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by Erin Runolfsson 9 min read

How can an asbestos lawyer help me?

The top asbestos law firms in the U.S. have a team of qualified attorneys who understand what you and your loved one are facing and can give you confidence when pursuing your legal options. The top five must-haves when choosing your mesothelioma law firm include the following: 1. Lawyers Who Understand Mesothelioma and Asbestos

What kind of lawyer do you need for mesothelioma?

Even though most asbestos litigations are settled out of court, it is crucial that you choose an asbestos lawyer who has asbestos trial experience. Defendants in asbestos cases are fearful of going to trial because the damages can reach the millions – like one case for asbestosis where a man was awarded $322 million.

Who are the top asbestos lawyers in America?

Feb 08, 2022 · Processing asbestos exposure claims all over the U.S. Although asbestos claims are unique to the person and situation, our specialists will devote the time and attention it takes to resolve your particular case. We have handled 233,565 cases that have taken us all over the country and recovered 1.4 billion for our clients.


What are the best lawyers for mesothelioma?

The best mesothelioma lawyers should have the following qualities: 1 Track Record of Success#N#The mesothelioma lawyer has a proven track record of winning asbestos lawsuits, successful verdicts and recovering large settlements. 2 Years of Experience#N#The lawyer or their mesothelioma law firm shows decades of filing mesothelioma cases, representing patients and families in court, and is well versed in state asbestos laws and federal legislation. 3 Nationwide Availability#N#Mesothelioma lawyers should be able to travel to you when gathering information about a case and have practices in many states. 4 Good Communication Skills#N#You want an attorney who makes you feel comfortable when talking about intimate health and work details as well as answering your questions, so you understand the process. 5 Access to Databases#N#Mesothelioma lawyers can access databases that contain information about companies that used asbestos, manufacturers of asbestos products and other tools not available to other types of attorneys. 6 Knowledgeable About Compensation#N#Knowledgeable About Compensation: A mesothelioma lawyer should explain all the types of potential compensation available to you and your loved ones. Some of the top mesothelioma law firms have on-staff military veterans who help other veterans receive compensation for asbestos-related illnesses through VA claims and legal claims. 7 How do you find a top mesothelioma lawyer?#N#Finding the right mesothelioma lawyer who fits all these qualities is not easy and takes time. Let us help you find the best one and connect you and your loved ones to the most qualified attorney.#N#Find a Top Mesothelioma Lawyer

Who is Galiher DeRobertis?

Galiher DeRobertis & Waxman. Galiher DeRobertis & Waxman has served victims of mesothelioma for more than 35 years, which has allowed the national firm to develop an unparalleled database of evidence against asbestos product manufacturers.

What happened to the wife of a race car driver?

In 2017, the wife of a race car driver won a mesothelioma lawsuit in New York against a group of auto-part manufacturers. For years, she had swept the garage where her husband worked with asbestos-containing gaskets, which carried no warnings about health risks from asbestos exposure.

What is Cooney and Conway?

Cooney & Conway is a national firm based in Chicago. It has handled mesothelioma and asbestos lawsuits since 1973. The firm has recovered billions of dollars in compensation for its clients, including thousands of million-dollar settlements and numerous multimillion-dollar verdicts.

Where is Simmons Hanly Conroy located?

Simmons Hanly Conroy is headquartered in Alton, Illinois. The firm has recovered more than $9 billion for victims of asbestos exposure since it was founded in 1999. Its lawyers secured the largest single plaintiff mesothelioma verdict in U.S. history with a $250 million-dollar verdict for a steel worker in 2003.

How much did Franklin Finch get paid?

Tire plant worker Franklin Finch was awarded $32.7 million in a 2020 lawsuit that enabled his surviving family to pay medical bills and cover lost wages. He was exposed to asbestos pipe insulation working at a Firestone tire plant in Wilson, North Carolina, for 20 years.

Can a mesothelioma lawyer represent you in court?

A mesothelioma attorney can: Represent you in court because they are familiar with the complex legal process involving asbestos and mesothelioma cases. Access the tools needed to prove negligence. Get you the compensation you deserve for your wrongful exposure to asbestos. Connect with a Mesothelioma Attorney.

Who is a veteran who suffered secondary asbestos exposure?

You are a family member of an industrial worker or veteran and suffered secondary asbestos exposure.

When was asbestos used?

The use of asbestos in various industries was prevalent before the mid-1980s, although the dangers of asbestos were carefully covered up by many companies that were manufacturing or using asbestos products. Between the 1920s and the 1980s, people who worked in an industrial workplace, construction, maintenance, heavy industry, ...

Is asbestos exposure a lung disease?

The correlation between prolonged asbestos exposure and a series of different types of lung diseases has been demonstrated by multiple studies within the past four decades. Asbestos claims are currently increasing in the U.S. due to the increasing number of industrial workers and veterans diagnosed with pulmonary asbestos diseases.

Can family members file an asbestos claim?

In such circumstances, family members can step in and can either file a claim with asbestos trust funds to recover compensation on behalf of their loved one or, if the injured person had already filed a claim before death, they can step in so as to bring the process to fruition.

Why is communication important in a lawyer?

Communication is also key to maintaining a solid client-retainer relationship especially in cases where the firm is far away and/or working in another jurisdiction. You may have to travel to testify even if the firm is willing to travel to meet with you. Especially when dealing with a large law firm, if an attorney makes it difficult to talk or meet with him, you may want to reconsider your decision as a lack of communication may jeopardize your settlement or award.

Can employers be held liable for asbestos exposure?

For these cases, the lawyers have been able to prove that employers and the government were aware of the dangers of asbestos but did not act quickly enough to ban it or inform employees of the potential dangers to their health. Therefore, employers can be held liable for damages due to asbestos exposure.

Asbestos – Why Is It Bad?

Asbestos is a grouping of six naturally occurring minerals made up of soft, thin, flexible fibers. These specific qualities make this mineral extremely useful, as it offers chemical and heat resistance, strength, and fireproofing. In addition, asbestos acts as an insulator in cloth, cement, plastic, and other materials to make them stronger.

Asbestos – Where it Comes From

Asbestos is located around the world in naturally occurring deposits. In the 1960s, asbestos mining was at its height, with more than 100 operating mines across the country. At that point, open-pit mining was the primary practice of removing asbestos from the ground.

Asbestos Types

There are six main types of asbestos. They include actinolite, chrysotile, crocidolite, amosite, anthophyllite, and tremolite. These types of asbestos are fibrous and belong to either the amphibole or the serpentine asbestos mineral family. The main difference between the amphibole and serpentine asbestos is its fiber appearance.

Which Asbestos Type Is the Most Dangerous?

Studies suggest that amphibole asbestos is more dangerous than chrysotile. The CDC even indicates that amphibole fibers can stay in the lungs for more extended periods. However, the studies remain inconclusive when it comes to the most dangerous type of asbestos.

Non-Friable and Friable Asbestos

Asbestos materials are either non-friable or friable. The friability will depend on how easily asbestos is broken down by hand.

Asbestos Use Today and Major Concerns

Unfortunately, asbestos is not entirely banned in the United States. Because asbestos is still imported, this mineral is in many products across the country. Additionally, some products are even legally manufactured with small amounts of asbestos.

Asbestos Exposure – Common Occupations

There have been many occupations that have historically put workers at risk for asbestos exposure. These “asbestos occupations” refer to any job or position that potentially exposes employees and workers to asbestos fibers.

What is asbestos attorney?

Asbestos attorneys are a type of personal injury attorney and represent seriously injured victims. The facts around a particular asbestos case can be tricky due to the time it usually takes people to develop illnesses after exposure. Therefore, asbestos attorneys typically have a large support staff that helps reconstruct a client's past in order to confirm a link between asbestos exposure and the current illness.

Why is asbestos case so tricky?

The facts around a particular asbestos case can be tricky due to the time it usually takes people to develop illnesses after exposure. Therefore, asbestos attorneys typically have a large support staff that helps reconstruct a client's past in order to confirm a link between asbestos exposure and the current illness.
