lawyer who held ban fire

by Mr. Oda O'Reilly III 10 min read

Who was the lawyer who sued Mike Pence?

Rep. Louis Gohmert’ s actions more than justify disbarment. In Gohmert v. Pence 1, lawyer/legislator Rep. Louie Gohmert 2 (R-TX) and a group of Arizona GOP fake-electors sued Vice President Mike Pence in order to grant him “ exclusive authority and sole discretion under the Twelfth Amendment to determine which slates of electors for a State, or neither, may be counted. ” Seriously. V.P. Pence himself asked the judge to dismiss 3 this ridiculous waste of time and taxpayer money. Trump-appointed Judge Jeremy Kernodle threw it out for lack of standing, convoluted hypotheticals and that they weren’t even suing the right person. Rep. Gohmert’s plea to SCOTUS was just denied on Thursday 4. In his quest for political gold, Gohmert violated not only common sense, but his professional ethics rule in which “ A lawyer shall not bring or defend a proceeding, or assert or controvert an issue therein, unless there is a basis in law and fact for doing so that is not frivolous, which includes a good faith argument for an extension, modification or reversal of existing law.5 ” Frivolous. Embarassing. Wasteful. Dishonest.

What are the actions of Rep. Brooks?

Mo Brooks’s actions more than justify disbarment. ( NYTimes list 1) Rep. Brooks 2 (R-AL), a lawyer/legislator, led the House effort 3 to overturn our election 4 , stating that he wanted to reject the electoral votes certified by states such as Georgia and Pennsylvania that he claims had flawed election systems, ” an issue for Congress only if there were competing slates of electors. Twenty-five lawyers/legislators joined him in committing professional and legal violations 5 in pursuit of political gain. In an act of sedition, 5 he misrepresented the facts of the election results 6 to his constituents, a violation of professional ethics, and objected to counting certified electoral college votes, breaking his oath to uphold the Constitution by violating both Article II and the 12 th Amendment. 7

Why did Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire?

Sometimes mobilization does come: when Mohamed Bouazizi, an impoverished fruit vendor in Tunisia, set himself on fire in 2011 to protest government corruption, it catalyzed a mass protest that toppled the country’s dictatorship and inspired similar movements across the Arab world.

What was the case in 2001 that the sheriff violated a duty to protect Teena?

In 2001, the Nebraska supreme court ruled that the sheriff had violated a duty to protect Teena. On the Teena case and others, Buckel’s talent for listening was crucial to earning clients’ trust, Dohrn said; his most powerful weapon was often his empathy.

When did David Buckel join Lambda?

David Buckel at a news conference in Newark, New Jersey, on 25 October 2005. Photograph: Jeff Zelevansky/Reuters. In the 1990s, when Buckel joined Lambda, LGBT rights were on shaky and sometimes non-existent legal footing.

Who said it was a conscious, deliberate choice?

David Buckel. ‘It was a very conscious, deliberate choice he made,’ Terry Kaelber said. Photograph: Terry Kaelber. But his concerns about the planet are clear; and, whether or not one agrees with the decision, so was his explanation for his self-immolation.

Was Goldberg a lawyer?

But he was also “a careful and deeply committed lawyer”, Goldberg said – a “meticulous” person who brought intense sense of purpose to his work. “He never lost sight of the fact that we were representing real people, often with serious difficulties in their lives as a result of discrimination or harassment.”


There have been only a handful of instances in U.S. history of top Justice Department officials publicly breaking with the White House.


Federal judges blocked deportation of those detained under the order through the weekend, and more lawsuits were filed on Monday.

What are the responsibilities of a fire protection district trustee?

The “money” responsibilities of a trustee generally fall into three categories: the responsibility to raise the money, the responsibility to spend the money wisely, and the responsibility to report to others about the money.

What are fire protection districts?

Laws create fire protection districts, and laws govern how a fire protection district – and its trustees — must operate. As a result, laws from all levels of government place demands on what fire districts can and cannot do. So, it’s important for a trustee to know a little bit about these laws.

What happens if a firefighter dies in the line of duty?

If a firefighter dies in the line of duty, one unfortunate side effect of this death is the financial hit that the family takes to pay the attendant burial expenses.

What are the physical dangers of being a firefighter?

The physical dangers to firefighters are well known. Less well known are the emotional challenges that result from being a firefighter or paramedic. The First Responder Suicide Prevention Act (5 ILCS 840) attempts to address these challenges. The new Act amends the Fire Protection Training Act to require training on issues related to stress, trauma, and post-traumatic experience by firefighters. It encourages referrals to employee assistance programs, within the fire department or outside of it, and creates requirements to insure that any information shared on these issues remains confidential.

Do trustees have to follow the law?

Yes, trustees have to follow the law – no real surprise there! But boards of trustees also have the ability and the responsibility to also create laws (well, not really laws, but regulations) that apply to themselves, to their firefighters, and to persons living within their districts.

Is firefighting a dangerous job?

Everyone knows that firefighting is a dangerous occupation, performed under great stress and fast-changing circumstances. Because of this, even with the best of intentions, and with trained personnel and excellent equipment, things can sometimes go wrong. Obviously, the best defense to a liability claim is to operate in such a manner that prevents mistakes from being made. But, we can never know when mistakes might happen. If something goes wrong, then an injured party may seek compensation for the damage to person or to property that results.

Can a fire district fight without a firefighter?

A fire district can’t fight fires without people . So, the Board of Trustees will typically need to recruit and appoint a fire chief, other command personnel, and firefighters. (There are a limited number of districts – such as “paper” districts — that don’t have their own personnel. Districts of this type are ignored in this discussion). Some fire districts are staffed by paid, career, full-time firefighters. There are special rules in the Illinois Fire Protection District Act (70 ILCS 705) that govern the selection and treatment of these “career” firefighters.
