what classes must a lawyer take in college

by Donavon Pfannerstill 7 min read

  • Undergraduate Studies. Law schools usually aren't picky about what you study as an undergraduate in college. You can have a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree.
  • Law School Courses. Law degrees are comprised of a potpourri of legal studies. First-year law students usually study civil procedure, property, constitutional, tort and contract law.
  • Master's Degrees. Some lawyers keep hitting the books after law school to obtain specialized Master of Law, or LLM, degrees.
  • Bar Review Courses. Law colleges encourage law students to take bar review courses at the end of their three-year stints.

Those subjects include:
  • American history and government.
  • Social science.
  • Statistics and data science.
  • Close reading and reasoning.
  • Communications.
Aug 10, 2020

Full Answer

What classes do you need to take to become a lawyer?

Oct 05, 2021 · Although most lawyers have degrees in subjects like English, economics, political science, philosophy, journalism, mathematics and business, there is no official recommendation regarding any preferred major for law students. 2. Pass the law school admission test

How much school is needed to become a lawyer?

Aug 11, 2016 · What Classes Should I Take in Law School? If you are in your first year of law school, you will likely have a predetermined schedule. However, many students have a lot more leeway in determining their classes their second year of law school. Students often ask us which classes they should take during law school.

What colleges offer classes to become a lawyer?

Oct 15, 2019 · Take these types of classes before law school. Brooke Bowman, Professor of Legal Skills at Stetson University College of Law, currently ranked #3 in the nation in Legal Research and Writing, shared some thoughts on what classes would be best for law school-bound students, and she emphasized the following:

What are the subjects needed to become a lawyer?

Apr 06, 2018 · Torts is a fun class! This is a law school class that you will likely take your first year of law school. Many people have no idea what a “tort” is walking into law school, but it is not complicated. A tort is a claim like battery, assault, trespass, or negligence. Torts tends to be most law students’ favorite class in law school.


What are the skills required to become a lawyer?

Communications. Advocacy skills are essential to law school. Through writing, public speaking, rhetoric, theater or other communications classes, you can hone your ability to articulate ideas persuasively. Those skills will come in handy for your personal statement and other written materials on your application.

What is the American legal system?

American History and Government. The American legal system is based on precedent, a deference for settled cases. It is also a patchwork of federal, state and local laws, norms and institutions.

Why is social science important?

Social science classes are more important to the law than ever, from the economics used in antitrust cases to the political science used in election law to psychology disputes over rules of evidence. Understanding the wide range of methods that social scientists draw from to make arguments will serve you well in law school.

What is the closest thing to law school?

Political Science. Of all majors, this may be the closest to a "law school" curriculum as you can get. In this major, you'll study political systems, public policy, international relations and the relationship between government, the law, and individual rights, among other things.

What do philosophy majors study?

Philosophy majors delve deep into the study of logic, ethics, and morality —areas of thought that also happen to be the cornerstones of law. You'll debate with classmates, present arguments and do a lot of research to support your case, which is not all that different from what lawyers do to prepare for court.

What do history majors learn?

From a practical standpoint, history majors are also tasked with lots of research and writing and must learn to draw conclusions based on historical documents, a great precursor to the work you'll do in law school.

What is an economics major?

Not only are economics majors trained to think logically and analytically, but economic policies and procedures, as well as how resources are distributed and managed, are topics closely connected to the legal issues you'll encounter as a lawyer.

Is business a good major?

A business major is a good option for those who plan to go into corporate law. That said, be sure to supplement business fundamentals with humanities and liberal arts electives so you can train your analytical and critical thinking muscles, as well as practice research and writing, too.

What is the average grade point average for law school?

For example, incoming law students at Michigan State University College of Law have median grade point averages of 3.5.

How long does it take to become an attorney?

Law students are tied up full-time in law school for three years after undergraduate studies. Some lawyers go on to earn advanced law degrees, which gobble up another one to five years in study time.

What is a bar review course?

Bar review courses are the ultimate cram sessions. They are comprehensive reviews of the core classes required in law school. They give students a last-ditch refresher on topics tested on state bar exams, such as contract, property, criminal, tort and civil procedure laws.

Is an MBA required for a business lawyer?

Business law. A business lawyer who has both an MBA and a J.D. may be more marketable than someone who has only has a J.D., though an MBA is not absolutely necessary to work in this field. Corporate law.

Do law schools consider GPA?

Some law schools are highly selective, so applicants to those schools should keep that in mind when preparing their applications. J.D. admissions officers will consider not only a candidate's GPA and test score, but also his or her personal statement and resume.

What classes should I take to become a lawyer?

Some of the classes and extra circular activities that prepare students for careers in litigation are: 1 Alternative Dispute Resolution classes 2 Trial Advocacy classes 3 Moot Court or a similar program (which is often taken for credit) 4 Civil Procedure 5 Evidence 6 Clinics (i.e. patent law clinic, cancer clinic, disability clinic – your school may have a variety of these!)

What is the goal of law school?

One of the goals of law school is to develop intellectuals for the practice of law or other professional fields. It is also a good idea to achieve balance with your schedule and take a variety of classes. You will find it helpful to achieve balance if your classes vary in difficulty and assignments. It is okay, and certainly advisable, ...

Is studying for the bar exam stressful?

Likewise, studying for the bar exam is a stressful time, but this preparation period can be made a lot less stressful when students are reviewing material instead of learning many new subjects. The classes that will best prepare you for the bar exam will depend on where you are taking the bar.

What is the most important thing to do in law school?

What is most important in your undergraduate education is that you take classes that will prepare you for the rigors of law school and the challenge of a professional school curriculum. You will be challenged greatly and having a strong academic foundation is critical to success in law school.

How to develop leadership skills?

Take classes that require presentations. Participate in group projects that encourage teamwork and develop leadership skills. Take classes that require significant research and evaluation of sources, including proper citation of sources within written documents.

Who is Brooke Bowman?

Brooke Bowman, Professor of Legal Skills at Stetson University College of Law, currently ranked #3 in the nation in Legal Research and Writing, shared some thoughts on what classes would be best for law school-bound students, and she emphasized the following:

Can you change the past?

You can’t change the past! Don’t burn your bridges. The beauty of earning a professional law degree is knowing that as a candidate you can declare any major and you can take any classes that you would like to secure your undergraduate degree, a requirement to matriculate law school.

What is a civil procedure class?

1. Civil Procedure. Civil Procedure (Civ Pro) is a class that you will have one or even two semesters of! It goes through the basics of how a lawsuit is filed in federal court, when federal courts have the power to hear a case, where to file a lawsuit, etc.

What is criminal law?

Criminal Law is a fun class for many students (though you may have to learn two sets of laws—common law and model penal code law—for every crime, which makes things complicated!). Criminal Law tells you what is required of a crime and covers crimes like murder in detail.

What is tort law?

A tort is a claim like battery, assault, trespass, or negligence. Torts tends to be most law students’ favorite class in law school. The cases are interesting and the law is interesting. (In fact, it is really hard to make Torts boring!)

What is the Socratic method?

The Socratic method is the teaching style in law schools. Teachers ask questions to students and call on students. Do not be too afraid! Here are some tips for surviving the S ocratic method!

Is tort a class?

Torts is a fun class! This is a law school class that you will likely take your first year of law school. Many people have no idea what a “tort” is walking into law school, but it is not complicated. A tort is a claim like battery, assault, trespass, or negligence. Torts tends to be most law students’ favorite class in law school. The cases are interesting and the law is interesting. (In fact, it is really hard to make Torts boring!)

General Education Classes

Almost all students enrolled in college have to take General Education Classes. You’re required to take and complete a certain amount of credit hours, usually between 40-60 total hours, with a passing grade. Classes range from:

Pre-Requisites and Electives

You need these classes to move onto advanced courses within your major. They account for the other 60 or so credit hours you have remaining after completing your general education requirements.

Why is it important to have strong writing skills?

No matter what field you choose to go into, strong writing skills will not only be beneficial, but essential to your success as well. They’ll help you to communicate with future employers and, once you gain employment, your boss and colleagues. You will find that writing skills will become necessary your entire life.

What does it mean to have a job and make money?

Moreover, if you plan to make money that means you will have to pay taxes. If you can file your own taxes and manage your own money, you are going to be a lot more self-sufficient than most of your peers (or most of the world, for that matter).

Is the American government confusing?

The American government is confusing and, assuming you’d like to become an informed citizen when you vote, this is a good option to do so. Within these courses, you can learn about how elections really work, how the government is structured and, of course, politics galore!



Examining how the past has helped to shape and define our present—here in the United States and around the world—will help you put into context our current justice system and laws. From a practical standpoint, history majors are also tasked with lots of research and writing and must learn to draw conclusions base…
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  • Having a strong command of written and verbal skills will take you far as an attorney whether you're writing, researching or speaking in court. Analyzing great works of literature and historical texts from various cultures and time periods is great practice for the hours you'll spend in the law library.
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  • Philosophy majors delve deep into the study of logic, ethics, and morality—areas of thought that also happen to be the cornerstones of law. You'll debate with classmates, present arguments and do a lot of research to support your case, which is not all that different from what lawyers do to prepare for court.
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Political Science

  • Of all majors, this may be the closest to a "law school" curriculum as you can get. In this major, you'll study political systems, public policy, international relations and the relationship between government, the law, and individual rights, among other things. You're required to analyze various written documents and data sets (think ancient texts to social media posts) and will learn to thin…
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  • Not only are economics majors trained to think logically and analytically, but economic policies and procedures, as well as how resources are distributed and managed, are topics closely connected to the legal issues you'll encounter as a lawyer. Any major that has you summarizing qualitative and quantitative data to solve problems is good training for your brain to seek out evi…
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  • General business knowledge can be applied in almost any industry, and that holds true for aspiring attorneys as well. A business major is a good option for those who plan to go into corporate law. That said, be sure to supplement business fundamentals with humanities and liberal arts electives so you can train your analytical and critical thinking muscles, as well as pra…
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General Tips

  1. Consider majoring in a discipline that is related to the type of law you want to practice. Since you don't have to declare a specialty during law school, building a background as an undergraduate i...
  2. Choose a major or take electives that are heavy on research and writing. As mentioned earlier, those are the critical skills that will help you most in law school.
  1. Consider majoring in a discipline that is related to the type of law you want to practice. Since you don't have to declare a specialty during law school, building a background as an undergraduate i...
  2. Choose a major or take electives that are heavy on research and writing. As mentioned earlier, those are the critical skills that will help you most in law school.
  3. Whichever academic route you take, maintaining a strong GPA is essential if you aim to attend a selective law school program.

Undergraduate Studies

Law schools usually aren't picky about what you study as an undergraduate in college. You can have a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree. And, you can have majors and minors in English, math, chemistry, engineering, art or social studies. A law school applicant must have decent grades to get the nod for admis…
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Law School Courses

  • Law degrees are comprised of a potpourri of legal studies. First-year law students usually study civil procedure, property, constitutional, tort and contract law. They also take legal research and writing courses. Upper-level course requirements ease a bit. Second- and third-year students call more of their own shots by choosing elective classes. They can dive into studies such as interna…
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Master's Degrees

  • Some lawyers keep hitting the books after law school to obtain specialized Master of Law, or LLM, degrees. LLMs target specific areas, such as taxation, business, real estate and finance law. Some lawyers pursue Doctor of Juridical Science degrees, called SJDs, after they wrap up their LLMs. SJDs are only offered by a handful of law colleges. SJDs require in-depth dissertations o…
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Bar Review Courses

  • Law colleges encourage law students to take bar review courses at the end of their three-year stints. Bar review courses are the ultimate cram sessions. They are comprehensive reviews of the core classes required in law school. They give students a last-ditch refresher on topics tested on state bar exams, such as contract, property, criminal, tort and civil procedure laws.
See more on theclassroom.com