lawyer who do litigation against social media

by Isac Considine 10 min read

“Although it often seems like the Wild West, the same defamation rules apply on social media as elsewhere,” said media attorney Jeffrey J. Hunt of Parr Brown Gee & Loveless. Elements of a Defamation Case For another person to successfully sue you for slander or libel based on something said or wrote online, they must prove several elements:

Full Answer

Should law firms use social media?

Jul 13, 2017 · Social media use is also giving rise to criminal and civil liability in and of itself. Below, Chris Bryden, Barrister at 4 King’s Bench Walk discusses more with Lawyer Monthly. Vast numbers of people now use social media to communicate to the world at large. Most of these communications are open, and therefore available freely to third parties.

What is social media case law?

ensure they behave ethically. When a non-lawyer behaves unethically on social media, lawyers can be held responsible for their actions if they order the conduct, ratify the conduct, or fail to take remedial action.5 Because of this responsibility, lawyers must ensure that their support staff is aware of acceptable social media practices

When to advise clients on social media litigation?

Often with many class action lawsuits, unfortunately when the reward money is spread out among all victims you might win $100. We plan on suing social media for billions, we need to make it hurt them. And we believe how many laws they have violated and the millions effected it is easily in the billions anyway!

Are You tracking the results of your law firm social media efforts?

Mar 31, 2021 · Minc Law Can Help Fight Back Against Social Media Defamation. This page has been peer-reviewed, fact-checked, and edited by multiple qualified attorneys and legal professionals to ensure substantive accuracy and coverage. Our publication process is robust, following a 16-step content creation and review process.


Can you sue someone for a social media post?

Yes, you can sue for social media defamation. However, while it may seem natural to want to sue the social media platform for defamation, your best option is to file a defamation lawsuit against the individual poster or commenter.Apr 6, 2022

Can I talk about a lawsuit on social media?

Legal cases can be a very stressful time for anyone. You might even be tempted to vent on social media or message your friends. Keep in mind, however, that these posts could later be used against you. It's always best to avoid posting or using social media while you're involved with a lawsuit.Sep 15, 2021

Can lawyers talk about their cases on social media?

First and foremost, to maintain competent representation lawyers must never divulge confidential client information over any medium, including social media. ABA Model Rule 1.6 requires lawyers to keep client information confidential unless the client provides informed consent.

What constitutes libel on social media?

Negative statements about people or companies appear frequently on social media sites, such as Twitter and Facebook. If they are false statements of fact, they can be considered defamation in some circumstances, or more specifically libel because they are written statements.Oct 18, 2021

Will Facebook messages hold up in court?

Can those comments be used in court? Whether it's Facebook posts and comments, Instagram pictures, Twitter tweets or YouTube videos, the short answer is yes: both public and private social media content can be admissible in litigation.Mar 3, 2021

What is illegal to post on social media?

Social media posting Posting of someone's material that is not protected under those terms is considered illegal. It is illegal to adapt, re-use, or take someone else's content without their permission. You must obtain the creator's permission before posting their material on your site.

Can prosecutors have social media?

The prosecution does not need to obtain a search warrant to seek this information – instead, they can simply go on social media and copy the information. There are not privileges that might apply to exclude the content, such as the attorney-client privilege.

Why is social media an ethical issue for lawyers?

Confidentiality Breaches Client confidentiality is a fundamental feature of the solicitor-client relationship and social media poses some unique perils, such as: Social posts celebrating successes where permission hasn't been granted by the client. Online profiles that provide project names or details.Apr 21, 2021

Do lawyers use Instagram?

According to a 2019 survey by Attorney at Work, 25 percent of lawyers use Instagram as part of their legal marketing efforts. That puts it firmly behind the more popular LinkedIn, Facebook, and even Twitter in industry usage rate.Aug 20, 2021

Can you sue the media for defamation?

When it comes to suing the media for libel, slander, or defamation, the responsibility rests with you to prove that: A journalist or media outlet published something false about you. That person acted deliberately and negligently. The false statement caused you harm.Oct 25, 2019

Can I sue Facebook for emotional distress?

Can I sue Facebook for posting it? No. Generally, companies like Twitter and Facebook are not responsible for the content people post. In addition, the companies that host those websites are generally not liable for the content of the websites.

What is the punishment of cyber defamation?

Under the penal code, defamation is punished with imprisonment for up to two years or a fine or both penalties. But under the current ICT Act, defamation may be punished with up to 14 years in prison. Under the proposed digital security law, the maximum punishment is seven years.Jul 25, 2018

Why is social media important for lawyers?

Social media is becoming more prevalent in the legal community because it provides an interactive way to connect with clients, other legal professionals, and the public. However, lawyers must consider potential ethics violations before posting or responding to social media content. When it comes to personal accounts, lawyers should make these accounts private and limit the legal material they share. When posting on personal accounts, lawyers still need to act professionally. If lawyers are using social media to conduct business or provide public commentary on a legal issue, they must maintain client confidentiality and avoid creating unintentional attorney-client relationships, amongst other things. Firms should consider implementing social media workplace policies and provide training courses about ethical social media practices. Any ethical violations can result in court sanctions or disciplinary action from the lawyer’s state bar. While many jurisdictions adapt to the ABA’s rules, some jurisdictions depart on certain issues or have published varied opinions. To stay on top of their ethical obligations, lawyers should become familiar with the rules and opinions of each jurisdiction in which they are licensed to practice law.

What are lawyers responsible for?

Lawyers are also responsible for the actions of non-lawyers that they retain, employ, or associate with in the course of business. This commonly includes law clerks and paralegals that work closely with them on case files. Lawyers are expected to monitor the non-lawyers’ activities to ensure they behave ethically. When a non-lawyer behaves unethically on social media, lawyers can be held responsible for their actions if they order the conduct, ratify the conduct, or fail to take remedial action.5 Because of this responsibility, lawyers must ensure that their support staff is aware of acceptable social media practices in the workplace. In addition to supervising these individuals, hosting team meetings and training will help non-lawyers understand what is expected of them.

Can lawyers use social media during litigation?

Lawyers frequently encounter social media during litigation, especially during the trial and discovery phases. During trial, lawyers are prohibited from making extrajudicial statements to the public thatcould prejudice a trial.6 However, the ABA rulesallow lawyers to make statements that “protect a client from the substantial undue prejudicial effect of recent publicity not initiated by the lawyer or the lawyer’s client.”7 For example, ifopposing counsel publicly makes a negative claim about the lawyer’s client over social media, they can rebut the claim as mitigation and to lessenthe prejudicial effect.

Can lawyers advertise on social media?

Some lawyers may choose to advertise their services over social media. While lawyers are allowed to communicate information regarding their services through any media1, advertisements must not be false or misleading.2


We have achieved extraordinary results in finding various laws and statutes social media and big tech have violated! Many related to free speech, but also many related to privacy concerns and complete hypocrisy of what they keep up and what they delete and remove! We need more stories. Please email us:


Many will say social media big tech giants are private companies they can regulate what they want. But there are some problems with this thinking. They have let certain posts that are crime ridden to stay up and silenced posts that are not their political leanings.


Unfortunately big tech has become very big. Since Congress isn't doing anything about this, partly because they have gotten paybacks too from big tech. And we are left fighting and wanting to defend the free speech rights of all Americans and even other citizens. They are lawyer stacked and this is going to cost a lot in court.


We have given big tech and corporations too much power. They are getting involved too much in politics and taking sides alienating half their clients. Big tech has gotten really out of control. If we don't put an end to it now and take it stand we will have forever lost! They think they are the thought police. No we are and we are taking it back.


The big tech social media giants of Facebook, Twitter and Google/Youtube are out of control! We didn't want to have to sue them, but they gave us no other choice! We believe by law if they start regulating content they go from being a service or platform to being a publisher.

How to sue someone for slander?

For another person to successfully sue you for slander or libel based on something said or wrote online, they must prove several elements: 1 You made a false statement; 2 You presented the false statement as fact; 3 You published the false factual statement in some way; and 4 They suffered damages.

What is a defamation lawsuit?

If you tell a lie about someone online and that lie hurts that person’s reputation or leads to financial loss, the subject of that lie could file a civil defamation lawsuit against you.

Who is Victoria Langley?

Victoria Langley, Contributor. Victoria E. Langley is a legal content writer living in the Pacific Northwest. She holds a B.A. in philosophy from Northern Illinois University and a J.D. from the John Marshall Law School of Chicago. She strives to combine her passion for the law and writing.

Can you make defamatory statements online?

You can make defamatory oral and written statements online, just like anywhere else. Digital content counts as writing, the same as a newspaper or magazine article. Even a short-lived video on Snapchat or TikTok counts as an oral statement like a TV interview would. “Although it often seems like the Wild West, the same defamation rules apply on ...

What are the rules for defamation?

The Rules for Defamation Are Different for People in the Public Eye. When someone files a defamation lawsuit against you, the court evaluates whether they are a private or public figure. For a public official or figure to win their suit against you, they have to establish more than that you negligently made a false statement.

Is slander a written lie?

The subject of the statement can use any written content on social media—whether it’s a Facebook comment, tweet, or LinkedIn article—to prove libel. Slander is a spoken lie. The subject of your statement can use any video posted to a social media account to support their claim.

What is social media defamation?

Social media defamationis a term used to describe content that is published to a social media platform that defames a person or business. This type of defamation is also commonly referred to as libel, cyber defamation, disparagement, character assassination, cyberbullying, and cyber harassment.

How many people use social media in 2020?

As of 2020, studies show that there are over 3.6 billion peopleusing social media worldwide, which is a 12.3% increasein usagefrom the previous year. The average person spent two hours and 24 minutesper dayusing social media in 2020, which was a 38% increaseover the past five years.

What are the two types of defamation?

Defamation can be broken up into two types: slander and libel. Slanderis a false statement made through spoken communication (for example, giving a defamatory speech); Libelis a written or published false statement (for example, an online review or social media post). Social media defamationis a term used to describe content ...

What are the consequences of defamation?

If you are the one who is attempting to shame someone online by publishing defamatory statements, you may be facing consequences such as: Civil liability or lawsuits.

Can you sue someone for defamation?

Yes, you can sue for social media defamation. However, while it may seem natural to want to sue the social media platform for defamation, your best option is to file a defamation lawsuitagainst the individual poster or commenter.

When the plaintiff issued two subpoenas to the defendant’s third-party service-provider in

When the plaintiff issued two subpoenas to the defendant’s third-party service-provider in an effort to obtain applicable discovery, the defense and provider both moved to quash this request under the protection of the Stored Communications Act (SCA).

What was the issue in the case of the missing defendant?

One of the issues in this case was whether the plaintiff had exercised due diligence in locating the missing defendant. In concluding that plaintiff had not done his part, the court noted that the plaintiff had neither conducted a public records search or hired a skip-trace service.

What was the central point of Vasquez-Santos v. Mathew?

In the case, Vasquez-Santos v. Mathew, a central point at issue was whether private social media information was discoverable/allowable in court. The plaintiff in the case was at one point, a semi-professional basketball player. He claimed he became disabled as a result of a car accident and could no longer play basketball.

Why was the Sheriff fired?

Employees of the Sheriff’s Department were fired for “liking” a political opponent of the current Sheriff. They argued that their firing was a breach of their First Amendment rights. The trial court found in favor of the Sheriff and ruled that “liking” something on Facebook did not amount to “speech.”

What did Rene argue in court?

In an appeals court, Rene, the defendant in a child abuse case, argued that prejudicial evidence obtained from Myspace had been introduced to his case. He claimed the Myspace account was not under his name. In regard to the photos obtained from the page, his defense attorney argued:

What did the defendants object to in Tienda?

The defendant objected to the admission of these materials, arguing that their authenticity and his authorship had not been established.

Is a Facebook post submitted by the prosecution in a criminal case inadmissible as evidence?

A Massachusetts appellate court ruled that a Facebook post submitted by the prosecution in a criminal case to be inadmissible as evidence. The State introduced the Facebook post in the form of a screenshot printout without any additional circumstantial evidence to establish authenticity. The court explained that further information beyond the screenshot itself was required to establish a proper foundation for the Facebook post.

How does social media help a law firm?

Social media profiles can drive people to your law firm’s website—where potential clients can find the information they need to hire your firm. It’s a tactic that consumer brands have perfected.

Why is social media important for lawyers?

More than just a fun pastime, social media for lawyers can be a valuable digital marketing channel when it’s used strategically and you take the time to learn and adhere to ethics rules so you can stay compliant.

What is the most popular social media platform?

Facebook. With 2.38-billion monthly active users, Facebook is the most popular social media platform in the world—and it’s also popular among legal professionals, with overall use of Facebook growing to 63% in 2018, according to the ABA’s 2018 Legal Technology Survey Report.

Is Twitter good for lawyers?

While Twitter is less common for law firms to use in a professional context it offers some unique benefits for busy legal professionals: It’s concise. As a microblogging social media platform, Twitter limits your tweets to a character count of 280—forcing you to stay succinct. It’s efficient.

Why is LinkedIn important?

It’s important to ensure your LinkedIn profile is an effective reflection of you and your firm.

Is Twitter efficient?

It’s efficient. As a result, when scrolling your Twitter feed, you can consume highlights and headlines for a wide range of issues in a short period. It’s instantaneous. Twitter gives you near-instant updates on news and information you need to know.

Why do lawyers use YouTube?

Though it’s a less common choice for lawyers and law firms, a YouTube channel gives you the opportunity to share video content with subscribers. Video makes it easy to showcase your personality to viewers, helping them feel like they “know you” before they’ve met you—which can make potential clients feel more comfortable.
