what does a lawyer charge to set up an llc in massachusetts

by Zelda Gorczany 5 min read

Bare Minimum Cost to Start an LLC in Massachusetts Optional: LLC Name Reservation Fee $30 for a hard copy application Optional:LLC Formation Service $39 for an LLC service like ZenBusiness and $79 for LegalZoom Required: Certificate of Organization Fee $500 for mailed filings and $520 for online or faxed ones Recommended âś”

LLC Formation Costs by State
StateLLC Filing FeesOngoing LLC Fees
47 more rows
Aug 17, 2021

Full Answer

How much does it cost to set up an LLC in Massachusetts?

Bare Minimum Cost to Start an LLC in Massachusetts. Optional: LLC Name Reservation Fee. $30 for a hard copy application; Optional: LLC Formation Service. $39 for an LLC service like ZenBusiness and $79 for LegalZoom; Required: Certificate of Organization Fee. $500 for mailed filings and $520 for online or faxed ones

How much does it cost to start an LLC in Texas?

Jan 17, 2012 · I have set up many LLCs, how they are operated is a separate matter. Your recent post "was horribly unprofessional" and the cost of setting up an LLC in Massachusetts is $500. And, even though the asker didn't ask annual reports need to be filed. The request was for cost, not for corporate counsel. Oh and by the way this is national forum.

How do I name an LLC in Massachusetts?

Mar 04, 2022 · The cost to start a Massachusetts limited liability company is $500. This fee is paid to the Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth when filing the LLC’s Certificate of Organization. Use our free Form an LLC in Massachusetts guide to do it yourself. Or simply use a professional service: ZenBusiness ($39 + State Fees)

Do I need a professional LLC in Massachusetts?

Nov 27, 2020 · For an existing LLC to be allowed to do business in Massachusetts, you must register it as a foreign LLC by filing a certificate of registration along with the $500 fee. If you need more information about setting up an LLC in Massachusetts, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace.


How much does it cost to file an LLC in Massachusetts?

$500.00Corporations Division Filing FeesDomestic Profit and Professional CorporationsLimited Liability CompaniesCertificate of Registration$500.00Annual Report$500.00Name Reservation$30.00138 more rows

Why do I need a lawyer for my LLC?

Using an attorney to prepare and file the required documents with the Secretary of State helps you avoid making mistakes when starting your LLC. The attorney can draft formation documents, such as the operating agreement, and any other necessary forms.

How long does it take to get LLC approved in Massachusetts?

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts will process and approve your LLC in 24 to 36 hours. They will not mail anything back once your LLC is approved.Aug 18, 2021

How much does it cost to register a company in Massachusetts?

The state filing fee to incorporate in Massachusetts is $275.00 for up to 275,000 shares plus $100 for each additional 100,000 shares or any fraction of that. It typically takes about 5 to 7 days to incorporate in Massachusetts.

Do I need a registered agent for my LLC?

No matter where you're starting your business, if you're forming an LLC or corporation, you're required to have a registered agent and a registered office.May 17, 2019

What is better LLC or sole proprietorship?

A sole proprietorship is useful for small scale, low-profit and low-risk businesses. A sole proprietorship doesn't protect your personal assets. An LLC is the best choice for most small business owners because LLCs can protect your personal assets.

How is an LLC taxed in Massachusetts?

LLCs and LLPs are classified for Massachusetts tax purposes the same way they are for federal income tax purposes. A single-member LLC will be disregarded as an entity separate from its owner for Massachusetts income tax purposes, if it is disregarded for federal tax purposes.

What is an LLP vs LLC?

The difference between LLP and LLC is an LLC is a limited liability company and an LLP is a limited liability partnership. According to the government, specifically the IRS, an LLC is a business organization that is formed lawfully under the state by filing articles of organization.

What benefits does an LLC provide?

Some of the benefits of an LLC include personal liability protection, tax flexibility, their easy startup process, less compliance paperwork, management flexibility, distribution flexibility, few ownership restrictions, charging orders, and the credibility they can give a business.Feb 2, 2022

Is a LLC better than an S corporation?

If there will be multiple people involved in running the company, an S Corp would be better than an LLC since there would be oversight via the board of directors. Also, members can be employees, and an S corp allows the members to receive cash dividends from company profits, which can be a great employee perk.

How much does it cost to open a LLC?

The main cost of forming a limited liability company (LLC) is the state filing fee. This fee ranges between $40 and $500, depending on your state. There are two options for forming your LLC: You can hire a professional LLC formation service to set up your LLC (for an additional small fee).

What is the difference between a DBA and LLC?

The biggest difference between a DBA and an LLC is liability protection. Under a DBA, there is no distinction between the business owner and the business. The business owner is liable for all expenses incurred on behalf of the business. On the other hand, an LLC provides limited liability protection.

What are the state business tax rates in Massachusetts?

If your LLC is taxed like a sole proprietorship or general partnership, you’ll need to pay taxes on your business income at the state’s personal in...

How quickly does Massachusetts process LLC formations?

The Secretary of State should be able to process your LLC’s formation within just 1-2 business days.

How many small businesses are there in Massachusetts today?

The state of Massachusetts is home to nearly 600,000 small businesses. Entrepreneurs of all backgrounds and business types find that Massachusetts...

What are the top small business resources and websites in Massachusetts?

The Massachusetts chapter of the Small Business Development Center is a great place to start, as they offer a wide variety of tools and resources f...

Should I form my LLC in Massachusetts, or choose a state like Delaware or Wyoming?

Some people like to form their LLCs in states with favorable legal settings. For instance, Delaware is often seen as the most business-friendly sta...

Do you have to pay for a Massachusetts LLC every year?

Yes, Massachusetts LLCs must pay a $500 annual report fee every year. Visit our Massachusetts LLC annual report guide for more information.

Is an LLC really necessary?

An LLC provides limited liability protection. This means an LLC protects your personal assets in the event of a business loss, such as a lawsuit or...

What is the cheapest way to get an LLC?

You can save money on getting an LLC by completing the formation process yourself, making your own operating agreement, being your own Agent for Se...

Can I pay myself a salary from my LLC?

You can pay yourself a salary from your LLC, but it would be called a draw or distribution if your LLC is taxed in the default way by the IRS. Visi...

Is an S corp better than an LLC?

An S corporation (S corp) is an IRS tax status, not a type of business entity. An LLC can be taxed in the default way or as an S corp. For some bus...

What’s better: sole proprietorship or LLC?

A sole proprietorship is only good for businesses that carry very low risk of liability because sole proprietorships don’t offer any liability prot...

Joseph T Ostrowski

It depends as they say. Starting a company depends on a lot of factors such as your capitalization plan, your operational plan, your marketing plan, your financial plan, etc. All of these plans need to addressed in a good legal strategic plan which includes choice of entity, operational needs, exit strategy, deadlocks, etc.

Mark Joseph Guay

If you are just looking to set up an organization you can just do it yourself and "save" the money. If you are looking for legal advice you should find an attorney you trust and that has expertise in this area.

Jonathan B. Lefkowitz

It depends on the LLC. I've worked on LLCs which have cost many thousands of dollars. I've also worked on LLCs which have cost less than a thousand dollars. It also depends on the client's understanding...

How much does it cost to start an LLC in Massachusetts?

The cost to start a Massachusetts limited liability company ( LLC) is $500 . This fee is paid to the Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth when filing the LLC’s Certificate of Organization.

How much does a registered agent cost in Massachusetts?

Registered agent fees start at $39 for the first year. We recommend using:

What is LLC protection?

An LLC provides limited liability protection. This means an LLC protects your personal assets in the event of a business loss, such as a lawsuit or unpaid debt. We recommend any small business that carries even the smallest amount of risk or liability to form an LLC. Learn more in our Should I Start an LLC guide.

How much does it cost to get a certificate of organization in Massachusetts?

The fee for filing a Certificate of Organization is $500 online.

How much does it cost to file an annual report in Massachusetts?

Massachusetts Annual Report Fee: $500. Massachusetts requires LLCs to file an annual report with the Secretary of the Commonwealth. You can submit this form through the Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth website or by mail. It is due each year by the date on which the LLC was formed.

How old do you have to be to be a resident agent in Massachusetts?

Your Massachusetts resident agent must: Be at least 18 years or older. Have a physical address in Massachusetts. Be available during normal business hours to accept service of process. In Massachusetts, your resident agent must consent to appointment by signing the Certificate of Organization or a separate form.

How to get a certificate of good standing in Massachusetts?

Certificate of Good Standing: You can obtain a Massachusetts certificate of good standing by ordering through the Secretary of the Commonwealth and paying the $25 fee. A certificate of good standing is often required by banks and lending institutions.

How to start an LLC in Massachusetts?

To form an LLC in Massachusetts you will need to file your Certificate of Organization with the Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth, which costs $500. You can apply online or by mail. The Certificate of Organization is the legal document that officially creates your Massachusetts Limited Liability ...

What is LLC in business?

LLC is short for Limited Liability Company. It is a simple business structure that offers more flexibility than a traditional corporation while providing many of the same benefits. An LLC is one of several business structures, such as a sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation (C corp and S corp).

What happens when your business and personal accounts are mixed?

When your personal and business accounts are mixed, your personal assets (your home, car, and other valuables) are at risk in the event your Massachusetts LLC is sued. In business law, this is referred to as piercing the corporate veil. You can start protecting your LLC in Massachusetts with these steps: 1.

What are restricted words in Massachusetts?

Restricted words (e.g. Bank, Attorney, University) may require additional paperwork and a licensed individual, such as a doctor or lawyer, to be part of your LLC. Your name must be distinguishable from any other Massachusetts limited liability company, corporation, or limited partnership.

What is a resident agent in Massachusetts?

A resident agent must be a resident of Massachusetts or a corporation, such as a registered agent service, authorized to transact business in Massachusetts. You may elect an individual within the company including yourself. To learn more about Massachusetts Registered Agents, read our full guide.

What is a domestic LLC?

An LLC is referred to as a "domestic LLC" when it conducts business in the state where it was formed. Normally when we refer to an LLC we are actually referring to a domestic LLC. A foreign LLC must be formed when an existing LLC wishes to expand its business to another state.

Can an LLC be dissolution?

LLCs may face fines and even automatic dissolution when they miss one or more state filings. When this happens, LLC owners risk loss of limited liability protection. A quality registered agent service can help prevent this outcome by notifying you of upcoming filing deadlines and by submitting reports on your behalf.

How much does it cost to register an LLC in Massachusetts?

For an existing LLC to be allowed to do business in Massachusetts, you must register it as a foreign LLC by filing a certificate of registration along with the $500 fee.

What is LLC in business?

A limited liability company (LLC) is a hybrid business entity combining features of a corporation and a sole proprietorship . Its owners are not personally liable for the company's debts; business taxes “pass-through” to the owners' tax returns; an LLC enjoys flexibility and fewer rules and regulations than other types of businesses.

When is an annual report due for an LLC?

An annual report with the Corporations Division of the Secretary of Commonwealth is due each year on the date of the LLC formation. File online or by mail along with the $500 fee. After not filing an annual report for two years, your LLC will be dissolved.

Overview of Setting up an LLC

A Limited Liability Company is sometimes called a hybrid business structure in that it brings in elements of a corporation and sole proprietorship under one structure. It lets its owners do things like:

Steps to Set up an LLC

Begin by selecting a name for your LLC. This may seem obvious, but it's an important first step in starting the company. You have to research the state's LLC database to make sure the name isn't in use and that it's suited to your business. You need to follow the state naming guidelines in that the name has to contain one of the following:

Save attorney fees

When you form an LLC in Massachusetts, there is no need to pay high hourly charges for an attorney to handle routine filings. High volume allows MaxFilings formation specialists to prepare and file necessary paperwork very economically.

Determining your cost to form an LLC in Massachusetts

MaxFilings’ actual charges are minimal since our experienced formation specialists can prepare the necessary filings quickly and efficiently. Most of the cost to form your Massachusetts LLC online with MaxFilings will consist of Massachusetts fees.

More ways you can save big

While you can simply form your Massachusetts LLC with the budget priced MaxFilings Basic Package, most clients choose either the Standard Package or Max Package in order to get the valuable additions for substantially less than their cost when purchased individually.

How much does it cost to reserve an LLC name in Massachusetts?

It will cost $30 to file a name reservation application, if you wish to reserve your LLC name prior to filing the Certificate of Organization. The Corporations Division charges a $500 filing fee for the annual report, which must be completed by every LLC doing business in Massachusetts.

What is LLC in Massachusetts?

Under Massachusetts law, an LLC name must contain the words limited liability company," " limited company," or the abbreviations "L.L.C.," "L.C.," "LLC," or "LC." The name may contain the name of a member or manager of the LLC.

Is an LLC operating agreement required in Massachusetts?

An LLC operating agreement is not required in Massachusetts, but is highly advisable. This is an internal document that establishes how your LLC will be run. It is not filed with the state. It sets out the rights and responsibilities of the members and managers, including how the LLC will be managed.

Does an LLC have to have a registered agent in Massachusetts?

A registered agent may be an individual who resides in Massachusetts or a domestic or foreign corporation authorized to do business in Massachusetts. The registered agent must have a physical street address in Massachusetts.

Do you need a license to be a PLLC in Massachusetts?

Generally, if you provide a service that requires you to obtain a Massachusetts state license before practicing, then you are a professional service. Each member of the company must be licensed in order to form a PLLC.

Can you use a DBA as an LLC?

Using a Fictitious Name or "DBA". You don't have to use your LLC's official legal name registered in your articles of organization when you do business out in the real world. Instead, you can use a DBA, short for "doing business as.". DBAs are also called fictitious business names, assumed names, or trade names.

Is a single member LLC the same as a multi member LLC?

For most formation purposes, a Massachusetts single-member LLC is considered the same as a multi-member LLC. The steps to form a single-member LLC in Massachusetts are the same as those listed above. Single-member LLCs do have additional flexibility when it comes to filing a tax return.

How are LLCs created?

Like corporations, LLCs are created by: Filing a certificate of organization with the Secretary of the Commonwealth and. Paying a fee. LLCs function under the terms of an operating agreement, a document comparable to a partnership agreement. LLCs must also file an annual report with the Secretary of the Commonwealth.

What is LLC in business?

A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is an unincorporated association that provides limited liability to its owners (members). Generally, members are not personally liable for an LLC's: Debts.

What is limited liability partnership?

A Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is a partnership which, by registering with the Secretary of the Commonwealth, limits the personal liability of a partner for: 1 Debts 2 Obligations 3 Liabilities

Can a partner eliminate liability for his own negligence?

A partner is also limited in their liabilities whether in tort, contract, or otherwise from omissions, errors, wrongful acts, or negligence. A partner cannot eliminate liability for his own negligence. LLPs must also file an annual report with the Secretary of the Commonwealth.

Is an LLC a corporation in Massachusetts?

A single-member LLC will be disregarded as an entity separate from its owner for Massachusetts income tax purposes, if it is disregarded for federal tax purposes. An LLP or an LLC with two or more members will be treated as a partnership if it's treated as a partnership for federal tax purposes. An LLP or LLC will be treated as a corporation ...

What are the requirements to start an LLC in Massachusetts?

Following are the forms and fees that are required when starting an LLC in Massachusetts: 1. Forms . Those looking to form an LLC in Massachusetts will have to file a Certificate of Organization with the Secretary of the Commonwealth Corporations Division.

How much does it cost to get an LLC certificate of organization?

Forms and fees. The filing fee for the Certificate of Organization is about $500 and must be paid upon submission of the documents to the Secretary of the Commonwealth Corporations Division.

How to name an LLC?

1. Decide on a name for your business. You can choose any name for your LLC as long as it ends with “Limited Liability Company,” “Limited Company” or any variation of its abbreviation— e.g., LLC, L.L.C., LC or L.C. The name may also contain a name of one of its members or managers.

What is a registered agent in Massachusetts?

Registered agents are individuals or corporations authorized to do business in the state and which have permanent addresses in Massachusetts. Registered agents accept legal documents on behalf of the LLC and make sure its members are notified. 3. Get an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS.

How long does it take to process a business document?

The general turnaround time for processing of business documents is between three to five business days. This timeline does not include shipping/mailing time. An option for expedited processing is available, but with an additional fee that is up to 4.5% of the total fee. Naming requirements.

Do LLCs need an operating agreement in Massachusetts?

Create an operating agreement. Although LLCs in Massachusetts are not required to have a limited liability company operating agreement, it is wise to have one in place with other members should your LLC have more than one member.

Is LLC easy to form in Massachusetts?

Limited liability companies (LLCs) in Massachusetts are affordable and easy to form. And as with other states, the State of Massachusetts has some unique LLC requirements. Interested parties must register with the Secretary of the Commonwealth Corporations Division by filing the necessary forms, paying the necessary fees and meeting all naming ...
