making a murderer how can detectives talk to accused without lawyer present

by Ted Schroeder 3 min read

You should not talk to a police detective without an attorney present. If you do so it waives your 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination and leaves you vulnerable to making incriminatory statements that police and prosecutors will use against you. If it is possible, get a detective’s business card with their name and phone number.

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What to do if a Detective wants to talk to you?

Alternatively, the detective or police officer may tell you that you are not a suspect, and that he just wants to talk. You make ask the detective or law enforcement officer if you should speak to a lawyer or bring a lawyer with you.

Can a detective use your answers to convict you if innocent?

Even if you are completely innocent, only tell the truth and say nothing incriminating, your answers can still be used to convict you if your statement is videotaped, and the detective’s questions are not on the videotape, or if the detective does not recall the questions with 100% accuracy.

What should you not do when being questioned by a detective?

If you are an innocent person, questioning by a detective in a small room at a precinct can be a stressful situation where you are likely to be nervous and just blabber. Although this is human nature, it is important not to do it. Do not even put yourself in that situation.

Can a prosecutor contact the accused party without a lawyer?

The prosecutor is not, however, limited to communication solely through attorneys. An attorney may interview, without op- posing counsel's presence, employees of the accused4* and wit- nesses of the opposing party.48 This contact is permitted only if the party being interviewed is not an adverse party.

What happens if a detective wants to arrest you?

How to surrender to a detective?

What happens if you are innocent of a crime?

Why do police call you to the precinct?

What happens if you go to the precinct?

What happens if you lie to the police after a trial?

Do you have to plead guilty to a detective?

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How do police interrogate suspects?

Two alternative interrogation techniques are (1) Preparation and Planning, Engage and Explain, Account, Closure and Evaluate (PEACE), a less confrontational method used in England, and (2) the Kinesic Interview, a method that focuses on recognizing deception.

How long was Brendan Dassey's interrogation?

48-hourInterrogation. Dassey was interrogated on four occasions over a 48-hour period, including three times in a 24-hour time frame with no legal representative, parent, or other adult present.

Who defended Brendan Dassey?

Len Kachinsky spent only five months as Brendan Dassey's defense attorney. But in that time, Kachinsky made a deep and lasting impression.

Why did Brendan Dassey confess to murder?

Additionally, Dassey confessed during police interrogation due to his youthful desire to please authority and his mistaken belief that telling officers what they wanted to hear would lead to his freedom. Brendan Dassey, a young man whose IQ places him in a category approaching disability, was read his Miranda rights.

Did Brendan Dassey tell truth?

Dassey told the truth but not the whole truth. Interestingly, Dassey exclusively used the past tense when he described his activities in the truthful statement. Dassey used the pronoun “we” seven times in his truthful story.

Is Dolores Avery Still Alive 2021?

July 8, 2021Dolores Avery / Died

Who is Len Kachinsky?

A lawyer who represented a defendant profiled in the Making a Murderer Netflix series is facing his own legal troubles. Len Kachinsky, a lawyer and former municipal judge, failed to persuade a Wisconsin appeals court to reverse his September 2019 conviction for violating a harassment order.

Are Steven Avery's parents?

Dolores AveryAllan AverySteven Avery/Parents

Is Laura nirider still representing Brendan Dassey?

Even while working briefly in commercial law Nirider continued to contribute to the Dassey case. Dassey remains behind bars; however, efforts to prove that his confession was extracted through unsuitable methods, with Nirider and Drizin at the helm, remain ongoing.

Was Brendan Dassey's confession coerced?

A federal judge overturned Dassey's conviction in 2016, ruling that his confession was coerced. A three-judge panel later affirmed that ruling. This past December, however, by a 4-3 vote, the 7th Circuit reinstated his conviction.

What is Brendan Dassey's IQ?

His intellectual functioning was assessed by means of the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test-2 and the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence. On both tests, he received comparable IQ scores. On the WASI, Brendan obtained a Full Scale IQ of 81.

What are some examples of false confession?

One of the most well-known false confession cases is the NY Central Park Jogger case. In 1989, a female jogger was found brutally attacked and raped in Central Park. The crime caused an uproar in New York City and police were under pressure to find those responsible.

If a police officer calls me, do I have to answer the phone?

Answer (1 of 27): No. You are no more required to answer a call from the police than you are to one from a pesky telemarketer. If you decide to accept the call or to return the call you have consented to any conversation that should transpire. The conversation is going to be considered a consensu...

Things Cops Do That Are Illegal: What a Police Officer Can and Cannot ...

April 10, 2020 | Criminal Law Police officers are not above the law. When they make errors or cross the line into illegal conduct, they can be held accountable for their wrongdoing.

Is it legal for police officers to lie to or manipulate you?

During a criminal investigation, you have certain basic rights. There are also best practices that law enforcement officers should follow to ensure that they don’t violate the rights of an individual suspected of a crime. Unfortunately, current best practices for law enforcement officers often include intentionally lying to or misleading the subject of an investigation […]

What to say to police if you are charged with a crime?

Invoke your rights – say, "I do not wish to make a statement. I am invoking my right to silence. I would like an attorney." Then, contact a local criminal defense attorney. An attorney can help you decide what, if anything, you should say to police.

How does an officer start a crime?

The officer starts out by stating that the suspect is guilty. The officer knows it and the defendant knows it. The officer will then present a theory of the crime (sometimes supported by other evidence, sometimes completely fabricated) that offers details that the suspect can later parrot back to the officer.

What are the techniques used in interrogation?

Under this technique, police rely on three concepts that are intended to lead the suspect to believe that confessing to the crime (whether guilty or not) is in the suspect's best interests: 1 Isolation. Officers isolate the suspect from family and friends, in the hopes that it will make the person feel alone. The reliance on isolation led to the development of the modern, windowless interrogation room. 2 Maximization. The officer starts out by stating that the suspect is guilty. The officer knows it and the defendant knows it. The officer will then present a theory of the crime (sometimes supported by other evidence, sometimes completely fabricated) that offers details that the suspect can later parrot back to the officer. The officer ignores or refutes any claims of innocence by the defendant. This is the "bad cop" portion of the interview. The cop knows that suspect is lying, knows that the suspect did it, and the suspect is wasting everyone's time with protests of innocence. 3 Minimization. Finally, after the officer had made it clear to the suspect that no claims of innocence will be entertained, the officer moves on to the "good cop" portion of the interview. Now, the police officer tells the suspect that the officer understands why the suspect did it and everyone else will understand too. Won't the suspect feel better after confessing? If the suspect confesses, good things will happen – a lesser charge, a chance to go home. If not, the suspect will remain in custody forever.

What is the purpose of the police isolation technique?

Under this technique, police rely on three concepts that are intended to lead the suspect to believe that confessing to the crime (whether guilty or not) is in the suspect's best interests: Isolation. Officers isolate the suspect from family and friends, in the hopes that it will make the person feel alone.

What to do if an officer stops you?

If an officer stops you and you do not know why, you should assume that the officer suspects you of committing a crime —whether that crime is speeding or murder—and is trying to get you to confess to the crime, and you should act accordingly. Ask if you are free to leave. If you are, then leave.

How to avoid saying something incriminating?

Police use lots of different tactics to obtain confessions.The best way to avoid saying something incriminating is to not say anything at all. If an officer questions you, tell the officer you do not wish to make a statement and you would like an attorney. Repeat as needed.

When was the Reid interrogation technique first used?

The Reid Technique. When police officers suspect a person of a crime, they often use the Reid interrogation technique, first developed in the 1940s. This is the sort of questioning you see in the movies and on television.

Why do police want to speak to you?

The only reason the police want to speak to you is because they don't have enough evidence yet to convict someone of a crime and they're hoping that by interrogating you, they will get you to confess. Call the local law school legal clinics or the public defender's office and see if you can find someone to represent you for free or at a low cost.

Do not speak to police?

Do NOT speak to the police, state you are going to remain silent until your have an attorney. Also , if you have any ability at all, hire your own counsel.

Should I speak to the police without an attorney?

If you are being accused of a crime, you should not speak to the police without an attorney present. The best advise I can give you is to find a way to hire an attorney, even if you have to borrow the money.

What to do if you are contacted by a detective?

If you’re contacted by a detective, you should talk to an attorney right away. Your attorney will be able to talk to law enforcement on your behalf and may be able to mitigate circumstances before charges are even brought to light. It is always in your best interest to seek legal counsel before it is too late.

What do detectives say to the person who is calling you?

The detectives will tell the person who is calling you to make promises such as “We can get back together if you just tell me the truth” or “I need to hear the truth; so the victim can get closure and move on”. Police will use people close to you to get the information they want.

What to do if a detective leaves a voicemail?

If someone has something important to say, they’ll leave a message. If a detective leaves you a voicemail, you can easily forward it to your attorney so you don’t put yourself into harm’s way unintentionally.

Can a detective contact you in Colorado?

Email. In the state of Colorado, detectives can contact you if you’re suspected of a crime, or if you might be a witness to a crime that you didn’t necessarily take part in. Seeing officers come to your door can be a scary thing. Getting a call from a detective is even worse. Read this Blog and it may be the difference between getting arrested ...

Do you need an attorney if a detective contacts you?

Why You Need a Colorado Attorney if a Detective Contacts You. In Colorado, you have the right to have legal representation if a detective contacts you. Never answer a number you don’t know, and if someone shows up at your door, tell them you need to reach out to your attorney to speak with them on your behalf.

Can police tell you what they think you did 100 times?

They can tell you whatever they think will get you to confess to a crime. Even if you say you didn’t do something 100 times, they will continue to ask you questions and try and get you to slip up.

Can a detective talk to you?

Talking to a Detective Over the Phone. Detectives might also have a spouse or someone in your inner circle call you. That person might attempt to keep you talking, in hopes that you will reveal information that can, in turn, be used against you. The police will also have that conversation recorded.

Why do you need a criminal defense attorney?

Hiring a criminal defense attorney immediately places a barrier between the prosecutor and you, which can prevent you from making any mistakes that could harm your chances of obtaining a favorable outcome in your case.

Why is it important to hire an experienced attorney?

While you are dealing with the shock of being arrested and accused of a crime, the prosecutor may attempt to exploit you at your weakest moment. That is why hiring an experienced attorney as soon as you possibly can is vital.

What is the role of a district attorney in California?

In California, the role of the district attorney (or, in some cities, the city attorney) is to review the information received from law enforcement investigations to determine whether a person should be charged with a crime.

What is the right to remain silent?

Your right to remain silent is one of the most important protections that the U.S. Constitution gives you if you are arrested. The Fifth Amendment gives you the right to refuse to answer the questions of any law enforcement agent, and it is always the best course of action to politely refuse to do so outside the presence of your attorney. ...

Is there a gap in a criminal case?

The answer to that is generally nothing at all. The truth is that every criminal case has gaps that the prosecutor needs to overcome. The police may have violated your constitutional rights, or the evidence against you is weak and unlikely to convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt that you are guilty. Suddenly, the prosecutor contacts you and ...

Do prosecutors help you?

Remember, prosecutors are not there to help you, and the criminal justice system usually does not reward you with less of a sentence based on how cooperative you are. The prosecutor wants you to make a mistake and reveal information that he or she does not yet have, or agree to a plea bargain without realizing how small the chances ...

Why do police lie about a refusal to cooperate?

This is another lie told by police because they have nothing to do with sentencing. [5]

Who was the 16 year old girl who was questioned by the police for the death of her 13-month-old

The Reid technique led to a false confession from 16-year-old Nga Truong for the death of her 13-month-old son. Truong was questioned in a small, isolated, windowless room. Then the cops claimed that they knew the truth behind her son’s death. As the last step, they minimized the crime.

What happened to the defendant in the case of Mathiason?

Mathiason (1977), the defendant had voluntarily come to the police station and was told that he was not under arrest. Police lied to the defendant and said that his fingerprints had been found at the scene. This led to the defendant’s false confession of taking property. [1] The police are generally allowed to lie about physical evidence ...

What is police interrogation?

Police interrogation is designed to extract a confession from a suspect. Officers have several tactics they use to draw out a confession even if the accused is innocent. They can even legally lie to suspects in various ways to get them to falsely admit to committing a crime. You’re probably thinking that there is no way ...

What happened to Gary Gauger?

After 21 hours of questioning, Gary Gauger falsely confessed to murdering his parents. He was sentenced to death but was released three years later after a motorcycle gang bragged about committing the murders.

Why do police study body language?

The police are trained to study body language such as eye contact, gestures, and posture to understand when someone is lying. The art of interpreting body language can help investigators understand if the accused is lying or telling the truth. Suspects who cross their arms are not open-minded.

What does it mean to be a bad cop?

The “bad cop” starts by stating that the accused is guilty and presents a theory for the crime. The officer ignores all claims of innocence. The “good cop” then enters the picture and tells the suspect that he understands the reason for committing the crime.

What happens if a detective wants to arrest you?

If the detective wants to arrest you, then your attorney will schedule your surrender. If the detective wants to arrest you but does not have enough evidence to make an arrest, and your attorney speaks to him, you will not be arrested. If you go to the precinct, any statement you make WILL be used against you and you will be arrested.

How to surrender to a detective?

Write down the detective’s phone number, call your attorney and have your attorney speak to the detective. Alternatively, give the detective your attorney’s phone number and have him call your attorney. If the detective wants to arrest you, then your attorney will schedule your surrender.

What happens if you are innocent of a crime?

If you are innocent of the crime, the detective is investigating, and you deny your guilt while mostly telling the truth, you could easily unintentionally tell a small lie or make a small mistake that will be detrimental to your case. If you are an innocent person, questioning by a detective in a small room at a precinct can be a stressful situation where you are likely to be nervous and just blabber. Although this is human nature, it is important not to do it. Do not even put yourself in that situation.

Why do police call you to the precinct?

You may receive a call from a police officer or a detective one day asking you to come to the precinct because he wants to talk to you about a complaint that was made against you or a crime that was committed in the area, or something to that effect. He isn’t specific and doesn’t say whether or not he intends to arrest you. Alternatively, the detective or police officer may tell you that you are not a suspect, and that he just wants to talk.

What happens if you go to the precinct?

If you go to the precinct, any statement you make WILL be used against you and you will be arrested. There is no way that going to the precinct will be beneficial, whether you are guilty of a crime or not.

What happens if you lie to the police after a trial?

Finally, if you are convicted after a trial and it is shown that you lied to the police by claiming you did not commit the charged crime, you could ultimately receive a harsher punishment from the judge.

Do you have to plead guilty to a detective?

It is always a possibility to eventually plead guilty, and perhaps receive a plea deal, if you actually are guilty. There is no need to plead your guilt to the detective immediately.

What to say when a detective wants to talk to you?

When a detective wants to talk to you because you’re a suspect, they will generally be very nice and even friendly. They will say things like, “I just want you to come down and help me clear up some confusion. I already know you didn’t do it. But I’d appreciate it if you could help me out.

Why do detectives ask to speak to you?

Detectives will typically ask to speak to you for one of two reasons: either they believe you witnessed a crime or you’re a suspect in a crime they are investigating. I am going to briefly discuss the second scenario. By the time a detective contacts you there’s a pretty good chance you’re the prime suspect.

What happens if you don't talk to the police?

Detectives do not want either thing to happen. If you don’t talk, you don’t help them get evidence they will use against you, and if you have an attorney present, it is doubtful you will be allowed to say anything that helps the police (and thus hurts you).

What happens if you are arrested?

They may not have enough probable cause to arrest you, and once you are arrested two things happen automatically: you have the right to remain silent and you have the right to have an attorney present during all questioning. Detectives do not want either thing to happen.

Can police lie to you?

Detectives and other police can legally lie to you. They do it all the time. I have had many clients who were lured into the police station by a friendly detective and never walked out. They want you to come to the police station voluntarily and ultimately, they want you to confess.

Can you go to the police station voluntarily?

The point is this: if you go to the police station voluntarily, you are not under arrest. And the detectives will sometimes say things like, “You can go at any time, but I’d like to hear more.”. As long as you are free to leave, you are not under arrest. That is the legal test.

Do detectives get tunnel vision?

In my experience detectives often get tunnel vision when they like a suspect for the crime they are investigating.

What happens if a detective wants to arrest you?

If the detective wants to arrest you, then your attorney will schedule your surrender. If the detective wants to arrest you but does not have enough evidence to make an arrest, and your attorney speaks to him, you will not be arrested. If you go to the precinct, any statement you make WILL be used against you and you will be arrested.

How to surrender to a detective?

Write down the detective’s phone number, call your attorney and have your attorney speak to the detective. Alternatively, give the detective your attorney’s phone number and have him call your attorney. If the detective wants to arrest you, then your attorney will schedule your surrender.

What happens if you are innocent of a crime?

If you are innocent of the crime, the detective is investigating, and you deny your guilt while mostly telling the truth, you could easily unintentionally tell a small lie or make a small mistake that will be detrimental to your case. If you are an innocent person, questioning by a detective in a small room at a precinct can be a stressful situation where you are likely to be nervous and just blabber. Although this is human nature, it is important not to do it. Do not even put yourself in that situation.

Why do police call you to the precinct?

You may receive a call from a police officer or a detective one day asking you to come to the precinct because he wants to talk to you about a complaint that was made against you or a crime that was committed in the area, or something to that effect. He isn’t specific and doesn’t say whether or not he intends to arrest you. Alternatively, the detective or police officer may tell you that you are not a suspect, and that he just wants to talk.

What happens if you go to the precinct?

If you go to the precinct, any statement you make WILL be used against you and you will be arrested. There is no way that going to the precinct will be beneficial, whether you are guilty of a crime or not.

What happens if you lie to the police after a trial?

Finally, if you are convicted after a trial and it is shown that you lied to the police by claiming you did not commit the charged crime, you could ultimately receive a harsher punishment from the judge.

Do you have to plead guilty to a detective?

It is always a possibility to eventually plead guilty, and perhaps receive a plea deal, if you actually are guilty. There is no need to plead your guilt to the detective immediately.


The Reid Technique

  • When police officers suspect a person of a crime, they often use the Reid interrogation technique, first developed in the 1940s. This is the sort of questioning you see in the movies and on television. Suspects are questioned at the police station, in a dingy room, with one officer playing "good cop" and another playing "bad cop." In police procedurals, there are cigarettes and coffee, …
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Informal Questioning

  • Informal questioning can also occur any time a person interacts with an officer. If an officer stops you and you do not know why, you should assume that the officer suspects you of committing a crime—whether that crime is speeding or murder—and is trying to get you to confess to the crime, and you should act accordingly. Ask if you are free to leave. If you are, then leave. If not, then sa…
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  • It is an urban myth that police officers can never lie. There is no law or rule against police officers saying that certain evidence exists or that a co-defendant has confessed, even if is this is not true. Police are generally prohibited from making threats ("If you do not confess, we will make certain that you never see your children again") and promises ("If you confess now, we will charge a les…
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Obtaining Legal Assistance

  • If you are accused of, charged with, or questioned about a crime, do not make a statement to police without a lawyer present. Invoke your rights – say, "I do not wish to make a statement. I am invoking my right to silence. I would like an attorney." Then, contact a local criminal defense attorney. An attorney can help you decide what, if anything, ...
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