lawyer who cab sue police

by Mr. Sherwood Funk III 7 min read

Full Answer

Who can be sued in a police misconduct case?

Most commonly, in misconduct claims, it is the individual police officer themselves being sued. Governmental immunity plays a large role when suing the offending municipality. Governmental immunity involves policies that protect the government and governmental agencies from being sued in many cases.

Why hire our police misconduct attorneys?

Our police misconduct attorneys have a track record of successful lawsuits and lucrative settlements in New York, Illinois, California, Washington State, Michigan, Florida, Texas, Connecticut, and beyond.

Can I sue the municipality or the police supervisor?

Suing the municipality can be difficult due to the Government Immunity Doctrine. The doctrine protects various government entities from being sued, and in some states it is still effective. Suing a police supervisor is usually only feasible if he or she was directly involved in the incident.

Can police officers be sued for not giving Miranda rights?

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that law enforcement officers can’t be sued when they violate the rights of criminal suspects by failing to provide the familiar Miranda warning before questioning them.


What to do if you have been victim of police misconduct?

If an individual feels that he has been the victim of police misconduct then they can find the police misconduct lawyers Virginia and proceed with the legal formation. A lawyer can explain to you about your rights and responsibilities and also file for the damages you have suffered.

What are the rights of a civil rights lawyer?

Civil rights lawyers against police near me have been granted by United states that are: 1 Civil rights act of 1964- This act says that there should be no discrimination based on race, color, sex, or religion. 2 First amendment act- This act provides the freedom of speech and also gives protection against retaliation. 3 Fourth amendment act- Protects individuals from illegal searches and police brutality.

What are the consequences of police misconduct?

Then you or your family are eligible for financial compensation but for that you have to hire the best lawyers that sue police departments. Kinds of police misconduct involves: False imprisonment. Wrongful shooting. Illegal search.

Can a victim sue a police officer for false arrest?

False arrest – If a victim can prove that he has not done anything though a police officer has arrested him then he can sue the police officer by proving this in the court. Search of car or house- While searching anyone’s property search warrant is necessary but if the police officer is not having any search warrant they can’t get inside ...

Can police officers be above the law?

Though police officers enforce the law, they are not above the law. Law finds its way to truth and no one can misuse law behind any job. If the police officer uses any force or makes a false arrest then the individual can file for compensation or for any loss that you have suffered.

Can a lawyer sue a police department?

This all are the examples where police misbehave with the individuals. If you have been the victim of it don’t delay just come and meet the civil rights lawyer ...

Can you sue the police for harassment?

Police misconduct can present itself in various forms. A person can successfully sue the police for harassment if they are able to provide evidence proving that an officer either illegally spied, racially profiled or made discriminatory remarks against that person. Additionally, discrimination lawsuits can be filed if the individual can prove ...

Can you sue the police for racial discrimination?

Additionally, discrimination lawsuits can be filed if the individual can prove a pattern of racial or sexual discrimination, or discrimination based off of one’s gender or sexual identity. A person can also sue the police for violating their Fourth Amendment rights, which protects them from illegal searches and seizures.

Can you sue the police for excessive force?

Lastly, a person who was a victim of excessive force is able to sue the police. In any lawsuit against the police, extensive evidence must be presented in order to win, as police officers and departments can be notoriously challenging to overcome in court. However, with the right attorney by your side, your case will have a much higher chance ...

Can a police officer win a lawsuit?

An individual who has a case against a police officer can win various damages in a lawsuit depending upon the details of the case. A person can sue for economic damages if they believe that police misconduct cost them financially; lost wages can be awarded to compensate the victim if the incident caused them to lose employment time, ...

Can you sue a police officer?

An individual is eligible to sue the police if their civil rights have been violated by an officer. When police misconduct occurs, it is important to ensure that law enforcement is held accountable for their actions. While winning lawsuits against police officers is difficult, it is not impossible.

Can you sue a police officer for qualified immunity?

This does not mean, however, that a person cannot continue in a lawsuit against the police department. Rather, qualified immunity simply shields the offending officer from personal liability, meaning that a person cannot sue them directly.

How to file a complaint against a police officer?

If you sustained physical injuries or other damages, include medical and relevant reports in your complaint. Deliver a demand letter to the accused. After you compile evidence, draft up a demand letter and send it to the police department.

Why are lawyers unwilling to represent you?

However, lawyers may be unwilling to represent you because of the nature of the case and/or lack of evidence. File an internal complaint with the police department. If your grievance is against a police offer, file an internal complaint with their department. This might present a chance for the accused to be disciplined in accordance ...

What is harassment in police?

This includes any form of intimidating or tormenting behavior, including racial profiling, verbal abuse, unlawful surveillance or spying, false arrest, and inappropriate sexist, homophobic or racial comments. In order to successfully file a harassment lawsuit, you must be able to show evidence of these behaviors by a police officer ...

Can you sue a police officer for excessive force?

The use of excessive force. You can sue a police officer or the department he or she is under if you have been a victim of unnecessary force. In other words, you will have to prove that the force was unwarranted and the injuries you sustained were directly caused by such force.

Can a police department win a small claims court?

Even though taking a police department to small claims court can be daunting, it is possible to win. Even with laws like qualified immunity shielding police from some accountability, suing and winning against a police department is not impossible.

Does DoNotPay help you sue?

DoNotPay not only helps you sue police departments but also helps you sue companies. It also offers services to help with issues like: College fee waivers. Help with bills. Cancellation of subscription services. Insurance claims. Reducing property tax.

What is a police misconduct claim?

Filing a police misconduct claim is a race against the clock. You must act now – to make your best case. Bad cops, police departments, and any institution that allows them to break the law must pay their debt to society.

How much did Alton Logan get for being wrongly imprisoned?

Bad cops are not luckier when it comes to reaching settlements. Alton Logan, another Chicago man, received $10.2 million after being wrongly imprisoned, thanks to the workings of a dishonest Police Commander for 26 years!

How long does it take to fight police misconduct?

Police misconduct claims must be made within legal time limits (statute of limitations). This is usually a very short period of time, between one and two years in most cases.

How much did Eric Loberg get paid?

The family of Eric Loberg, a mentally ill Los Angeles man who committed suicide in jail, received a $1.7 million settlement. The mother of Ron Singleton, a New York man who was forcefully arrested and died in custody, while high on illegal substances, received a $1.25 million settlement.

Is it illegal to use force on police?

Use of Excessive Force by Police is illegal. Cops are Paid with Taxpayer Money to Protect Americans and Not to Break the Law and Brutalize Them. Even if your loved one is in jail, even if you have broken the law, you have rights. Cops too often abuse their authority or make inexcusable mistakes.

Can a bad cop hide behind a badge?

Bad cops can no longer hide behind a badge. Our team of trained police misconduct attorneys has helped hundreds of families maximize compensation in cases of excessive force, assault, and murder by a law enforcement officer. If you or a loved one has been injured or killed during arrest or while in custody you can sue:

What are some examples of police abuse?

Here are some examples of ways police officers may abuse their authority: Excessive force. Sexual assault.

How many police brutality cases were there in one year?

In just one year, there were nearly 6,000 incidences of police brutality reported and more than $347 million paid in related settlements. Police officers may be enforcers of the law, but they aren’t above the law. If a police officer uses excessive force, makes a false arrest, or wrongfully shoots someone, they must be held accountable.

What is Police Brutality?

Police brutality and abuse happen when an officer uses more force than necessary. For example, an officer uses unnecessary force to apprehend a suspect or uses humiliation to control a suspect. An infamous case is that of Monroe v.

Can You Sue for Police Brutality?

Today, law enforcement is told that they can use force as necessary to complete their job. This is overseen with a broad level of discretion. After all, what one officer feels is necessary another may not. However, using that discretion allows police officers to quickly apprehend a suspect and prevent harm from those around.

What Constitutes Unnecessary Force?

Certain factors are used to determine if unnecessary force was used in an arrest or apprehension. These factors include:

Explore Your Options by Speaking with a Trusted Attorney

If you suspect that you are the victim of police brutality, contact an attorney to set up a consultation. These types of claims span across personal injury and civil rights; therefore, you need an attorney that has experience handling brutality and injury claims such as this.

We Want To Help

"From the moment you hire us, you can stop worrying about medical bills, lost work, insurance adjusters, damaged vehicles, and future expenses. You can concentrate on recovering physically and emotionally – we concentrate on your financial recovery."



  • It is absolutely possible to sue the police, because they are not themselves above the law. While it is difficult, it is definitely not impossible to succeed in a lawsuit against the police. Lawsuits against law enforcement typically involve some form of police misconduct. Police misconduct o…
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  • There are several examples of police misconduct, including false arrest and imprisonment, perjury, police brutality and corruption, racial profiling, and the falsification and spoliation of evidence, among others. The most common of these misconduct claims are:
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  • Suing a police officer for emotional distress is also possible. However, it is on the victim to prove that the police officer acted intentionally or recklessly to cause the emotional injury, or that the police officer acted so negligently that their actions caused emotional distress.
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  • Victims may sue the individual police officers involved in their case, the supervisor of those officers involved, as well as the government that has employed and regulates them. Most commonly, in misconduct claims, it is the individual police officer themselves being sued. Governmental immunity plays a large role when suing the offending municipality.
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  • Because of how difficult the governmental immunity doctrine makes suing a municipality, suing a police officer supervisor is generally only feasible if they were directly involved with the incident in question. Typically, courts will not find a supervisor vicariously liable, or responsible for the actions of another person, such as a person they hired.
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  • The chances of success when suing a police officer depends greatly on the type of claim being made against the officer. Cases against abuse of power that have legal backing, such as civil forfeiture (or the legal confiscation of personal property without a warrant), are typically much more difficult to win.
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  • Property owners are at risk of losing their property without being convicted, or even charged with an offense, and the law is unfortunately stacked against those who have lost property to the police. Conversely, some see civil forfeiture as a tool utilized by the police to discourage organized crime involved in illegal drug trade, or other similar criminal organizations.
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  • Easier-to-prove lawsuits could include negligence, excessive force, or intent. For instance, if an officer fatally wounds an innocent bystander, but the officers body camera was not recording the incident, the question of intent would come into play. Wrongful death lawsuits, as well as homicide charges, are not uncommon as the law is less likely to protect police officers involved i…
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