questions to address when looking for a lawyer before being booked for a weapons discharge

by Prof. Cleve Streich V 3 min read

What questions should I ask when hiring a criminal defense attorney?

At the Law Offices of Allan F. Friedman, we believe that an informed client is our best client. If you require a Stamford criminal attorney please feel free to call us anytime for a free initial consultation and case evaluation at (203) 357-5555.. The purpose of this material is so that you can make a more informed and educated decision about which lawyer to hire as your criminal …

What can a military legal assistance attorney not do?

Apr 09, 2015 · Please answer a few questions to help us match you with attorneys in your area. Select Your Legal Issue. Select Your Legal Issue. Airplane Business Transactions. Auto Accident. Aviation Accidents. Bankruptcy. Child Custody. Child Support.

Can a military lawyer represent you pro bono in court?

If youve been charged with a crime, you need the services of a lawyer. To find the right one, consider interviewing a couple of criminal defense lawyers. If you do not know which questions to ask, this article can help. You need to find a lawyer quickly, as the criminal justice system can move swiftly. Still, you want the best attorney for your ...

What should I expect from my lawyer when discussing case strategy?

Oct 11, 2016 · Don’t be shy – ask your lawyer how long they have been practicing criminal law, what percentage of their cases involve clients facing the same charge as you, and any other question that will help you judge how much experience they have handling your type of criminal case. READ Defining & Addressing Domestic Abuse in South Carolina. 5.


What does willful discharge of a firearm in a negligent manner mean?

Penal Code 246.3 PC – negligent discharge of a firearm. This is defined as willfully discharging a firearm, in a grossly negligent manner, that could result in someone's injury or death. Negligent discharge can be filed as a misdemeanor or a felony and it carries a sentence of up to 3 years in jail or prison.

How much time can a convicted felon get for possession of firearm in California?

three years
Under California law, felons caught in possession of a firearm could face up to three years in prison. That sentence could be reduced by half for good behavior. Some felons caught with guns end up doing time in county jails.Oct 11, 2019

How common are negligent discharges?

From 2013 to 2018, there have been 36 on- duty and 18 off-duty negligent discharges reported. All have a common theme: failure to follow the four Weapon Safety Rules. Every Marine has at least one or two stories about a negligent discharge (ND).

Can a convicted felon own a gun after 10 years in California?


It imposes a lifetime firearms ban on anyone who has been convicted of a felony offense in any state or country.

Can someone with a felony be around guns?

Generally speaking, felons are still allowed to associate with or be around someone who owns a gun. However, things can get tricky if the gun is around or if the person lives with them. There are some instances where a convicted felon may be found guilty of “constructive possession” of a firearm.Sep 23, 2019

What is a PC 3056?

What is PC 3056? California Penal Code 3056 outlines the rules for parole. It states that prisoners on parole must continue to be under the official supervision of the State. In addition, parolees can be rearrested at any time deemed necessary, during the time they are on parole.

Can a gun discharge with the safety on?

Poorly designed rifles, shotguns, and handguns can fire a round even when the trigger has not been pulled. The most common unintended discharges occur when the firearm is bumped or the safety is moved. Other defective firearms can discharge even with the safety on.

How do accidental discharges happen?

An accidental discharge occurs when an individual handling a firearm is negligent and fires the weapon unintentionally. Negligence is a legal term meaning a failure to use reasonable care under the circumstances. This may include pointing a weapon the individual knows is loaded at individuals or property.Mar 17, 2021

Can a gun discharge on its own?

When a gun is fired unintentionally, it is classified as an accidental discharge. This can happen in many situations, such as mishandling of a gun, improper storage or holstering, poorly constructed or damaged firearms, overheating, and even dropping!Jan 22, 2022

What state can a felon own a gun?

Of the states that require a person to have a permit or license to carry a handgun, we found only one that appears to allow felons to get permits. Oregon allows a person who has been found guilty of a felony by reason of insanity to apply for a gun license (Or.Mar 25, 2002

Can a felon live in a house with a gun in California?

California gun laws prohibit individuals from owning, possessing, or purchasing a gun if they have been convicted of certain offenses. Though California Penal Code 29800 is commonly known as the “felon with a firearm law”, the law also applies to those who have been convicted of certain misdemeanor offenses.

Can a felon own a shotgun in California?

Convicted Felons Cannot Own a Gun in California

Article 1 of the California Penal Code 29800 states that any person who has been convicted of a felony in California or any other state or who is addicted to narcotics is guilty of a felony if they own, purchase, receive, or have a firearm under their control or custody.
Nov 17, 2020

What should a lawyer review with their clients before trial?

Every lawyer should review with their clients the possibility of a negotiated resolution prior to trial. In criminal matters, for example, you may be able to get a good plea bargain. In civil cases, your lawyer might propose mediation, a settlement negotiation process involving a neutral third-party.

What should a lawyer outline?

Lawyers should outline the possible ways to handle a case and then explain why they have chosen a particular strategy, including the pros and cons.

What is the importance of having a lawyer?

Getting a lawyer with the right legal background is essential, but it is also important to know whether your attorney has experience with the judges who will likely preside over your case. If yours is a criminal matter, it is important to know if your lawyer knows the local prosecutors. This courtroom experience can greatly enhance your lawyer’s ability to evaluate the likely outcomes in your case and give you advice that you can rely on.

Why is it important to choose the right lawyer?

Choosing the right lawyer is a very important decision—whether you were in a car accident, have a medical malpractice claim, or find yourself the target of a criminal investigation. Referrals from friends or co-workers can be great, but you need to do your homework to make sure you have the right attorney for the job.

How to discuss case strategy?

In discussing case strategy, your lawyer should give you an estimate of how much time it will take to get to a resolution. Keep in mind that your lawyer does not control the pace of the process and cannot make any promises about when it will be over.

What is a conflict in a lawyer?

If the lawyer’s representation of prior or existing clients would limit the attorney’s ability to represent you, there is likely a conflict. For example, if you want to sue a hospital that the potential lawyer regularly represents, there would be a conflict. A conflict might also arise if the attorney you are interviewing has already been hired by ...

How to feel comfortable with an attorney?

You should feel comfortable from the beginning of your attorney-client relationship that you will be able to have regular communications with your counsel. Make sure that you exchange contact information and agree on the ways that you will stay in touch.

What documents do criminal lawyers need?

Some documents that will help the criminal law lawyers understand your situation are: Your bail papers. Any documents from the court showing your charges and next court appearance date. A copy of the police report, if possible. Any paperwork you may have received if your property was searched.

What to do if you have been charged with a crime?

If youve been charged with a crime, you need the services of a lawyer. To find the right one, consider interviewing a couple of criminal defense lawyers. If you do not know which questions to ask, this article can help.

How do lawyers charge for their time?

Most lawyers charge for their time using one of two billing methods: Either with an hourly fee or a flat fee. It may be worth it to shop around, comparing hourly rates and flat fees.

When interviewing a criminal defense attorney, is it time to select one to hire?

When you are done interviewing the criminal defense attorneys, it is time to select one to hire. Your decision is easy if one clearly met all your criteria. But if youre torn between two or more, ask for the contact information for some former clients. Call them and ask about their experiences working with their lawyer.

Why do lawyers use case management?

Lawyers use the term case management to describe how a case is handled behind the scenes. Its important for you to know the logistics, so that there will be no misunderstandings. Some relevant questions to ask include:

What to do if your property is searched?

Any paperwork you may have received if your property was searched. Bring these with you to your first meeting with a criminal defense lawyer. Also, compile a list of any witnesses, victims, or other defendants connected to your accused crime.

When you first meet with a criminal lawyer, is it important to learn?

When you first meet with a criminal lawyer, its important to learn whether he or she has experience handling cases similar to yours. Consider asking:

How to pick a criminal defense lawyer?

Picking a criminal defense lawyer who has experience representing clients who have been in your position is very important, as these attorneys are already familiar with this area of the law and will be able to hit the ground running. Also, keep in mind that not all criminal defense lawyers have experience representing the same types of defendants. For example, if you are facing murder charges a criminal defense lawyer who has been practicing law for 10 years representing DUI defendants probably is not as well equipped to represent you as an attorney who has been representing murder defendants for the past five years. Don’t be shy – ask your lawyer how long they have been practicing criminal law, what percentage of their cases involve clients facing the same charge as you, and any other question that will help you judge how much experience they have handling your type of criminal case.

What to tell your lawyer about your arrest?

Be prepared to tell your lawyer about any police interaction that you had prior to your arrest, during your arrest, and while you were detained. Providing your lawyer with a detailed account of your experience is very important because if the police violated your civil rights your lawyer may be able to get your charges dismissed, even if you are guilty. Therefore, it is a good idea to ask your lawyer during the initial consultation if they think that your civil rights were violated in any way.

What should an experienced criminal defense attorney do?

However, an experienced criminal defense attorney should be able to analyze your case, talk about the possible legal outcomes, and predict what is likely to happen in your case. Keep in mind that there is a big difference between an attorney who guarantees an outcome and one who predicts what is likely to happen.

Why is it important to retain a lawyer?

Apart from hiring a lawyer who is experienced, professional, and knowledgeable, it is also very important to retain a lawyer who you trust and have confidence in. By simply asking the attorney sitting across from you why you should hire them you are giving them a chance to sell themselves to you and hopefully their response will inspire confidence. It is very important that you have confidence in your attorney’s abilities and trust them because this will enable the two of you to work together to build the best legal defense possible.

Do lawyers have to disclose conflicts of interest?

For example, the lawyer that you are interviewing may have a conflict of interest if they are already representing the co-defendant in your criminal case. Even though your lawyer is required to disclose any conflict of interest to you it is still a very good idea to ask this question during your initial consultation.

Can an attorney be sanctioned for misconduct?

You may feel slightly awkward asking this question but it is important that you do. You have a right to know if your attorney has ever been sanctioned for attorney misconduct, and while you can obtain this information from your state bar association asking your attorney about any misconduct in person gives them a chance to explain the circumstances surrounding a violation.

Can an attorney advise you not to speak to the press?

For example, your attorney may advise you not to speak to the press or to witnesses involved in your case. Following your attorney’s advice regarding these types of matters can make a big difference in your case. 3.

What is an attorney who can answer this question well?

An attorney who can answer this question well is an attorney who is attuned not only to the legal challenges at hand, but also to the way clients think about them. They’ve also likely worked with clients like you. They’ll be able to provide context upfront that answers your questions before you find yourself confused by a complex legal issue or legal language.

Why is it important to ask questions about challenges and conflict resolution?

Questions about challenges and conflict resolution are a favorite among interviewers, no matter the position or industry, and with good reason. The manner in which people approach conflict reveals a lot about how creative and solution-focused they are, which is an important thing to know about any attorney who you’ re considering hiring.

How many bills has Jerry Brown signed?

California Gov. Jerry Brown recently completed acting on the 1,217 bills that came across his desk this year. He has signed 1,016 of them into law, with the majority taking effect...

Do attorneys have conflicts of interest?

Attorneys are responsible for divulging any potential conflicts of interest, even if they are never directly asked a question about them. However, it’s usually not a bad idea to inquire about them yourself.

Can you talk to an attorney over the phone?

For example, if you prefer to discuss business matters over the phone during your commute but your attorney relies almost entirely on email and rarely picks up the phone, you might not be able to talk to your attorney as often or as freely as you’d like. This impaired communication can have real consequences if an important detail slips through the cracks, so make sure that you and the attorney agree on how best to communicate.

Can an attorney give a well developed answer to a question?

Any attorney who has put time and energy into considering your project should be able to give a well-developed answer to this question. If you encounter an attorney who can’t, move on.

Do businesspeople have to resign themselves to pick the first attorney on their resume?

The good news is that businesspeople definitely don’t have to resign themselves to picking the first attorney whose resume crosses their desk.

What is required of a defendant?

Most likely, as the defendant, you will be asked to provide and help prepare documents and relevant background information. You may also be asked not to speak to witnesses or do any legal work of your on.

What to expect from an experienced attorney?

An experienced attorney can properly advise you on what to expect throughout all stages of the legal process. He or she will also have the ability to anticipate the strategies or actions of the prosecution and can use that to help build you a strong defense strategy.

Why is it important to find an attorney?

It is not only important to find an attorney who has handled a good number of cases, but one who is knowledgeable about the charges you face as well. A lawyer who has had experience handling clients facing similar charges can save you a lot of time and money and most likely find you a better outcome overall.

What is the best way to defend a client in a criminal case?

When it comes to defending a client in a criminal case, experience is key. There are numerous benefits to having an attorney who has practiced for many years and successfully represented a large number of clients. An experienced attorney can properly advise you on what to expect throughout all stages of the legal process. He or she will also have the ability to anticipate the strategies or actions of the prosecution and can use that to help build you a strong defense strategy.

How to settle a case out of court?

In many ways, the best outcome you can have for your case is one that comes quickly. By negotiating to settle out of court through a plea bargain, your attorney may be able to help you avoid having to appear in court and appear before a judge and jury.

How long does it take to get a resolution?

The amount of time it takes to get a resolution can vary widely from case to case. And while your attorney cannot control the pacing of the legal process, he or she should be able to provide you with an estimate of how long the process will be for your case based on the possible strategies used. Having an idea about the time frame will help you to prepare for the process you are facing.

Can you ask questions about a criminal case?

You should be able to get ahold of your attorney to ask any questions you may have as they arise.

What to do when facing criminal charges?

When you're facing criminal charges, it's imperative that you take them seriously and get a qualified and experienced criminal defense attorney to represent you. Remember that you need to be involved in your case, so ask the questions about to choose the right attorney and prepare for the journey ahead. By having these answers, you'll feel much more confident about the outcome of your case and you'll know you made the best choice when choosing your attorney.

What to do if you have a consultation with a law firm?

If you find yourself having a consultation with a larger law firm, you'll need to be clear on which attorney will be handling your case. In many situations, you might meet with a senior member of the law firm for your initial consultation, but your case could then be passed on to a junior attorney who will wind up handling it.

Why is it important to hire a criminal defense attorney?

For these reasons, it's essential that you seek help from a criminal defense attorney. You need someone who is experienced and capable of handling your case if you want to have any chance of receiving a positive outcome in court. This is why it's crucial that you hire the right attorney for your case.

How to get a positive outcome in a criminal case?

Find out if there are any classes you can enroll in. It often looks favorable to take counseling or drug rehabilitation classes if relevant to your criminal charges. These actions could wind up decreasing your sentence, so it's always worth a shot to consider them.

How to get legal assistance for military?

Go to the Armed Forces Legal Assistance website. This site contains a locator based on zip code. Even if you do not live close to military installations, start with the locator. There may be a smaller legal assistance office nearby which you are unaware of. If there are no legal assistance offices near you, consider contacting a local legal clinic, which are often sponsored by law schools and offer free legal services to military personnel. Another option is to contact your local legal aid office or your local bar association to see if either offer free or low cost services to military personnel. Finally, find out if your state attorney general’s office provides free civil legal services to military personnel. You can check out the state-by-state listings of such programs on our Directory of Programs.

What are the services of a lawyer?

Legal assistance attorneys can provide you legal advice and assistance in a number of legal areas, including: 1 Drafting wills 2 Drafting powers of attorney 3 Drafting advanced medical directives (living wills) 4 Reviewing contracts and leases 5 Notary services 6 Estate planning advice 7 Advice on family law matters, including custody 8 Tax assistance 9 Advice on credit and lending issues 10 Information on immigration and naturalization 11 Advice on the Service Members Civil Relief Act (SCRA) 12 Advice on the Uniform Employment and Reemployment Rights Act 13 Advice on landlord-tenant disputes 14 Advice on minor traffic tickets 15 Help in preparing for small-claims court

What is the ABA military?

The ABA provides a resource to military legal assistance lawyers, the ABA Military Pro Bono Project, which helps military lawyers easily connect their clients to pro bono attorneys who provide representation for no fee. I am a military spouse.

How long is the National Guard on active duty?

Reservists who have been activated, are preparing to deploy or have recently returned from deployment, and members of the National Guard on active duty for thirty days or more, as well as their family members with DoD ID cards, are eligible for legal assistance.

Who can get military legal assistance?

Military legal assistance may also be available to survivors of eligible service members and retirees, certain overseas civilian employees and their family members, and allied forces service members serving with U.S. Armed Forces in CONUS and their family members. Contact your nearest military legal assistance office for further details on eligibility.

Can a military attorney help you?

Yes. There are also legal areas in which a military legal assistance attorney may NOT be able to help you, including: claims against the government; military Administrative issues such as fitness report rebuttals or Article 138 Complaints (This varies somewhat by branch.); legal matters concerning your privately owned business.

Can a military lawyer represent you in court?

For example, the military lawyer typically will not represent you in court. If you are in need of more help than the military legal assistance lawyer can provide you, he or she may be able to connect you to a non-military lawyer who can represent you pro bono (free) or for a fee.
