peter's lawyer said that any solution found by this circle must do two things, what were they?

by Dr. Laurie Halvorson 7 min read

Peter's lawyer says that any solution found by Circle Justice must do two things. What two things was the lawyer referring to? Society should be protected from Cole and he should take responsibility.

Was Dr Peter’s “the Peter Principle” real?

Perhaps it was that Dr. Peter had a real doctorate or wrote a book unburdened by the ambiguity of real data. (The Peter Principle, he asserted, was “the key to an understanding of the whole structure of civilization.” He also said he was kidding.) Or maybe it was that, as much as Dr. Peter meant the book as satire, it was all too often true.

Why is Cole threatening Peter at the beginning of the circle?

Without Peter's forgiveness, Cole didn't achieve his goal. Chapter 4: Why is it significant that Cole gives a threatening look at Peter at the beginning of the circle? It symbolizes that Peter isn't ready to forgive and Cole isn't ready to apologize or heal.

What questions did the lawyer ask the spinster’s lawyer?

The receptionist checked with the attorney who agreed and he went to the spinster’s home for the meeting to discuss her estate and the will. The lawyer’s first question was, “Would you please tell me what you have in assets and how you’d like them to be distributed under your will?”

How do the pope and a lawyer find themselves together?

The Pope and a lawyer find themselves together before the Pearly Gates. After a small quantum of time which was spent discussing their respective professions, ol’ St. Peter shows up to usher them to their new Heavenly station.

What is the first mistake that Cole finally admits to?

What is the first mistake Cole admits to? Beating up Peter was a mistake. Trying to swim into the tide was a mistake.

How did the police find out that Cole had robbed and trashed a hardware store?

Locations. After Cole Matthews robbed a hardware store and trashed the store, he couldn't help but brag about it to his fellow classmates. However a student named Peter Driscal found out about the crime and told the teachers about what Cole had done.

What does the word banishment mean in Touching Spirit Bear?

banishment = being forced to leave a community and not return (in this case, for a period of time) Cole strained at the cuffs even though he had agreed to wear them until he was freed on the island to begin his banishment.

Why does Cole burn his shelter at the end of chapter 2?

After the boat is gone, Cole suddenly feels trapped on the island—he hates the feeling of being left all alone. He doesn't know what to do with all this anger inside of him, so he goes to the shelter and sets it on fire.

What were the crimes that Cole committed that put him in the boat heading for Alaska?

Cole is being sent to an island in southeast Alaska as a punishment for violently beating up Peter Driscall, the boy who reported to police that Cole robbed and ransacked a hardware store. (6) He has accepted banishment as an alternative to being put in prison (3).

What happened to Peter in Touching Spirit Bear?

Things come to a head when one morning, the boys go alone to soak in the pond and Peter rages at Cole, punching him and kicking him. Peter ultimately collapses, crying about how afraid he is—and as he accepts Cole's comfort, the Spirit Bear appears.

What did Peter say in the circle justice meeting?

The first time we hear from Peter directly is at the Circle Justice meeting. ''I'm Peter Driscal, and I'm here 'cause I got beat up. '' These are the first words Peter says in the book.

What is Circle justice in Touching Spirit Bear?

In the novel Touching Spirit Bear, the Native American Circle of Justice provides an alternative form of justice for Cole Mathews. In this system, the goal is to focus on the whole person and heal him or her so that the likelihood of a repeat crime is extremely low.

What does Cole argue with at the circle?

Who does Cole argue with at the Circle? his father. 3.

What happens in Part 2 of Touching Spirit Bear?

Lesson Summary In Chapter 2 of Touching Spirit Bear, Cole is on his way to the island with supplies. Edwin and Garvey advise him on how to stay alive and how this place will either help him or kill him. After 3 months of lying about his true intentions, Cole is finally left alone.

How does Cole react to his victim Peter during circle justice?

How does Cole react to his victim during Circle Justice? Cole glares threateningly at Peter.

What did Cole burn down in Touching Spirit Bear?

For the book Cole didn't want to go to Juvy so he chose Social Justice,where they decided to put Cole onto an island for a year of banishment. After Cole got out of Social Justice they brought him to the island and then decided to burn down his shelter with all of his supplies in it.

What is the Peter Principle?

For other uses, see Peter principle (disambiguation). The Peter Principle is a concept in management developed by Laurence J. Peter, which observes that people in a hierarchy tend to rise to their "maximum level of incompetence": employees are promoted based on their success in previous jobs until they reach a level at which they are no longer ...

Who are the professors who studied Peter Principle?

In 2018, professors Alan Benson, Danielle Li, and Kelly Shue analyzed sales workers' performance and promotion practices at 214 American businesses to test the veracity of the Peter principle.

What is Socrates's example of incompetence?

For example, Socrates was an outstanding teacher but a terrible defence attorney. Chapter 10 explains why attempts to assist an incompetent employee by promoting another employee to act as their assistant does not work: " Incompetence plus incompetence equals incompetence " (italics in original).

What is push in chapter 5?

Chapters 4 and 5 deal with the two methods of achieving promotion: "Push" and "Pull." 'Push' refers to the employee's own efforts, such as working hard and taking courses for self-improvement. This is usually not very effective due to the Seniority Factor: the next level up is often fully occupied, blocking the path to promotion. : 52 'Pull', on the other hand, is far more effective and refers to accelerated promotion brought about by the efforts of an employee's mentors or patrons. : 48–51

What does chapter 6 of Peter and Hull mean?

Chapter 6 explains why "good followers do not become good leaders." : 60 In chapter 7, Peter and Hull describe the effect of the Peter Principle in politics and government. Chapter 8, titled "Hints and Foreshadowings", discusses the work of earlier writers on the subject of incompetence, such as Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, and Alexander Pope .

Why is the Peter Principle named after Peter?

As such, the principle is named for Peter because , although Hull actually wrote the book's text, it is a summary of Peter's research.

Why was Peter and Hull so popular?

Peter and Hull intended the book to be satire, but it became popular as it was seen to make a serious point about the shortcomings of how people are promoted within hierarchical organizations. The Peter Principle has since been the subject of much commentary and research.

Who published the Peter Principle?

and not enough on managerial abilities. (Shutterstock) It’s not clear just how much Laurence J. Peter was joking in 1968 when he published The Peter Principle. His evidence came from the “Hypothetical Case File” and was populated by employees right out of a children’s parable: Miss Oval, Mrs. Cylinder, Mr. Eclipse, Mr. Cube, Mr. Sphere and Mr.

What is the Peter Principle?

A company that relies too heavily on sales as a criterion for promotion pays twice for the mistake. and not enough on managerial abilities. (Shutterstock) It’s not clear just how much Laurence J. Peter was joking in 1968 when he published The Peter Principle. His evidence came from the “Hypothetical Case File” and was populated by employees right ...

Is Forbes opinion their own?

Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

Do top performers in areas less cut-throat than sales suffer from the Peter Principle?

Perhaps top performers in areas less cut-throat than sales do not suffer from the Principle. Third, and most important, the study examined the promotion-to-manager version of the Peter Principle.

What is circle justice?

The circle justice is a group of help seeking people who try to heal the troubled mentally and physically. They tried to find less extreme consequences, or healing, than jail. They give the troubled second chances.

Why does Garvey tell Cole to not take out his wrath on Peter?

He was trying to teach Cole to not pass on the anger that boils beneath him to Peter , or any other person. When someone is angry and takes it out on someone, that person takes on some of that anger.

Why didn't Cole believe the bear was there?

Cole saw the bear as a statue standing in the distance. He couldn't believe it was there because Edwin said they lived hundreds of miles south on a different island. He threatened to kill the bear and to teach him to be frightened of him. Review the four comments made about Cole at the circle on page 46.

What does Garvey say to Cole in Chapter 2?

Chapter 2: Garvey tells Cole that, "You figure if I'm scared of you, you can trust me." What does he mean by this? Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

What advice did Edwin give Cole?

Some advice Edwin provides to Cole were useful: "This island is covered in Devils club. Don't grab it or hundreds of thistles will infect your hands swell up like sausages,' 'Other animals would come here for water too.' 'Cut plenty of wood or you'll freeze,' 'Animals feel the same way."

Why is Cole being sent to an island?

Cole is being sent to an island for punishment because he violently hurt Peter Driscal.

What chapter is Spirit Bear introduced in?

Spirit bear is introduced in chapter 2. Describe this bear.

What did the old lawyer say to his wife when he died?

An old, stingy lawyer was dying and was determined to prove wrong the old saying; “You can’t take it with you.” He told his wife to go down to the bank and withdraw enough money to fill two pillowcases. His plan: Put the bags directly over his bed and when he died grab them on his way up to heaven. One day the old ambulance chaser died. When his wife was up cleaning in the attic one day, she came across the forgotten pillowcases. She then said to herself, “That old fool. I knew he should have had me put them in the basement!”

What happened to the doctor and lawyer in the car?

A doctor and a lawyer in two cars collided on a country road. The lawyer, seeing that the doctor was a little shaken up, helped him from the car and offered him a drink from his hip flask. The doctor accepted and handed the flask back to the lawyer, who closed it and put it away.

How many lawyers change light bulbs?

A1: It only takes one lawyer to change your light bulb to his light bulb.

How many jokes does Filevine have?

From the number of lawyers at the bottom of the ocean being ‘a good start’ to the question of ‘how many of lawyers does it take to change a lightbulb’, we decided to make a list of every lawyer joke we could find (even those that had very little to do with a lawyer), tallying up 214 jokes that make us facepalm, shake our heads, giggle and outright laugh.

What happens when the second part of a light bulb is separated from the third part?

2.) Upon reaching a point where the party of the second part (Light Bulb) becomes separated from the party of the third part (“Receptacle”), the party of the first part (Lawyer) shall have the option of disposing of the party of the second part (Light Bulb) in a manner consistent with all applicable state, local and federal statutes.

What does the tiger say to stop it?

The front tiger turns around and cuffs the rear tiger and says, “I said stop it!”. The rear tiger says, “Sorry,” and they continue.

What did Farmer Joe say to Bessie?

Farmer Joe said, “Well I had just got Bessie into the trailer and I was driving down the road….”