should you have a l lawyer when you go for child support negotiations

by Aisha Schimmel 3 min read

This is not a situation where you should ‘go it alone’ in child support court. Even if you believe you cannot afford a lawyer to represent you at the hearing you should at least get legal advice in advance of the hearing. Many law firms offer reduced fee or free consultations.

Lastly, remember to consult an experienced child support attorney or a mediator in your state and ask him/her to review the proposal, thereby ensuring all the issues that may arise in the future have been addressed. A qualified attorney can also help if your ex-withholds child support payments in the future.Oct 4, 2018

Full Answer

Should I hire a lawyer for child support?

Jan 30, 2015 · This is not a situation where you should ‘go it alone’ in child support court. Even if you believe you cannot afford a lawyer to represent you at the hearing you should at least get legal advice in advance of the hearing. Many law firms offer reduced fee or free consultations. You just need to check around. 4. THE COURT WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO WAIVE CHILD …

Can I negotiate child support?

You’ll have a tough time negotiating agreements regarding child support and child support arrears on your own. It’s best to partner up with a lawyer who has experience regarding these cases. Work with us at the Schill Law Group and we will do everything in our power to secure the best agreement for you, your co-parent, and your children.

Can a court waive child support to avoid conflict?

Apr 09, 2015 · For example, a court might waive child support to avoid unnecessary conflict if the parents share custody and one parent’s support award under the state’s child support guidelines would be $30 or less per month. If you have specific questions about child support in your own case, you should contact a local family law attorney for advice.

Can a judge decide not to pay child support?

You can decide if extracurriculars are covered by child support. If you intend that they should be, perhaps you and your opposing parent will negotiate a higher than guidelines level of support. You may have to pay more every month, for example. ... PLLC, have experience litigating and mediating many family law cases including child support ...


Can parents agree to no child support in Texas?

Parents can sometimes agree that paying no child support is needed. However, there are reasons why child support is ordered. For example, the State of Texas wants to hold parents accountable for supporting their children, and a parent may not be doing enough of their part if no child support is ordered.

What happens in mediation for child support in Texas?

Mediation is a confidential, problem-solving process in which a neutral, skilled third person, the mediator, helps the parties to a dispute reach a voluntary agreement. The mediator does not decide how to resolve the dispute and will not take sides or represent either parent or the child.

Does Child Support go down if the father has another baby in Texas?

However, with the birth of a second child, Halle Berry may seek a reduction in child support. In Texas, when the parent who has a child support obligation has another child, the parent paying child support is entitled to a modification of their child support obligation.Apr 8, 2013

Who pays for mediation in Texas?

The cost of mediation varies from $100 to as much as $250 a session. (Attorneys who are mediators usually charge more than non-attorneys). It usually is requested that both parties contribute to the costs, eliminating any possible feelings that the one who pays may be getting preferred treatment.