should a solo lawyer seek a partner when launching or growing an independent law firm?

by Henderson Dickens II 5 min read

Writing in Above the Law, Jordan Rothman argues from personal experience that solo lawyers would be better off partnering in a law firm with one or more other attorneys.

Full Answer

Should solo practitioners join a bigger law firm?

Should a Solo Join a Bigger Law Firm? Is Bigger Better? It’s common for the successful solo practitioner to have bigger law firms approach them for recruiting the practitioner and joining forces. It’s also common for those practitioners to seriously consider the offer, often thinking the grass may be greener.

Should you join a law firm partnership?

Slow down before you join up. The formation of a law firm partnership is a bigger decision than it seems. The theory behind a partnership seems sound: bringing in a partner will spread the risk, create synergy, and double the odds of success.

How do young lawyers start out as partners?

Second scenario: Two young lawyers start out together as partners. Year One –One of the partners insists that they need to get organized first. They spend much of the first six months working on drafts of internal systems and processes. The stuff they create is awesome and will support their business as it grows.

Can a lawyer start his own law firm?

If you’re a lawyer with an entrepreneurial spirit, a tolerance for risk, and goals around what you want to build, you can and should start your own law firm. There are many benefits to being the proud owner of your own firm, including: The ability to do more than practice law.

Why do lawyers want to make partner?

Numerous lawyers strive to become partners, since they want to be part of the management of a law firm rather than merely employees. In addition, many attorneys think that becoming a partner will ensure that they earn more money and live a more comfortable life.

What are the benefits of making partner at a law firm?

On becoming a partner at a law firm, you not only take on more responsibility but also receive an equity stake in the firm's profits. This provides you access to draw profits to cover your bills and monthly expenses. At the end of the year, you'll be able to take a larger share when profits are distributed.

What do startups need from lawyers?

Startups need lawyers when lawyers provide the best, value-driven solution for specific problems the startup is facing. This will change from one startup to another. Here are some variables: Company formation: In most cases, you don't need a lawyer to set up a company, and it will be overkill to use one.

What are the 3 most important skills that you think a lawyer needs?

As you enter your career, there are several skills you'll want to develop as a lawyer, including:Analytical and research skills. ... Attention to detail. ... Organizational skills. ... Time management. ... Persuasive communication. ... Written communication skills. ... Interpersonal skills. ... Technical skills.More items...•

Is becoming a partner in a law firm worth it?

Being a partner may make it more difficult to leave when you want to, but it does make you more marketable as an individual and potentially more attractive to other firms. It is far more likely that you would be able to move straight to another partnership position rather than an employed position if you do move.

What age do most lawyers make partner?

But power remains firmly in the hands of leaders in their 50s and 60s at many of the largest law firms: The average age of an Am Law partner last year was about 52, and nearly half of partners were 52 or older, available data suggests.

What two characteristics should a lawyer have when working with a startup?

Take note of what the attorney says and does, and look for the following qualities:Experience. ... Understanding. ... Ability to communicate. ... Availability. ... Rapport. ... References. ... Reasonable fees.

How do I choose a law firm for a startup?

Choose a Startup LawyerHow to: Choose a Startup Lawyer. ... Choose a trusted partner. ... Look for a partner whose experience aligns with your needs. ... Initiate an open conversation about priorities and response time. ... Decide whether to partner with a big firm or a small firm. ... Ask about fees. ... Questions for prospective lawyers.More items...

How can lawyers help Startups?

Legal help for Startups in their business formation and to cover statutory legal compliances results in laying a solid base and hassle-free operations which provides entrepreneurs/ founders/ promoters to focus on the more vital needs such as hiring, funding and finance and other processes to enable growth.

What type of person makes a good lawyer?

Below are ten traits that are common to the best lawyers in the United States.Passion for the Job. ... Compassion for Clients. ... Great Communication Skills. ... Willingness to Listen. ... Knowledge of the Law. ... Strong Writing Ability. ... Creativity. ... Good Judgment.More items...•

What makes a successful lawyer?

Here are the top 5 qualities of a good lawyer: responsiveness, analytical skills, good research skills, speaking skills, and listening skills. and understand it on the spot. When a case is in session, curveballs will likely be thrown and they have to be able to interpret and respond to them appropriately.

What is the starting salary for a lawyer?

A newly qualified solicitor in a regional firm or smaller commercial practice may expect to earn around ÂŁ25,000 to ÂŁ40,000. Starting salaries for newly qualified solicitors in larger commercial firms and those in the City will be from ÂŁ58,000 to ÂŁ65,000, with the larger City firms paying ÂŁ80,000 or more.

Why stick it out with a law firm?

There’s a reason to stick it out when times are tough. That’s not always the case with a law firm partnership. Community. In a marriage, you’ve got community, family, and other relationships pushing you to stay together. With law firm partnerships, there’s no such pressure.

Is a law partnership a marriage?

Law partnership is not a marriage. “They” say that being partners in a law firm is like being married. I’d say it’s much worse than that. Here’s how a law firm partnership is different from a marriage: Sex. In a marriage, you’re getting laid. Not so much in your law firm partnership.

Is a partnership necessary?

They group, regroup, move around to other partnerships, and spend unquantifiable energy on partnership issues. A partnership isn’t necessary. It’s not essential, and it’s often a distraction from the important tasks required to build a business. You’re driven, energetic, and willing to work hard.

Can a law firm partner withstand a relationship without sex?

Without sex, most law firm partnerships aren’t strong enough to withstand the relationship. I’ve stumbled across a number of law firm partnerships that include the sex, and many of them can’t withstand the relationship either.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of starting a law firm with a partner?

The advantages and disadvantages of founding a firm with a partner. The roles legal affiliations and associations play in new attorney success. The importance of building legal relationships with industry peers . The intrinsic value of developing a marketing budget ...

Why is it important to be a legal ambassador?

It is important to get involved in your local and legal communities, so you are more than the new lawyer on the block, but an active participant in your profession. The more contacts you make, and your positive commitment to the profession, will allow you to successfully build your law firm’s brand.

Is it important to strike out on your own?

But before you can take a bow, it is important to understand how legal affiliations and membership associations will play a role in your success.

Why is partnership important for lawyers?

Finally, a partnership can be rewarding for psychological reasons—going at it alone can be challenging, and having a partner gives lawyers someone to commiserate with, ask for advice, and work with through challenges, problems, and tough situations.

What are the benefits of a law partnership?

A good partnership, much like a marriage, allows both parties to save money by putting their funds together—allowing attorneys to save money on office space, marketing and advertising expenses, staff and employee costs, and other expenditures.

Is a bad partnership like a marriage?

Much in the same way that a good partnership is like a marriage, a bad partnership can be like an acrimonious divorce. If one attorney has committed illegal acts, or committed serious ethical violations in the partnership, the other lawyer may be blamed for some of his actions—potentially tarnishing both attorneys’ reputations, and even leading to lawsuits or sanctions from the state bar association.

Do you have to practice the same law for a partnership?

It’s also important to make sure that you’re on the same page about the kind of law you’re practicing— and while you don’t necessarily have to practice the exact same type of law for a partnership to work, your two practice areas should at least be complementary.

Is it better to partner with another attorney?

If you’re a solo practitioner, or you’re planning on becoming one soon, you might be wondering whether it would be better to enter a partnership with another attorney. As the old saying goes “two heads are better than one,” and law partners that work well together can share overhead costs, double their network ability, and often gain the ability to take on larger, more complicated, and potentially more profitable cases than solo practitioners.

Can a lawyer partner with a lawyer?

With the right partnership, two lawyers can help each other skyrocket to professional success. With the wrong partner, careers can be ruined, clients can be lost, and lawyers can face serious professional consequences. So, if you’re an attorney thinking of partnering up—it pays to think long and hard before making a choice.

What Makes a Successful Solo Practitioner

Before we dive into the reasons that tempt solos to seriously consider offers from bigger firms, let’s first be clear on how I define a successful solo practitioner. To fit in this category:

Sensible Reasons to Consider Joining a Bigger Firm

The following are the most sensible reasons to consider joining a bigger law firm:

Fundamentally Flawed Reasons to Consider a Move

The following thoughts often make these opportunities appear highly compelling for solos:

Final Thoughts

If you’ve been approached by a bigger firm that is seeking to bring you and your book of business under their auspices, make sure you are weighing the right considerations. And when considering the question, “Is bigger better?” know the answer is often, “Usually not.” Sometimes, “small is beautiful.”

Why do solos stop?

This is the big key to success that many solos fail to recognize. They stop at execution because they think being a competent lawyer with a plan is enough. It’s not. Performance and attention-to-detail are your best differentiators.

Is it easy to start a law practice?

Starting your own law practice isn’t easy and managing it from day-to-day is even more challenging. If you’re going to put that much effort into something, wouldn’t you want to ensure its success?

Is solo practice a new concept?

Starting a solo practice isn’t necessarily a new concept so you might be wondering what you would need inspiration for. As it turns out, there are many aspects of being a lawyer in a small firm that can inspire and motivate you.

How much do lawyers spend on administrative tasks?

Lawyers spend 48% of their time on administrative tasks. 91% of firms can’t calculate a return on advertising investments. 94% of law firms don’t know how much it costs them to acquire a new client. Startling, but not insurmountable. You have the opportunity to build something great!

What are the benefits of owning your own law firm?

There are many benefits to being the proud owner of your own firm, including: The ability to do more than practice law. Sure, your legal services will be your bread and butter, but you’ll also be able to build your own business on your terms. Control when choosing your clients.

What is the chance to develop a business model that works for you?

The chance to develop a business model that works for you (and your clients and team). As someone else’s employee, you may have little control over the business model of the firm. As the owner of your own firm, you make the decisions, including those tied to your business model.

Is law a business?

Law practice is a business and a profession. To start your own law firm successfully, you must agree to see it as both. The skills that it takes to run a business aren’t the same skills it takes to practice law.

Can you write a vision statement for a law firm?

Yes, your vision should be clear, measurable, and easy to talk about, but condensing your dreams and plans into one sentence can be confining. Use this time to write as much as you need. This is the first step to putting the foundation down for your law firm key performance indicators.

Is it a good idea to start a law firm?

In fact, it was for many of us! Unfortunately, most law schools are designed to teach you how to think like a lawyer and don’t devote much time teaching you how to start and run a business.

Do you need to practice law to run a business?

While many of the skills you need to practice law will help you in your business, running your business will require you to tackle different problems than practicing law. And these challenges don’t go away as your business matures and grows. They just change and challenge you in new ways.