lawyer who fight aginst dcf

by Daren King 6 min read

Do I need an attorney to protect me from DCF?

Accused of abuse or neglect? Under DCF Investigation? Call Connecticut DCF attorney Brian D. Kaschel in Fairfield (203) 259-521 or Stamford (203) 356-1475.

Who is the best DCF lawyer in Massachusetts?

What makes Attorney Seaver unique, and, in my opinion, the best attorney to assist you, is that his entire practice is devoted to cases involving DCF compared to other attorneys, where DCF cases most likely may only be one area of law in which they practice. Not only Attorney Seaver, but his amazing team was there for us. read less.

Do I have a strategy for fighting DCF?

Feb 11, 2019 · Call me now at Attorney Kevin Seaver at 617- 263-2633. I will fight for you against DCF. Thank you. Don’t make this mistakes when fighting DCF! Call Attorney Seaver or Request Online A Free Consultation. Putting Children First with the DCF. Winning your DCF case through great lawyer communication.

Did someone make a claim against us from DCF?

Mar 25, 2019 · Call me at (617) 263-2633. Again, call me, call Kevin Seaver at 617-263-2633. I will fight for you against DCF. Thank you. Successfully fight DCF! Call Attorney Seaver or Request Online A Free Consultation DCF isn’t Always Going to do What’s Right Boston Globe spotlights DCF overstepping its Boundaries


How do you fight DCF in Massachusetts?

The DCF Office of the Ombudsman helps parents who feel DCF treated them unfairly. If you tried to solve a problem with your local DCF office and you are still unhappy, staff at the Ombudsman's Office can work with you and your local DCF office to solve problems. Their phone number is (617) 748-2444.

Can DCF take my child away Florida?

If DCF believes your children have been abused, abandoned or neglected, or are at risk of imminent abuse, abandonment or neglect they can physically remove your children. Under Florida law there must be an emergency hearing held within twenty-four (24) hours of removal. This hearing is called a “shelter” hearing.Nov 4, 2019

How do you fight DCF in CT?

Call a Connecticut DCF Neglect Petition Attorney Today A DCF Neglect Petition lawyer can help you to gather information, present witnesses, and get the outcome you deserve at a neglect petition. It is important to take these proceedings very seriously, because you can potentially lose custody of your children.

How long does DCF case stay open in Massachusetts?

At the end of the assessment, the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (MA DCF) will review their original “supported for abuse/neglect” decision. After the forty-five (45) days of the assessment, DCF can do three (3) things: keep the case open. close the case and overturn the allegations.

Do I have to cooperate with DCF Florida?

A DCF investigation can last up to 45-days and can lead to continued DCF involvement in your life. Cooperating with DCF can lead to counseling requirements but failing to cooperate can lead to DCF substantiating allegations of abuse or neglect against you.

What are my rights against CPS?

You have the right to talk to your caseworker. Remember that communications between you and the caseworker are not confidential and can be used in court. You have the right to a court appointed attorney if CPS files a lawsuit again you. You can deny any allegations made by the CPS.

How long does a DCF investigation take in CT?

It Is Important to Understand the “Why” of Any DCF Requests DCF has 45 days to complete its initial investigation.Oct 14, 2021

Who oversees DCF in Mass?

Linda SpearsCommissionerAndrea GrossmanDirector of Public AffairsSharon SilviaDirector of AdoptionMiriam VazquezAccounting/Bill PayingEmily HajjarLegislative Director10 more rows

What are my rights during a DCF investigation in Massachusetts?

DCF does the following: Investigates all reports that a child may be at risk of abuse or neglect. ask you to accept services as a condition of letting your children remain in your home. Goes to Court to get permission to remove the children from their home if DCF believes that children are at risk of abuse or neglect.

How long is a DCF investigation in Massachusetts?

This means DCF will begin the investigation within 2 hours after the 51A report was filed. The investigation will be completed within five working days.Feb 20, 2021


It's been a long time since I've signed in to Yelp to write a review, but until this year there hasn't been much that I've felt the need to speak out about in my life. Until, that is, a disgruntled family member felt the need to lash out at me by making a false and erroneous report to DCF about my family.

Check Out Our Blogs

Our blogs are short, helpful, and full of knowledge to keep you and your children safe from DCF. Check them out here!

Robert William Elrod Jr

Lawyers are not allowed to solicit business here but it is critical to retain someone quickly in order to defend your rights. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Mark Theodore Tischhauser

That really really bad way to try to find a lawyer. Competent lawyers do not litigate on emotion - or at least don't do so very long before becoming basket cases, quitting the practice of law or getting disbarred.

Barry W. Kaufman

There are many family law attorneys in Jacksonville. You can use the Find A Lawyer tab in AVVO to find one, or google it. I don't know if Jacksonville Legal Aid has a program for these kinds of cases, but you can contact them and ask. Family law cases, particularly those involving custody of children are not easy or inexpensive, so be prepared...

What is 51A report?

§ 51A, although it is actually § 51B that authorizes such an investigation to proceed past the earliest stages (In terms of terminology, a “51A report” generally refers to the initial report of neglect or abuse.

What is a family assessment?

The Family Assessment – After DCF enters a supported finding of neglect or abuse, or a finding of “ substantiated concern ” , the Department generally conducts a “ family assessment ”, which includes additional home visits by a DCF social worker.
