Prostitution is only legal in Nevada on a county by county basis, if the county population does not exceed 700,000, and then only in state licensed brothels. Currently it is legal in 10 of Nevada's 17 counties, and currently only 21 (down from a high of 35) state licensed brothels are in operation throughout Nevada.
Nevada's state laws make prostitution legal in licensed brothels located in counties with less than 400,000 residents. However, licensed brothels and the prostitutes who work in them must follow certain rules including the following: Prostitutes must be at least 18 years old and must be employed by their own free will.
Licensed brothel prostitution is legal in the following ten rural counties in Nevada: Churchill County. Elko County (only in the incorporated communities of Elko, Carlin, Wendover and Wells) Esmeralda County.
Yes. Regulated, licensed brothel prostitution is currently legal in Nevada but only in the following counties: Churchill County. Elko County (only in incorporated Elko, Carlin, Wendover, and Wells)