recent lolcats where a lawyer

by Itzel Gerlach DVM 10 min read

What is a lolcat?

A lolcat (pronounced / ˈlɒlkæt / LOL-kat ), or LOLcat, is an image macro of one or more cats. The image's text is often idiosyncratic and intentionally grammatically incorrect, and is known as lolspeak .

What is a synonym for a lolcat?

A synonym for lolcat is cat macro or cat meme, since the images are a type of image macro and also a well-known genre of meme. Lolcats are commonly designed for photo sharing imageboards and other Internet forums .

What does "lolcat" mean?

Lolcat is a compound word made from "lol" and "cat". " Lol " stands for "Laugh out Loud" or "Laughing out Loud"; hence, lolcats are intended to be funny and to include jokes. Lolcats images comprise a photo of a cat with a large caption characteristically set in a heavy sans serif font such as Impact or Arial Black.

What is the ceiling cat meme?

"Ceiling Cat" is a character spawned by the meme. The original image was an image macro with a picture of a cat looking out of a hole in a ceiling, captioned "Ceiling Cat is watching you masturbate." There followed numerous examples with the format "Ceiling Cat is watching you [ verb ending in / rhyming with -ate]" with Ceiling Cat superimposed in the upper left hand corner of an image macro depicting the appropriate action. The underlying theme is that the cat is looking down on one, almost in a form of judgment. "Ceiling Cat" and the corresponding "Basement Cat" (a black cat who lives in the basement) represent good and evil in the lolcat universe, and in some cases God and Satan, as in the LOLCat Bible Translation Project. Ceiling Cat by Eva and Franco Mattes, a 2016 taxidermy cat installation mimicking the meme, is in the collection of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

When was the word "lolcat" first used?

The first recorded use of the term "lolcat" was used on 4chan, an anonymous imageboard. The word "Lolcat" was in use as early as June 2006, and the domain name was registered on June 14, 2006. Their popularity was spread through usage on forums such as Something Awful.

Is lolcats like baby talk?

The language of lolcats has also been likened to baby talk, however it draws on a variety of linguistic resources, not just the imitation of baby talk. Common themes include jokes of the form "Im in ur [noun], [verb]-ing ur [related noun].".

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