lawyer in memphis tn who can get record expunge

by Christa Larkin Jr. 3 min read

Full Answer

How much does it cost to expunge your record in Tennessee?

How much does an expungement cost in Tennessee? Until 2017, Tennessee had the third-highest expungement fees in the nation! After new legislation, the fees were reduced from $450 to $280 - under the new law, the fee is $180, but court clerks can (and often do) charge another $100 under a separate piece of legislation.

How much does it cost to have your record expunged if you use an attorney in NJ?

Filing Fees: The New Jersey Superior Courts currently charge $75 to file for an expungement. Lawyer's Fees: Every expungement case is different. Some cases may only take a few hours of work, while others might require multiple court appearances.

What crimes Cannot be expunged in Tennessee?

In Tennessee, certain offenses cannot be expunged, including the following:Assault.Domestic assault.Aggravated assault.Aggravated burglary.Stalking.Unlawful sexual contact.Child abuse.Child neglect and endangerment.More items...

How long does it take to expunge a record in Tennessee?

5 yearsYou must wait 5 years to file a petition for expungement of your Tennessee conviction. A petition to have your crime erased from your Tennessee criminal history may be filed 5 years after the completion of your sentence.

Can you get an expungement without a lawyer?

If your criminal record is eligible for expungement, you might not need to hire an attorney to complete the process. Some states make it easy to apply for expungement, and many court websites offer expungement information and forms you can download for free.

How do I remove criminal record?

You can apply to have your criminal record expunged when:a period of 10 years has passed after the date of the conviction for that have not been convicted and sentenced to a period of imprisonment without the option of a fine during those 10 years.the sentence was corporal punishment.More items...

What felonies can be expunged in TN?

Tennessee Felony Offenses That CAN Be Expunged (Alphabetized)Accessory after the fact;Aggravated criminal littering (2nd and 3rd offenses involving certain weight or volume);Burglary of an automobile;Communication theft ($501-$999 punishable by fine only);Counterfeit controlled substance; and.More items...

How do you get a felony expunged in Memphis TN?

File a request with the court where your case originated (see here and here for examples of forms you can use). Check with the court clerk because you may have to fill out separate forms for multiple charges. Indicate the charges that qualify for expungement (see above).

How long does a felony stay on your record in TN?

The waiting period for misdemeanors and Class E felonies is five years since completion of the most recent sentence, and 10 years for drug felonies. A ten-year waiting period was made applicable in 2021 to the newly eligible Class D and C felonies. § 40-32-101(g)(2)(B).

Where to expunge a case in Tennessee?

Expungement usually involves a request for the original court documents for your case, an examination of the record, and lastly filing the appropriate papers with the courts in Memphis, Tennessee

What are the best places to visit in Memphis, Tennessee?

Memphis is also known as a city rich in history, so there are many museums to see! Some museums include the National Civil Rights Museum, Stax Museum of American Soul Music, Mississippi River Museum at Mud Island, and the Memphis Rock 'n' Soul Museum.#N#Amongst all the cities in the United States, Memphis is deemed the twentieth largest city in the U.S. Along with Nashville, Memphis is known to be one of Tennessee's most exciting and metropolitan cities with a population of around 1,316,100 people. Downtown Memphis lies along the Mississippi River and is home to many companies and law firms. Memphis attorneys have a reputation of being competent and client oriented, focusing on providing excellent legal services to Memphis residents.


In certain circumstances an individual may be entitled to have an arrest, citation, or conviction legally removed from their criminal record with the State of Tennessee.

Expungement with a Guilty Plea

In a certain limited circumstance, even if you entered a plea of guilty to a crime, you could have your charge expunged or removed from your criminal record. However, this is only possible if your plea was under Tennessee Code Annotated §40-35-313.

Contact Your Expungement Experts

Feel free to call an attorney at The Chiozza Law Firm at 901-526-9494 to determine if your criminal convictions or dismissed charges can be expunged from your record. We have served many clients who now have no criminal record because of expungements, and we will fight to do the same for you.

Ineligible Misdemeanors

For a complete explanation of the offenses listed in this section, please see the Tennessee Code Annotated at the following website

Eligible Felonies

For a complete explanation of the offenses listed in this section, please see the Tennessee Code Annotated at the following website


Expunction is the removal of a conviction (especially for a first offense) from a person's criminal record. To expunge one's record is to erase or destroy the criminal record in question.

Tennessee's Expunction Program

The information on this website applies to those seeking to expunge a criminal record pursuant to subsections (g) (, (h), and (k) of T.C.A. § 40-32-101. It does NOT apply to the expunction of a criminal record upon the the successful completion of a diversion program.


The TDPDC is the Tennessee District Public Defenders Conference which is comprised of the 31 elected district public defenders across the state of Tennessee.


The TDPDC strives to make the information in this website timely and accurate. However, the TDPDC makes no claims or guarantees concerning the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the content and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions. The information on this website does NOT constitute legal advice.

This amendment includes a grandfather provision whereby persons will be authorized to petition for expungement of certain nonviolent, non-sexual offenses committed prior to November 1, 1989, if

View a list of TCA codes that are included in and excluded from expungement.

View Public Acts Information regarding PC1103

View a list of TCA codes that are included in and excluded from expungement.

What is expungement information?

Expungement only pertains to court record, does not include arrest histories, investigative reports, intelligence information of law enforcement agencies, or files of district attorneys general that are maintained as confidential records for law enforcement purposes and are not open for inspection by members ...

How much is the expungement fee for a judicial diversion?

Defendant must apply for expunction. Upon filing this petition, as of July 1, 2018, the Expungement Fee is $100.

Can a misdemeanor be expunged?

New Expungement Law for Misdemeanor convictions and Felony Class E convictions allows nonviolent offenders who have completed all requirements of their sentence and have no violent convictions to petition the court for expungement .



Expungement with A Guilty Plea

  • In a certain limited circumstance, even if you entered a plea of guilty to a crime, you could have your charge expunged or removed from your criminal record. However, this is only possible if your plea was under Tennessee Code Annotated §40-35-313. This statute provides that as long as you do not have a prior criminal conviction of a Class A Misdem...
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Contact Your Expungement Experts

  • Feel free to call a criminal defense attorney at The Chiozza Law Firm at 901-526-9494to determine if your criminal convictions or dismissed charges can be expunged from your record. We have served many clients who now have no criminal record because of expungements, and we will fight to do the same for you. Don't accept an outcome you can prevent. Contact an Attorney …
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