parents passed away what should i ask my lawyer

by Desiree Zboncak PhD 8 min read

If you’re not sure there is one, ask friends, siblings or your parent’s lawyer whether there is a will and where to find it. You could also ask your parent’s bank, in case the will is in a safe deposit box there. (Each state’s laws determine who can access the safe deposit box of a deceased account holder.)

Questions to Ask an Estate Lawyer After Death
  • Is the Previous Power of Attorney Still Valid? ...
  • What Can I Do to Protect the Assets? ...
  • Do I Need to Open a Probate Estate? ...
  • How Can I Find Out if There is a Will? ...
  • What About Debts and Taxes? ...
  • How Do I Handle Notification of the Death? ...
  • How Do I Obtain a Death Certificate?

Full Answer

How do I find out if a parent has passed away?

Most counties have an office of vital statistics that houses birth, marriage and death certificates, and some allow you to request those online. Others may ask that you call call or visit. If your parent passes away in another country, the United States Department of State will be able to assist you.

What should I do if my mom or dad passes away?

Manage the care of their home. If your mom or dad was living alone, make sure you or someone close by is taking care of their home. This includes things like checking the mail, discarding old food, turning off lights, and keeping the doors locked. You’ll also want to keep up-to-date on any utilities.

What should I do if my parent dies without a will?

Ask trusted friends for a recommendation or contact the local legal bar. Make a list of bills: As you go through your parent’s home, be sure to gather documents from every possible expense that may need to be paid or canceled, including utility bills and credit cards. If there are debts, alert the executor of the will.

What questions should you ask an estate attorney after a death?

Here are some critical questions you should ask when you meet with an estate attorney in the wake of a loved one’s death. Is the Previous Power of Attorney Still Valid? You may have had a power of attorney for the loved one who has just died, and you may erroneously believe that the power of attorney is still in force.


What to do right after a parent dies?

What to Do When a Parent DiesGet a pronouncement of death. ... Contact your parent's friends and family. ... Secure your parent's home. ... Make funeral and burial plans. ... Get copies of the death certificate. ... Locate life insurance policies. ... Locate the will and start the probate process. ... Take inventory of assets and financial accounts.More items...

What happens to a settlement when a person dies?

The original payee can designate a beneficiary or secondary beneficiaries in the event that they die before all the settlement funds are disbursed. Some tax rules will change, however, depending on a beneficiary's relationship to the deceased party.

How do you deal with greedy family members after death?

9 Tips for Dealing with Greedy Family Members After a DeathBe Honest. ... Look for Creative Compromises. ... Take Breaks from Each Other. ... Understand That You Can't Change Anyone. ... Remain Calm in Every Situation. ... Use “I” Statements and Avoid Blame. ... Be Gentle and Empathetic. ... Lay Ground Rules for Working Things Out.More items...•

What should you not do when someone dies?

Top 10 Things Not to Do When Someone Dies1 – DO NOT tell their bank. ... 2 – DO NOT wait to call Social Security. ... 3 – DO NOT wait to call their Pension. ... 4 – DO NOT tell the utility companies. ... 5 – DO NOT give away or promise any items to loved ones. ... 6 – DO NOT sell any of their personal assets. ... 7 – DO NOT drive their vehicles.More items...•

What happens if a plaintiff dies?

When the plaintiff or defendant in a cause or matter dies and the cause of action survives, but the person entitled to proceed fails to proceed, the defendant (or the person against whom the cause or matter may be continued) may apply to compel the plaintiff (or the person entitled to proceed) to proceed within such ...

Who owns the annuity in a structured settlement?

A settlement agreement establishing the structured settlement will typically expressly state that the assignment company has all rights of ownership of the annuity. The structured settlement payee only owns the right to receive payments. The payee does not own the structured settlement annuity.

How do you deal with unfair inheritance?

1. Be Honest. If you choose to leave unequal inheritance for your children, one of the best ways to avoid hurt feelings and resentment among your children is to have an open and honest conversation with them about why you made your decision.

How do you divide estates between siblings?

“Give the house, the land or the business to just one child and make up the difference with a monetary share for the others. Alternatively, stipulate that the asset be sold and the proceeds divided evenly. That way, the one who really wants the asset can buy the others out.”

Why do people fight over money when someone dies?

There are five basic reasons why families fight in matters of inheritance: First, humans are genetically predisposed to competition and conflict; second, our psychological sense of self is intertwined with the approval that an inheritance represents, especially when the decedent is a parent; third, we are genetically ...

When someone is dying what do they see?

Visions and Hallucinations Visual or auditory hallucinations are often part of the dying experience. The appearance of family members or loved ones who have died is common. These visions are considered normal. The dying may turn their focus to “another world” and talk to people or see things that others do not see.

Does next of kin override power of attorney?

No. If you have made a Will, your executor(s) will be responsible for arranging your affairs according to your wishes. Your executor may appoint another person to act on their behalf.

Where does the soul go after it leaves the body?

“Good and contented souls” are instructed “to depart to the mercy of God.” They leave the body, “flowing as easily as a drop from a waterskin”; are wrapped by angels in a perfumed shroud, and are taken to the “seventh heaven,” where the record is kept.

What to do if your parent doesn't have an accountant?

Pay your parent’s taxes: If your parent didn’t have an accountant and you don’t feel comfortable filing taxes yourself, ask friends and relatives for help finding a reputable accountant to file on your parent’s behalf.

What is a funeral home?

1. a major expense for many people. Costs do vary, however, depending on whether burial or cremation is chosen. It may be comforting to know that the Federal Trade Commission has a say in how funeral homes operate, and offers its own checklist to help you through this decision-making process.

Why is paying off debt important?

Whatever the case, paying off debts is important for avoiding interest charges. This includes car loans, home loans, credit cards and medical debts. Manage the home: If your parent lived alone, it can be difficult to decide what to do with their home.

What is the hardest part of managing a parent's money?

Settle debts: One hard aspect of managing a parent’s money is paying off debts. If your mom or dad had a loan with a spouse, the spouse may be responsible for the debt. Otherwise, the executor of the will is probably the person who will handle this. 3. If there is no will, the court will appoint an executor.

How to settle a parent's will?

The best path to settling your parent’s will, especially if there’s an inheritance, may be hiring a probate attorney familiar with state and local laws. Ask trusted friends for a recommendation or contact the local legal bar.

Is it hard to prepare for the death of a parent?

Whether it’s expected or sudden, the death of a parent is a stressful time for most. While it’s hard to prepare yourself emotionally , there are steps you can take to manage the practical issues a bit more easily . Finances, for one, can feel like a maze of paperwork, digital records, passwords and perhaps even shoeboxes.

Can you transfer bank accounts to a beneficiary?

With proof of death, you may be able to transfer the accounts to the beneficiary. Certain bank accounts are also set up as “Payable on Death” or POD, which means the assets transfer directly to the beneficiary outside of the probate process. Settle debts: One hard aspect of managing a parent’s money is paying off debts.

Why do creditors have to hold the assets of the decedent?

Holding the assets of the decedent in an effort to prevent creditors from reclaiming their debt is a risky proposition. Creditors have the right, after enough time passes, to petition the court to open the probate estate themselves.

Why don't people open estates?

Many people believe they don’t need to open an estate because their loved one did not have a lot of money. The mistake with this belief is that the debts and taxes of the decedent often go unpaid while assets are distributed. The family is then surprised when a creditor or the IRS shows up looking to recover their claim.

What happens if there are insufficient assets in an estate?

If there are insufficient assets in the estate to satisfy all the debts or tax obligations of the decedent, those debts and obligations do not become the responsibility of family and friends. Many will assume responsibility, believing it is the right thing to do, but they are not legally required to do so.

Why is it important to protect assets after death?

Assets need to be protected. Following the death of a loved one, there is often a period of chaos. This, coupled with grieving, presents a unique opportunity for those bent on personal benefit. It is important for the family, even before the opening of an estate, to protect all assets that belonged to the decedent.

What to know after death of loved one?

10 Things to Know After the Death of a Loved One. A power of attorney is no longer valid. Many people believe that, as the power of attorney , they continue to have the power to administer an estate following the death of a loved one. This simply is not the case. A power of attorney is no longer valid after death.

What is the phone number to call for probate?

If you have questions about the management of your loved one’s estate or the probate process, call us anytime at (888) 694-1761 to get answers.

What to do after losing a loved one?

After losing a loved one, your focus is on your family and on grieving the loss —not administering the estate. But there are many concerns that must be resolved to ensure your loved one’s final wishes are respected while protecting the bonds of your family. Knowing what to do before grief strikes can help you navigate the difficult time ...

What does an executor do?

An executor is the person named in the will to serve as the personal representative of an estate. They handle all the administrative tasks of the estate during the probate process, including communicating with the probate court, creditors, and beneficiaries named in the will.

Checklist when your parent dies

The days immediately following a parent’s death may be wretched — especially if their passing was sudden. As executor, you’ll need to manage some things right away. Other tasks can wait a bit and will be spread out over the next few months.

Executor tasks to handle immediately

Unfortunately, some tasks must be handled quickly after a death. If there are family and friends that can help you bear the load, reach out to them and ask for support. Delegate tasks that are too emotionally challenging.

Executor tasks to handle in the coming weeks and months

The probate process may last for several months or even years, depending on the complexity of the estate and whether conflicts arise among loved ones.

What is the probate process?

Laws vary by state, but the probate process usually starts with an inventory of all assets (personal property, bank accounts, house, car, brokerage account, personal property, furniture, jewelry, etc.), which will need to be filed in the court. For the physical items in the household, Harbison suggests hiring an appraiser.

How to close a bank account on behalf of a deceased relative?

Contact customer service and tell the representative that you're closing the account on behalf of a deceased relative. You'll need to provide a copy of the death certificate to do this, too. Keep records of accounts you close, and inform the executor of any outstanding balances on the cards.

What to do if your relative dies at home?

But if your relative died at home, especially if it was unexpected, you'll need to get a medical professional to declare her dead. To do this, call 911 soon after she passes and have her transported to an emergency room where she can be declared dead and moved to a funeral home.

What to do if your loved one has a CPA?

If your loved one had a CPA, contact her ; if not, hire one. The estate may have to file a tax return, and a final tax return will need to be filed on the deceased's behalf. “Getting the taxes right is an important part of this,” Harbison says.

How to track down a deceased person?

To track down all those who need to know, go through the deceased's email and phone contacts. Inform coworkers and the members of any social groups or church the person belonged to. Ask the recipients to spread the word by notifying others connected to the deceased. Put a post about the death on social media.

What happens when someone you love dies?

When someone you love dies, the job of handling those personal and legal details may fall to you. It's a stressful, bureaucratic task that can take a year or more to complete, all while you are grieving the loss. The amount of paperwork can take survivors by surprise.

How to prevent identity theft?

Close email accounts. To prevent identity theft and fraud, it's a good idea to shut down the deceased's email account. If the person set up a funeral plan or a will, she may have included log-in information so you can do this yourself. If not, you'll need copies of the death certificate to cancel an email account.

What does it mean when a deceased leaves a pour over will?

If the deceased left a pour-over Will, it means that the assets mentioned be put in a trust. A probate attorney with estate planning or trust administration skills can be of great assistance. 12.

Can a decedent's assets be frozen?

In the blink of an eye, a decedent’s assets can be heisted, pillaged, squandered, or frozen. Probate attorneys help to execute the deceased’s estate plan or intestacy laws so that this doesn’t happen.

What to do if you are a decedent?

Call the decedent’s last employer if he or she was working or received pension or health insurance benefits from the employer. Request information about the amount of benefits, the successor beneficiary of those benefits, and any pay due. Ask whether there was a life insurance policy through the employer. If the company provides life insurance, ask for an IRS Form 712 and the beneficiaries of the policy.

What documents are needed for a trust agreement?

Those documents include the Will, any Trust Agreement, the latest bank account statements, investment statements, deeds, birth certificate, marriage certificate, divorce decree (if any), Social Security information, life insurance policies, certificates of title to vehicles and keys to the safe deposit box or home safe .

What is the first responsibility of a deceased person?

1. Handle the care of any dependents and/or pets. This first responsibility may be the most important one. Usually, the person who died (“the decedent”) made some arrangement for the care of a dependent spouse or children.
