Agricultural Lawyer
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Agricultural Lawyer. Agriculture is one of the most regulated industries in our society today, so it is fitting that there are lawyers who specialize in laws pertaining to agriculture. These lawyers deal with water, environmental, agricultural labor, marketing, land use, pesticide use and seed issues. Additionally, they obtain licenses and permits that agricultural entities may need in …
Agriculture lawyers assist with a broad range of matters involving crop-growing and livestock-raising, including farmland use, farming operations, employment, farming rights, pest control, pesticides and agricultural accidents. Equine law is a common area of agriculture law that relates to horse breeders, boarding barns, trainers, horse-related businesses, horse event hosts and …
As a lawyer focusing on agriculture law, you will engage in one of the most diverse areas of law, addressing: crop and livestock production issues, food safety concerns, land use, resource management challenges, and sustainability and environmental protection. The practice focuses on traditional areas like property law, water law, and oil and gas, but also encompasses …
Dec 03, 2014 · 3. Farmers are seeking more legal advice. Legal issues facing farmers are becoming more and more complex in most areas of law. For farmers and ranchers, this includes water law, real estate, business succession planning, estate planning, and environmental laws.
Definition of Agriculture Law. Agriculture law governs legal issues affecting the farming and ranching industries. Typical agriculture law issues include the use of pesticides, land use and zoning, environmental issues, and patents on genetically modified seeds.
Clean Water Act - A federal law that establishes water pollution prevention programs and allows the government to fine water polluters. Commodity programs - Federal programs that provide farmers with financial assistance and loans using the farmer's future crops as collateral.
The Food Security Act (FSA) encourages participants in USDA programs to adopt land management measures with respect to wetlands. This is designed to protect wetland functions and values. The FSA specifically ties benefits eligibility to farming practices on wetlands.
The Natural Resource Conservation Service offers a number of programs which are designed to help farmers and producers limit risk. Some of these programs, like the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), offer monetary pay outs to participate in the program.
The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) is a program which provides financial assistance to participants who have established conservation practices. To participate, you have to submit a conservation plan to the National Resource Conservation Service.
Agriculture is one of the most regulated industries in the United States . Between Crop Insurance disputes, Non-Insured Crop Disaster Claims, loans, contracts and business problems, today's producers and farmers need steady and affordable representation.
Agricultural law consists of the laws, regulations, decrees, treaties, and institutions (universities, financial and marketing systems, transportation) that govern the agricultural supply chain (production, marketing, and sales). The central focus is agriculture production (Kershen, 2008; Schneider, 2009 ). The growth of agricultural law in the United States and Europe has been influenced by the intellectual leadership made possible by the integration of agricultural law into the traditional law school curriculum, and by the participation of a knowledgeable industry/practitioner group that strengthens the industry- and client-based applied focus of agricultural law ( Schneider, 2009 ). Some land grant institutions in the United States teach agricultural law at the undergraduate level in the department of agricultural economics. These schools also have lawyers working with the extension services serving farmers and the food industry. There is no law school in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) with a formal agricultural law curriculum, and only a few lawyers in Africa list their practice areas to include agricultural law.
Legal counselors help farmers use bankruptcy provisions to reorganize their businesses with less debt and continue farming. The imposition of federal gift and estate taxes means that estate planning is an important part of many agricultural law practices.
A major reason for forming a business entity is liability for accidents.
In civil law there were only minor changes in the legislation, except in agricultural law and in family law. Using old rules the judiciary invented new doctrinal formulae that enabled the judges to intervene in the formerly private sphere of autonomous individuals by the interpretation of a contract as a Gemeinschaftsverhältnis (relationship of a community, a organic union). Through the ‘Law ordering national labor’ ( Gesetz zur Ordnung der nationalen Arbeit) of January 20, 1934, the autonomy of trade unions and employer organizations to reach collective agreements was abolished. Strikes were illegal. The collective actors were integrated in the Deutsche Arbeitsfront and put under the control of state executors. The worker became a popular figure of Nazi propaganda, while the labor market, including wages and mobility, was intensively regulated long before World War II. In other spheres of the economy the state favored the interests of factions of big business and their trusts; state intervention increased during the war.
The term ‘Food Policy’ has a number of very diverse definitions, and even within these definitions there are terms such as ‘Food Security’ and ‘The Right to Food’ that are commonly used, particularly in relation to the Food Policy that should be present in developing countries and regions.
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) says Food Security exists “when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. ”. This has also been defined as ‘the right to food.’.
Under a production contract, the producer feeds and cares for the animals and is paid pursuant to a contractual pricing formula determined by the performance of the animals. Under a marketing contract, the producer agrees to sell or deliver animals to an integrator according to pricing terms set in the contract.
Agricultural Law. The body of law governing the cultivation of various crops and the raising and management of livestock to provide a food and fabric supply for human and animal consumption. The law as it relates to agriculture is concerned with farmers, ranchers, and the consuming public. Agricultural law is designed to ensure ...
Other farmers have formed what is called a cooperative, a group of farmers dedicated to the most profitable sale of their products. By pooling their resources and producing a variety of goods, cooperative farmers are able to weather low-price periods and postpone sales until a product price reaches a high level.
§§ 301-05, 307, 308), passed by Congress in 1863, granted public land to institutions of higher education for the purpose of teaching agriculture.
The Tenth Amendment grants states the right to pass laws that promote the general safety and well-being of the public. Because courts have found that agricultural production and consumption directly affect public health and safety, states are free to enact their own agricultural laws, provided those laws do not conflict with federal laws and regulations.