should you get a lawyer when there reviewing your ssi case

by Joannie Cummerata I 5 min read

What happens when SSI reviews your case?

WHAT IS A CONTINUING DISABILITY REVIEW? Social Security periodically reviews your medical impairment(s) to determine if you continue to have a disabling condition. If we determine that you are no longer disabled or blind, your benefits will stop. We call this review a continuing disability review (CDR).

How do I pass a disability review?

If you want to keep yours, here are some tips on how to pass a continuing disability review:Follow Your Treatment Protocol. ... Learn More About Your Condition. ... Answer the Short Form Honestly. ... Keep Copies of Your Medical Records. ... Inform the SSA of Any Change in Address.Apr 22, 2020

Why does SSI review cases?

Answer: Social Security periodically reviews the condition of all Social Security disability recipients to confirm they still fit the definition of disabled – that is, that they are still unable to work. These reviews are called continuing disability reviews. So the letter you received is just routine.

How many times does SSI review your case?

Possible, we'll normally review your medical condition about every three years. Not expected, we'll normally review your medical condition about every seven years.

Why would SSI benefits stop?

The most common reason for someone to lose SSI benefits is having too much income, either through working or receiving it in some other way.

What does it mean final review to make sure that you still meet the non medical requirements for disability benefits?

Non-medical redeterminations are reviews of all of the non-medical factors of eligibility to determine whether a recipient is still eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and still receiving the correct payment amount.Jul 31, 2018

What is SSI redetermination?

WHAT IS A REDETERMINATION? We review your income, resources, and living arrangements to be sure you are still eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and are getting the correct payment.

Who makes the final decision on Social Security disability?

the Disability Determination Services (DDS)An applicant can receive payments for up to 6 months while the Disability Determination Services (DDS) reviews the claim and makes the final decision.

What happens when SSI is suspended?

If your benefit payments are suspended, they will automatically start again the month you reach age 70. If you change your mind and want the payments to start before age 70, just tell us when you want your benefits reinstated. Voluntary suspension begins no earlier than the month after the month of the request.

Are disability reviews backlogged?

One of those involved Continuing Disability Reviews (CDR). CDRs are required to be performed on a set schedule, however, so the suspension has already started to result in a backlog of reviews, which compounds the backlog that already existed before COVID. SSA conducts two kinds of CDRs: work CDRs and medical CDRs.Jun 1, 2021

How often does SSD review your case?

If improvement is possible, but can't be predicted, we'll review your case about every three years. If improvement is not expected, we'll review your case every seven years. Your initial award notice will tell you when you can expect your first medical review.

Does Social Security spy on disability applicants?

Unlike private insurance companies the SSA does not generally conduct surveillance investigations, but that doesn't mean that they can't or never will. Once you file a disability claim, the SSA looks for proof of your disability.

What to do if denied Social Security disability?

If you're denied at the application level, it becomes more important to hire a lawyer. Disability lawyers know how to prepare a disability case for a hearing and they have the necessary expertise with Social Security rules and regulations to win at the hearing. Your lawyer may want to practice asking you questions that the judge might ask so that you aren't nervous at the hearing and so that you can testify (honestly) in a way that's helpful to your case.

How long do you have to wait to get a disability hearing?

And if you don't want to wait upwards of two years for a hearing date, you might try to hire an attorney for help with the initial application.

Can a claimant file a lawsuit without an attorney?

Without an attorney, it's difficult for a claimant to do this successfully. In addition, your lawyer will likely be familiar with how the particular judge likes to run hearings, and will be able to present evidence according to what the judge likes—and does not like—to hear.

Does disability affect Social Security?

While the severity of your disability doesn't affect the amount of money you get, the date that Social Security thinks you became disabled does matter.

How often does Social Security review a disability?

Social Security conducts a disability review of your case approximately every three years depending on the nature and severity of your medical condition and whether it’s expected to improve. If we don’t expect improvement, we’ll review your case every seven years. When we conduct a disability review, if we find that your medical condition hasn’t ...

What happens when you do a disability review?

When we conduct a disability review, if we find that your medical condition hasn’t improved and is still preventing you from working, you’ll continue to receive benefits. Your benefits only stop if the evidence shows your medical condition has improved and you are able to work regularly. If you disagree with our decision, ...

When was the last update on disability?

Last Updated: April 14, 2016. When you receive disability benefits, Social Security will periodically conduct a review of your condition to make sure you still qualify for blind or disability benefits. With the right information, you can be prepared when this happens.

How long does it take for Social Security to review a medical record?

If Social Security found that it was possible, though not necessarily likely, that your medical condition could improve, then your file would have been set for a three-year review. If Social Security didn't expect your condition to improve, your file would have been set for a seven-year review.

Do you have to prove disability over again?

You won't have to prove your disability over again. Instead, to terminate your benefits, Social Security would have to prove that there has been medical improvement in your condition – that is, that the severity of your impairment has become less severe. Also, the medical improvement in your condition must relate to your ability to work.

Is Social Security a continuing disability review?

When Benefits May Be Terminated. Unless your condition has improved enough for you to work, a continuing disability review is not much to worry about.

What can an attorney do to prove a disability?

There are three main possible "theories" an attorney can use to do this. Your lawyer can: prove that your condition meets a disability "listing". prove that you "grid" out of all work (including not being able to do your past work) prove that your non-exertional limitations prevent you from working, or.

What is an initial interview with an attorney?

When you first contact an attorney or law firm for representation, either the attorney or a firm staff member will conduct an initial interview with you to gather the basic facts of the case. These facts are used to help determine if the firm will take your case. The interviews are usually done by phone; however, ...

What is grid in SSA?

The grid is a system developed by the SSA to decide if a person is able to work based on the highest exertion level of the job he or she can perform (sedentary work, light work, or medium work), along with the applicant's age and education level.

How to prove you are not capable of sedentary work?

To prove you are not capable of sedentary work, your attorney will use the documented symptoms of your illness, the opinions of your treating doctors, your testimony, and any other objective medical evidence in your file to show why you can't do various sit-down jobs.

Can you testify about your disability?

The SSA allows you to bring a witness to testify about your disability , but because witnesses can be harmful or helpful, your attorney will decide if witness testimony is necessary to win your case. Your lawyer may be interested in asking your caregivers or former employers to write letters in support of your disability.

Can an attorney represent you?

You must answer all of your attorney's questions as honestly as you can—even if the questions are embarrassing or you feel ashamed of the answers. Otherwise, your attorney cannot represent you effectively. Remember that your attorney is not there to judge you, but to help you win your claim.

Can an attorney judge you?

Remember that your attorney is not there to judge you, but to help you win your claim. Also, keep in mind that anything you say to your attorney is privileged. This means that your attorney can only share information with others that you want him or her to share.

How do most Disability Lawyers decide which cases to take?

The initial screening for whether or not a disability lawyer will take a disability claimant’s SSI or SSDI case varies by disability attorney.

Does a disability lawyer care if the claimant has filed multiple claims?

Although some inexperienced disability lawyers may hesitate to take a claimant’s SSI or SSDI case if they have filed multiple times and been denied, it could mean that the claimant is really disabled if they are willing to fight for benefits so tenaciously.

Why do some disability attorneys refuse to take a SSI case?

There are some disability lawyers who do not take Supplemental Security Income (SSI) cases. There are several reasons for this but the main reason is that there is no waiting period for SSI benefits, there is no retroactive payments, and the SSI payment is based on the federal benefit rate.

Other factors in the disability lawyers decision making

Another factor the SSI or SSDI lawyer will consider prior to taking a SSI or SSDI case is the claimant’s age. GRID rules were created in 1979. These rules identified how age would be considered in the disability process.

What does a Social Security Disability Judge do?

When a Social Security Disability judge reviews your claim. When a person files a Request for Hearing Review, they are asking that an administrative law judge review their disability claim to make a determination as to whether or not they are disabled.

What does a judge do on a disability application?

Meaning that the judge will review the medical evidence available to see if you meet or equal a disability listing in the Social Security Disability list of impairments.

How long does a denial of SSDI last?

For instance, SSDI denials can be made if the SSA determines you have not worked long enough to be considered insured, your condition is not expected to last for at least 12 continuous months, you are currently working.

How long does it take for a disability claim to be approved?

Unless you have added additional medical information to your claim, it is unlikely your claim will be approved. The request for reconsideration may take 30 to 90 days to complete. If you are approved for benefits the SSA will send you a letter detailing your payment amount and the estimated date of payment.