lawyer who protects sex victims

by Hanna Murphy 4 min read

Full Answer

What do personal injury lawyers do for sexual abuse victims?

Personal injury (or "trial") lawyers represent survivors of sexual abuse in the civil court system. Trial attorneys can file claims on behalf of victims against either abusers or "third parties," like an apartment owner whose negligence allowed an assault to occur or a Church leader who hid allegations of sexual abuse from the authorities.

What can a victims'rights lawyer do for me?

An experienced victims' rights lawyer can offer you, compassionate legal counsel, help guide you through your recovery, and help you to receive compensation for the various damages you're suffering from after a sexual assault. What Will The Police Do If I File A Report?

What can the prosecutors office do to protect victims of crime?

This many include requiring the prosecutors’ office to intervene with employers or creditors on request, or prohibiting employers from firing or punishing a victim from taking time off to participate in the criminal justice process.

Is there an attorney’s practice guide for representing victims of domestic violence?

There is also an Attorney’s Practice Guide to representing victims of domestic violence, as well as a “bench guide” project to assist judges. Did you find this information helpful?


What Is Sexual Assault?

The legal definition of sexual assault varies from state to state. But generally, sexual assault is defined as any form of unwanted touching or con...

Who Can Be The Victim Of Sexual Assault?

Anyone can be the victim of sexual assault or sexual abuse. Although a large majority of rape victims are women, a CDC study found that 1 in 71 men...

What Kind Of Lawyer Handles Sexual Assault?

District attorneys (and teams of assistant or deputy district attorneys) handle federal criminal cases against abusers. They represent the governme...

What Can I do as an Adult About Sexual Abuse I Experienced as a Child?

Every area of civil law comes with a statute of limitations, a law that creates a time limit for filing. File after the statute is up and the case...

What Kind of Attorney do I need?

In these cases, the civil statute of limitations is usually tolled, stopped, or extended to allow victims the time necessary to come to terms with...

What Is Child Sexual Abuse?

Child sexual abuse is an inappropriate physical or sexual contact between a child and an adult or older adolescent. Examples include direct sexual...

What Should I Do If My Child Has Been Sexually Abused?

If your child has told you about sexual abuse, or if you've picked up on the signs on your own, you may be feeling angry, frustrated, and panicked....

How Much Will A Child Sexual Abuse Attorney Cost?

We're not in the business of becoming a burden. We believe justice should be open to all, regardless of personal circumstances, and understand that...

How Do I Get A Restraining Order?

Half of all sexual assaults occur within 1 mile of a victim's home or in their home, according to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network. No one...

What Happens If Someone Violates A Restraining Order?

Legally, someone who violates a restraining order is considered in contempt of court. That means they violated (purposefully disobeyed) the court's...

Effects of Sexual Assault

Sexual abuse and sexual assaults take a devastating toll on the victim. In most cases the physical injuries and bruising heals but the psychological and emotional effects on the victim can last forever. Depression, PTSD, low self-esteem, drug dependency and even suicide.

What Is Sexual Assault?

There are many types of sexual assault. In most jurisdictions, the definition of sexual assault involves any unwanted sexual contact. While rape is just one form of sexual assault, any unwanted touching or fondling – even through clothes – is illegal and considered sexual assault.

Damages in Sexual Assault Cases

Calculating damages in a sexual assault cases is difficult. Typically the out-of-pocket medical bills (if any) are quite low. Counseling can get expensive, however, particularly if required long-term.

How Much Time Do I Have to Sue for Sexual Assault?

Depending where the assault occurred and how old you were when assaulted, you might have as little as one year or as long as forever to file a civil suit for sexual assault. Generally, in most states you have two or three years if you were an adult and often much longer if you were a minor when the assault occurred.

Representing Victims in Sexual Assault Cases

Google the term “sexual assault lawyer” and it becomes obvious that most lawyers represent the people committing these heinous crimes. Few lawyers represent the victims. Few know how.

Some Sobering Sexual Abuse Statistics

RAINN is the acronym for the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network. It is the largest anti-sexual violence organization in America and an authority on the topic. According to its research, victims of sexual abuse are:

Who is the offender in child abuse cases?

In roughly 90% of child sexual abuse cases, the offender is either a family member or acquaintance of the family. Many abusers seek positions of trust and authority to more easily commit their crimes, such as priests or Boy Scout leaders.

What does a state attorney do?

They represent the government, not survivors. State's attorneys handle state criminal cases against offenders. They represent the state, not survivors. Personal injury (or "trial") lawyers represent survivors of sexual abuse in the civil court system.

What is is sponsored by a national network of sexual abuse and assault attorneys, legal professionals devoted to ensuring that the rights of survivors are protected. To find resources specific to your state, click one of the links below:

How does child sexual abuse affect adults?

Child sexual abuse can unquestionably affect victims well into their adult lives, but the right combination of protection, support, and therapy can help them to recover eventually. Make your child feel safe - Make sure your child knows that this abuse was wrong and that it will never happen again.

What is child sexual abuse?

Child sexual abuse is an inappropriate physical or sexual contact between a child and an adult or older adolescent. Examples include direct sexual contact, indecent exposure of private body parts, child grooming, and the production of child pornography.

Can a criminal lawyer help victims?

However, criminal courts aren't concerned with providing support for victims. An experienced victims' rights lawyer can offer you, compassionate legal counsel, help guide you through your recovery, and help you to receive compensation for the various damages you're suffering from after a sexual assault.

Does the criminal justice system support survivors of sex abuse?

But America's criminal justice system was not intended to support the survivors of sex abuse. In most cases, it fails them. One of the most difficult challenges confronting sexual abuse survivors is facing the reality of what has happened to you.

Who must be held accountable for sexual abuse?

Sexual abusers must be held accountable; likewise, people in a position of authority, who fail to protect those in their care, must also be held responsible for what happens on their watch.

What is sexual abuse?

While the legal definition varies by state and type, it is generally understood that sexual abuse involves unwanted sexual contact. Cases of abuse typically involve inappropriate use of power, and a number of factors can contribute:

Why do students feel obligated to take part in the abuse?

The student may feel obligated to take part in the abuse simply because the teacher holds a role of power. Age: Acts that involve an adult and a minor are despicable acts; children are victimized simply because they are too young to protect themselves from the assault.

What happens when you take a sex offender off the street?

When you take a sex offender off the street, you protect future victims from sexual attack. Whether you seek monetary damages or simply want to have the perpetrator put behind bars, everything hinges on the way that your case is represented in a court of law. Sexual battery cases are more common than you'd think.

What is the hardest case to prove?

If you or someone you love is the victim of a sex crime, keep the following points in mind: Crimes against children are among the most difficult cases to prove; successfully prosecuting such cases often requires the skill and persistence of a criminal lawyer who has a proven track record.


Sex and human trafficking is considered modern-day slavery, with more slaves today than at any other time in history. Victims are forced or manipulated into having sex or related acts while another person benefits financially. Sex trafficking is a crime, punishable by law. Sex trafficking takes on a variety of different forms, the U.S.


Sex trafficking is a different kind of slavery taking place in hotels, casinos, resorts, nightclubs, truck stops, and other establishments. This practice is flourishing in your community and these establishments turn a blind eye to the acts—since it’s more profitable to do so than actually doing something about the problem.


You may think you are alone and this is only happening to you, but you’re not. There are more than 21 million human trafficking victims worldwide. This is not something that occurs only in dark alleys in the far corners of the Earth. It’s happening in our communities every day.

How can a sexual assault victim be helped?

A sexual assault lawyer from The Carlson Law Firm can help victims through the toughest moments of their lives. A sexual assault is a traumatic experience and can completely alter your life physically, mentally and financially. Sexual assault victims often need to seek therapy to overcome the traumatic experience, in addition to lost wages or loss of support stemming from the assault. Unfortunately, criminal proceedings do not award damages to victims. To mitigate some of the financial burden that can soar from seeking and receiving the help you need, it is important that you and your family file a civil lawsuit to receive the compensation you deserve to move forward. Speaking to a victim’s sexual assault lawyer can help you as you begin to put your life back together.

What is Carlson Law Firm?

The Carlson Law Firm is dedicated to raising the voices of victims silenced by their abusers. As more survivors find their voice, our country is coming to reconcile the fear and trauma suffered by survivors. If you are survivors of sexual abuse, you need a law firm on your side to help you in your recovery. Our firm has some of the leading legal advocates to elevate your voice in the courtroom. If you want a firm that embodies the compassion you need to get you through a legal battle, as well as the resources to ensure you get top-notch legal representation, you want The Carlson Law Firm.

Is rape a form of sexual assault?

Rape is a form of sexual assault, but not all sexual assault is rape. Rape is a legal term that is usually reserved for acts that include sexual penetration without consent. Sexual assault is a broader definition that refers to the general sexual contact or behavior without explicit consent from a victim. Survivors can immediately begin dealing with extremely distressing emotions following a sexual assault or rape. Every survivor responds to the damaging effects of sexual violence differently. The healing process can seem like a lonely path, but you don’t have to go it alone. A Carlson Law Firm victims sexual abuse lawyer can help you get the resources you need to ease the pain in the aftermath of sexual assault. Survivors often experience physical, mental and emotional effects including, but not limited to:

Is sexual assault a crime?

While sexual assault is a crime, consulting with a civil sexual assault attorney can give you a different kind of justice. A civil sexual assault lawsuit can give you remuneration for the following sexual assault damages:

What are victims' rights?

The core rights for victims of crime include: The right to be treated with fairness, dignity, sensitivity, and respect; The right to attend and be present at criminal justice proceedings ;

Why is it important to include victims' rights in the constitution?

Including crime victims’ rights in state constitutions increases the strength, permanence, and enforceability of victims’ rights. Some state amendments include a few broadly worded rights, while others provide a long list of rights for victims.

Why do victims serve on victim impact panels?

Several jurisdictions also give victims the opportunity to serve on a victim impact panel to educate convicted offenders about the real-world impact of crime. Right to Be Informed. Introduction. The criminal justice system is often required to provide general information of interest to victims.

What rights did victims have in the past?

Introduction. Thirty years ago, victims had few legal rights to be informed, present, and heard within the criminal justice system. Victims did not have to be notified of court proceedings or of the arrest or release of the defendant, they had no right to attend the trial or other proceedings, and they had no right to make a statement to ...

What is the right to attend a criminal trial?

Right To Attend. Introduction. Most jurisdictions give crime victims and their families the right to be present during criminal justice proceedings. This right is important to victims, who often want to see the criminal justice process at work.

Why is it important to have a trusted advocate?

The supportive presence of a trusted advocate or family member often enables a crime victim to better exercise his or her right to be present during proceedings. Recognizing this, a number of states give crime victims a right to have an advocate or support person present during proceedings.

What is the right to be heard in criminal justice?

The right to attend and be present at criminal justice proceedings; The right to be heard in the criminal justice process, including the right to confer with the prosecutor and submit a victim impact statement at sentencing, parole, and other similar proceedings;
