what careers are similar to being a lawyer

by Lurline Bergstrom 3 min read

Alternative jobs for lawyers
  • Paralegal.
  • Investigator.
  • Investment consultant.
  • Mediator.
  • Fund manager.
  • Financial analyst.
  • Realtor.
  • Labor relations specialist.
Feb 22, 2021

What are some jobs similar to being a lawyer?

Core Legal Careers

  • Lawyer. Lawyers are also called an attorney or counselor —or a solicitor or barrister in parts of Europe—a lawyer advocates for their clients' rights.
  • Paralegal. Paralegals serve as the lawyer's right hand. ...
  • Legal Secretary. ...

What are some alternative careers for lawyers?

Oh, The Places You’ll Go — In and Out of the Courtroom

  • Arbitrator. If your favorite aspect of learning law was mediating conflict between two parties, this is the path for you.
  • Paralegal/Legal Assistant. ...
  • E-Discovery. ...
  • Law Professor. ...
  • Compliance Specialist. ...
  • Human Resources. ...
  • Legal Marketer. ...
  • Jury Consultant. ...
  • Content Writer. ...
  • Politics/Government. ...

What are jobs related to lawyers?

Where Do Lawyers Work?

  • Private Practice. A handful of lawyers work independently in solo practices but most practicing lawyers work as part of a larger team of lawyers .
  • Government. Lawyers are hired by local, state and the federal government for work on cases as well as analysis. ...
  • Social Policy Agencies. ...
  • Business. ...
  • Take Your Pick. ...

How to become a lawyer?

it has become more challenging for immigrants to move through the legal immigration process. So it’s more important than ever to get expert advice from a lawyer who has experience, has seen similar cases and knows what is going to be convincing to the ...


What jobs are similar to a lawyer?

Paralegals and Legal AssistantsArbitrators, Mediators, and ConciliatorsJudges and Hearing OfficersPostsecondary TeachersLawyer/Similar professions

What are three similar occupations to a lawyer?

Similar Occupations About this sectionOccupationJob Duties2021 MEDIAN PAYJudges and Hearing OfficersJudges and hearing officers apply the law by overseeing the legal process in courts.$128,710Paralegals and Legal AssistantsParalegals and legal assistants perform a variety of tasks to support lawyers.$56,2302 more rows•Apr 18, 2022

What is the closest thing to a lawyer?

Paralegal/Legal Assistant If you want to work closely with attorneys and provide crucial assistance to their caseloads, this is the perfect job for you.

What job is better than a lawyer?

While Lawyer was named the 71st best job in 2016, the list was dominated by medical and technology jobs. According to U.S. News, the field of medicine is the most appealing because of the high pay, low unemployment rates, awesome work-life balance, and general job satisfaction.

Is being a lawyer fun?

Being a lawyer can be very fun and very rewarding. But as the other posts have indicated it requires a lot of work, time, money, and attention to detail. As with most challenging things in life it can be well worth it. You indicated that your parents want you to be a lawyer.

What type of law is least stressful?

However, there are many sectors of law which are less stressful:Real estate law.Intellectual property law.High Street family law.Government lawyers.Working In-House.

What course is similar to law?

Other Political Science courses related to Law include: Political Science and Diplomacy. Political Science and Public Administration. Political Science and International Studies. Political Science and Conflict Resolution.

What can you do instead law school?

3 Worthwhile Alternatives To Law SchoolExplore future prospects at your current career. ... Take one last shot at med school. ... Work a sales job. ... Earlier: In Defense of Law School: Because What Else Are You Going To Do With Yourself?More items...•

What is an alternative to law school?

In 2021, only four states (California, Virginia, Vermont, and Washington) permit those aspiring to be lawyers to take the state's bar exam without attending law school. The alternative is the option to apprentice with a practicing attorney or judge.

Is law school difficult?

In summary, law school is hard. Harder than regular college or universities, in terms of stress, workload, and required commitment. But about 40,000 people graduate from law schools every year–so it is clearly attainable.

Is being a lawyer hard?

The Stress Deadlines, billing pressures, client demands, long hours, changing laws, and other demands all combine to make the practice of law one of the most stressful jobs out there. Throw in rising business pressures, evolving legal technologies, and climbing law school debt and it's no wonder lawyers are stressed.

What lawyer job pays the most?

Some of the highest-paid lawyers are:Medical Lawyers – Average $138,431. Medical lawyers make one of the highest median wages in the legal field. ... Intellectual Property Attorneys – Average $128,913. ... Trial Attorneys – Average $97,158. ... Tax Attorneys – Average $101,204. ... Corporate Lawyers – $116,361.

What Do Lawyers Do?

Lawyers, also called attorneys, are professionals who engage in the practice of law. The practice of law includes filing and litigating lawsuits, preparing legal documents, negotiating deals, prosecuting criminal cases, defending criminal cases, and writing and arguing legal appeals. Most importantly, lawyers give legal advice; they assess the client’s situation, needs and the law; and they provide the client with their thoughts as to the best course of action for their particular case.

What do accountants do?

Accountants perform a variety of work duties, much as lawyers do, that requires strong attention to detail and a facility with numbers and figures, as well as an understanding of many areas that overlap with the legal field, such as tax law, real estate law, business law and other areas that relate to finance.

What are the jobs that can be held by non-attorneys?

Attorneys may also take these jobs as a learning experience or to gain professional experience and insight. Paralegals and judicial law clerks comprise the most common of these types of jobs.

What jobs do non practicing lawyers do?

Non-practicing lawyers may do well as project managers, grant writers, lobbyists and politicians. Of course, there are many jobs that require skill sets similar to attorneys but do not require a legal education or degree.

What is a judicial clerk?

Judicial law clerks often assist the judge in reviewing the evidence and the law and writing judicial opinions. Judicial law clerks usually are already attorneys or are recent law school graduates who are awaiting their bar exam results.

What are the jobs that require the same skills as the practice of law?

These types of jobs all require many or all the same skills as the practice of law, such as analytical thinking, investigative, writing, advocating and speaking skills .

What type of law do lawyers practice?

Types of Law Practice. Lawyers can practice either civil law or criminal law. Criminal law is any law that relates to indicting, charging, prosecuting or defending an individual accused of committing a crime, as well as dealing with sentencing, appeals, and other post-conviction or post-acquittal actions.

What is a jury consultant?

Jury Consultant. Lawyers rely on consultants to select a jury for high-stakes cases and to help them evaluate human behavior and predict juror behavior. Jury consultants often have a background in sociology or the like. This job does not require a law degree, but it is helpful.

What is the importance of law school?

Law school is all about building character and gaining a trove of life skills. Life skills that come in handy for law school graduates seeking alternative careers to a becoming a lawyer. The percentage of law students who end up working as lawyers has fluctuated significantly in the past decade. Around forty percent of law graduates do not practice ...

What is the job of an arbitrator?

If your favorite aspect of learning law was mediating conflict between two parties, this is the path for you. Acting as an informal judge, an arbitrator helps move a case along before it goes to trial. A Juris Doctor degree is not required, but this job is often held by someone with a law degree.

What are the qualities of a good lawyer?

So don’t underestimate your character and personality as an asset in your job application. If you made it through law school, earned an advanced degree or worked full-time while earning your bachelor’s, you are most likely a certain type of person — one who is hardworking, responsible, and a critical thinker. You pay attention to details. You are able to see different sides of a problem. You’re able to make deadlines and retain a ton of information. These are all character traits and skills that apply to numerous fields and will be appreciated by employers in many industries. Don’t shy away from highlighting these qualities in your resume and cover letter!

What is compliance specialist?

Charged with ensuring that a company is following all policies and standards, a compliance specialist understands the legal ins and outs of a variety of different departments within a business. A graduate who has earned a bachelor degree in legal studies or a Juris Doctor, and has an eye for detail are both in the right place.

What are the skills you gained during your legal education?

Writing, negotiating and public speaking are valuable, but it’s not only the skills you gained during your legal education that will help you in both the legal and general workforce — it’s the character traits you built. Committing yourself to your education can be a challenge and if your goal is to earn an advanced degree, especially a Juris Doctor (JD), than the word “challenge” is an understatement. School (especially law school) is a place where one learns resilience and to push past perceived limits. It’s a place where you become you.

What are some alternatives to becoming a lawyer?

10 Alternatives to Becoming a Lawyer: The Flexibility of a Legal Education. What does one learn in law school? Yes, law, okay. But the principles of law are only the tip of the legal iceberg. Law school is all about building character and gaining a trove of life skills. Life skills that come in handy for law school graduates seeking alternative ...

What is journalism in law?

Lawyers typically have stellar interview and investigatory skills, and a real interest in telling people's stories. The road to the top as a journalist is a long one, but there are opportunities in various formats if you're willing to start at the beginning. You might need to re-learn how to write non-legalese, but that should be fun.

What is career change?

Career change is part and parcel for professionals at all levels, particularly as our economy continues to move in the direction of more flexible, casualised and part-time work. The career trajectories of full-time professionals are also at the mercy of the economy and technological change, which are causing huge flux. As a result, the best of any profession will always need guidance on their options and how to move up their current hierarchy or step sideways to a new one. Career management requires you to build deep industry knowledge and networks.

Why do lawyers use mediation?

Lawyers with enough experience in the litigation and advocacy side of practice in areas like family law, consumer law and general commercial litigation might consider stepping sideways into mediation. The alternative disputes area is a growing one, as the legal system and government seek to drive efficiency. It can be quite adversarial, but the purpose of mediation is to find common ground and avoid full-blown litigation.

What is the best career option for a lawyer?

Another alternative career option for lawyers is public relations. If you're any good at networking and building professional relationships, PR is a viable option for you. Most positions are within large corporate firms, but there is a number of smaller, boutique agencies popping up, where you may find a more hands-on role. Many agencies niche by industry as well, so if you're interested in sports, you might well find a PR agency that specialises in just that.

What to do if playback doesn't begin?

If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.

What is the upside of being a lawyer?

The upside is that you get exposure to a wide range of businesses and industries and can choose to specialise over time. This role requires high-level analytical skills (which usually isn't an issue for lawyers) and a high degree of creativity (which can be a problem for some). ‍.

What does a mysterious project manager do?

Ah, yes, the mysterious project manager. What do they actually do? Well, they manage projects (funny that) in a variety of businesses and contexts. Like account management, it requires strong organisational skills, high-level problem-solving ability, emotional intelligence and basic people management skills. You also need to have a keen intellect to be able to spot gaps, as well as to plan and execute. This is a great career option that can take you across a range of industries.

What else can I do with my law degree?

Before we dive into the specifics, I want to make one thing super clear: if you’re a lawyer, basically ANY career is a possible alternative career for you. So if you’re wondering what else you can do with your law degree other than be a lawyer, I want you to know up front that there are lots of options for you.

What is a lawyer podcast?

A weekly podcast sharing honest conversations with former lawyers about their decisions to leave the law for different careers, plus advice and insight from my own experience. Know that you’re not alone and start developing an imagination for what’s possible. Listen on Apple , Spotify , Stitcher , Overcast, or wherever you listen to podcasts using the RSS feed.

What to know if you are in Biglaw?

Things you need to know if you’re exploring alternative careers for lawyers: If you’re in Biglaw, you’re not a failure because you’re human (even though Biglaw makes you feel that way ). If you’re trying to figure out what else you can do with your J.D., don’t rely on prestige ( it’s a liar ).

What is the only job with an industry devoted to helping people quit?

All the way back in 2014, lawyering was described as “the only job with an industry devoted to helping people quit.”

Why do lawyers use prestige?

And because the legal job market is so competitive, often lawyers and law firms use prestige as an artificial metric to weed out job applicants, confirming the idea that prestige is an inherent good.

What is the former lawyer collaborative?

The Former Lawyer Collaborative™ is designed to help you answer one very important question: what could be an alternative career for me outside of the law?

Is being a lawyer stressful?

It’s no secret that being a lawyer is one of the most stressful jobs that you can have. There are task forces, books, and a multitude of articles written about lawyer stress and burnout.

Are There Really Second Careers for Lawyers?

One question you may ask at this point is some variation of "Are there really, truly good alternative jobs for lawyers out there that might be the right fit for me?"

What is the barrier between you and your ideal alternative job out of the law?

The one barrier in the way between you and your ideal "alternative" job out of the law is the doubt that you can overcome these challenges. These doubts are reasonable, and if you don't have the solutions to these challenges, they will stop you cold. And the good news is that this is avoidable - we can help you let them go and overcome them ALL.

What does it mean when you don't have free time?

You don't have any free time; You have no quality time with family, spouse or your kids; You don't have the time to go to the gym, exercise, or take care of yourself; You feel that there is no creativity in the law; You hate the whole idea of billable hours;

How many jobs are there in the Leave Law Behind course?

You have no idea yet! As we mentioned earlier, there are over 100 jobs that we have cataloged in the Leave Law Behind course that align with the expertise you bring from your years of practicing law.

How to be an attorney?

Think about all that you regularly do in your role as an attorney: 1 You speak and communicate clearly 2 You listen well 3 You show empathy 4 You are the "adult-in-the-room" 5 You write persuasively 6 You "connect the dots" for people and clients to see a desired future state 7 You strategize 8 You manage large projects (and lots of them) 9 You meet deadlines 10 You meet budgets 11 You present to high-level stakeholders 12 You upsell clients 13 You put out fires 14 You are the psychologist for your clients 15 You drive new business 16 As well as many others not listed!

Is there hope in leaving law behind?

In short, you have options. There is hope. There is opportunity out there. For example, at Leave Law Behind, we have identified and curated over 112 "alternative" jobs that align with and call for your "lawyer" skills and strengths. Over ONE HUNDRED "non-law" jobs for lawyers like you looking to leave the law.

Do you leave the law until you have a job offer?

Understand this - we coach our members not to leave the law until they have a job offer that pays them what they need or want. As you fine-tune what we call your "transferable skills," and as you get your "non-law" job resume in a good spot, and as you increasingly learn more about the alternative jobs for lawyers that you are a fit for, you then realize that there is so much opportunity out there for the skills and strengths you possess.

What is legal recruiter?

A legal recruiter does not involve working within a law firm. A legal recruiter provides their clients—typically law firms—with potential employees. Those employees are usually attorneys but sometimes paralegals, as well. A Juris Doctor degree may be required.

What is the job of a judge?

The judge oversees trials, pretrial conferences, pretrial rulings, and, in some cases, appeals. This a public sector position that may be appointed or elected. Their overall job is to interpret and apply the law. Not all states make use of magistrates.

What does a courtroom deputy do?

A courtroom deputy will typically wear a law enforcement uniform. They help to maintain order in the court. They may accompany criminal defendants to and from the courtroom or intercede between counsel. For example, they may pass an item of discovery from one table to the next or the judge.

What is the practice of law?

The practice of the law requires the support of many professionals in a variety of specialized fields. These professionals provide information to the attorneys who represent the case in trial.

What is an accident reconstructionist?

An accident reconstructionist often has a background in engineering or law enforcement. They examine the details of an accident to recreate how it might have occurred and ultimately who, if anyone, is to blame.

What does a law clerk do?

Law clerks manage the judges' case files and do research, drafting condensed reports on filed documents as guidelines. As a result, the judge doesn't have to read the entire bulging case file to get a handle on what the matter involves. A courtroom deputy will typically wear a law enforcement uniform.

Why is technical support important?

In the internet-driven age, good technical support is essential to a great legal practice. Litigation support professionals can require both technical savvy and an understanding of the law. Litigation support professionals work with software and applications to manage case data that's crucial to litigation.

What is the difference between a paralegal and a legal secretary?

The line between paralegals and legal secretaries can sometimes be thin, but it's there. Secretaries typically don't have hands-on involvement with legal issues, such as research and case management . Their role is far more administrative.

How much does a paralegal charge?

Paralegal services are typically billed at 25% to 50% of an attorney's hourly rate. Many paralegals perform the same services an attorney does, but paralegals are prohibited from giving legal advice or negotiating fees for services when they don't have law degrees.

What is trial consultant?

Trial consultants give attorneys an advantage in the courtroom, drawing on the fields of psychology, sociology, and the law. They employ legal technology to help a jury understand complex concepts, and they can help attorneys communicate important themes.

What do consultants use to predict jury predispositions?

These consultants use empirical data to predict juror predispositions. This can provide invaluable assistance in voir dire and the jury selection process.

Why do lawyers rely on jury consultants?

Lawyers rely on jury consultants to gain a winning edge in high-stakes jury trials. These consultants provide insight into juror behavior, and they help attorneys craft arguments and trial themes designed to persuade jurors.

What is LSP in law?

The increased automation of legal processes has also spawned another occupation in the field of law: the litigation support professional (LSP). This cutting-edge profession combines the legal knowledge of paralegals with the technical skills of information technology professionals.

How much is the ESI field expected to grow in 2020?

The field is expected to grow, generating revenues of $11.6 billion by 2020 and pushing salaries to increased levels.

What is a title examiner?

Primary duties: A title examiner, also known as a title searcher or title abstractor, supports lawyers with various duties relating to real estate records. Often working for law firms, insurance companies or real estate organizations, they look through public and private records to find and examine property titles and summarize their findings, including information about contracts and mortgages. The job requires strong research skills, attention to detail and a working knowledge of applicable terms and legal concepts.

What is the job of a paralegal?

Primary duties: A paralegal, also known as a legal assistant, is a professional who performs supporting tasks for lawyers, helping them prepare for trials, hearings, depositions or meetings. Among their primary duties, they conduct research and gather evidence for legal cases, write and revise legal documents and maintain records in a law office. The minimum education requirement to become a paralegal is usually an associate degree in paralegal studies. Many law firms may prefer candidates with a bachelor's degree, but it's also possible to enter the profession from high school. In some states, paralegal certification may be necessary.

What is a legal secretary?

Primary duties: A legal secretary is an administrative assistant who's specifically trained to perform clerical duties in the field of law. Though they're commonly called legal assistants, legal secretaries don't perform substantive legal work, so there is little overlap between their role and that of a paralegal. Their function is to facilitate smooth operations and processes in a law office. Common duties of legal secretaries include correspondence, transcriptions of court proceedings, scheduling and coordinating appointments and court dates, arranging for the filing of important legal documents and maintaining records of billing.

What is a nurse consultant?

Primary duties: A legal nurse consultant is a nurse with whom lawyers consult on legal cases that relate to the field of medicine. As an expert in nursing and health care, they're able to provide valuable insight on topics such as illness, injury, medical malpractice and workers' compensation. They commonly help legal professionals understand medical records, medical terminology and issues commonly encountered in health care. In addition, they may help to determine the legitimacy of a legal case, assist with evidence gathering and provide expert testimony during a trial.

What is the job of a police officer?

Primary duties: A police officer is a public servant who enforces laws and apprehends individuals who violate them. There are different types of police officers. Some patrol and protect designated areas, while others investigate crimes by gathering and examining evidence. Police officers commonly work with lawyers on criminal cases, helping to present evidence or giving testimony.

What is a job in law?

A job in law is any profession involved in the application, development, study or support of the law. Many legal professions require a Juris Doctor, Master of Laws or Doctor of Juridical Science degree, each of which is a master's-level designation conferred by law schools. Others don't involve comprehensive legal education, so they may accept candidates with a degree in other disciplines or a certification related to law.

What is the role of a process server?

Primary duties: The role of a process server is to deliver, or serve, legal documents to their designated recipient. The paperwork they handle often relates to legal action against the recipient or cases in which the recipient is needed as a witness. To ensure that the documents reach the correct individual, process servers conduct research to confirm the recipient's identity and potential locations. They can then plan to intersect with the recipient to inform them of the reason for the delivery and hand off the documents.
