what are the results hiring a lawyer for credit card fraud

by Prof. Cassie Baumbach IV 7 min read

Hiring one with experience in credit card fraud can get you a better outcome. With her help, you might be able to get a lesser sentence or a dismissal of charges. The lawyer needs to understand how the world of finances works and how you can defend the charges.

Full Answer

Can you be convicted of credit card fraud?

Twice the amount of finance charges up to $1,000 Any court costs The consumer’s attorney fees If you have been the victim of credit card fraud, please contact the experienced attorneys at Jacoby & Meyers, LLC to schedule a consultation. We …

What happens when you press charges for a credit card fraud?

Bruce Yerman is a credit-card fraud lawyer in New York City. His office is located on the fourth floor of 160 Broadway in Manhattan . If you’d like a free consultation to discuss criminal defense or family law, call Bruce at: 212-390-0036. Or email Bruce a …

How does credit card fraud affect your credit rating?

An experienced credit card fraud attorney will be able to help you: Assess the circumstances and details of your credit card fraud case; Uncover facts that can benefit your case; Assess the harm and the potential repercussions of your actions; Determine the strengths and weaknesses of your individual case; Devise a strategy based on knowledge of credit card fraud law and legal theory

Are You facing credit card fraud charges in Arizona?


What is the average sentence for credit card fraud?

The penalties for credit card fraud in California can vary depending on the circumstances and severity of the case. On the low end, it is a year in county jail and a $1,000 fine. On the high end, it is punishable by up to three years in county jail and a $10,000 fine. Credit card fraud is also a federal offense.

Do credit card companies actually investigate disputes?

Credit card companies are required by law to investigate disputed charges. The Fair Credit Billing Act of 1975 provides a process for both consumers and creditors to manage disputes regarding unauthorized or inaccurate charges that appear on your billing statement.

What happens after reporting credit card fraud?

When you report credit card fraud, your credit card issuer is likely to cancel your current credit card and send you a new card with a new credit card number.Mar 30, 2022

What do credit card fraud investigators do?

As a credit card fraud investigator, your job is to investigate transactions flagged as suspicious. You typically provide services for a bank that issues credit cards or an investigative agency. Your duties include assessing charges that may be fraudulent and contacting the client to obtain additional information.

Do credit card frauds get caught?

Misdemeanor Credit Card Fraud If caught, the thief may face fines up to $1,000 and up to one year in the county jail. Often, thieves are ordered to pay restitution to cover the losses suffered by their victims. In some cases, thieves are charged with multiple crimes, including both misdemeanors and felonies.

Do credit card companies actually check your income?

How Do Credit Card Companies Verify Income? Since income doesn't show up on your credit reports, most credit card issuers don't actually verify your income. For low lines of credit, it's not worth their time or money.Mar 29, 2022

How long do fraud investigations take?

If you report a fraudulent transaction, your bank has to investigate the charges and refund your money within 10 days. Your bank can extend the investigation timeline to 45 days if you receive provisional credit of a refund within 10 days of making your claim.

Do banks actually investigate fraud?

Do Banks Really Investigate Disputes? Yes. They do so as a protection service for their customers so that they don't have to worry about the ever-increasing sophistication of fraud.Nov 21, 2021

How does the bank investigate an unauthorized payment?

Most fraud investigations begin at the request of the bank customer, whether that is an individual or business. The customer triggers a dispute which the bank then establishes as a fraud claim. A fraud claim involves a detailed investigation into the transaction and any and all associated evidence.Jul 30, 2021

How serious is credit card fraud?

The crime of credit card fraud encompasses a number of illegal acts. While many are filed as misdemeanors, the criminal penalties can be significant. Sentences often include huge fines and time spent in jail, with more severe convictions being assigned years in state prison.

How do they investigate credit card theft?

A credit card fraud investigation could take up to 90 days, during which time the credit card issuer may contact the merchant that charged your card to get more details about the transaction. The card issuer may request copies of a police report or receipts to compare signatures if they're available.Aug 19, 2020

Can the bank find out who used my credit card?

Tips. Credit card companies can track where your stolen credit card was last used, in most cases, only once the card is used by the person who took it. The credit card authorization process helps bank's track this. However, by the time law enforcement arrives, the person may be long gone.

What happens if someone gives you a credit card?

If someone gives you their credit card, you still need to treat it as their card. You cannot make unauthorized purchases with their card. If you do, you could face credit card fraud charges. As soon as the card’s owner reports the unauthorized charges, you could find yourself in legal trouble. The card’s owner has a right to file criminal charges against you.

Is it easier to steal credit card information?

With the advancement of technology, paying for things has become easier. However, with that convenience comes a security risk. It’s also become easier for people to steal your credit card information. As a result, the courts take a strong stance against those who are facing credit card fraud charges.The crime comes with severe penalties. If you find yourself facing fraud charges, you need the help of an attorney. There are various ways that your lawyer can help you.

Is it illegal to steal a credit card?

Physically stealing the credit card of another individual is grounds for credit card fraud. Stealing and using that card to make a purchase is illegal. As a result, you could find yourself under arrest.

Can you get in jail for making a fake credit card?

Whether you buy a counterfeit card or make your own, the penalties can be strict. Using the fake card is an act of fraud that can get you years in jail.

Can you steal a credit card?

You don’t need to physically steal a credit card to be guilty of fraud. In fact, it’s common for people to face fraud charges for the theft of information. Online, you can steal an individual’s credit card information. Using that information, you can make an online purchase. While you may not have stolen any physical property, you still committed a crime.

What is credit card fraud?

Credit card fraud is a form of identity theft that can warrant serious legal repercussions if you don’t seek proper legal counsel. Credit card fraud is one of the most common forms of identity theft in the United States and is not taken lightly in the eyes of the court.

How much can you be charged for credit card fraud?

While credit card fraud charges are levied at the state level more often than not, you could face federal charges if the offense is $1,000 or more in damages and involves interstate or foreign commerce.

What happens when a fraudster cancels a credit card?

After the legitimate cardholder cancels the card and is issued a new card, the thieves have gained access to what remains of the credit balance on the card.

How long can you go to jail for credit card fraud?

If you are found guilty of credit card fraud or debit card fraud in federal court, you could face up to 10 years in prison in addition to a fine of up to $10,000. States treat credit card fraud differently, and jurisdictional penalties may vary.

Is a credit card theft an example of fraud?

Simple theft of the physical credit card itself is one example of credit card fraud but there are many others. Application fraud is another variant of credit card fraud in which offenders open up a credit card (or similar, such as a line of credit) account under a different person’s name.

Is credit card fraud a felony?

In some states, credit card fraud can be considered either a misdemeanor or a felony depending on the context. If you used a stolen credit card less than twice, and for less than $100, first degree misdemeanor charges typically apply.


What Is Credit Card Fraud?

Credit card fraud occurs when you steal someone’s personal financial information. Often, the crime results in the suffering of the credit rating and finances of the victim. A person who is a victim of the fraud could spend years trying to fix their finances. Meanwhile, the thief uses the victim’s credit card information to make v…
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How Does The Fraud occur?

  • There are several ways that the fraud can occur. In all the cases, the credit card or debit card use needs to be fraudulent. Here are a few common types of fraud:
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What Are The Penalties?

  • The penalties for credit card fraud vary depending on your state. However, all states take the crime seriously. You could face years in jail and thousands of dollars in fines. If the court finds your situation to be less serious, you could get a misdemeanor. In this case, the jail time is less and the penalty is less. It all depends on the circumst...
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