questions to ask the lawyer when someone is released from prison for murder

by Amir Fisher 3 min read

What questions should I ask when hiring a criminal defense attorney?

It’s a key question you have to ask any lawyer that you may hire. #11: Do you have real reviews I can review? Do the criminal defense attorney have authentic reviews on line? Do they have a first and last name? I can tell you, over the years, 30 lawyers or so have reached out to me and said, “Justin, would you go to…”

Can a prisoner be released before the date of sentencing?

Prisoners whose crimes occurred before the above date are still eligible for parole hearings. At the time of sentencing, no matter the date of the crime, judges can order “supervised release” for any prisoner upon his or her release.

How can my attorney help me avoid jail?

Some clients want to avoid fines, others want to keep their driver's license, others want to avoid jail, and others who are not citizens, just want to remain in the U.S. If your attorney fully understands your needs and goals, s/he can craft an alternative sentence that protects your most important concerns and hurts you the least.

Do murderers plan their crimes before they happen?

The few murderers who plan their crimes beforehand -- for example, professional executioners -- intend and expect to avoid punishment altogether by not getting caught. Some self-destructive individuals may even hope they will be caught and executed.

When a suspect has been taken into custody and has requested an attorney all questioning must cease until?

U.S. (512 U.S. 453 (1994).) The Court noted that if a suspect invokes the right to counsel at any time, the police must at once stop the questioning until a lawyer is present.

How do you find a good attorney?

There are many ways to find a reliable lawyer. One of the best is a recommendation from a trusted friend, relative, or business associate. Be aware, however, that each legal case is different and that a lawyer who is right for someone else may not suit you or your legal problem.

What do you say in a sentencing for a loved one?

Talk about the good qualities of the person who is being sentenced. Don't disparage the victims or the judicial system. Present yourself appropriately in business attire. Prepare and practice what you are going to say to the court.

What are some questions you should ask a lawyer?

Questions to Ask Your Lawyer During a Consultation1) What kind of experience do you have with similar cases?2) What would be your strategy for my case?3) Are there any alternatives to going to court?4) What are my possible outcomes?5) Who will actually handle my case?6) What is my role in my case?More items...•

What questions should you ask when hiring a lawyer?

Below are ten questions to ask your potential lawyer.How long have you practiced law? ... What type of cases do you generally handle? ... Who is your typical client? ... How many cases have you represented that were similar to mine?More items...•

How do you ask a judge for mercy?

A defendant in a criminal case can petition a judge for a lenient sentence in a number of ways, including by making a verbal statement in court or by writing a letter to the judge; an argument by a defense attorney; and through statements or written documents in support from neighbors, clients, friends, spouses, family ...

What to say to the judge before sentencing?

What to Say to a Judge at SentencingRemorse and Responsibility. One of the biggest things that any judge will want to see is that you understand the crime you have committed and that you have remorse for what you have done. ... Character Letters. ... Community Service. ... More on What to Say to a Judge at Sentencing.

Does writing a letter to the judge help?

Writing a letter to the judge in a legal case can indeed influence the outcome of a case. The letter can offer the judge background information that will help him or her make the best possible decision and, in some cases, such letters can help victims and other affected parties make their voices heard.

What to tell your lawyer about your arrest?

Be prepared to tell your lawyer about any police interaction that you had prior to your arrest, during your arrest, and while you were detained. Providing your lawyer with a detailed account of your experience is very important because if the police violated your civil rights your lawyer may be able to get your charges dismissed, even if you are guilty. Therefore, it is a good idea to ask your lawyer during the initial consultation if they think that your civil rights were violated in any way.

What should an experienced criminal defense attorney do?

However, an experienced criminal defense attorney should be able to analyze your case, talk about the possible legal outcomes, and predict what is likely to happen in your case. Keep in mind that there is a big difference between an attorney who guarantees an outcome and one who predicts what is likely to happen.

Why is it important to retain a lawyer?

Apart from hiring a lawyer who is experienced, professional, and knowledgeable, it is also very important to retain a lawyer who you trust and have confidence in. By simply asking the attorney sitting across from you why you should hire them you are giving them a chance to sell themselves to you and hopefully their response will inspire confidence. It is very important that you have confidence in your attorney’s abilities and trust them because this will enable the two of you to work together to build the best legal defense possible.

Can an attorney advise you not to speak to the press?

For example, your attorney may advise you not to speak to the press or to witnesses involved in your case. Following your attorney’s advice regarding these types of matters can make a big difference in your case. 3.

Can a criminal defense attorney take charge of a case?

Although your criminal defense attorney will take charge of your case, there are often actions that criminal defendants themselves can take in order to improve the outcome of their case. Each criminal case is unique and your lawyer will be able to make personalized recommendations to you, however, it may be beneficial to ask your lawyer ...

What to do if you have been charged with a crime?

If youve been charged with a crime, you need the services of a lawyer. To find the right one, consider interviewing a couple of criminal defense lawyers. If you do not know which questions to ask, this article can help.

When interviewing a criminal defense attorney, is it time to select one to hire?

When you are done interviewing the criminal defense attorneys, it is time to select one to hire. Your decision is easy if one clearly met all your criteria. But if youre torn between two or more, ask for the contact information for some former clients. Call them and ask about their experiences working with their lawyer.

How do lawyers charge for their time?

Most lawyers charge for their time using one of two billing methods: Either with an hourly fee or a flat fee. It may be worth it to shop around, comparing hourly rates and flat fees.

Why do lawyers use case management?

Lawyers use the term case management to describe how a case is handled behind the scenes. Its important for you to know the logistics, so that there will be no misunderstandings. Some relevant questions to ask include:

What documents do criminal lawyers need?

Some documents that will help the criminal law lawyers understand your situation are: Your bail papers. Any documents from the court showing your charges and next court appearance date. A copy of the police report, if possible. Any paperwork you may have received if your property was searched.

What to do if your property is searched?

Any paperwork you may have received if your property was searched. Bring these with you to your first meeting with a criminal defense lawyer. Also, compile a list of any witnesses, victims, or other defendants connected to your accused crime.

Can a criminal defense lawyer meet you personally?

Some criminal defense lawyers are so busy, they may not have time to meet you personally. They may have their staff meet with you. You shouldnt eliminate them as possible candidates just because they are unable to meet you personally. Come to the meeting prepared.


DISCOVERY -- EVIDENCE -- INVESTIGATION Has your lawyer obtained and reviewed all "Discovery", including: police reports, witness statements, video and audio tapes, photographs and other material provided through "discovery" by the Prosecutor? Has the attorney made copies of all of it and reviewed it with you? What is your attorney's evaluation of the evidence? What is the "worst evidence" against you? Has you attorney considered not only what evidence is there, but what evidence is not there (missing)? What physical or testimony evidence does the prosecution rely on open to challenge? Or what evidence does the DA not have that could mean dismissal of your case? Are there eyewitnesses that should be interviewed? What sort of defense investigation should be conducted to find that evidence to disprove your guilt?.

CLIENT ACTIONS - What should you do?

CLIENT ACTIONS - What should you do? Sometimes there are steps you can (and should) take which will dramatically lessen your sentence.


STRATEGY What is your lawyer's preliminary evaluation of the case against you? What defenses are available to you? What is the best defense strategy? What are the risks and benefits of strategy? Can your attorney mount a successful defense at trial or is it in your best interests to plea bargain?


COSTS How much defense investigation needs to be done, and what will it cost? Do you need to hire Expert Witnesses to testify for you at trial? How much will they cost? Is their testimony worth it? What is the time table preparing for trial; how long will the trial last and what will it cost?


SENTENCING ALTERNATIVES Are there any Sentencing Alternatives to standard Jail that you may be eligible for, such as electronic home detention, Sheriff's Work Program, Work Furlough, or community service? Are there any standard or creative Probationary Terms that are preferable to you which will satisfy the prosecution and court's concerns and allow you to receive a lesser sentence, easier to accept? Some clients want to avoid fines, others want to keep their driver's license, others want to avoid jail, and others who are not citizens, just want to remain in the U.S.

MOTIONS -- Legal Defenses (Due Process and your constitutional rights

CONCLUSION This case is not just any case; it’s your case! You deserve the best defense from an attorney who considers all of these questions.

How long can you go to jail for a misdemeanor?

You can go to jail for up to one year for a misdemeanor conviction and be heavily fined as well. Many states break up their misdemeanors; i.e. Class A misdemeanor, Class B misdemeanor etc. Depending on the severity of the misdemeanor you may have a right to a jury trial and legal representation.

How long can a judge sentence you for robbery?

For example if you are convicted in Federal Court for Robbery, then the sentence can carry a sentence of 33-41 months. The Judge can issue the minimum, the maximum, or anywhere in between.

What does a criminal defense lawyer do?

Everyone has heard of a criminal defense lawyer, but what do they do? A defense lawyer primarily uses the rights provided to each citizen by the United States Constitution to keep someone charged with a crime out of prison.

What is the distinction between types of crimes, felony, misdemeanor, infractions?

What is the Distinction between Types of Crimes, Felony, Misdemeanor, Infractions? In America, you can be accused and convicted of three classes of crimes. (1) Infraction; (2) Misdemeanor; and (3) Felony. The severity of being accused of these crimes varies significantly.

What are the three classes of crimes?

In America, you can be accused and convicted of three classes of crimes. (1) Infraction; (2) Misdemeanor; and (3) Felony. The severity of being accused of these crimes varies significantly.

Can you go back to a police officer if you are not warned?

However, if someone chooses to ignore the warning then they cannot go back and say they were not warned. However, if an Officer does not tell you these rights and you confess to a crime, then your confession can be excluded from trial.

Can a defense attorney prevent a confession?

A defense attorney can also prevent a confession from entering the courtroom. A prosecutor and police want a suspect to confess, but police can be too aggressive and unlawfully coerce a confession. If this occurs, then the confession can be excluded from evidence.

What to do if you break a law?

Breaking a law, even if not convicted for it, can form the basis for a parole revocation. Report one’s location. Often, parolees must call-in or wear electronic or GPS tracking devices. Obtain permission to travel. Travel restrictions apply to international travel, and may also pertain to interstate travel.

What is parole in prison?

Parole is the early release from prison, before the prisoner has served the entire sentence. Parolees remain under supervision for the balance of their sentence, and typically must comply with a set of behaviors, called “conditions of parole.” Prisoners are not entitled to parole; rather, parole boards consider a number of factors when deciding whether to grant parole.

How is parole different from probation?

However, there are important differences: Parole is granted to someone who has been serving a prison sentence. Parole is decided by a panel of prison officials. Probation can itself be the sentence for a crime, or it can be ordered to begin after the defendant has served a period of time in a county jail.

What is a parole board?

A group of prison officials, not judges, considers state prisoners’ requests for parole. Known as a “parole board,” these officials meet regularly to hear batches of requests. When the board denies parole, the prisoner may, in some cases, be able to appeal the denial to a board of appeals or to a court.

Do prisoners get parole?

Prisoners are not entitled to parole; rather, parole boards consider a number of factors when deciding whether to grant parole. The federal system does not grant parole as just described. Instead, for crimes committed after November 1, 1987, prisoners earn “good time” credits for exemplary behavior while incarcerated;

Can a prisoner be released on supervised release?

Prisoners whose crimes occurred before the above date are still eligible for parole hearings. At the time of sentencing, no matter the date of the crime, judges can order “supervised release” for any prisoner upon his or her release.

Can an attorney text you?

Attorneys have the option, but are not required, to send text messages to you. You will receive up to 2 messages per week from Martindale-Nolo. Frequency from attorney may vary. Message and data rates may apply. Your number will be held in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

How to address a judge in a criminal case?

He can suggest character traits to emphasize relevant to the defendant's charges. Address the judge by name and title at the top of your letter. Give your name and provide the case number or case name. Explain your relationship to the defendant.

How to write a letter to a defendant?

Express your belief that the defendant will not commit more offenses upon release. Sign and date the letter. Make at least five copies of the letter and give copies to the defense and prosecution as needed. Keep one for yourself. References.

What did the executioner say?

Minutes into the execution, he raised his head and said, "It don't work, it don't work.". Eyewitness accounts confirm that execution by lethal injection and other means is often an excruciatingly painful, and always degrading, process that ends in death. Capital punishment is a barbaric remnant of uncivilized society.

Who is more likely to get a death sentence?

People who kill whites are far more likely to receive a death sentence than those whose victims were not white, and blacks who kill whites have the greatest chance of receiving a death sentence. Minorities are death-sentenced disproportionate to their numbers in the population.

What is the death penalty like?

The death penalty is like a lottery, in which fairness always loses.

Why was the second shot of lethal chemicals needed?

A medical examiner reported the second dose was needed because the needles were incorrectly inserted through his veins and into the flesh in his arms.

How many people are on death row?

Today, about 3,350 people are on "death row.". Virtually all are poor, a significant number are mentally disabled, more than 40 percent are African American, and a disproportionate number are Native American, Latino, and Asian. The ACLU believes that, in all circumstances, the death penalty is unconstitutional under the Eighth Amendment.

When was the death penalty resuscitated?

But in 1976 , in Gregg v. Georgia, the Court resuscitated the death penalty: It ruled that the penalty "does not invariably violate the Constitution" if administered in a manner designed to guard against arbitrariness and discrimination. Several states promptly passed or reenacted capital punishment laws.

Which states have never had the death penalty?

Alaska and Hawaii have never had the death penalty. The vast majority of executions have taken place in 10 states from the South and over 35% have occurred in Texas. In 2004, the high courts of Kansas and New York struck down their death penalty statutes as unconstitutional and the legislatures have yet to reinstate them.