what does a criminal defense lawyer use an investigator to do?

by Leila Schmeler 10 min read

Some of the main skills/roles a good criminal defense lawyer need include: Investigator. Criminal defense attorneys research the facts of the case, investigate the case against their client, gather evidence, and interview witnesses.

A criminal defense investigator plays an important role on your criminal defense team. He or she will assist your criminal defense attorney in preparation for trial, including gathering records and interviewing witnesses. Having a diligent, experienced criminal defense investigator is crucial!Jan 6, 2017

Full Answer

What does a criminal defense investigator do?

When your defense attorney hires a criminal defense investigator, their job is to examine the evidence the police have already gathered, interpret it, and look for any additional evidence that may prove your innocence. Ready To Speak To An Attorney?

What do lawyers do differently from investigators?

Many investigators subscribe to databases that law firms do not, and investigators spend years cultivating human sources to help them. Therefore, lawyers enjoy balance in their cases. They get to focus on what they do best, rather than getting bogged down in investigative work. Helping in Diverse Areas

What does a criminal defense lawyer do?

What Does A Criminal Defense Lawyer Do? 1 Victims’ Rights 2 Kidnapping 3 Self-Defense or Stand-Your-Ground Law 4 Expungement of Records Sealing 5 Criminal Appeals 6 Obstruction of Justice 7 Mugshot Removal 8 Homicide 9 Burglary and Trespassing 10 DUI More items...

Do I need a private investigator for my criminal case?

In most situations, your defense attorney will be the one who will recommend hiring an investigator. Defense attorneys routinely work with private investigators and know which ones will be best suited for your case. If your attorney doesn’t recommend hiring an investigator for your case, ask them why.


What is a Defence investigator?

A criminal defense investigator is a private investigator who collects evidence for a defense attorney to use when they represent someone who is on trial for a crime. Your duties depend on the needs of the legal team with whom you work.

What are role of an investigator in an investigation?

After a criminal event is over, the investigator is expected to preserve the crime scene, collect the evidence, and devise an investigative plan that will lead to the forming of reasonable grounds to identify and arrest the person or persons responsible for the crime.

What is the investigator on case?

The Role of an Investigator. The primary job of an investigator is to collect relevant information from witnesses, suspects and other parties involved in a criminal case.

What is an investigator in law enforcement?

Law enforcement investigators determine the motives, suspects, victims and methods involved in a crime by collecting and analyzing evidence, talking to witnesses and observing suspicious activities. Due to the variety and scope of their field, many detectives specialize in such issues as narcotics, gangs or homicide.

What are the roles of an investigator in a crime scene?

Crime Scene Investigators are typically employed by law enforcement agencies or coroner's offices to help identify and preserve evidence from crime scenes. They take written notes at the crime scene that they can then use in conjunction with photographs and other details to create a written report of what they saw.

What does an investigation include?

Investigative tasks relate to identifying physical evidence, gathering information, evidence collection, evidence protection, witness interviewing, and suspect interviewing and interrogation.

How does the investigator decide which evidence is significant?

The crime scene investigator's experience, knowledge, and capabilities are critical for deciding which items at the crime scene are actual evidence, because if all physical objects at the scene were gathered for analysis, the lab would be overwhelmed with insignificant testing unrelated to the case.

What is an investigation process?

It is a legally established fact-finding process conducted in an impartial and objective manner, with the aim to establish the relevant facts and make recommendations in this connection. For this purpose, it may consist of collecting documentary, testimonial, physical, electronic and other evidence.

What is criminal investigation?

criminal investigation, ensemble of methods by which crimes are studied and criminals apprehended. The criminal investigator seeks to ascertain the methods, motives, and identities of criminals and the identity of victims and may also search for and interrogate witnesses.

Why would a private investigator be looking for me?

Hiring a private investigator can help put your mind at ease and they can help you incircumstances where you wouldn't know where to start. Private investigators can be used to trace people, catch out a cheating partner, gather evidence of fraud and can even help in criminal investigations.

How is an investigator different from a detective?

The principal difference between these two careers is simply the type of cases they investigate. Detectives usually handle homicide and missing persons cases, while investigators might conduct an investigation on anything from fraud to terrorism.

What do private investigators do?

This means a private investigator can be used to look over evidence and witness statements for inconsistencies or other things that don’t make sense. Often they will be used to talk to witnesses to make sure their accounts continue to line up and remain consistent, which is something your lawyer might not have time for. However, it is everyone’s desire to make sure a case has all the available evidence that can possibly be gathered.

Why do people use private investigators?

Private investigators are renowned for tracking people down, and that, as you can expect, is a pretty useful skill when you are facing criminal charges and there is one witness that can exonerate you. While police reports often record witness statements and contact information, they only record witnesses that stay at the scene. A private investigator can help to track down other witnesses you might have noted or witnesses that gave false information to the police and can no longer be found.

What does a criminal defense lawyer do?

Few roles in the US justice system are as important and decisive. Defense attorneys play a pivotal, central role in the American criminal justice system.

Two Main Types of Criminal Defense Attorney

Criminal defense attorneys fall into two broad categories: those that are court-appointed (paid for by the government), and those that are privately hired to represent the defendant (and paid for by the defendant).

About Private Criminal Defense Attorneys

While public defenders work for the government, private attorneys operate just outside the system, often with a professional background that includes working within it. Frequently, they are former prosecutors or public defenders with extensive insider knowledge into the local system in which they work.

The Role of a Defense Lawyer in Criminal Cases

The best criminal defense attorneys perform the comprehensive research, investigation, and analysis necessary to effectively defend their clients against the prosecutor's case. This can include analyzing the prosecutor’s case against the defendant—to which the defense attorney must legally be granted access—questioning witnesses, gathering and examining evidence, and much more.


There can be no doubt that interactions with the US criminal justice can be notoriously complex, expensive, and harrowing. Every criminal case is a unique matrix of circumstance, evidence, local jurisdictional laws, and individual human factors (including the financial means of the defendant).

Misdemeanors Vs. Felonies

Within a criminal case, the prosecutors will push a criminal case to the extent of punishment by law. Misdemeanors are lesser of the crimes where the crime is punishable for up to a year in prison or extensive fines. Felonies are where the defendant may have committed a homicide, self-defense case, or grand theft.

Stand-Your-Ground Cases

In criminal cases, these are among the trickiest. Everyone has a right to defend themselves. This law was created so innocent people can use force, including deadly force, when threatened. Most times, the innocent person may be picked up by the police and taken in for questioning. This is when a defense attorney should be present.

What Do You Do If You Are Incarcerated?

If you are arrested, especially for something you did not do, do not fight back. Exercise your right to remain silent and speak only to your attorney. You have one phone call. Use it wisely. Some call their attorney right away, while others may call a loved one to have them contact their attorney.

Following Instructions

Following instructions or not can make or break your case. The attorney will run through a procedure to lessen the charges or get the charges dropped. In all situations, it is best to be 100 percent honest at all times. Tell your story and be brief and to the point. A courtroom does not want to hear a sob story; they want the truth.
