hope can include: Trouble getting the defendant or respondent served. The case cannot proceed until the defendant on the case has been formally served with the court papers.

Is no news good news from your lawyer?

The bottom line is that this is generally one of those cases where “no news is good news” because it means your attorney is working on your case. The only time you should get concerned is if you need to speak to your attorney and you cannot get through nor have you received a return call.

What is it called when a lawyer doesn't do his job?

Legal malpractice is a type of negligence in which a lawyer does harm to his or her client. Typically, this concerns lawyers acting in their own interests, lawyers breaching their contract with the client, and, one of the most common cases of legal malpractice, is when lawyers fail to act on time for clients.

What should you not say to a lawyer?

Five things not to say to a lawyer (if you want them to take you..."The Judge is biased against me" Is it possible that the Judge is "biased" against you? ... "Everyone is out to get me" ... "It's the principle that counts" ... "I don't have the money to pay you" ... Waiting until after the fact.

What is the most common complaint against lawyers?

Perhaps the most common kinds of complaints against lawyers involve delay or neglect. This doesn't mean that occasionally you've had to wait for a phone call to be returned. It means there has been a pattern of the lawyer's failing to respond or to take action over a period of months.

Why won't my lawyer return my phone call?

If a lawyer will not return your phone call, then that may indicate that he is neglecting the legal matter that you have entrusted to him. If so, then you may want to retain another attorney. Any new attorney may wish to see the file.

What to do if an attorney does not answer phone calls?

But when the attorney does not return phone calls and you do not know why you can't reach him on the phone, send him a letter. In the letter state that you have called him and he is not available and will not return your call. Keep a copy of the letter. State that it is very important he call you. If you get no response, send another letter saying ...

How to file a complaint against a lawyer in Texas?

The State Bar of Texas says: "Is Filing a Complaint the Right Option? If you have a problem with your lawyer, first try to talk with him or her . Many times these problems can best be handled outside of the attorney grievance (complaint) system. The Texas State Bar's toll-free Grievance Information Helpline (1-800-932-1900) can help you determine whether to report the conduct of the lawyer and whether other resources might be beneficial. If talking to your lawyer does not resolve the problem, call the Texas Client-Attorney Assistance Program (CAAP) for help at: 1-800-932-1900."

What is the phone number to file a grievance in Texas?

If talking to your lawyer does not resolve the problem, call the Texas Client-Attorney Assistance Program (CAAP) for help at: 1-800-932-1900.". Texas - How to File Grievance. Texas Grievance form pdf.

How long does it take for an attorney to pick up a file?

Make a written request, as described above about writing letters. The attorney will need a few days or more to get the file ready for you to pick up, and to make any copies which he wants to keep. When a client sends an attorney a written request to pick up the file, it is serious.

What to do if an attorney won't call back?

Ask to schedule a time to come to his office in person for a meeting, or to schedule a telephone appointment. Then call back the next day, and the next day. But also send letters.

Can you file a grievance based on lack of return phone call?

Do not file a Grievance based on lack of return phone call unless the letters and other suggestions above have failed, and only if you have at least two letters that you sent requesting information, status and a phone call or meeting. You can obtain the Grievance form at the State Bar of Texas at the link below.

What to do if your lawyer refuses to answer your phone?

Use your good sense (referenced above) however. If your lawyer absolutely refuses to return your calls, get another lawyer. Your family law matter is too important and lawyers are too expensive for you to be out of the loop.

How many times a day should an attorney speak to you?

It is critically important that you keep informed about the status of your case. It is not reasonable (or cost-effective, for that matter), to demand that your attorney speak with you 3-4 times per day. Keep in mind that unless you are paying your attorney $10,000.00 per hour, your lawyer has to take in other clients all of whom will need to meet with your attorney, talk to him/her on the phone, correspond via email, and go to court.

Why do lawyers hire assistants?

That’s why your lawyer hired that person – to help you out when the attorney is tied up in court, depositions, mediations, or meetings. Most of the time, the legal assistant can answer basic questions regarding scheduling, copies of documents, due dates, etc. The assistant is also in the best position to make a note of your call and concern, relay it to your attorney, and provide you with direct and timely feedback. Additionally, the legal assistant is almost always in the office, whereas your attorney often is not.

What to do if you get behind on a bill?

If you get behind, work out a payment plan with your lawyer, or see if you can arrange for a flat fee or other billing structure .

What to do if you want to complain about your ex wife?

If you want to complain about your soon-to-be-ex-spouse, call your mother; I can almost guarantee you that she will take your side. 4. Do not abuse the word “emergency.”. In family law matters, “emergency” means you or your children are in imminent danger.

Why are my attorney's messages so annoying?

“Urgent” messages are likely to result in an annoyed response, since they’re often returned when the attorney is preoccupied with another matter . Remember, you’re just trying to get your attorney’s attention, not to alienate her.

What do lawyers respond to?

Lawyers are trained in logic. They respond to objective, well-reasoned, unemotional statements. If you begin with, “It sounds like you’ve been busy,” or “Is there anything I can do to expedite collection of the fee?” you’ll be encouraging a dialogue, not two monologues.

How to tell if an office is busy?

Some pretty reliable indications of a busy office are things like assistants frantically running around, others working at computers, phones constantly ringing, filing cabinets with trays full of case files nearby waiting to be filed, and at least a few clients waiting out in the reception room.

Can an army of marching attorneys help some clients?

We know that every case is not a winner. An army of marching attorneys can’t help some clients. The key is to be able to focus on the relevant law and facts immediately, so you don’t waste the client’s money and your time. If the attorney isn’t prosecuting your case, this probably wasn’t done. You can help.

Can contingency fees be recovered?

In contingency fee cases, the fee may still be due upon recovery by the new attorney unless you can show good cause for the dismissal . Good cause usually involves a serious mishandling of the case or the client, including:

Can you dismiss an attorney?

While you can dismiss an attorney whenever you choose, this is obviously the last resort. Time and money can be lost in the transfer, and many lawyers refuse to accept cases that have been handled by others.

Is a lawyer competent?

Even the best lawyers are usually truly competent and proficient in only a few areas of the law.

What happens if you don't answer emails when you hire an attorney?

But when failure to return calls or answer emails becomes the norm, you may wish to break ties and seek new representation.

What to do if your lawyer is not handling your case?

If your lawyer fails to handle your case competently, including intentionally ignoring you or by being too busy to work on your case, you may be able to take action through a legal malpractice suit.

How to end a relationship with a lawyer?

To end the relationship, send a written letter, preferably certified with a return receipt requested. The letter should explain your concerns with the lawyer’s inattentive behavior and request a complete copy of your file.

What to do before terminating a relationship with an attorney?

Before terminating your relationship with your attorney, read your retainer agreement. The retainer agreement serves as a contract for services between you and your lawyer. It should clearly define the terms of your relationship and what happens if you chose to end it.

Why is communication important in a lawyer?

Lack of communication is one of the leading reasons clients choose to seek a new lawyer. While lawyers are often busy attending court, meeting with other clients or preparing a case, persistently failing to return calls or emails can damage the relationship and case beyond repair.

Jonathan H Levy

Yes. Many attorneys are deficent in common sense and courtesy. I am an attorney and when I have hired attorneys they do this to me too. I however make a point of returning all phone calls the same day so I guess it depends on the attorney.This is infuriating and is one reason why lawyers are held in low repute by the general public.

Nilmini Klur

According to a speaker from the Pennsylvania (PA) Attorney Disciplinary Board, the main complaint against lawyers in all 50 states is failure to return phone calls. Your attorney should return your calls, but that does not mean he has to return it immediately. But 3 days to a week seems way to long and rude...

Daniel J DiCicco

Well, for $5,000 you are reasonable in expecting him to call you back rather promptly, if only to say that he is too busy at the moment to do anything more. If I were you, I'd probably just get my money back and find a lawyer who you think will be more attentive to your needs. But at this point, the lawyer has not done anything wrong per se.

Jeffrey S Merrick

Dear Concerned Portlander, While it is true that attorneys get busy, it is also true that the failure to respond to clients can be a “red flag.” I believe it is not the standard of practice in Oregon to not respond to calls and E-mails. If an attorney is on vacation or in trial, the attorney...
