what areas of divorce does a lawyer help with

by Montana Baumbach 5 min read

Areas a Family Lawyer Can Help You With

  • Divorce. Unfortunately, you may have reached a point in your marriage where divorce has become a consideration or an...
  • Child Custody. Another area that family lawyers work in is helping couples navigate the issue of child custody in the...
  • Wills. Some family lawyers can help families navigate the issue of wills prior to or when a...

Key Takeaways
  • Divorce lawyers provide advice on marriage termination, including dividing assets, custody, and the options available to the client under the law.
  • The total cost of divorce proceedings averages $12,900, with attorney fees costing $11,300 on average in the United States.

Full Answer

How much does a divorce lawyer cost per hour?

Nationally, readers paid an average of $270 per hour to their divorce lawyers. Each spouse's average bill for attorneys’ fees in divorce was $11,300, although more than four in ten readers paid $5,000 or less.

How long does a divorce lawyer take to settle?

However, the divorce lawyers we interviewed reported that a typical divorce that settles before going to trial takes about 15-30 hours of an attorney's time. If the case goes all the way to trial, you can plan on paying for another 10-50 hours of your attorney's time (depending on the number and complexity of issues).

Can a judge order a spouse to pay for an attorney?

In most states, family law judges may order one spouse to pay for part of the other spouse’s attorneys’ fees, especially when there’s a big difference in their incomes and one spouse needs the help in order to have an equal playing field.

Why does a divorce take so long to finalize?

There are several reasons divorces can take a long time, including the number and type of contested issues, combative spouses (or attorneys), the amount of time needed to gather evidence about things like complex finances or custody issues, and whether you go to trial.


What should I consider in a divorce settlement?

5 Things To Make Sure Are Included In Your Divorce SettlementA detailed parenting-time schedule—including holidays! ... Specifics about support. ... Life insurance. ... Retirement accounts and how they will be divided. ... A plan for the sale of the house.

How do you play dirty in a divorce?

Top 10 Dirtiest Divorce TricksServing Papers with the Intent to Embarrass. You're angry with your spouse, and you want to humiliate him or her. ... Taking Everything. ... Canceling Credit Cards. ... Clearing Our Your Bank Accounts. ... Starving Out the Other Spouse. ... Refusing to Cooperate. ... Jeopardizing Employment. ... Meddling in an Affair.More items...•

How do you fight a narcissist in a divorce?

Divorcing a NarcissistDon't Even THINK That Your Divorce Will Be Amicable. ... Get a Strong, but Reasonable, Divorce Lawyer. ... Get a Therapist. ... Assemble Your Support Team BEFORE You Divorce. ... Get EVERYTHING in Writing! ... Stay Out of Court as Much as You Can. ... Find Ways Your Narcissistic Spouse Can “Win” ... Pick Your Battles Wisely.More items...

How do narcissists deal with divorce?

In a narcissist's mind, they do not fail; they do not make mistakes. Therefore, your spouse will place the blame for the divorce squarely on your shoulders. A narcissist will use whatever resources they can to protect their self-inflated ego.

What does a divorce lawyer do?

A divorce lawyer can explain how property is treated upon the dissolution of the marriage. Each spouse may have separate property that they brought into the marriage. Other spouses may have accumulated assets separately per a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement.

What can a family law lawyer do?

A family law lawyer can help a client negotiate a divorce settlement regarding the marital estate. If this process does not involve litigation, it is typically cheaper and faster than it is when battling it out in court.

What are the grounds for divorce?

Some grounds for divorce are fault-based, such as adultery, cruel treatment, abuse or incarceration.

Is divorce financially draining?

Divorce is often an emotionally and financially draining time. However, a qualified divorce attorney can help make the process easier. Here are some of the pivotal roles and tasks that divorce lawyers help their clients with.

Is a lawyer responsible for joint debt?

Both partners may be legally responsible for joint debt. However, there are many cases in which only one spouse is held financially responsible for the debt. A lawyer can help determine how a spouse can protect himself or herself from debt that should be attributed to the other spouse.

Can a divorce lawyer help with spousal support?

A divorce lawyer can help assess whether a spouse may be entitled to spousal support or may be required to pay it. Spousal support may be ordered when spouses have very different incomes or when one spouse sacrificed his or her career to advance the other spouse’s.

Starting Your Divorce Case

Your first divorce consultation will be at your lawyer’s office. At the initial meeting, your attorney will ask lots of questions, listen to the details of your case, and walk you through the divorce process.

What Do I Have to Do in a Divorce?

Don’t think that once you hire a divorce attorney that you can book a month's long vacation. You and your lawyer will need to keep in touch frequently as your divorce progresses. Your lawyer may look to you to provide factual background for the paperwork or “pleadings” filed in your case.

Why is it important to have a separation agreement?

Preparing a separation agreement is important as the initial process to either attempt to reconcile or to complete the dissolution of a relationship through divorce, and a lawyer is often necessary to facilitate communication and the legal processes. Legal support can also provide advice and information based on the state these steps are taken.

Is it hard to find a divorce lawyer?

However, it can be difficult to find an attorney when there are often so many to choose from and only limited information that you have about prospects. Use this guide to help you retain a lawyer who will assist you throughout the divorce process.

Can a pit bull lawyer help with divorce?

Aggressive lawyers may sometimes be able to bring about positive results during the process of divorce. However, those who are not led by their clients’ best interests may actually do more harm than good. Some of the downsides of using an overly aggressive lawyer include:

Why Hire an Attorney for Divorce Support?

Even if you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse are on great terms, the reality of the situation is that divorce requires you to look out for your own best interests.

Do I Need To Tell My Divorce Lawyer Everything?

When an attorney offers to provide legal representation to a client and the client accepts, an attorney-client relationship is formed. With very few exceptions, anything said in confidence between a client and an attorney cannot be repeated to or shared with anyone.

Is There an Advantage to Filing for Divorce First?

Ultimately, it does not matter which spouse files for divorce unless they filed for divorce and cited a specific fault or cause. California state law does not require a divorce petitioner to provide a specific fault or reason for seeking a divorce.

What Can You Not Do During Divorce?

It is not uncommon for people going through divorces to feel as if their lives are on hold until their divorce cases reach their conclusions. There are many things you should not do until after your divorce is finalized, including:

Is It Better to Have a Male or Female Legal Help?

While some people mistakenly believe that hiring a Pasadena divorce lawyer of one gender or the other is standard practice, the reality is that experience is more important when it comes to choosing your legal representative. It’s natural for men to feel more comfortable speaking about family legal issues with other men.

What do you do when your spouse is a lawyer?

communicating with your spouse’s attorney (or directly with your self-represented spouse) and anyone else involved in the case. reviewing documents and performing research. discovery (such as requesting documents or other information and conducting depositions) drafting settlement agreements.

Why does divorce take so long?

There are several reasons divorces can take a long time, including the number and type of contested issues, combative spouses (or attorneys), the amount of time needed to gather evidence about things like complex finances or custody issues, and whether you go to trial.

Do divorce attorneys charge by the hour?

Divorce attorneys almost always charge by the hour, rather than a flat fee, because every divorce case is unique. Even if your situation looks similar on the surface to another couple’s (a two-income household with two kids and a home owned together), it doesn’t mean your case will turn out the same way.

Can an attorney predict how much work will take?

Because of this, attorneys can’t predict how much work your case will take. However, our survey results on total costs (discussed below) can give you a general idea of what other people paid their lawyers overall, and how certain factors affected those fees.

Can a divorce judge order a spouse to pay for attorney fees?

Sharing Legal Fees in Divorces. In most states, family law judges may order one spouse to pay for part of the other spouse’s attorneys’ fees, especially when there’s a big difference in their incomes and one spouse needs the help in order to have an equal playing field.
