what can go wrong pedestrian hit car with injury lawyer

by Antonetta Schuster 8 min read

A Vehicle Manufacturer — In some cases, a vehicle collision, even one involving a pedestrian, may be the result of a faulty vehicle. Brakes may fail, tires may come off, steering wheels may malfunction, and more. If your attorney can prove that the vehicle was manufactured unsafely or improperly, you may name that manufacturer in your suit.

Full Answer

What happens if you hit a pedestrian and injure them?

 · Because a car hits pedestrian accident lawsuit often involves extensive injuries, lost wages, future medical treatments, and possible disfigurement, you may need to refuse an initial offer from the insurance company. Expect the insurance company to offer you the minimum amount of payment required by law.

How can a pedestrian accident lawyer help after a car accident?

 · The majority of pedestrian accidents are caused by driver negligence. This includes scenarios where a driver does not exercise reasonable caution, such as distracted driving, or fails to obey traffic laws and signals. Some of the most common causes of pedestrian accidents are drivers: Not giving pedestrians the right-of-way

Who can sue for wrongful death after a pedestrian accident?

Our experienced hit-by-car pedestrian accident lawyers fight for their clients´ Maximum Compensation and for victims killed by negligent drivers. Call Us 24/7. 1-800-LAW-NEED ... For over 38 years, the personal injury law firm of Montlick & Associates has been fighting hard on behalf of pedestrian auto accident victims and their families. With ...

Can a driver be at fault for a pedestrian accident?

A Vehicle Manufacturer — In some cases, a vehicle collision, even one involving a pedestrian, may be the result of a faulty vehicle. Brakes may fail, tires may come off, steering wheels may …


What happens if a driver accidentally strikes a pedestrian?

When a driver accidentally strikes a pedestrian, but the driver also stops at the scene to follow proper post-accident protocol, the harshest consequences might be a personal injury lawsuit and a higher car insurance premium. But a driver who strikes a pedestrian and then flees the scene will likely face criminal charges, ...

What does an injured pedestrian ask for in a car accident?

Next, the injured pedestrian will ask the at-fault driver for compensation for all injuries and damages associated with the accident -- including payment for medical treatment, time missed at work, pain and suffering caused by the crash, and any other relevant losses.

What is a wrongful death lawsuit?

Wrongful Death Lawsuit. As mentioned above, pedestrian deaths account for over 10 percent of all traffic accident-related deaths. Every state in the U.S. has some version of a wrongful death law, which allows the surviving family of a deceased person to bring a civil lawsuit against those responsible for causing the death. So, an at-fault driver who causes the death of a pedestrian after a traffic accident may face a wrongful death lawsuit. This kind of claim will first seek to establish the driver's negligence in causing the accident, and then ask for compensation for the survivors' losses -- including loss of the deceased's support, lost companionship, funeral expenses, and similar types of harm.

How is a car accident case resolved?

Most injury-related car accident claims are resolved through the driver's car insurance carrier via an out-of-court settlement, but in some civil cases insurance might not always apply, as with a personal injury lawsuit after a DUI car accident.

How to prove that a driver is at fault for an accident?

This can be done by taking statements from witnesses and the parties involved in the accident, and examining any police report prepared after the crash. That report may contain the police officer's findings on any traffic violation committed by the driver -- that the driver failed to yield to the pedestrian at a clearly-marked crosswalk, for example. Those kinds of observations from a law enforcement officer carry a great deal of weight when the time comes to sort out who was at fault for the accident.

What is a personal injury lawsuit?

Personal Injury Lawsuit or Insurance Claim. A driver who hits and injuries a pedestrian may face a personal injury lawsuit filed by the injured pedestrian, seeking to recover " damages " -- which means compensation for losses caused by the accident. Or the pedestrian might file a third-party car insurance claim with the driver's insurance company.

Can a pedestrian be charged with wrongful death?

Remember, if the pedestrian's death was truly an accident, and no aggravating circumstances exist (no DUI, no extreme recklessness), then criminal charges are highly unlikely, but the driver may still face a wrongful death lawsuit (more on this below).

What happens when a car hits a person on foot?

When a car hits a person who is on foot, the pedestrian can suffer severe injuries as he has no physical barrier protecting his body from harm when the massive weight of the vehicle strikes him.

What is the statute of limitations for pedestrians in Florida?

If you’ve been hit by a car as a pedestrian, you may be wondering what to do to file a claim, particularly if you know that the state of Florida imposes a four-year statute of limitations ( VIII.95.11) for personal injury claims. When you work with a pedestrian accident lawyer, we can take care of your legal matters so that you can focus your attention and energy on getting well. Call the Montero Law Center today at (954) 767-6500 for a free consultation.

What to do if an adjuster asks for a recorded statement?

Another trick that some insurers use is the recorded statement. If the adjuster asks you to provide a recorded statement, tell him to talk to your lawyer. These statements only help the insurance company – they do not help you. The insurer can twist your words into something that you did not intend and use that to pay you less money than you deserve.

Do you have to get your injuries treated immediately after a car hits you?

You need to get your injuries treated immediately after a car hits you. You might not realize the extent or severity of your injuries at first. Trauma teams at emergency rooms have training in how to detect problems like internal bleeding before symptoms appear.

What does a personal injury lawyer do?

Your personal injury lawyer will use your medical records to link the pedestrian accident to your injuries. Your medical records will show the extent and severity of your injuries and what caused them. If you delay in getting medical treatment or an examination, there might not be as strong a link between your injuries and the accident.

Can you go after money damages without a lawyer?

The claims adjuster can drag out the evaluation of your claim just long enough for the deadline to pass, knowing that you will then have no legal right to go after money damages.

What is accident claim?

Claiming accident benefits is a complex process that requires an in-depth understanding of Ontario’s standard motor vehicle insurance policy and personal injury law. That’s why it’s important to hire a lawyer who knows the ins and outs of personal injury and insurance laws and will tell you what the victim’s rights are in regard to compensation. Without such guidance, you won’t be able to get what you’re legally entitled to.

How to get accident benefits?

As mentioned, to get accident benefits, you need to prove the motorist was negligent, not you. This requires substantial evidence which your lawyer will gather on your behalf. This includes accident reports, medical records, witness testimony, and photographs of the accident scene.

What factors determine the amount of compensation you get for your injuries?

The factors that determine that amount include medical bills, lost wages, and property damage. A lawyer can help determine that amount.

Can you get compensation for a car accident?

It’s not easy to get the compensation you want from the insurance company. After all, they will virtually always lowball your settlement. That’s where a car accident lawyer can help. They have experience negotiating with insurance companies for fair compensation of your losses. Without a lawyer, you have to deal with the insurer yourself and may end up getting less than you deserve.

What happens if you get hit by a car as a pedestrian?

Pedestrian accidents can be scary, painful, and overwhelming. If you were hit by a car as a pedestrian, you’re entitled to the settlement you need to recover. At John Foy & Associates, our experienced and compassionate lawyers are here to help. Give us a call at 404-400-4000 or complete the form to your right today for your free consultation.

What happens if you are hit by a car?

If you were a pedestrian hit by a car, there’s a good chance you can and should hold the driver responsible—both legally and financially. Your settlement could include money for medical costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. And pursuing that settlement doesn’t just make sure the at-fault driver pays; it helps offset what could be years of impact on your life.

Can you go to court for pedestrian insurance?

Your attorney will file an insurance claim with the driver’s insurance policy and work to negotiate a fair settlement for you from there. In rarer cases, a pedestrian case may go to court. In that case, it really helps to have a lawyer on your side to fight for the full amount you need and deserve to move on.

Can you pay for a car accident if you don't have insurance?

Note: Even if the driver is uninsured, they still may have to pay for your damages out-of-pocket—so don’t give up if the motorist doesn’t have insurance.

Can insurance companies offer a low settlement?

However, you should expect the insurance company to first offer a low-ball settlement amount at first. Insurance companies will do whatever they can to limit payout, so never take the first offer. Call an experienced personal injury lawyer to be on your side and negotiate a fair and just settlement.

Is a pedestrian accident serious?

Pedestrians accidents are unfortunately often serious since the victim is hit with a large, heavy vehicle with little to protect the victim. As a result, you may be able to receive a substantial recovery from your injuries. Plus, in many cases where a car hits a pedestrian, the driver is clearly found to be at fault and the pedestrian is usually able to recover for all expenses.

Do pedestrians have right of way in Georgia?

In Georgia, pedestrians usually have the right-of-way . However, if a driver fails to respect this, they could cause a pedestrian accident. If you or a loved one was hit and injured by a car and the driver was at fault, you’re likely entitled to a settlement for your damages.
