lawyer who has experience with security/cyber security.

by Sanford Feil 3 min read

Full Answer

Is a cybersecurity lawyer a litigator or advisor?

As a cybersecurity lawyer, one can work either as a litigator or advisor. What’s the difference between the two you ask? The lawyer who litigates also advises; however, the lawyer who advises usually does not litigate. At a minimum the advisor may assist a company or law firm with pre-litigation matters.

Why hire our cyber crime attorneys?

Our cyber crime attorneys provide experienced federal defense representation for individuals and entities accused of deploying these attacks from within the United States and abroad.

How can attorneys and law firms address cybersecurity threats?

Attorneys and law firms must recognize these threats and address them through comprehensive cybersecurity programs. Attorneys have ethical and common law duties to take competent and reasonable measures to safeguard information relating to clients and also often have contractual and regulatory duties to protect confidential information.

How do I become a cybersecurity lawyer?

Additionally, you should take law courses on privacy and/or cybersecurity at your law school. Learn the current issues that emerge in the field and case law. Take IT training. You should gain hands-on IT experience through IT training.


What lawyers need to know about cybersecurity?

In addition to having a strong grasp of privacy law, a cybersecurity attorney in the United States must understand the foundation of cybersecurity statutes: the Electronic Communication Privacy Act, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, and the Stored Communications Act, the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015, ...

Do law firms need cybersecurity?

Since clients entrust lawyers with so much of their sensitive data, law firms make prime targets for cyber crime. According to the 2019 ABA Cybersecurity Tech Report, 26% of law firms experienced a form of data breach. You don't want your law firm to become part of that statistic.

Is cybersecurity a law?

On data security, privacy, and cybersecurity, the United States does not have any legal law. Several states have enacted their cybersecurity laws in addition to federal restrictions that are already in place.

Is Cyber Law and Cyber Security Same?

Despite being related to the internet, both Cyber Law and Cyber Security are completely different subjects.

What does a cyber lawyer do?

Cyber lawyers handles cases of cyber crimes against persons, property and government. The work of a Cyber Lawyer is to prepare, examine and advocate a case for the client involved in a cyber crime case. Cyber Law is a domain, much wider than the entire legal domain itself.

Why is cybersecurity important for law firms?

Cyber attacks and data security issues are often in the news, so often that we seem to have become numb to the problem. If a lawyer or a client's personal information is on the internet, it's more likely than not that someone, somewhere has it. This is why law firms must take cybersecurity seriously.

Can a lawyer learn cyber security?

Many IT professionals—management included—grow frustrated of lawyers who claim cybersecurity expertise, to only discover that they possess a rudimentary knowledge of cybersecurity issues. On the other hand, IT professionals enjoy working with lawyers who understand cybersecurity, and seek those lawyers out.

Which country has the best cyber security at place?

Cyber surveillance power: When it comes to cyber surveillance, China is the most powerful in cyber. Researchers say Russia is second in the category and the United States is third. Cyber power in commerce: In this category, China is number one, the U.S. is second.

Who is responsible for cyber security in USA?

CISA Plays Two Key Roles CISA acts as the quarterback for the federal cybersecurity team, protecting and defending the home front—our federal civilian government networks—in close partnership with the Office of Management and Budget, which is responsible federal cyber security overall.

What happens if you break a cyber law?

Like any law, a cyber law is created to help protect people and organizations on the Internet from malicious people on the Internet and help maintain order. If someone breaks a cyber law or rule, it allows another person or organization to take action against that person or have them sentenced to a punishment.

What are the types of cyber law?

There are several cyber laws for the ownership and the right distribution of the Intellectual Property like Copyright, Patents, Trademarks or Service Marks, Trade Secrets, Domain Disputes, Contracts, Privacy, Employment, Defamation, Data Retention, and Jurisdiction.

What are the major fields of cyber law?

Different areas of cyber law are: Computer Crime, Cyberstalking, Intellectual Property, Searching and Seizing Computers and Data Protection adn Privacy.

What is the main reason why law firms fail to address cyber security risks?

It has been reported that attackers have targeted law firms because they hold valuable commercial information and are regarded as 'weak links' because they do not usually take cybersecurity as seriously as their clients, or do not have the financial capabilities to invest in efficient technologies that protect the firm ...

How do law firms protect data?

To comply with GDPR requirements, law firms should keep any client records in a secure storage environment. Firms must get their client's consent before storing the files. They should also inform clients about how long the documents will be stored for and what will happen to them once the time requirement has expired.


There have been dramatic changes in the way businesses interact with customers, brought about by increasingly new technological capabilities. We now have unprecedented challenges in managing the privacy and cybersecurity risks associated with the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information about customers and employees.

Texas Cybersecurity and Privacy Lawyers

Cybersecurity lawyers must be knowledgeable concerning the statutory framework and applicable government regulations, and understand the underlying business and technical processes involved in each case. MehaffyWeber lawyers have handled cases like yours for over 70 years. Contact us today.

How Can I Protect Myself from Cyber Crime?

It is important to note that there are no foolproof ways to protect yourself from cyber crime. As previously mentioned, cyber crimes can be simple or sophisticated and evolve as quickly as technology. However, there are many steps that individuals, businesses, and governments may take in order to reduce the likelihood of being a cyber crime target

Why is cyber crime so hard to detect?

Additionally, cyber crime can be difficult to detect because of rapid technological advancements. It can be difficult for the proper authorities to stay on top of the many different schemes and crimes that are in circulation. Because of this, no one is immune from being a victim of cyber crimes.

What Are some Examples of Cyber Crime?

They may be criminal transactions, as well as instructions or breaches of privacy. Some of the most common examples of the various different cyber crimes include:

What Are Some Cyber Crime Punishments?

This depends on the severity of the crime, the specifics of each circumstance, and of course the state’s laws. Some common cyber crime punishments include monetary fines, jail time, and probation. The amount of fees, as well as the length of jail time and/or probation will be determined by whether the crime is considered to be a misdemeanor or a felony.

What is cyber crime?

The term “cyber crime” refers to crimes that are committed using computers and the internet. Also referred to as computer-oriented crime, it generally involves a computer and a network. Cyber crimes can also be committed using other devices, such as tablets and cell phones. Under such definitions, the computer or device could either be used in ...

What is cyber terrorism?

Cyberterrorism: Cyberterrorism is used to create fear and panic, and often to incite violence. It is much the same as terrorism, but in a virtual space. Cyberterrorism commonly puts people’s lives in danger. An example of this would be if a cyberterrorist alters the medical records of patients at a hospital.

How to protect yourself from a virus?

Consumers can begin to protect themselves by reporting any suspicious websites, web users, or activity. It is important for anyone accessing the internet to install up-to-date and adequate anti-virus software on their computers and other devices. Additionally, do not download any files, attachments, or other content from any unknown sources.

How to become a cybersecurity lawyer?

Take IT training. You should gain hands-on IT experience through IT training. Though a cybersecurity lawyer will probably never configure a router, she should know how routers function. Most IT training tends to be expensive and require large amounts of time, so make sure you possess an unwavering commitment in honing your technical skills as a cybersecurity lawyer. For instance, SANS offers training that can cost over $4,000 for 40 hours’ worth of training! I highly recommend that you research affordable training opportunities in your area. If no IT training exists in your area, then look for virtual training.

What is Krebs on Security?

As for cybersecurity news, Krebs on Security provides detailed news coverage on the latest cyber threats, cyber-attacks, and investigative journalism on cyber-related issues.

What is SANS certification?

SANS offers certifications and trainings in six areas: cyber defense, industrial control systems, penetration testing, digital forensics and incident management, developer, and management and leadership. This list is not exhaustive.

Can a cybersecurity lawyer be a litigator?

As a cybersecurity lawyer, one can work either as a litigator or advisor. What’s the difference between the two you ask? The lawyer who litigates also advises; however, the lawyer who advises usually does not litigate. At a minimum the advisor may assist a company or law firm with pre-litigation matters.

Should I become an IT expert?

I personally recommend gaining as much hands-on IT training as your time and budget allows. I am not suggesting you become an IT expert; most lawyers work alongside IT professionals to achieve the results their clients want.

Is cybersecurity a legal field?

Cybersecurity remains a growing field in the legal arena. This field, however, can be difficult for a law student to enter, and I hope my points prove helpful in advising students in their endeavors. Since this is a brief introduction, I cannot cover every topic or detail—though I will write more later. I recommend that you conduct extensive research about the field—numerous articles exist online about how to become a cybersecurity lawyer —and consult with cybersecurity lawyers and IT professionals.

What are the agencies that are targeting cybercriminals?

Recently, the DOJ, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and other federal agencies have indicated that they are aggressively targeting foreign cybercriminals. This includes foreign nationals living in the United States as well as foreign citizens living abroad, who may be extradited to the United States for prosecution. Companies involved in cybercrime targeted U.S. businesses and U.S. government agencies can face federal law enforcement action as well, and the DOJ, FBI, and other agencies are pursuing civil forfeitures to recoup U.S. entities’ losses and impose penalties intended to ensure that foreign companies are unable to target U.S. assets again.

What are the two federal agencies that investigate cybercrimes?

There are many federal agencies that can get involved in the investigation of cybercrimes. The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security are the two most popular federal agencies and departments responsible for prosecuting these offenses. Other federal entities that may get involved in the investigation include the U.S. Secret Service, the Federal Trade Commission, or the Internet Crime Complaint Center.

What are Cyber Crimes?

Cybercrimes are crimes committed on the Internet, local networks, or via the use of computers. It refers to a category of offenses where the crime is committed by using any computer system.

What is cybercrime against companies?

Cybercrimes against companies – crimes that target an entity instead of an individual person such as data breaches or cyber extortion.

How can cybercrimes be committed?

Cybercrimes can be committed by attacking computer hardware and software or by using certain online threats like viruses or malware.

What are the penalties for cyber crime?

Cyber crimes are subject to severe penalties in the United States. Individuals accused of hacking, espionage, I P theft, and other crimes can face a multitude of charges, and the aggregate penalties for these charges can face millions of dollars in fines and effective life sentences. Companies accused of corporate theft and espionage can face multi-billion-dollar liability.

What are the most vulnerable entities?

It is sometimes hard for people and businesses to keep up with such changes; entities especially vulnerable include those with poor internal controls, inadequate management, and systems which fail to address cyber risks.

Step Of Becoming Cybersecurity Lawyer

We live in the modern technology that all of us are using digital technology. So, it is essential to implement security measures to prevent digital attacks.

Information Technology Courses

It is essential fr you as a student of law, you need to take the information technology courses. However, you don’t need to take a major in computer science and information technology.

Information Technology Training

So, training is essential to become a security lawyer. You should gain information technology experience through IT training.

Information Technology Certification

So, obtaining a certification it means you have a basic knowledge of cybersecurity and computer network. Therefore, studying for certification will provide you with a conceptual framework.

What is the Role of a Cybersecurity Lawyer?

A cybersecurity Lawyer is a lawyer who has knowledge and practice in cybersecurity law. Also, a cybersecurity Lawyer is a legal adviser who can give advice on how to secure your computer and data from hackers.

What is the difference between a cybersecurity lawyer and a computer security specialist?

A Cybersecurity Lawyer has professional knowledge in cybersecurity law, while a Computer Security Specialist does not have professional knowledge in cybersecurity law.

How much does a cybersecurity lawyer make?

The average salary of a Cybersecurity Lawyer is about $98,000 per year. This amount may be different depending on your years of experience in cybersecurity law.

Can a cyber security lawyer handle hacking?

It does not mean that a Cybersecurity Lawyer can only handle cases of hacking or online crime, a Cybersecurity Lawyer can also handle cases related to data privacy and protection.

Why do attorneys need cybersecurity?

Attorneys and law firms will often need assistance with cybersecurity programs because they do not have the requisite knowledge and experience. For those who need assistance, it is important to find an IT consultant with knowledge and experience in security, or a qualified security consultant.

What is cyber security?

Cybersecurity is a process to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. An important concept is that security requires training and ongoing attention. It must go beyond a one-time “set it and forget it” approach. A critical component of a law firm security program is constant vigilance and security awareness by all users of technology.

What is the ABA opinion on encryption?

In May 2017, the ABA Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility issued Formal Opinion 477R, “Securing Communication of Protected Client Information.” The opinion revisits attorneys’ duty to use encryption and other safeguards to protect e-mail and electronic communications in light of evolving threats, developing technology, and available safeguards. It suggests a fact-based analysis and finds that “the use of unencrypted routine email generally remains an acceptable method of lawyer-client communication,” but “particularly strong protective measures, like encryption, are warranted in some circumstances.” It concludes that “…a lawyer may be required to take special security precautions to protect against the inadvertent or unauthorized disclosure of client information when required by an agreement with the client or by law, or when the nature of the information requires a higher degree of security.”

Why do lawyers have to take special security precautions?

It concludes that “…a lawyer may be required to take special security precautions to protect against the inadvertent or unauthorized disclosure of client information when required by an agreement with the client or by law, or when the nature of the information requires a higher degree of security.”.

Why are attorneys concerned about threats?

These threats are a particular concern to attorneys because of their duties of competence in technology and confidentiality. Attorneys have ethical and common law duties to take competent and reasonable measures to safeguard information relating to clients. They also often have contractual and regulatory duties to protect client information ...

What are the common law duties of a lawyer?

Along with the ethical duties, lawyers have parallel common law duties defined by case law in the various states. The Restatement (3rd) of the Law Governing Lawyers (2000) summarizes this area of the law, including Section 16 (2) on competence and diligence, Section 16 (3) on complying with obligations concerning client’s confidences, and Chapter 5, “Confidential Client Information.” Breach of these duties can result in a malpractice action.

What is the saying about cybersecurity breaches?

Breaches have become so prevalent that a common saying in cybersecurity today is: “there are two kinds of companies: those that have been breached and know it and those that have been breached and don’t know it.”. This is true for attorneys and law firms as well as other businesses and enterprises.
