what can my lawyer do if my spouse won't sign divorce papers

by Dr. Blair Crooks 7 min read

What happens if one spouse doesn't agree to divorce?

And if one spouse won't agree to end the marriage or is trying to avoid the divorce, the process may stretch out longer than expected.

What happens if you don't respond to a divorce petition?

By failing to respond or appear, your spouse gives up the right to have any say in the divorce proceeding or court judgment.

What is the easiest divorce?

The easiest type of divorce is an "uncontested" divorce, which means both spouses have filed the necessary paperwork (a divorce petition and a response) and they agree to all divorce-related issues, such as alimony (spousal support), child custody and support, and the division of property and debts.

What is an uncontested divorce?

The easiest type of divorce is an "uncontested" divorce, which means both spouses have filed the necessary paperwork (a divorce petition and a response) and they agree to all divorce-related issues, such as alimony (spousal support), child custody and support, and the division of property and debts.

Can a divorce be uncontested?

How a judge will treat these situations depends on where you live: some states will allow the divorce to proceed "uncontested," while others allow the petitioning spouse (the spouse asking for the divorce) to obtain a "default divorce.".

What Happens If My Spouse Refuses to Sign the Divorce Papers?

If your spouse refuses to sign the divorce papers, your divorce becomes contested. While the divorce will still go through, it will likely extend the divorce process. If your spouse refuses to sign the divorce decree, you will have to set a hearing and present evidence to a judge so they can determine the terms of the divorce.

Does My Spouse Have to Sign the Divorce Papers in Order for it to go Through?

The quick answer is no, your spouse does not have to sign the papers in order for a divorce decree to be finalized. However, this makes your divorce contested rather than uncontested, which tends to drag the process out longer. This becomes even more complicated when there is property or children involved in the divorce.

Learn How to Get a Divorce in Bexar County

If you’re beginning the divorce process and aren’t sure what steps you need to take, you can read or download our How to Get a Divorce Guide. The guide goes over the steps that need to be taken in both contested and uncontested divorce scenarios.

Why won't my spouse sign divorce papers?

In some cases when a spouse won’t sign the divorce papers, it could be just because that person is trying to make things more difficult. If you and your spouse have not been getting along well, then your spouse might have decided not to sign the papers just to make things more complicated for you. In some cases, people believe ...

What happens if your spouse refuses to sign divorce papers?

If your spouse is not being cooperative and refuses to sign the divorce papers, it can obviously make matters even more difficult and frustrating.

Is divorce stressful in Florida?

Obviously, divorce can be a stressful and upsetting thing whether you live in Florida or anywhere else in the world. Hiring a divorce lawyer to help you with your case will help you handle it in the best way possible, though.

Is it easier to get divorced?

It’s always easier for a couple to get a divorce if they handle things amicably. Then, they can discuss matters of child custody and division of property and assets. This is not only easier for the couple, but it’s usually easier for any that are involved, too. Basically, if your spouse is not cooperating with you enough to sign the divorce papers, ...

What happens if you contest a divorce?

If they attend and openly contest the divorce or a particular issue, then each side must present testimony and evidence regarding their preferred outcome.

What happens if you don't show up to court?

If they do not show up to court that day, the judge can enter a divorce order based on the facts in your original divorce complaint, so long as you have met all the statutory requirements for a divorce. 5. Do Not Put Your Divorce on Hold.

How long does a contested divorce take?

Contested divorces can take weeks or months because the matter may require multiple hearings to argue the numerous issues involved. If you know your spouse is ready to fight you during the divorce, contact a Pittsburgh contested divorce attorney as soon as possible. 4.

Is divorce easy?

Divorce is never an easy process. However, it can go relatively smoothly so long as your spouse cooperates. When you and your spouse agree on the divorce and can come to an agreement quickly on the various issues, such as the division of property, spousal support, and child custody, then you may manage to have as easy a divorce as is possible.

How long does it take for a divorce to be finalized?

A contentious divorce can take months or years to finalize. However, if your spouse chooses to not participate, then this could lead to a speedier resolution.

Is it easier to get divorced?

Now, consensual, or uncontested, divorces may be easier, but they are not required. You have the right to file for divorce in a court that has jurisdiction over your marriage, serve your spouse with the divorce papers, and seek a divorce with or without their permission or participation. However, it is important to understand ...

Can my spouse file a motion for default judgment?

You may have had trouble with your spouse right from the start. Despite properly filing for divorce and serving them with the divorce papers, your spouse may have not responded in time. That is, they failed to file a written response with the court. In this situation, your attorney may file a motion for default judgment.

What are the reactions to divorce?

Divorce is extremely stressful; few people would say they actually enjoyed going through all the proceedings and paperwork of a divorce. Natural reactions to divorce are the same as to any stressor: 1 Anger 2 Denial 3 Regret 4 Helplessness 5 Frustration 6 Depression 7 Bargaining 8 Acceptance

How long do you have to be separated to get divorced in Virginia?

She does not have to be a willing party to your divorce, though the proceedings will go more smoothly if she is. Once you two are legally separated for six months (with no children) or a year (with children), you can file for divorce in Virginia. Be Assertive ….

How to contact the firm for men?

Take the high road and contact The Firm for Men, or call us at 757-383-9184. We can help you deal with irrational behavior, frustration, anger and a host of other emotions. Whether they come from you or from your wife, we can listen, guide, and advise. And we hardly ever put anybody in time-out.

Can a child plead for divorce in Virginia?

They want more ice cream. They did not pull the cat’s tail. A legal pleading is not quite the same thing. Your divorce cannot proceed until you inform the right Virginia court ( usually, the one in the county or city of your legal residence) that you want a divorce.

Is divorce stressful?

Divorce is extremely stressful; few people would say they actually enjoyed going through all the proceedings and paperwork of a divorce. Natural reactions to divorce are the same as to any stressor:

What to do if your spouse refuses to sign divorce papers in Texas?

Below are the three options that may be available in your case if your spouse is refusing to sign the divorce papers in Texas: 1. Request a court hearing for a default judgment . If your spouse refuses to sign the documents upon service or has not filed their response to your petition, your attorney will submit a motion requesting ...

What is the best way to settle a divorce?

Mediation is a cheaper, faster, and more efficient alternative to traditional divorce litigation. It allows the parties to negotiate a mutually beneficial agreement with the help of a neutral, third-party mediator. If your spouse does not want to sign the divorce papers because they do not agree to the terms of the divorce, consider mediation. ...

Why do spouses stall divorce?

Another common reason for spouses to engage in stalling tactics is financial dependence. When the Respondent spouse is financially dependent on the Petitioner, they may do whatever it takes to delay the divorce process.

How long does it take for a divorce to be finalized in Texas?

However, under Texas law, your divorce cannot be finalized before the 60th day after filing the divorce petition. If your spouse does not respond to your petition or refuses to sign the divorce papers, the judge may issue a default judgment after the 60-day waiting period has passed. 2.

Can a spouse who won't sign divorce papers get divorced?

Spouses who won’t sign the divorce documents mistakenly believe that they can prevent their spouse from getting a divorce. In reality, however, the Petitioner can obtain a divorce despite the Respondent’s refusal to sign or cooperate.
