texas lawyer who are experienced in restoration gun rights

by Mr. Michael Nolan 10 min read

How do I restore my gun rights in Texas?

Texas» Restore Texas Gun Rights Setting aside of a conviction in Texas restores the right to bear arms except in certain domestic violence cases. If you were convicted in Texas and successfully completed probation, you are eligible to have your conviction set aside and have your gun rights restored.

What is gun rights attorneys com?

GunRightsAttorneys.Com is a growing, nation-wide data base of pro second amendment attorneys and firearms lawyers that proudly show their support for the firearms enthusiast. Attorneys represented on the site are seasoned trial attorneys practicing in the specialized area of firearms law as well as other legal areas.

Can I get my gun rights restored after being banned?

However, certain types of offenses are eligible for relief similar to an expungement which can restore your gun rights. The best mechanism for gun rights restoration is a court-ordered reduction of an offense from a felony to a misdemeanor. This will not work for certain bans which apply to misdemeanor convictions.

Can I own a gun while on deferred adjudication in Texas?

According to Texas law, since there is not yet a conviction, you can own a gun while on deferred adjudication unless there is a specific order in the judgment deferring guilt. (This assumes you are otherwise eligible to own a firearm.)

What are some examples of revoked gun rights?

Here are a few common examples of actions that can lead to revoked gun rights: You broke Texas concealed carry laws and were caught carrying a weapon without a license. You were convicted of a felony.

Can you run around with a gun in Texas?

Yet unlike what many people outside of Texas believe, Texans are not allowed to run around with a handful of guns wherever and whenever they please. Gun laws do exist in Texas, and it’s important that gun owners in Texas understand these laws. And when all else fails, it’s also important to know how and when to contact a Texas gun rights attorney.

What happens if you set aside a conviction in Texas?

Setting aside of a conviction in Texas restores the right to bear arms except in certain domestic violence cases. If you were convicted in Texas and successfully completed probation, you are eligible to have your conviction set aside and have your gun rights restored. Setting aside your Texas conviction will automatically restore your gun rights, ...

What is unlawful possession of firearm?

UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF FIREARM. (a) A person who has been convicted of a felony commits an offense if he possesses a firearm: (1) after conviction and before the fifth anniversary. of the person’s release from confinement following conviction of. the felony or the person’s release from supervision under community.

What is deferred adjudication in Texas?

First things first, what is deferred adjudication? An important thing to keep in mind about Texas deferred adjudication and gun ownership is this: Deferred adjudication is not a conviction. If you received deferred adjudication, the judge has found enough evidence for a conviction but has “deferred” a finding of guilt.

Can you have a background check if you have a deferred adjudication?

In other words, your deferred adjudication can impact your job search, your ability to own a gun, as well as many different situations and opportunities in which a complete background check is required. Note certain offenses are not eligible for non-disclosure.

What is the best mechanism for gun rights restoration?

The best mechanism for gun rights restoration is a court-ordered reduction of an offense from a felony to a misdemeanor. This will not work for certain bans which apply to misdemeanor convictions. We know it can be difficult to know where to start. We can make a game plan for you.

Why is my gun purchase denied?

Gun purchases are always denied based upon state or federal level records. You will not be denied a firearm purchase because of an incorrect court or police record if the state and federal records are accurate.

What to do if DOJ records are incorrect?

If DOJ records are incorrect, and it is verified that the submitting agencies have all submitted the information required for the records to be corrected, you can complete an administrative review process with the DOJ to request an update. If they refuse, you can sue to force an update.

How long can you be banned from firearms in California?

There are also other California offenses which can cause a 10 year ban. Certain juvenile offenses can trigger a ban until you reach the age of 30. Lifeback Legal can help you figure out if you are under a firearm ban and what it will take to restore your gun rights.

Does Lifeback Legal do a firearm check?

While these checks are not definitive, they will generally work to let you know if you should be addressing an issue prior to purchasing a gun. Lifeback Legal can complete a thorough firearm check in our office to verify if any bans apply to you. Lifeback legal was easy to work with and got my case granted fast.

Who is Lifeback Legal?

Randall. Our law firm stands by your Second Amendment rights and helps those whose rights have been taken away or who have received a wrongful denial and require an appeal. Our expert gun rights restoration attorneys are prepared to take on the issues to give you back the constitutional rights that you deserve.

Who helped my son end his probation early?

My Attorney Mr. Randall helped my son end his probation early and expunge his misdemeanor record. My son has an opportunity to move forward in life with employment and a successful future.

Pro Second Amendment Attorneys

GunRightsAttorneys.Com is a growing, nation-wide data base of pro second amendment attorneys and firearms lawyers that proudly show their support for the firearms enthusiast. Attorneys represented on the site are seasoned trial attorneys practicing in the specialized area of firearms law as well as other legal areas.

Constitutional Right To Keep And Bear Arms

The gun law attorney has a number one goal, and that is to ensure that the Constitutional rights of their clients are protected. With extensive knowledge of the law coupled with skilled courtroom advocacy the attorneys listed work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for their clients.