looking for a lawyer who will take my disability

by Miss Alexandrea Zemlak 4 min read

If your Short-Term Disability (STD) or Long-Term Disability (LTD) insurance claim has been denied or your disability benefits have been terminated and you are still not well enough to return to work, you may be looking for a lawyer to help you take over your fight with the insurance company.

The National Organization of Social Security Claimants' Representatives (800.431. 2804) can refer you to an attorney specifically for a disability determination through Social Security. The American Bar Association (ABA) has a referral service by state.

Full Answer

How to find a good disability lawyer?

  • Call your top two or three lawyers and ask to schedule a consultation. Don’t be surprised if you don’t talk to the lawyer directly. ...
  • The person you speak to might ask you some basic questions about your disability. ...
  • If the lawyer does not handle disability cases like your own, then you should be told that fact. ...

Should you hire a disability lawyer?

Unless your case is very clear cut and the evidence points strongly to your disability, you might be better off hiring an attorney. And if you don't want to wait upwards of two years for a hearing date, you might try to hire an attorney for help with the initial application.

How can I get a disability lawyer for free?

The benefits of hiring a disability lawyer:

  • You get professional legal advice at all times.
  • A lawyer will do most of the legwork after you fill out basic forms.
  • Lawyers might know legal loopholes to help your case work out in your favor.
  • You can have the support that comes from having someone who is on your side (even though that’s their job).

When to talk to a Social Security disability lawyer?

  • Reconsideration. In a reconsideration appeal, your file moves on to someone else, not the person who made the original adverse decision. ...
  • Hearing with an administrative law judge (ALJ). After the reconsideration, you still might not be happy with the determinations made in your case. ...
  • Review by the Appeals Council. ...
  • Filing a lawsuit in federal court. ...


What is the most approved disability?

1. Arthritis. Arthritis and other musculoskeletal disabilities are the most commonly approved conditions for disability benefits. If you are unable to walk due to arthritis, or unable to perform dexterous movements like typing or writing, you will qualify.

What is the difference between SSI and SSDI?

The major difference is that SSI determination is based on age/disability and limited income and resources, whereas SSDI determination is based on disability and work credits. In addition, in most states, an SSI recipient will automatically qualify for health care coverage through Medicaid.

What do I do if my Social Security claim is denied?

If the SSA denies your application, they will send you a letter advising you of the reasons for their decision. You have the right to request a reconsideration and have them review your entire file. Appeal. If your application is denied after you request a reconsideration, you can file an appeal and request a hearing.

Can I lose my SSDI benefits?

It's actually possible to lose your SSDI benefits. Many SSDI benefits recipients have lost their benefits while they still needed them. (It's unfortunate, we know.) Sometimes, a loss in benefits is due to a mistake; other times, it is unavoidable.

What are 4 hidden disabilities?

The four most common types of hidden disabilities are:Autoimmune Diseases. In most people, the body's immune system protects them from invaders like bacteria and viruses. ... Mental Health Conditions. ... Neurological Disorders. ... Chronic Pain and Fatigue Disorders.

How much money can you have in the bank on Social Security Disability?

WHAT IS THE RESOURCE LIMIT? The limit for countable resources is $2,000 for an individual and $3,000 for a couple.

How can I increase my chances of getting disability?

Tips to Improve Your Chances of Getting Disability BenefitsFile Your Claim as Soon as Possible. ... Make an Appeal within 60 Days. ... Provide Full Details of Medical Treatment. ... Provide Proof of Recent Treatment. ... Report your Symptoms Accurately. ... Provide Medical Evidence. ... Provide Details of your Work History.More items...•

How many times can you be denied Social Security disability?

There is really no limit to the number of times you can apply for benefits or appeal your disability claim. However, there are a variety of other factors to consider when deciding whether to apply or appeal a denied claim. For many applicants who have received a claim denial, an appeal is the best course of action.

What are the 3 most common physical disabilities?

Here are three of the most common physical disabilities we see.Arthritis and Other Musculoskeletal Disorders. According to the Mayo Clinic, arthritis is inflammation and tenderness in one or more joints. ... Cerebral Palsy. ... Spinal Cord Injuries.

How often is disability reviewed?

Expected, we'll normally review your medical condition within six to 18 months after our decision. Possible, we'll normally review your medical condition about every three years. Not expected, we'll normally review your medical condition about every seven years.

Does Social Security watch you?

Unlike private insurance companies the SSA does not generally conduct surveillance investigations, but that doesn't mean that they can't or never will. Once you file a disability claim, the SSA looks for proof of your disability.

Does SSDI monitor your bank account?

On the other hand, if you receive disability benefits through the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program, the SSA won't check your bank account. Individuals qualify for SSDI based on their work history. Claimants who receive SSDI or SSI will be subject to ongoing eligibility reviews.

What happens if you hire a disability lawyer?

If you hire a disability lawyer, the burden of compiling the necessary evidence to support your claim will fall largely on them. You won’t have to stress yourself talking to your doctors or thinking about what type of medical evidence you need to get.

How to get disability if you have never applied?

1. Conduct an Initial Review of Your Case. When you first get in touch with a disability lawyer, they will conduct an initial review of your case. If you’ve never applied for disability benefits, they will assess your eligibility for disability. But if you’ve already been denied, they will look at what went wrong with your application.

What is the SSA disability determination process?

The SSA’s disability determinations process uses an evidence-based approach in granting disability benefits. They will want you to prove that your disability really prevents you from going back to work or doing any type of income-generating activity.

What to do if your disability is denied?

If your claim gets denied at the initial application stage, you have the right to appeal the SSA’s decision. This is where an experienced disability lawyer can help you too. They can help you navigate the appeals process and file a request for reconsideration.

Does an advocate get paid if you win a disability case?

7. Doesn’t Get Paid Unless You Win. If you’ve been on the fence about hiring a disability lawyer because of monetary concerns, worry not. In most states, an attorney or advocate cannot collect fees unless you win the case. The attorney’s fee will be deducted from your total benefits once it’s released.

Is a disability lawyer required for Social Security in 2021?

June 17, 2021. When you’re applying for social security disability benefits, hiring a disability lawyer is not required by law. But doing so can be very beneficial for your case. According to the SSA, denied social security disability claims average at 53%. Most of them got denied during the initial application stage.

When did Social Security stop paying for legal aid?

Many legal aid offices stopped providing representation for Social Security disability claims after a rule change in 2005 that required the Social Security Administration to pay lawyer fees in SSI cases directly to the attorney. This meant that SSI claimants would have an easier time finding lawyers to take their case.

Can I get an attorney for my disability?

Applicants for Social Security disability (or SSI disability) are very unlikely to find an attorney to represent them for free, even at legal aid offices. This is because attorneys who help disability claimants work on a contingency basis, meaning that they only get paid for their work if they win your case. In addition, fees paid ...

Can a lawyer collect disability backpay?

However, even legal aid attorneys and nonattorney advocates who are registered with Social Security are permitted to collect fees from disability backpay to compensate them for the time they spend working on your case.

Do disability attorneys have to pay up front?

Disability attorneys do not require their fees to be paid up front. Instead, they collect a maximum of 25% of your retroactive benefits ( backpay) or $6,000, whichever is less. Social Security pays your attorney directly out of your backpay award.

Can SSI claimants get a lawyer?

This meant that SSI claimants would have an easier time finding lawyers to take their case. Today, many legal aid offices will represent clients only in Social Security overpayment situations, since it can be difficult to find a lawyer for help in these cases.

Who is more likely to have disability claims approved?

A study conducted by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) determined that individuals who were represented by an attorney or an advocate were three times more likely to have their disability claim approved than those who represent themselves.

How long does a disability last?

To receive disability, the condition must be expected to last a year or longer or it must be expected to culminate in your death. Disability claims can be complicated, and the odds of having a claim approved aren’t always in the favor of the disabled worker. Those who have a disability advocate or a Social Security Disability attorney representing ...

What to do if you are unable to work?

If you are unable to work and are seeking disability benefits, there are many ways that a lawyer can help your claim. First off, the key to a successful case is hard medical evidence and other supporting documentation that proves your condition is so limiting you are unable to work.

What happens if you get denied Social Security?

When your initial claim for Social Security disability is denied you will have to go through an appeal process. People who have legal representation at this stage are often more successful in being approved for benefits than those who decide to go on and represent themselves.

How long can you wait to receive back pay from SSA?

You cannot receive backpay for more than 12 months before your application date minus the five-month waiting period.

What happens if a claim is denied?

After the claim is denied, you will file a request for reconsideration. Upon the reconsideration review, very few claims are approved. After the second denial, you can request a hearing before an administrative law judge.

Is the Blue Book written for disability?

The Blue Book can be difficult to understand as it is written for medical professionals or disability advocates. The need for a Social Security disability lawyer arises when your initial claim for Social Security Disability is denied. It is at this point that you should consider hiring an attorney to represent your interests.

Hire a free disability lawyer today!

National Disability Benefits has helped thousands of Americans file and successfully obtain Social Security disability benefits.

The power of a free disability lawyer

A free disability lawyer can help you obtain the payment you deserve without taking crucial funding away from recovery.

What to do if you don't have a good case?

You might ask the attorney or paralegal you spoke to for details on why they don't think you have a good case. If it has to do with your medical records, recent work, substance use, or receipt of unemployment benefits, you can address these issues before continuing with your claim.

What happens if you don't see a doctor?

If you aren't currently seeing a doctor, and don't have a history over the past several years of seeing a doctor, you'll have a harder time finding a lawyer to take your case. Good medical records are probably the most important factor in getting an approval for benefits, and this is especially true for mental claims.

What factors do lawyers consider when they decide to take a case?

Here are some of the factors lawyers consider when they decide to take a case. Some of the factors, such as age or medical condition, you can't change, but with other factors, you might be able to take actions to make your case more attractive to a disability attorney.

Why do lawyers focus on other factors when taking a case?

Because medical records are complicated, and a lawyer isn't always in the best position to assess whether Social Security is likely to grant a medical allowance for a complex medical condition, lawyers often focus on other factors when deciding to take a case.

Can a disability lawyer take your case?

Some disability lawyers won't take your case until you've been denied benefits. They'd rather not help out at the application stage, but they'd be more than willing to represent you at the appeal hearing.

Can a lawyer take a case for fibromyalgia?

Having what appears to be a severe medical condition will obviously help convince a lawyer to take your case, but there are certain conditions that some lawyers don't like to see in your medical file. Fibromyalgia is one of them. Historically it's been difficult to get benefits for fibromyalgia, though it's gotten easier since Social Security published a ruling on the subject. Also, applying for fibromyalgia along with similar conditions, especially a lesser known condition like Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, may signal to Social Security that you still haven't received the proper diagnosis.

Can a lawyer take a client with substance abuse?

Whether There Is Substance Abuse. Most lawyers will not take clients with a current substance abuse problem, unless their medical conditions are extremely severe and quitting the alcohol or drug use very clearly wouldn't make their problems less disabling.

What are the rights of people with disabilities?

It also guarantees that people with disabilities will have equal opportunity in public accommodations, their place of employment, state and local government services, transportation, and telecommunications.

What is disabled person?

A disabled person is someone with a mental or physical impairment that "substantially limits one or more major life activity.".

What is the ADA?

ADA Lawyers. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is an important piece of civil rights legislation that became law in 1990. It prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in workplaces, schools, transportation, and essentially in all areas of public and private life.

What to do if your disability application is denied?

If your initial application got denied, you have the right to request a disability hearing. To skip the wait for the hearing, your lawyer can file for an on-the-record (ORD) decision. To help you get approval at this stage, your lawyer can: help you gather substantial medical evidence proving the extent of your disability.

How many people get legal assistance without a lawyer?

Surveys also show that 60% of those who had legal assistance was approved for benefits. While only 34% of claimants got approved without a lawyer. These statistics are backed by government data which shows that applicants represented by lawyers are 2.9 times more likely to get benefits.

What factors affect the turnaround time for disability?

Some factors that can affect the turnaround time include: whether you got approved at the initial application stage. the availability of your medical records. your medical condition. the state you live in. A disability lawyer knows what the SSA wants to see and hear.

First-Round Approvals

The fastest way for you to start receiving disability benefits is to get your initial claim approved on the first round of review. When this happens, you do not have to wait for an appeal, which can take years.

Reconsideration Approvals

Most people receive denials in the first round of review and the next step, or the first appeal, is called Reconsideration. At this stage, you can request an on the record (OTR) decision, but only with the help of an experienced Social Security Disability attorney, do you realistically have a chance of getting approved at this level.

ALJ Hearing Approvals

If you are denied at the Reconsideration level, your case will proceed to a hearing in front of the ALJ. The average waiting time for a hearing is currently in in the 15 – 20 month range from the time the Request for Hearing is filed with the SSA.

What does legal insurance cover?

These plans vary. Many cover most, if not all, of the cost of legal consultations, document preparation, and court representation in routine legal matters. Other programs cover only advice and consultation with a lawyer.

Do legal aid offices have their own lawyers?

Some legal aid offices have their own staff lawyers, and others operate with volunteer lawyers. Note that people do not have a right to a free lawyer in civil legal matters. I have been accused of a crime, and I cannot afford a lawyer.
