state of maine child welfare court. what if the lawyer is not representing you properly?

by Mrs. Modesta Beahan DDS 4 min read

What is a child’s opinion in a Maine custody case?

One Maine court has specifically stated that the opinion of a child aged 12 or older should carry a lot of weight. In Maine, the hallmark factor in every custody evaluation is what's in the child's best interest.

Can a parent change a court order in Maine?

In Maine, parents hoping to change a court order must demonstrate that, since the last order, there has been a substantial change of circumstances in the family. For example, if the custodial parent wishes to relocate or either parent commits child or domestic abuse. (Me.

What do I do if I violate a restraining order in Maine?

The violation of the order does not need to have taken place in the presence of the officer. The Maine Department of Health and Humans Services maintains a list of resources for victims available at

How do I report abuse and neglect in Maine?

The adult abuse hotline number: 1-800-624-8404 or Maine Relay 711. Maine Child and Family Services in the Department of Health and Human Services protects children from abuse and neglect. The 24- hour hotline to report suspected abuse or neglect is 1-800-452- 1999 or Maine Relay 711.

What makes a parent unfit in Maine?

The parent has acted toward a child in a manner that is heinous or abhorrent to society or has failed to protect a child in a manner that is heinous or abhorrent to society, without regard to the intent of the parent; [PL 1995, c. 481, §3 (AMD).]

On what grounds can social services remove a child?

What are the common reasons social services would want to remove a child from a family? There are many reasons why a child could be removed from their home and placed outside of family and friends, but common reasons include abuse, neglect, illness, or abandonment.

What is a Jeopardy hearing in Maine?

Jeopardy Hearing At the Jeopardy Hearing, the court hears evidence and decides if the child is in “circumstances of jeopardy” to his or her health or welfare. Unless there are special circumstances, the Jeopardy Order must be issued within 120 days (approximately four months) after the date the Petition was filed.

How is abuse substantiated?

Child maltreatment includes physical abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect. A case of child maltreatment is considered substantiated when a state investigation supports the maltreatment claim by state law or policy (US DHHS, 2016). Definitions of child abuse and neglect vary from state to state.

Do judges always agree with social services?

The judge is likely unless he or she considers that the evidence before the court suggests otherwise to take full account of the recommendations made by children's services and the guardian.

Can social services watch my house?

You have every right to refuse any social service people admission to your home. They would have to go away and get police assistance + court order (they would have to provide enough evidence to a judge it was an emergency, that your kids were at risk).

What is child protection case?

CASE MANAGEMENT is a way of organizing and carrying out work to address an individual child's (and their family's) needs in an appropriate, systematic and timely manner, through direct support and/or referrals, and in accordance with a project or program's objectives1.

How do I report child neglect in Maine?

To report suspected child abuse and/or neglect call Intake 1-800-452-1999, if you are deaf or hard of hearing call 711 (Maine Relay). The Office of Child and Family Services line is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including on holidays.

What is a substantiated concern?

The practical purpose of substantiated concern findings is to provide the Department with a method of maintaining involvement with a family even when there is insufficient evidence to give DCF “reasonable cause to believe that an incident (reported or discovered during the investigation) of abuse or neglect by a ...

Which of these acts would be considered child maltreatment?

Child maltreatment refers to four primary acts: physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, and psychological or emotional abuse.

What are substantiated findings?

Substantiated finding means that the investigation established by a preponderance of evidence that mistreatment or self-neglect has occurred.