• what can you do as a lawyer protect the hospital in lawsuit

by Christopher Zboncak 4 min read

Without an attorney, you have hardly a chance at succeeding with your lawsuit. When you hire an attorney it will be up to them to prove that an employee of the hospital failed to uphold the standard level of care and because of this, you suffered considerable harm and injury.

Full Answer

Do I need to hire a lawyer to sue a hospital?

Do I Need to Hire a Lawyer to Sue a Hospital? If you were injured while receiving treatment or care at a hospital, you should consult with a skilled and knowledgeable personal injury attorney. An experienced personal injury attorney can help determine who is at fault and against whom the lawsuit should be filed.

What happens when a lawsuit is filed against a hospital?

The hospital and its staff may be required to review and revise their standards for practice and operating procedures. Large class action suits may result in investigations into the hospital’s overall safety standards. There may also be product recalls if the lawsuit involved defective or faulty drugs or medical devices.

How can a doctor avoid a lawsuit?

2) Good communication: In his book Blink, Malcolm Gladwell describes something defense lawyers have known for many years: That the quality of the care does not determine whether or not a physician gets sued. There are many instances in which a physician who makes a mistake that causes an injury manages to avoid litigation.

Why are lawsuits so important to physicians?

At the end of the day, lawsuits cause stress, take physicians away from their personal lives, and often lead to serious financial and professional consequences. Therefore, one of the questions that we most often receive is, “How can a physician avoid lawsuits?”


How do you defend against medical malpractice?

Common Defenses Against a Medical Malpractice ClaimShow Avoidable Consequences. ... Argue the Substantial Minority Principle. ... Cite Good Samaritan Laws. ... Challenge the Evidence. ... Demonstrate Standard of Care. ... Challenge the Causal Relationship. ... Assumed Risk.

How can professionals best defend themselves from malpractice suits?

How Healthcare Professionals Can Protect Themselves from Malpractice SuitsHave a full understanding of policies. ... Keep good record of the patients. ... Invest in medical insurance. ... Consult with an attorney. ... Build positive relationships with your patients. ... Get a second opinion. ... Ask for help.More items...•

How are most malpractice suits prevented?

How to avoid malpractice suitsStrive for trusting, open relationships. ... Good communication is key. ... Document patient visits ASAP. ... The role of practice culture. ... Don't be afraid to refer.

How do I sue a hospital in South Africa?

If you're a victim of medical malpractice, you can institute a civil case in the Magistrate's Court or the High Court to claim for damages. This may involve suing a doctor or other healthcare practitioner directly. In the case of malpractice in a hospital, the hospital or the State may assume vicarious liability.

What are six guidelines for malpractice prevention relating to safety?

What are the six guidelines for malpractice prevention relating to safety?... Additional costs to federal healthcare programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. Quality of patient care. Access to care. Freedom of choice. Competition. Healthcare providers' abuse of professional judgement.

What professionals can do to not get exposed to liability for malpractice?

9 Tips to Help Healthcare Professionals Avoid Malpractice Claims and Lawsuits1) Document EVERYTHING. ... 2) Communicate. ... 3) Know policies and standards of care. ... 4) Don't get lazy. ... 5) Ask for help. ... 6) ALWAYS get informed consent. ... 7) Strive to build strong relationships with patients. ... 8) Follow up.More items...

How do nurses protect themselves from malpractice?

Protecting Nurses from Malpractice: 7 Things You Need to KnowBe Present to Your Patient. ... Explain Consent and Health Information Exchange. ... Engage in Additional Continuing Education Training. ... Never Wait to Refer a Patient. ... Remember to Document Thoroughly. ... Avoid Talking Shop on Social. ... Measure Twice, Dispense Once.

How can nurses protect themselves from malpractice suits?

Include all the medications, procedures, and requests that concern the patient. Documenting every detail also helps doctors to arrive at an accurate diagnosis and prepare the best treatment options. Good records serve as the nurses' and other practitioners' protection should a patient claim against them.

What is defensive healthcare?

Between 60 and 90 percent of U.S. physicians report practicing defensive medicine, defined as the practice of ordering of tests, procedures, and other medical care solely to reduce the threat of malpractice liability.

How long do you have to sue a hospital for negligence?

two yearsMedical Negligence Claim Timeframes The general rule is that you have two years from the date on which you suffered your injury to issue proceedings.

Can you claim for hospital negligence?

Everyone has the right to make a hospital negligence claim if they've been harmed by something done - or not done - while staying in hospital. If you or a loved one has experienced substandard care leading to injury, harm or medical complications, then you may be able to make a hospital negligence claim.

How do I sue a hospital for malpractice?

How To Sue A Hospital For Malpractice?Step 1- Speak to a Malpractice Lawyer: Medical malpractice cases are complex to handle on your own. ... Step 2- Prove That A hospital or its medical doctor was actually negligent in your case.Step 3- Get hold of your Medical records.Step 4- Outline your injuries or damages.More items...•

What happens if you sue a doctor?

When you sue the doctor or hospital, you will often be dealing with their insurance company. In rare cases, a doctor may lose their license or go to jail. Or, a hospital could be shut down. But generally, you are suing their insurance company to compensate you for your suffering.

How long do you have to sue a hospital for negligence?

Discrimination (a staff member refusing to treat you do to your race, sexual orientation, your nation of origin, etc.) You generally have between two to six years to sue for hospital negligence. This is called the statute of limitations, and it varies by state.

What do you need to prove medical malpractice?

You may need medical records, dates, records of the job-related mistakes, and more to help prove your case. Your personal injury attorney will handle the medical malpractice lawsuit and will tell you exactly what they need. Without their expertise, it can be hard to know what information is relevant.

What to do if you are told something is wrong?

If your instincts are telling you something is wrong, then you should investigate your case. A personal injury lawyer is going to be the best person to have on your side when you seek justice from a hospital — you deserve justice when a hospital makes a mistake with your illness or injury.

What happens if a hospital gives you the wrong treatment?

If a hospital gives you the wrong treatment, their staff makes the wrong call, or a loved one dies in their care, you may have options to sue. Although medical professionals may be the ones who actually made the mistake, the hospital is responsible for its employees and their training. If, however, the doctor who injured you is an independent ...

What is a negligent action in healthcare?

Dangerous or negligent actions by hospital staff (reusing equipment or needles, leaving floors wet, stealing or abusing medications) Wrongful death of a family member.

Why was Duke University Hospital sued?

Duke University Hospital was sued in 2003 for never checking the blood type of an organ donor and the recipient before surgery. Rhode Island Hospital performed operations on the wrong part of three patients' heads in 2007. In a 1995 case, the wrong leg was amputated during surgery.

What is hospital lawsuit?

In general, hospital lawsuits are personal injury lawsuits arising from injuries suffered by a patient. Those injuries are usually based on negligence, or a failure to use reasonable care which results in the damage or injury of another person. Negligence is based on a person’s failure to do something, rather than their actual actions.

What are some examples of hospital lawsuits?

Some common examples of a hospital lawsuit include but may not be limited to: Emergency room malpractice; Refusing to admit or treat a patient without adhering to proper denial protocol;

How is a hospital lawsuit different from a malpractice suit?

Hospital lawsuits are different from malpractice suits against an individual doctor, as proceeding in the lawsuit against a corporation is different than suing an individual. For example, when initiating a lawsuit against an individual, you may serve them directly with your lawsuit.

What is medical malpractice?

Medical malpractice refers to the negligence of a healthcare professional resulting in the injury of a patient with whom they have, or previously had, a professional relationship. Under the corporate negligence doctrine, the hospital itself may be held responsible for a mistake made by a doctor or other staff employed by the hospital.

What is hospital negligence?

Hospital negligence may be direct, such as: Losing, mishandling, or unlawfully transferring confidential patient records. Disregard of proper medical care standards. Due to the specific nature of a hospital environment, injuries that result in a lawsuit against the hospital often involve different areas of the law.

Why are hospitals being sued?

Lawsuits are filed against hospitals for a wide variety of reasons. As previously mentioned, negligence and malpractice are the most common. Some lawsuits may be for small or one-time incidents, while others are for larger or more far-reaching incidents.

What is negligence in medical malpractice?

Negligence is based on a person’s failure to do something, rather than their actual actions. However, lawsuits against hospitals may involve various legal claims and theories besides negligence. Lawsuits involving hospitals are most commonly related to some sort of medical malpractice.

How to contact a lawyer for a hospital infection?

Please use the form below to contact our Medical Malpractice Litigation Group or call us toll-free 24 hours a day at (866) 920-0753.

What is a hospital infection?

Healthcare-Associated Infection (HAI) are infections caused by bacteria, fungi, or viruses that occur in patients who receive medical care (surgery, catheters, ventilation, injections, etc.). According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), about 1 in 20 hospitalized patients develop an infection.

What is the most preventable hospital infection?

Catheter-assisted urinary tract infections : This is one of the most preventable hospital infections, because it often occurs when a catheter is left in a patient for too long. UTIs are infections of the urethra, bladder, ureters, and/or kidneys.

What is the term for an infection of the protective lining around the brain and spinal cord?

Meningitis: This is an infection of the protective lining around the brain and spinal cord ( meninges ). In 2012, an outbreak of fungal meningitis was injured 750 people and led to 63 deaths. The outbreak was linked to contaminated vials of an epidural steroid used to treat back pain in outpatient clinics.

How many hospitalized patients have an infection?

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), about 1 in 20 hospitalized patients develop an infection. In addition to physical pain and suffering, hospital infections be financially devastating, adding tens of thousands of dollars to the cost of treatment.

Can you file a lawsuit if you have an injury?

If you decide to pursue a claim, we can review your medical records to see if your injury may have been caused by an inadequate standard of care. You may qualify to file a lawsuit if evidence suggests your injury was caused by delayed diagnosis or negligence.

What is hospital negligence?

Hospital negligence occurs when a hospital or health care facility fails to follow the duty of care they owe to patients in dealing with those patients. A person may be able to file a negligence claim against the hospital if the breach of duty that the hospital. Many medical malpractice claims involve injuries caused by a physician ...

When a hospital negligence claim is based on vicarious liability, the plaintiff needs to show that the negligent employee

When the hospital negligence claim is based on vicarious liability, the plaintiff needs to show that the negligent employee was acting under the control or direction of the hospital facility. Otherwise, the hospital may not be liable for the negligence of the employee. Find the Right Personal Injury Lawyer.

What is vicarious liability in a hospital?

A health worker administering medication when they knew or should have known that the patient may have an allergic reaction. When the hospital negligence claim is based on vicarious liability, the plaintiff needs to show that the negligent employee was acting under the control or direction of the hospital facility.

What are some examples of vicarious liability?

Some examples of a hospital’s vicarious liability can include: A nurse or technician giving a patient the wrong medication or an improper dosage. Negligent care in an operation, such as leaving an object in the patient’s body.

Can a hospital be sued for medical malpractice?

Many medical malpractice claims involve injuries caused by a physician or other health care professional. However, in a claim for hospital negligence , it is the medical institution itself that is being sued. Thus, there may be a high likelihood that more than one person was affected by the hospital’s negligence.

Is a hospital liable for negligent acts?

In the second type, it is not the hospital that performed the negligent act, but rather an employee of the hospital. However, the hospital may be held liable if the employee acted while under the hospital’s control, or if the hospital ordered the employee’s actions. This is known as “vicarious liability," and requires that a number ...

Which law guarantees the right to inspect, review, and receive a copy of medical records?

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 includes the Privacy Rule, which guarantees patients the right to inspect, review, and receive a copy of the medical records that are held by their healthcare provider.

Is plastic surgery considered medical malpractice?

Medical malpractice does not refer to dissatisfaction with the results of surgery. For example, if a plastic surgery patient is dissatisfied with the results of their facelift, it does not constitute medical malpractice. In this case, you would have to show an actual injury that you incurred because your surgeon deviated from the standard of care you would have received from a comparable doctor for the same condition

Is Michigan a malpractice state?

Michigan malpractice law is particularly complex as outlined by the Michigan Patient’s Bill of Rights According to the bill, all patients that are Michigan residents are entitled to various pieces of information in writing from their health insurance provider, including:

What to do if you are a victim of medical malpractice?

If you are a victim of medical malpractice or doctor’s negligence, you must hire an experienced lawyer who knows how to handle a medical malpractice lawsuit. Medical practice lawsuits after all are expensive. They may cost you more than your treatment expenses. Therefore, when you decide to sue a hospital for any of the mentioned reasons, ...

How long can you sue a hospital for a medical malpractice?

According to the statute of limitations, you can sue a hospital within two to six years from the time of the incident. However, the limitation of the time period may vary across states.

What happens when a surgeon leaves a surgical tool in your body?

In cases, when a medical professional leaves a surgical tool inside your body, it can trigger infections, pain, or other problems that may affect other organs. You have to be cautious to draw a line between the breach and the injury which can be obvious but complicated to describe.

What is surgical negligence?

Surgical negligence (surgical tools were left inside your body during the procedure) Wrong treatment. Negligence in maintaining the standards of healthcare. Negligent actions and dangerous attempts made by hospital staff or professionals.

Can a hospital be sued for malpractice?

However, there are many other reasons for which a hospital can be sued, but if you lost your loved one because of private practi tioner malpractice, then you won’t be able to sue the hospital where he is employed on contract.

Can you sue a doctor for malpractice?

However, the limitation of the time period may vary across states. It is important to note that just because a doctor or any other staff has committed a mistake, you cannot always file a lawsuit against them and it will not be called a malpractice. A plaintiff has to consider some factors before filing a lawsuit.

What Qualifies as Medical Negligence (Malpractice)

Medical Negligence occurs when a health professional, who owes his patients a standard duty of care, fails to uphold his duty of care and the responsibility that is expected in such a way that because of this failure, the patient suffers an injury or harm.

The Hospital Is Responsible for the Conduct of the Healthcare Provider

A hospital that is direct employer of certain healthcare such as nurses, paramedics, and medical technicians, can be sued under if a patient undergoes an injury because of the negligence of a healthcare staff member.

How to File a Lawsuit against a Hospital

If you were injured and believe it was the result of a hospital employee’s negligence, your first step should be to contact an experienced Medical Malpractice Attorney for legal help.

Contact a Medical Malpractice Attorney from The Brown Firm

At The Brown Firm we have a team of attorneys who specifically practice Medical Negligence Law and who have the experience and training to help with your case.

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Why is it so difficult to determine the substantial risks of a treatment?

Sometimes it’s difficult to determine the substantial risks because a patient and a physician may view the magnitude of a particular risk differently.

What happens if a physician explains why a complication occurred?

If a physician explains why a complication occurred—not just that it occurred—and appears empathetic to the patient, she has less of a motivation to sue. Conversely, if the patient feels like the physician sees her as a commodity or didn’t take the time to understand her complaints, the risk of litigation goes up.

What does it mean when an HMO says no?

When the HMO tells patients “no,” they have a tendency to transfer their frustrations to their physicians. The coverage provided by the HMO is a contractual matter between the patient and the insurer.

What to do if your differential diagnosis includes a potentially serious condition and your ability to rule out that condition might be

If your differential diagnosis includes a potentially serious condition and your ability to rule out that condition might be influenced by physical findings, arrange to see the patient in person.

Should a hospitalist consult with a regular physician?

On the front end, the hospitalist who receives a patient should take the opportunity, if possible, to consult with the regular physician about any ongoing course of treatment. Unfortunately, patients are not always accurate medical historians and may not fully appreciate their conditions or courses of treatment.

When is the best time to correct a medical malpractice claim?

These insurers realize that the best time to correct a bad situation is within hours or days of its occurrence.

Can a patient file a lawsuit against a physician?

Unfortunately, even if a physician observes all of these precautions, a patient still might file a lawsuit. If you sense a real potential for litigation, contact your insurance company and provide notice of a potential claim. This will help ensure that your insurance coverage is available if a lawsuit is filed.
