what do you call a lawyer who does divorces

by Jordyn Kozey 3 min read

Mediation involves a neutral attorney who helps couples reach an agreement in a divorce. The mediator doesn’t represent either spouse and can’t give legal advice. Instead, mediators help couples identify the issues that need to be resolved and create an agreement that comports with the law.

Therefore, a divorce lawyer must delicately yet justly handle a wide variety of family law issues from divorce, marriage annulment, and legal separation to child custody, child support and visitation rights. They are also called divorce attorneys or family practice lawyers.

Full Answer

Can a couple use one attorney for a divorce?

Oct 11, 2019 · Do I Need to Hire a Lawyer for Help with My Divorce? Selecting and hiring a lawyer is an important decision. For many people, divorces are too complicated and emotionally charged to handle on their own. A local divorce lawyer can help you understand your legal rights, file the appropriate paperwork, and facilitate a workable separation.

Why do you need a divorce lawyer?

Feb 13, 2020 · A divorce or family lawyer is sought when an agreement cannot be settled or a fair resolution does not seem in reach. You can ask a family lawyer specific questions regarding your situation in order to get a better idea of how your problem can be resolved. It is also normal to feel lost or inexperienced when it comes to divorce, so the process can seem alien to some. On top …

What do you call the person who files for divorce?

Aug 28, 2019 · There are some tasks that your lawyer will take care of, including drafting paperwork, filing documents, and keeping track of deadlines. You aren’t expected to know the laws of your state or handle the logistics of your case—that’s why people hire divorce lawyers in the first place. An experienced attorney will take charge of your divorce, but will need your help …

Can I hire a divorce attorney hired by my spouse?

Here’s why making the call to your lawyer may not necessarily be your first step to preparing for divorce. If you're like most people getting a divorce, by the time you feel ready to contact an attorney or divorce mediator to begin the divorce process, you are also feeling overwhelmingly frustrated, exhausted, angry, sad - or all of the above.

Starting Your Divorce Case

Your first divorce consultation will be at your lawyer’s office. At the initial meeting, your attorney will ask lots of questions, listen to the details of your case, and walk you through the divorce process.

What Do I Have to Do in a Divorce?

Don’t think that once you hire a divorce attorney that you can book a month's long vacation. You and your lawyer will need to keep in touch frequently as your divorce progresses. Your lawyer may look to you to provide factual background for the paperwork or “pleadings” filed in your case.

Who is Adina Laver?

As a life empowerment coach, Adina Laver, MBA, M.Ed, CPC helps individuals in transition, particularly separation and divorce, work past the difficult decisions they typically face. By leveraging individual strengths, Adina helps clients stay true to themselves and their values, especially during times of great pressure and emotionally-charged decisions.

What is the amygdala hijack?

The amygdala hijack is one of the most significant impediments to drafting a quality divorce agreement. The impact of it drives costs up, drags the process out, creates more stress, and leads to decisions that do not serve well for the long term.

What is the most common divorce?

Here’s an explanation of the most common divorce terminology you’re likely to encounter during your divorce. Absolute Divorce: The absolute ending of a marriage, leaving both parties free to remarry. Adversarial Divorce: When a couple cannot come to an agreement about the terms of their divorce.

What is default in divorce?

Default: A party’s failure to answer a complaint, motion or petition. Defendant: The partner in a marriage against whom a divorce complaint is filed. Defendant has the same meaning as respondent. Deposition: The testimony of a witness taken out of court under oath and reduced to writing.

What is marriage breakdown?

Marriage breakdown is the sole ground for legally ending a marriage under the terms of Canada’s Divorce Act. Guardian-ad-Litem: A person appointed by a judge to prosecute or defend a case for a person legally unable to do so, such as a minor child. Hearing: Any proceeding before a judicial officer.

Who is Diana Shepherd?

Diana Shepherd is the Editorial Director and Co-Founder of Divorce Magazine. An award-winning editor, published author, and a nationally-recognized expert on divorce, remarriage, finance, and stepfamily issues, she is a frequent lecturer on the topics of divorce, finance, and marketing – both to local groups and national organizations. She is the co-author of The IDFA Survival Guide, a book designed to help divorcing couples avoid the common pitfalls and make better decisions, and the co-author, editor, and designer of nine textbooks and resource guides for financial professionals. She holds the Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® (CDFA®) designation from the Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts and an Honours English Specialist degree from the University of Toronto.

What is alimony in marriage?

Alimony Also known as “Spousal Support” or “Maintenance”. The standard is to give support to the spouse who needs it in order to keep the family on an equal setting – however, there is an underlying duty for each spouse to work towards being independent of each other. Annulment: The legal end of an “Invalid Marriage”.

What is contempt of court?

Contempt of Court: The willful failure to comply with a court order, judgment, or decree by a party to the action. Contempt of Court may be punishable by fine or imprisonment. Contested Divorce: Any case where the judge must decide one or more issues that are not agreed to by the parties.

What is a court order?

Court Order: A written instruction from the court carrying the weight of the law. Orders must be in writing. Anyone who knowingly violates a court order can be held in contempt of court. Cross Examination: The questioning of a witness presented by the opposing party on trial or at a deposition.

How much does a divorce lawyer charge?

Your lawyer may negotiate this charge before beginning your case. The hourly rate also may vary because of the complexity of the divorce case. $50 to $300 may be charged for the lawyer service provided for your case.

How to settle a divorce?

Go For Mediation. Most of the time, divorce may be resolved with mediation, mediation is one of the simple ways to settle your critical divorce process. In this ways, you both are agreed with your differences and want a quick solution without going to face any court hassle.

Why is divorce not a simple issue?

Divorce is not simple issue to resolve because there are strict legal bindings. The reality is really unfavorable because you are going to cut off the relation of the married life through divorce. As it is a legal process, you need to hire a divorce lawyer who can help you settle this issue. Hiring a divorce lawyer is really expensive ...

What is a waiver for divorce?

Waiver is available for the people who don’t afford to spend the cost of the divorce lawyer. This is arranged at every state level. The low income people has to clarify that they have lower income and they have to make sure at the court level. There are many formalities to get it because low income family has really low income.

What is the government's help for divorce?

Government Help For Divorce. In the state level, there are legal aid Divorce help, legal help society, volunteer lawyer, state and city bar who are ready to help the needy people. You may find them online or your dear ones. It is also good to take decision from the person who already faced divorce case.

Is a pro bono divorce lawyer free?

This is available for the low income people who don’t afford to spend for the cost of divorce lawyer. This is also federal program which makes sure you’re no charge for legal affairs. Surely there are some women who don’t get lawyer at free of cost and pro bono divorce lawyers can be best option for them.

What is the last step to make sure you are a waiver?

In this step, your information provided with documents should correct and authentic. Any discrepancy of information can disqualify your application. However you file for waiver and reach your application to the clerk who will preceded the process for court decision.

What is the best way to get divorced?

Mediation involves a neutral attorney who helps couples reach an agreement in a divorce. The mediator doesn’t represent either spouse and can’t give legal advice. Instead, mediators help couples identify the issues that need to be resolved and create an agreement that comports with the law.

Can a divorce lawyer represent you?

But, the spouse who hires or “retains” the lawyer is the lawyer’s client. If you are the unrepresented spouse, be aware that the lawyer preparing the divorce agreement doesn’t represent you and cannot give you legal advice. One attorney may be enough for couples with simple divorces, but make sure you understand your legal rights if you’re ...

How long does it take for a lawyer to call you back?

If the court hands down any decisions regarding your case, your lawyer should notify you at once. Your attorney should return your calls within 24 hours unless there's some reason why that's impossible—for instance, if she's in court or in the middle of a trial.

Is law a science?

The practice of law is not a science, but it's not exactly an art either. There are certain things your attorney can and should be doing. For some guidelines, refer to the following list: Your lawyer should have an overall plan for your case.


I'm having difficulty finding out if the "lawful" status of a stepdaughter or stepson changes after a parent and stepparent's divorce is final and the stepdaughter or stepson is living on his or her own or with the natural parent. Can you help?


Legally, stepchildren have no legal connection with stepparents -- current or previous. Only if a stepparent adopts a stepchild does the relationship take on legal rights and responsibilities.