nj lawyer who handle soft tissue injury

by Dariana Wolf DVM 3 min read

Full Answer

Can you get compensation for soft tissue damage?

If your soft tissue injury was caused by a no-fault accident, you may be eligible to make a soft tissue injury claim for compensation.

What kind of doctor do you see for soft tissue injury?

If you have symptoms of a soft tissue injury, like a muscle strain or sprain, meet with a skilled orthopedic doctor at Dignity Health to receive proper diagnosis and treatment.

What should you do if you suffer a soft tissue injury?

Treatment involves healing the inflamed area with rest, compression, elevation, and anti-inflammatory medicine. Ice may be used in the acute phase of injury. Stretching and strengthening exercises can gradually be added to help avoid further injury.

What are the 3 main soft tissue injury categories?

Acute soft-tissue injuries vary in type and severity....Sprains are classified by severity:Grade 1 sprain (mild): Slight stretching and some damage to the fibers of the ligament.Grade 2 sprain (moderate): Partial tearing of the ligament. ... Grade 3 sprain (severe): Complete tear of the ligament.

Can an MRI show soft tissue damage?

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) The MRI is a strong tool for diagnosing soft tissue injuries because it shows the soft tissues with a clarity not possible through traditional x-ray technology.

Can an xray show soft tissue damage?

An X-ray won't show subtle bone injuries, soft tissue injuries or inflammation. However, even if your doctor suspects a soft tissue injury like a tendon tear, an X-ray might be ordered to rule out a fracture.

What is a grade 3 soft tissue injury?

Grade 3: A Grade 3 injury is the most serious. It involves a total rupture of the soft tissue. There is considerably more swelling than Grade 1 or Grade 2 injuries along with a significant amount of instability in the affected joint structure. Inability to use the injured limb is a clear indication of a Grade 3 injury.

How serious is soft tissue damage?

These debilitating injuries can last a lifetime, limiting what an individual can do. When a soft tissue injury occurs, many individuals immediately feel pain and experience swelling and stiffness, although these symptoms may be delayed in some cases.

How long can soft tissue damage last?

How long will it take to heal? Most soft tissue injuries heal without any problems in about six weeks. However, it may take a few months for your symptoms to settle – these can include pain or discomfort, stiffness, decreased strength, and swelling.

Is soft tissue damage worse than a break?

The reality is that some soft tissue injuries can be worse than broken bones. While breaks often seem worse at the time, they tend to heal well, while damaged ligaments and tendons affect joints so often have long-lasting effects.

What are the symptoms of soft tissue damage?

Common Symptoms of Soft Tissue InjuriesA lump or knot at the site of the injury.Inability to bear weight.Joint instability.Limited range of motion.Muscle cramping or spasms.Muscle weakness.Pain.Swelling.More items...

Does soft tissue damage require surgery?

While many injuries can heal on their own, the most severe ones involving tears may require surgery. A Grade III, the worst soft tissue injury, results in a complete tear that will require surgery.

Why is soft tissue injury important?

Soft tissue injury experts are important where there has been serious damage to the skin or body. It might be necessary for a physician to explain to the insurance company, judge or jury, the extent of damages your soft tissue injury has caused.

How to tell if a child has a soft tissue injury?

Sometimes it can be hard to tell whether a child has a soft tissue or muscle injury because they do not have the ability to communicate their symptoms. As a parent, there are several reliable signs you may look for in a soft tissue injury, including: swelling in the affected area; bruising; severe pain; tenderness in one spot; or an inability or unwillingness to move one limb through a full range of motion. If your child has a muscle injury, it is important to seek medical help. If your child’s head, neck, or back may be injured, or if the muscle injury is so severe your child cannot move, do not move him/her. Call 911 instead.

Aggressive Representation In Neck Injury Claims

Neck injuries may not be apparent initially after an accident. For that reason, it is important to go to the hospital after an accident if you are hurt. The importance of going to the hospital for an examination is magnified if your head or neck jerked forward and/or backward during a car accident.

Contact An Experienced New Jersey Neck Injury Attorney

If you are diagnosed with a neck injury or have a soft tissue injury due to a rear-end collision occurring in Monmouth or Ocean counties or elsewhere in New Jersey, retain an experienced attorney as soon as possible to ensure that your rights and interests are protected and maximize your compensation.

Investigating and Proving Bone Fracture and Soft Tissue Injury Claims

Personal injury accidents can result in significant trauma to bones, joints, ligaments, and other soft tissues. These injuries often result in prolonged and sometimes permanent pain.

Your Fractures and Soft Tissue Injuries Questions Answered

Following a fracture or soft tissue injury, there are always more questions than answers. At Thomas J. Henry, we’re here to answer any questions you have about your injury case.

Why Choose Us

If you’ve been hurt, you may have a damaged vehicle or be unable to work. We can help get you a rental car if your vehicle is damaged and even advance money on qualified cases.

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Every year, millions of Americans are injured in crashes involving cars, trucks, and SUVs.

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No matter the injury or the accident, if you or a loved one were harmed due to the negligence of an individual or company, Thomas J. Henry is here to assist you.

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When Mike suffered a back injury after falling down broken stairs at an apartment complex, he called Thomas J. Henry. This is his story.

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What happens if someone else is responsible for soft tissue injury?

When someone else is responsible for your soft tissue injury, they should be held fully accountable and forced to pay you the money you need and deserve. However, you’ll have to be aggressive in your demands.

What is tendonitis in the workplace?

Specifically, tendonitis occurs when a tendon becomes inflamed, often as a result of repetitive motion. Tendonitis is a fairly common workplace injury.

Can soft tissue injuries disrupt your life?

A soft tissue injury can really disrupt your life. You didn’t ask to get hurt, so you should demand compensation form whoever might be responsible. You might be entitled to damages for:
