what are character traits a lawyer must have

by Wilfrid Vandervort 8 min read

  1. Compassion: One of the Many Qualities of a Lawyer. Compassion is an emotional response whereby one perceives another’s problem and authentically, genuinely wants to help resolve the problem.
  2. Ability to Listen. Effective communication skills are essential to good lawyering. One of the most important aspects of communication is listening.
  3. Assertiveness, Not Aggressiveness. I often hear people say, “She’s not aggressive enough to be an effective lawyer.” That’s not right. ...
  4. Creativity. We need to be creative to find real solutions to the issues our clients face. ...
  5. Perseverance. Success is achieved with perseverance. We must keep working, keep trying and keep going. ...

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What are the qualities of a good lawyer?

  • The winning percentage of the lawyer
  • The fees of the lawyer. The best lawyers charge higher fees.
  • The nature of the prosecution and defense techniques of the lawyer.
  • The number of high-profile clients they have worked with.
  • The ability of the lawyer to charm the media and the jury.

What personality traits does a lawyer need to have?

Five Traits of Great Lawyers

  1. Compassion: One of the Many Qualities of a Lawyer. Compassion is an emotional response whereby one perceives another’s problem and authentically, genuinely wants to help resolve the problem.
  2. Ability to Listen. Effective communication skills are essential to good lawyering. ...
  3. Assertiveness, Not Aggressiveness. ...
  4. Creativity. ...
  5. Perseverance. ...

What are the personal characteristics of a lawyer?

Personality Traits Every Lawyer Should Have

  • Communicative Skills. ...
  • Enjoy Discussions with Good Arguments. ...
  • Negotiation is One of Your Favorite Activities. ...
  • Persuasion is A Skill that Never Fails. ...
  • Create a Good Emotional Armor. ...
  • Being able to lead an Excellent Organization. ...
  • Persistence is another of the Great Virtues. ...
  • Success will also depend on Patience. ...
  • Responsibility. ...

More items...

What are the pros and cons of being an attorney?

PROS of Becoming a Defense Attorney. Earning potential is excellent (top pay for lawyers was roughly $187,000 or more as of 2014)*. Can work for a variety of employers, including individuals, companies or the government as public defenders*. Position allows you to stand up to authority on a regular basis and fight for the common man**.


What is the skill of a good lawyer?

Persuasion is another skill a good lawyer must possess. Being able to develop this skill can make a difference not only when presenting the case, but also to “convince” the court about your client’s position So, if you are considering to be a good lawyer, you’d better start training your persuasiveness. 3.

What is the virtue of a lawyer?

Persistence is synonymous to this profession and is another great virtue of a good lawyer; as a lawyer is never allowed to surrender. A successful lawyer must be willing to fight to the end to achieve your goals. As we know, all know failure is inevitable, but you will have to be prepared to stand up as many times you fall.

Why is it important to be a lawyer?

For you to be a successful lawyer enjoying a well-argued discussion with people is a good one, because this shows you are on the right track. This is one of the major characteristics a good lawyer must possess to success in the profession ; as a professional, you are expected to devote part your day to exposing certain fact related to your arguments for the benefit of your client.

What is the best way to be a lawyer?

Every lawyer must be ready to work with agility to face and overcome any obstacles necessary to achieve his/her objectives. Possessing all these great qualities will make you stand out unique amongst your colleagues. So, take the time to develop yourself and make a different in your society. Advertising.

What are the skills required to be a lawyer?

1) Good communication skills. Lawyers must be orally articulate, have good written communication skills and also be good listeners. In order to argue convincingly in the courtroom before juries and judges, good public speaking skills are essential.

What skills do lawyers need to be able to write?

But it’s not all about projection. To be able to analyse what clients tell them or follow a complex testimony, a lawyer must have good listening skills.

What is the ability to draw reasonable, logical conclusions or assumptions from limited information?

2) Judgement. The ability to draw reasonable, logical conclusions or assumptions from limited information is essential as a lawyer. You must also be able to consider these judgements critically, so that you can anticipate potential areas of weakness in your argument that must be fortified against.

Is law an abstract practice?

Law is not an abstract practice. Irrelevant of how well someone does academically, at the end of the day lawyers work with people, on behalf of people, and the decisions that are made affect people's lives.

Do lawyers have to have evaluative skills?

At times, there will be more than one reasonable conclusion, or more than one precedent applicable to resolving a situation. A lawyer must therefore have the evaluative skills in order to choose which is the most suitable.

What skills do lawyers need?

Confidence: Another relevant skill that a lawyer should possess is confidence . A lawyer should appear confident while presenting a case and talking to a client. Confidence not only reassures the clients about the status of their case but also makes the arguments presented by the lawyer to be much more compelling.

What is the research skills of a lawyer?

Research Skills: For a lawyer to present and win a case, it is essential that he/she knows how to do his/her research regarding the matters in the case. Research forms an integral part of one’s argument. A lawyer may be a great orator or a drafter, but without research, it is impossible to win a case. Legal research may include citation of ...

Why is drafting important in law?

A lawyer should be able to articulate the matter appropriately, represent his/her client’s stance, and draft notices expressly outlining the reasons. The logic outlined in his/her draft needs to be coherent. This drafting skill is needed to complement the oration skills of the lawyer. In the practice of law, drafting is as much important as speech.

Why is empathy important for lawyers?

Empathy is an essential quality for lawyers because, without it, the judicial machine will be reduced to a platform for money making solely.

What is listening in a lawyer?

A lawyer should be a patient listener. It is the inability to listen to his/her clients or opponents that cause lawyers to lose even the strongest of cases.

What is the role of a lawyer in a court case?

It is the lawyers who show the judges the path of justice, by presenting their case in a meticulous and truthful manner.

What is the profession of law?

The profession of legal practice is one of the most highly regarded occupations in the world. The job description of a lawyer includes representing his/her clients in a court of law, in a particular case. In India, an individual can become a lawyer after clearing the All India Bar Examinations.

What are the qualities of a good lawyer?

Besides the academic qualifications, there are several other characteristics a good and effective lawyer should have: 1. Passion for the job. Passion is all about loving what you do. Successful lawyers have a deep passion to serve people in their varied legal fields.

What is the ability of a lawyer?

Ability to listen. Lawyers are almost like doctors and their clients just like patients. When a client approaches them, they need to understand the problem by properly diagnosing it. This can only happen if they have strong listening and communication skills.

What makes a lawyer a good lawyer?

Good communication skills. This is one of the most important characteristics of a good lawyer. To be able to communicate effectively with clients and in court, a lawyer needs a good command of his or her language, both orally and spoken. He or she needs to master certain figures of speech that will help in expressing and arguing out critical ...

What is a good judgment?

Good judgment. There are certain situations when judges are supposed to make critical judgments, both for their clients and themselves. For example, when a client brings a case, a lawyer needs to look at it keenly and decide whether it is worth pursuing it or not.

What skills do lawyers need?

Interpersonal Skills. Lawyers should be able to persuade clients to follow their advice or convince the opposition to negotiate a resolution. This requires the ability to read people and figure out the best approach to take when making your points.

What skills do lawyers need to be successful in law school?

Analytical Skills. Lawyers must absorb a great deal of information, both during law school and when preparing a case, then be able to organize and analyze the information in a logical manner. If more than one law or precedent applies to a situation, lawyers must evaluate which argument best advances their cause.

Why do lawyers need to have good oral communication skills?

Lawyers need to possess good oral communication skills in order to be effective in the courtroom and make convincing arguments to judges and juries. They must have good written communication skills because they might have to write a variety of documents, including legal case studies. They must also be good listeners, able to follow complex testimony or to understand and analyze what clients tell them.

What do lawyers do?

Lawyers handle a variety of legal tasks for their clients. They might represent individuals accused of a crime, a corporation facing a civil lawsuit, or prepare wills for a recently married couple. Some lawyers choose to specialize in a particular area, such as tax law or bankruptcy.

When presenting a case, must lawyers be able to read how jurors react to statements and testimony?

When presenting a case, lawyers must be able to read how jurors react to statements and testimony, and they need to read witnesses well enough to know whether the individual’s testimony is honest and unbiased.

How long does it take to become a lawyer?

The mere act of becoming a lawyer requires a great deal of commitment. The typical path is a bachelor’s degree, followed by law school, which lasts three years. The lawyer must then pass the state bar exam before being allowed to practice law.

Why is sound judgment important in law?

The ability to think critically is important for lawyers. They must be able to follow a chain of logic to identify potential trouble areas in their own arguments, and to spot weaknesses in the reasoning presented by their opposition or even their own clients.

What is the skill of a lawyer?

Public Speaking Skills. Well-spoken and be expressive being an essential skill that a great lawyer or Advocate possesses. A critical element (s) like public speaking and addressing a Court of Law, a lawyer or Advocate must be flawless and magnificent;

What is the skill of an attorney?

A good lawyer or Advocate must have the capacity and ability to understand the topics in its deepest sense and essence form, in lightning speed to understand the numerous things simultaneously, the client, case, remedy, and justice he wishes to seek, or likewise.

What is client care?

Client’s care must be taken as a primary concern by a lawyer or advocate and must be taken into consideration and acknowledged in a fact that client is the only person who is going to arrange for you and your family’s bread and butter and therefore, must be treated with utmost respect and sincerity.

What are the duties of an advocate?

A. Duties towards the Court 1 A lawyer or Advocate should be straight forward, and his arguments should be pointed clear and precise. 2 A lawyer or Advocate should have a sense of honour and pleasing manners in his arguments. 3 A lawyer or Advocate must be tactful in presenting the matter. 4 A lawyer or Advocate should not mislead the Court. 5 A lawyer or Advocate should not influence the decision of the Court by any illegal or improper means. 6 A lawyer or Advocate shall appear in the Court at all times only in the prescribed dress. He shall not wear a band or the gown in the public place (s) other than a Court. 7 A lawyer or Advocate shall consider when presenting the case and while otherwise acting before a Court, conduct himself with dignity and self-respect. 8 A lawyer or Advocate shall not enter an appearance, plead or practice in any way before a Court, Tribunal or Authority on behalf of kith and kin. 9 A lawyer or Advocate should not criticize the judiciary with malice. 10 A lawyer or Advocate should not act or plead in any matter in which he has some pecuniary interest.

What skills do lawyers need to be a good advocate?

Listening Skills. To be a great lawyer or advocate one must have and possess the quality and skill to listen to each, and every individual tend (s) to speak before him, develop the ability to listen to others patiently and carefully.

What can a lawyer do based on the understanding of the event?

Based on the understanding of the event with full reasonableness and in a logistic manner, a lawyer or Advocate can make out and draw conclusions based upon the information provided to him and his past experience (s).

What is the importance of writing skills in a lawyer?

Excellent writing skills assists and aids in making the position of the client and case, the marriage and fusion of both speaking and writing skills are invincible. In order to become a great lawyer or Advocate, tremendous writing skills are needed which are useful and beneficial while preparing the case arguments, briefs and other legal documents.

Why do lawyers miss opportunities?

When you have your mind open to possibility, magic can happen. A lot of lawyers miss opportunities only because they are stuck to the routine and are conservative. This takes away from the chances you may have. You need to be open to opportunities that come on your way.

What is creativity in law?

Creativity is the flavor of a legal career. Unless a lawyer displays creativity in problem-solving, even logic is powerless. It often happens that the best solutions are not the most obvious ones and you need to think outside of the box.

Is a lawyer good at listening?

Lawyers should be good enough not only at speaking but also at listening. A lawyer that thinks about his mistress or a good cup of coffee during testimony and witness interrogation is not a good lawyer. It seems paradoxical, but good listening is even harder than good public speaking.

Is a law degree a passport?

A law degree is not a passport to a successful legal career anymore. Lawyers should possess skills that will help them advance in the career ladder. Even if you don’t have the needed skills, practice and persistence are key to success. Your skills are something you can work on and develop over time. Here are 7 skills a lawyer should possess not only in order to advance on the career ladder but also to love what they do.

Do lawyers lose their natural flavor?

Sometimes lawyers lose that natural flavor of being oneself. This is a fault many lawyers commit when they try to be “the good lawyer.” The stereotypes and preconception guide lawyer’s behavior making him more like someone “who knows what is good and bad” and will never divert from that. Being natural is something that will make you a good lawyer even if a little odd.

What are the skills required to be a lawyer?

1. Strong Communication Skills. Lawyers must have strong oral communication skills and written communication skills to accurately relay critical legal information. As well, a significant portion of a lawyer’s job is to create strong and convincing arguments which are presented in the courtroom.

What skills do lawyers need to be successful?

In addition, good listening skills are found in a successful lawyer. Every client has their own version of their situation.

What are the communications lawyers must ensure?

Lawyers must ensure all their communications, such as email, letters, lawyer websites and legal documents, are always perfect for giving them to a client. Small mistakes can lead to a bad impression on a client and a bad experience for a lawyer.

What happens if a lawyer doesn't bill their clients?

If lawyers lack the necessary business skills to bill their clients accordingly, it could lead to significant losses for the firm or personal practice. Being able to explain your hourly rates, additional charges, and contracting with clients is critical for a lawyer to continue to practice law.

Why are lawyers in constant contact with people?

Lawyers are in constant contact with people with is why people skills are required. The entire system of law has engagement with people. Judges, clerks, senior partners, barristers, and other legal workers are just some of the people lawyers will encounter on a daily basis.

What do lawyers spend their time on?

Research skills include the ability to read large amounts of information in short time, understanding facts, figures, and charts, and analyzing matter in a way that can be used later are vital features of a lawyer.

Why is being creative important in a lawyer?

Being creative is a skill needed by successful lawyers because it allows for flexibility and a wide range of possible solutions when working on a case.

Core competence: 6 new skills now required of lawyers

Up till now, the necessary and sufficient skill set for lawyers has looked something like this (in alphabetical order):

Jordan Furlong

I'm a legal sector analyst who’s deeply invested in a better future for the legal profession and the society it serves. I've spent the past 20 years studying critical new developments and discerning emerging patterns in the legal ecosystem.
