looking for lawyer who does over payment with ss

by Prof. Mathias Breitenberg V 8 min read

How do I fight Social Security overpayment?

If you do not agree that you have been overpaid, or if you believe the amount is incorrect, you can appeal by filing Form SSA-561, Request for Reconsideration. You should explain why you think you have not been overpaid or why you think the amount is not correct.

What happens if you don't pay back Social Security overpayment?

If you think the overpayment wasn't your fault, and you can't afford to pay it back, you can ask SSA to forgive the overpayment. This is called a “Request for Waiver.” You must file a special form called SSA-632. You should file your Request immediately to stop money from being taken out of your monthly benefits.

Can Social Security overpayment be discharged?

Unless you've committed fraud, you can discharge Social Security overpayments in bankruptcy. If the Social Security Administration (SSA) accidentally pays you more retirement or disability benefits than you are entitled to, it can come after you to collect the overpayment.

Who is responsible for Social Security overpayment?

1906.3Who is liable for repayment of SSI benefits? An individual and spouse who receive SSI payments as a married couple are equally liable if either is overpaid.Apr 19, 2010

How many years can Social Security go back for overpayment?

For Title II Social Security benefits, the time period is 4 years. Only in very limited circumstances, such as fraud, may SSA assess an overpayment beyond the above time limits. Note that this time limit applies only to the original determination that there has been a benefit overpayment.

Is there really a $16728 Social Security bonus?

The $16,728 Social Security bonus most retirees completely overlook: If you're like most Americans, you're a few years (or more) behind on your retirement savings. But a handful of little-known "Social Security secrets" could help ensure a boost in your retirement income.Dec 9, 2021

How Disability Attorneys Get Paid

There are two ways for Social Security attorneys to get paid: fee agreements and fee petitions. Fee petitions are used for overpayment cases.

Retainer Fees For Overpayment Cases

When attorneys take Social Security overpayment cases, they will almost always ask you to pay a retainer fee upfront before they will start work. A...

Should You Hire An Attorney For An Overpayment Case?

An attorney can help you by filing an overpayment waiver request, appealing the denial of a waiver request, or negotiating a repayment plan.But eve...

How to Find An Attorney Who Will Take An Overpayment Case

If an attorney represented you at an earlier stage in your disability case, you should consider contacting that person to see if he or she can help...

What to do if you can't resolve a Social Security claim?

If you have a Social Security dispute that you can’t resolve on your own, finding a lawyer can be the next step. Since you may not have a lot of experience looking for lawyers—particularly lawyers specializing in Social Security—we put together a guide to help you find the right one for your case.

What questions should I ask a lawyer?

You might talk to somebody in the office to get your first round of questions answered. Some initial questions could include: 1 Do you have experience with clients that have [your medical condition]? 2 How many approvals are at the hearing level? 3 What percentage of your cases did you win, gaining your clients their full benefits?

What is a disability on Social Security?

Social Security disability is for people who have a medical condition that fits Social Security’s definition of a disability. And to qualify, you must have worked in jobs covered by Social Security. 2 In other words, if you never paid into Social Security, you’re not going to get anything out. If you do qualify, you can get monthly benefits checks ...

Can I get Social Security if I can't work?

If you do qualify, you can get monthly benefits checks only if you are unable to work for at least one year because of a disability. 2. If you paid into the system in the past, you can't work for at least a year, and still didn't receive your benefits checks, your disagreement with Social Security probably stems from whether your medical condition ...

What happens when you receive a letter of overpayment from Social Security?

When a person on either Supplemental Security Income or Social Security Disability Income receives the letter of overpayment, it is normally due to a change of living circumstances or a return to gainful employment. The recipient of the payments may need to file a waiver or a reconsideration letter for further assistance.

How does an overpayment on Social Security work?

When the person changes homes or lives with others that help pay for some items that the SSDI or SSI provide for, an overpayment is possible. When the recipient moves in with family or roommates that provide for part of the rent and utilities that the person paid for entirely before, he or she will usually receive more than necessary from the Administration. This generates an overpayment if the person does not contact Social Security about the change in living circumstances. The amount received by the Administration normally changes when this type of living arrangement is different.

What to do if you overpay someone?

To help through the process of an overpayment, the person may need to hire a lawyer. If the overpayment is valid, the individual may have other options, but these generally take time. During the process, the lawyer may get the employees to back off trying to collect.

How to avoid overpayment of Social Security?

To avoid the hardship of repaying a Social Security overpayment, take the following steps: 1. If your income, marital status or disability status changes, be sure to report it promptly to the SSA. 2. Review all documentation you receive from SSA with care.

How long does it take for SSA to recover overpayments?

SSA normally tries to recover the full amount of overpayments within three years. However, if that is more than you can afford to pay, SSA will usually negotiate a reasonable payment plan. Sit down and figure out a budget that allows for monthly payments to SSA.

How long does it take to repay Social Security overpayment?

When Social Security discovers an overpayment, the agency will send you a written notice requesting that you repay the full amount of the overpayment within 30 days. That can be a big problem for some people, especially if they have been receiving overpayments for months or even years.

How long does it take to get back to the SSA?

The SSA will process your request and get back to you with an answer within 30 days. Unless the agency finds a discrepancy in your income or expenses, the SSA will normally agree to your proposed repayment plan.

What to do if your reconsideration is denied?

If your reconsideration is denied, there are additional steps you can take to contest the overpayment. You have the right to an administrative hearing where you can present your case to an administrative law judge. You will need to fill out the Request for Hearing By Administrative Law Judge form.

What to do if you owe Social Security money?

If Social Security says you owe a significant amount of money, it's a good idea to contact an experienced disability attorney as soon as you receive your overpayment notice to handle your appeal.

What happens when Social Security overpays?

Overpayments occur when Social Security pays an individual more disability, retirement, or dependents benefits than he or she was due, often because a one's income, resources, marital status, or living situation has changed. When Social Security discovers that it has made an overpayment, it sends the beneficiary a Notice ...

How long does it take to get a notice of overpayment from Social Security?

When Social Security discovers that it has made an overpayment, it sends the beneficiary a Notice of Overpayment stating the amount of improperly paid benefits and instructing the individual to return the excess benefits within 30 days. If you've received a Notice of Overpayment from Social Security, you do have options.

Can a disability attorney take overpayment cases?

Many disability attorneys do not take overpayment cases because they have to petition Social Security to be able to charge you a fee. You can try to find an attorney by calling disability lawyers in your community and asking if they take overpayment cases, or you may be able to find a legal aid lawyer to help you with your overpayment case.

What is an overpayment?

An overpayment is when you receive more money for a month than the amount you should have been paid. The amount of your overpayment is the difference between the amount you received and the amount due.

Can you pay back an overpayment?

You cannot pay back the overpayment because you need the money to meet your ordinary living expenses. You may have to submit proof of your income, as well as bills to show that all of your income is used for your monthly expenses and that it would be a hardship for you to repay.

How to get overpayment from SSA?

If you don't repay the overpayment that is owed to the SSA, there are several steps that the agency can take to get the money that is owed to it. Some of the actions the SSA may take include: 1 Taking your federal tax refund check 2 Taking a percentage from your work paycheck before you get it 3 Taking future SSI or SSDI benefits, or 4 Report your nonpayment to the credit bureau.

What happens if you overpay SSI?

If you were overpaid Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits and are currently receiving SSI benefits, 10% of your monthly benefit will be withheld each month to repay the overpayment.
