what did a woman senator pass to ford's lawyer

by Archibald Wolff 4 min read

What did Christine Blasey Ford’s attorney say about her polygraph results?

Jul 23, 2021 · Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court in October 2018, after Blasey Ford and two other women accused him of sexual misconduct, which he denied. The Senate voted to confirm Kavanaugh on a 50 ...

What happened between Bill Ford and a woman?

Sep 26, 2018 · Christine Blasey Ford sits for her polygraph test. Courtesy of Ford's legal team Jerry Hanafin, who conducted the polygraph test, told CBS News' Ed O'Keefe that it …

How old was Ford when she was assaulted?

Sep 26, 2018 · Hanafin first allowed Ford and attorney Lisa Banks to meet alone to formulate a handwritten statement that Ford signed and provided Hanafin when he returned to the room. Then, without Banks...

What did Ford’s accuser say the night of the incident?

Ford comes from a prominent political family in Tennessee. His father, Harold Ford Sr., held a congressional seat for 12 terms before retiring, leaving his son to run for the seat, a race which he won handily. Ford served in the House for nearly 10 years before deciding to run for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Republican Bill Frist.


Why didn't Ford's attorneys produce her medical records?

Ford's attorneys said in their letter that they would not produce their client's medical records because they contain "private, highly sensitive information that is not necessary for the committee to assess the credibility of her testimony.".

What did Hanafin say about Ford?

Hanafin said that when he first met Ford, she was nervous, like most people who take polygraphs are. He added that it was an "unremarkable" test, which is standard. He also acknowledged that regardless of the results, there is "a certain segment that'll just say this is just junk science.".

What did Christine Blasey Ford's polygraph results indicate?

Results of a polygraph test taken by Judge Brett Kavanaugh accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, indicate her responses to the two questions asked of her about her sexual assault allegations against him to be "not indicative of deception," according to the report on the polygraph .

When was the Kavanaugh polygraph test administered?

The polygraph test was administered on August 7, one week after she wrote a letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein detailing her story of the assault. For the test, Ford gave her account, in which she alleges that when they were both in high school, Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed during a party and groped her, trying to remove her clothing.

What did the Ford test measure?

The test measured "thoracic and abdominal respiration, galvanic skin response, and cardiac activity," Hanafin wrote in the report. The former FBI agent then ran the results of Ford's two "no" responses through three separate scoring algorithms, including one developed by Johns Hopkins University. All three algorithms concluded ...

Where was the FBI examination?

The examination, which was administered by former FBI agent Jeremiah Hanafin, took place in a Hilton hotel in Maryland, according to a "Polygraph Examination Report" compiled by Hanafin.

How many boys were at the Kavanaugh party?

Ford told The Washington Post last week that there were a total of "four boys at the party" where the alleged episode occured, and that two -- Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge -- had been in the room during her attack.

Who was the fourth witness at the Kavanaugh party?

However, a woman, Leland Ingham Keyser , a former classmate of Ford's at the Holton-Arms all-girls school in Maryland, has since been identified by Ford as the fourth witness at the party. In a dramatic twist, Keyser emerged Saturday night to say she doesn’t know Kavanaugh or remember being at the party with him.

Is a polygraph a lie detector?

A response is not a lie, because the polygraph is not a lie detector as most think," Mauriello added. "A response is the activation of your sympathetic nervous system when answering a question asked during the examination.".

Can you pass a polygraph test if you believe in a false story?

Even well-intentioned individuals who have come to believe that their false stories are, in fact, true -- whether because of therapist-induced memories or other causes -- can sometimes pass polygraph tests, former FBI officials and psychology experts told Fox News.

Who is James Gagliano?

James Gagliano, a former FBI agent who led a SWAT team in New York for several years and now teaches at St. John's University, told Fox News that while polygraphs are valuable, they "can be beaten.".

Who is Ford's employment counsel?

John Singer, Ford’s employment counsel with the firm Singer Deutsch LLP, said “Morgan Stanley has still not told Harold directly of his termination, and unlike every other circumstance I’ve been in the company has refused provide me with a reason.”.

Who is Ford's father?

Ford comes from a prominent political family in Tennessee. His father, Harold Ford Sr., held a congressional seat for 12 terms before retiring, leaving his son to run for the seat, a race which he won handily. Ford served in the House for nearly 10 years before deciding to run for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Republican Bill Frist.

Why was Harold Ford fired?

Former Democratic Congressman Harold Ford Jr. has been fired for misconduct by Morgan Stanley after facing a human resources investigation into allegations of misconduct, a company spokeswoman confirmed. “He has been terminated for conduct inconsistent with our values and in violation of our policies,” a spokeswoman for Morgan Stanley told HuffPost ...

Is Ford on Morning Joe?

Ford also serves as a paid on-air political analyst for NBC/MSNBC and regularly appears on the MSNBC program “Morning Joe.”. This story has been updated to include statements from Ford and Singer. Calling all HuffPost superfans! Sign up for membership to become a founding member and help shape HuffPost’s next chapter.

Who is Keyser's lawyer?

At the time of the Senate hearing, Keyser’s lawyer, Howard Walsh, wrote an e-mail to the committee saying his client didn’t known Kavanaugh and didn’t recall being at the party with him.

What was Keyser pressured to do?

Keyser was being pressured by Ford’s allies from high school to do more to help their friend — and things were getting dirty, according to the book. In a group text, one woman wrote of Keyser, “Maybe one of you guys who are friends with her can have a heart to heart. I don’t care, frankly, how f–ked up her life is.

When did Kavanaugh attack Keyser?

Last year, Ford testified at Kavanaugh’s Senate confirmation that Keyser was at the Maryland house party in the summer of 1982 when Kavanaugh, then 17, attacked her. Ford was 15 at the time. Ford told the Senate Judiciary Committee that Kavanaugh and his friend, Mark Judge, pushed her into a room and that Kavanaugh forced her onto a bed, ...

Is Christine Blasey Ford skeptical of Kavanaugh?

Christine Blasey Ford’s friend now says she’s skeptical of Kavanaugh accusation. A high-school pal of Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford says in a new book that she’s skeptical of Ford’s claim the Supreme Court justice sexually assaulted her at a party in the 1980s.

Who was the woman who read the First Amendment?

Giffords had been targeted for defeat by Sarah Palin's political action committee, SarahPAC. Giffords participated in the reading of the United States Constitution on the floor of the House of Representatives on January 6, 2011; she read the First Amendment.

Who endorsed Giffords?

The campaign received national attention early on as a likely pick-up for the Democratic Party. Prominent Democrats, including Tom Daschle, Robert Reich, Janet Napolitano, and Bill Clinton, endorsed Giffords. EMILY's List endorsed Giffords early in the campaign cycle.

What does Giffords argue about the No Child Left Behind law?

She is a critic of the No Child Left Behind law, viewing it as an unfunded federal mandate. She supports public schools and their improved efficiency.

Where is Gabrielle Giffords from?

Gabrielle Dee Giffords was born in and grew up in Tucson, Arizona; her parents were Gloria Kay (née Fraser) and Spencer J. Giffords. She was raised in a mixed religious environment, as her mother was a Christian Scientist and her father was Jewish. Her paternal grandfather, Akiba Hornstein, was a Jewish emigrant from Lithuania who changed his name to Giffords to avoid anti-Semitism in the United States. Through her father, Giffords is a second cousin of actress Gwyneth Paltrow and director Jake Paltrow.

What is the 8th district of Arizona?

Arizona's 8th Congressional District is one of ten in the country bordering Mexico. Giffords has stated that the Arizona SB 1070 legislation is a "clear calling that the federal government needs to do a better job" and says that she hopes the legislation acts as a wake-up call to the federal government. However, she stopped short of supporting the law itself, saying that it "does nothing to secure our border" and that it "stands in direct contradiction to our past and, as a result, threatens our future." She also claimed that SB1070 kept Arizona from attracting students and businesses.

Where was the USS Gabrielle christened?

USS Gabrielle Giffords was christened at the Austal USA shipyard in Mobile, Alabama, on June 13, 2015. Rep. Giffords attended the christening ceremony, along with Second Lady of the United States Jill Biden, who served as the ship's sponsor. The ship was commissioned on June 12, 2017, at Port of Galveston, Texas.

Where did Giffords retire?

On October 6, Giffords traveled to Washington for her husband's retirement ceremony, where she presented him with the Distinguished Flying Cross medal. She returned to her husband's Texas home. On October 25, 2011, she travelled to Asheville, North Carolina, for intensive rehabilitation treatments, ending November 4.

How much did the jury pay for the Halliburton trial?

Jones asked the jury for $145 million in the Halliburton trial. Instead, in a virtually unprecedented decision, the jury found against her and made her pay $145,000 in legal costs to KBR.

Who was the man in the rape kit?

The rape kit evidence, which it turns out had not disappeared, showed DNA from exactly one man, firefighter Charles Bortz, with whom Jones had been seen drinking and flirting throughout the evening before the two of them went back to his quarters, where according to him they had consensual sex.

What did Jamie Leigh Jones' story undermine?

Just like the recent Blasey Ford testimony, Jamie Leigh Jones’ story seemed to undermine multiple pillars of the right-wing worldview: Blasey Ford highlighted “white elite toxic male privilege” and Jones called into question the Iraq War, privatization, the justice system, and complacency about relations between the sexes.

Who gang raped Jamie Leigh Jones?

In 2009, Jamie Leigh Jones told the Committee that four years earlier, on her second night working in Iraq for Halliburton subsidiary KBR (Kellogg, Brown & Root), her drink was spiked at a party and she was gang-raped by a group of Halliburton-employed American firefighters.

Did Kavanaugh say Ford was attacked?

Kavanaugh himself suggested Ford had probably been attacked but denied he was the culprit. As hard as it is to imagine a woman lying about such a thing, the Senate Judiciary Committee should recall someone lied to them about rape less than 10 years ago. And they completely fell for it.

Do Halliburton's guards carry weapons?

View Cartoon. Similarly, Halliburton’s guards don’t carry weapons -- and never have. Numerous such flaws in Jones’ story did not stop Congress (championed by Senator Al Franken) from being inspired by her to pass legislation to ensure women in such cases get courtroom trials instead of corporate arbitration.

Was the Jones case hazy?

In the earlier Jones case, the Committee ignored many red flags. Jones said her memory was hazy regarding the details of the gang rape but that the next day a doctor examining her at the hospital confirmed multiple assailants . But it is impossible to tell just by looking at someone whether she was attacked by one or many people.

Who was the first African American woman to get a law degree?

Ada Kepley (1881): First woman to graduate with a law degree (1870) and practice in a court of law in the U.S. Charlotte E. Ray (1872): First African American female to earn a law degree in the U.S. Claudia L. Gordon (c. 2000): First deaf African American female to earn a law degree in the U.S.

Who was the first African American female attorney general?

Pamela Carter: First African American female to serve as an Attorney General in the U.S. and Indiana (1993) Kamala Harris (1989): First Asian American female (and Asian American overall) elected as an Attorney General in the U.S. and California (2011-2017).

Who was the first female judge in the United States?

Mary O'Toole (1914): First female appointed as a municipal judge in the U.S. (1921) Jane Bolin (1932): First African American female judge in the U.S. (1939) Cornelia Groefsema Kennedy (1947) and Margaret G. Schaeffer (1948): First sisters to serve simultaneously as judges in the U.S.
