is it only a lawyer who can file an interpleader

by Jack Jerde DDS 9 min read

Full Answer

Do I need a lawyer for an interpleader?

A: YES, you need a lawyer. An interpleader is a lawsuit. The judge does not gather the evidence – the judge will decide on the evidence and laws controlling the evidence. If you think you don’t have to do anything in a lawsuit, you are in for a big surprise. The right kind of Answer must be filed, as well as proper Discovery.

Who can be a defendant in an interpleader action?

In Federal interpleader actions, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 22 applies and provides as follows: "(1) By a Plaintiff. Persons with claims that may expose a plaintiff to double or multiple liability may be joined as defendants and required to interplead. Joinder for interpleader is proper even though:

Do insurance companies like to bring interpleaders in federal court?

A: Insurance companies like to bring interpleaders in Federal Court. Federal Court is a scary place for most lawyers. We are frequently in Federal Court, and we know the rules and procedures so Federal Court is a comfortable setting for us.

Can I avoid an interpleader?

A: Yes. If you have us on your side, we can possibly avoid an interpleader. We will quickly review the facts on your life insurance claim. We will determine if there is additional strong evidence that we can quickly obtain to help you get paid. We can make strong legal arguments on the evidence in place, and the law.


What is an example of interpleader?

A way for a holder of property to initiate a suit between two or more claimants to the property. If, for example, A holds property that he knows he does not own, but that both B and C are claiming, A can sue both B and C in an interpleader action, where B and C could litigate who actually owns the property.

What is the purpose of interpleader?

Interpleader is a civil procedure device that allows a plaintiff or a defendant to initiate a lawsuit in order to compel two or more other parties to litigate a dispute.

What is an interpleader in South Africa?

Interpleader is a kind of procedure whereby a person in possession of property not being his own, and being claimed from such person (possession) by two or more other persons (so called claimants), by which the matter can be brought to court for adjudication over ostensibly valid and enforceable competing claims over ...

What federal rule governs interpleader actions?

There are two mechanisms for bringing an interpleader action in federal court: (1) Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 22, and (2) the federal interpleader statute, 28 U.S.C.

Who can file interpleader suit?

According to section 88 of the Civil Procedure Code, two or more persons claiming adversely to each other the same debt, sum of money, or other property (movable or immovable) from a person who does not claim any interest therein except the charges and costs incurred by him, and such person is ready to pay or deliver ...

When can you file interpleader?

Section 5. Answer and other pleadings. — Each claimant shall file his answer setting forth his claim within fifteen (15) days from service of the summons upon him, serving a copy thereof upon each of the other conflicting claimants who may file their reply thereto as provided by these Rules.

Who are the parties in action proceedings?

Parties to the matter are referred to as “Plaintiff” and “Defendant.” An Action Procedure is based on a material factual dispute of such a nature that it cannot be dealt with on paper.

What are the 3 types of pleadings?

WHAT ARE THE MOST COMMONLY USED PLEADINGS IN A CIVIL LAWSUIT?Complaint: the lawsuit is initiated by filing the complaint. ... Summons: A summons is a document that notifies the person or party that is being dragged to the court. ... Answer: the response of the defendant in the lawsuit is referred to as an answer.More items...•

What is rule44?

Rule 44 requires that a party who “questions the constitutionality of an Act of Congress” in a proceeding in which the United States is not a party must provide written notice of that challenge to the clerk.

What are interpleader proceedings?

'Where two or more persons claim adversely to one another the same debt, sum of money or other property, moveable or immovable, from another person, who claims no interest in it other than for charges or costs and who is ready to pay or deliver it to the rightful claimant, that other person may institute a suit of ...

What is interpleader case?

The action of interpleader, under section 120, is a remedy whereby a person who has personal property in his possession, or an obligation to render wholly or partially, without claiming any right in both, comes to court and asks that the persons who claim the said personal property or who consider themselves entitled ...

What is an Impleader action?

Impleader: Impleader is a process by which a third party is brought into a lawsuit by a defendant. The third party becomes a participant in the lawsuit and is known as a third party defendant.

What is the bill of interpleader?

At common law, the bill of interpleader required: The same thing, debt, or duty must be the res claimed by all the claimants; All the adverse titles or claims must be dependent or derived from a common source; The stakeholder must not have or claim any interest it the res,

What is an interpleader action?

In an interpleader action, a party who knows two or more other parties are making a claim on some asset controlled by the party can ask the court to decide who has what rights to the asset, deposit the asset into the custody of the court or a third party and remove itself from the litigation.

What is the first stage of an interpleader?

The first stage determines if the stakeholder is entitled to an interpleader and if he, she or it should be discharged from liability. The second stage is like an action at law to determine which of the claimants is entitled to the res.

What is the name of the party in an interpleader case?

The money or other property in controversy is called the res. All defendants having a possible interest in the subject matter of the case are called claimants.

How many states have interpleader?

There are requirements before interpleader will lie and the relief is available in Federal Court (if the other jurisdictional requirements are met) and all fifty states, though there are variations in methods in the various states. At common law, the bill of interpleader required:

Is joining for interpleader proper?

Joinder for interpleader is proper even though: (A) the claims of the several claimants, or the titles on which their claims depend, lack a common origin or are adverse and independent rather than identical; or. (B) the plaintiff denies liability in whole or in part to any or all of the claimants. (2) By a Defendant.

Can a defendant seek interpleader?

A defendant exposed to similar liability may seek interpleader through a crossclaim or counterclaim. Note that the requirement of common origin of claims is not required under Federal Rule 22.

Interpleader Explained in Less Than 5 Minutes

Michael Evans has written about insurance for over two decades. His work has been featured in Bankrate, Fox Business, International Living, and Yahoo! Finance, among others. In addition to finance writing, Michael is the author of "Escape to Colombia" and is an accomplished professional photographer.

Definition and Examples of Interpleader

An interpleader is a legal procedure that determines the rightful owner of money or property claimed by two or more parties. 1

Understanding an Interpleader

A “stakeholder” is the custodian of disputed money and property. A stakeholder can be an association, corporation, firm, or person. Stakeholders seeking interpleader action can’t have an interest in the property they hold.

Pros and Cons of Interpleader Actions

Stakeholders avoid multiple lawsuits: Interpleader action can prevent a stakeholder from facing multiple lawsuits over the same money or property.

The Bottom Line

Stakeholders can use an interpleader action to settle a dispute over money or property. But the procedure favors the stakeholder, at the expense of the claimants.

Who has the right to file an interpleader suit?

The person who has the legal right (locus stand) to file an interpleader suit is the one who is in possession of the disputed property but has no interest to it and he is ready to deliver it to the rightful owner.

What is an interpleader?

Interpleader refers to the suit in which the dispute is not between the plaintiff and defendant but between the defendants who claim over the property which is in the plaintiff’s possession. Mulla in his wonderful book, Code of Civil Procedure stated that.

What is the process wherein the plaintiff calls upon the rival claimants to appear before the court and get their claims decided

It is the process wherein the plaintiff calls upon the rival claimants to appear before the court and get their claims decided. The decision of the court in an interpleader suit affords an indemnity to the plaintiff on the payment of money or delivery of property to the person whose claim has been upheld by the court.

What are the conditions for an interpleader suit?

The following are the conditions which must be satisfied before an interpleader suit can be instituted. There must be a property in dispute. (ie. some debt, sum of money or other property movable or immovable) Two or more persons claiming it must be adversely to one another .

What was the agreement between X and Y before the suit was instituted?

It was found at the hearing that A had entered into an agreement with X before the suit was instituted, that if X succeeded in the suit, he would accept from A, R.s 7,500 only in full of the satisfaction of his claim.

Can a plaintiff be ordered to deposit property in custody of the court?

that there is no collusion between the plaintiff and any of the defendants. After the institution of the suit, the court may order the plaintiff to deposit the amount or place of property in the custody of the court before he can be entitled to any order in the suit.

Can a plaintiff claim a claim on the said amount other than charges and costs?

The plaintiff has no claim upon the said amount other than for charges and costs and is ready and willing to deliver it to such persons as the Court shall direct. The suit is not brought by collusion with either of the defendants. Facts as to when the cause of action arose. Facts as to the jurisdiction of the court.

What happens if the court grants an interpleader?

If the court grants the interpleader, the stakeholder is dismissed from the action. The claimants are given the right to litigate their claims and will be bound by the decision of the court. Under federal law, there are two forms of interpleader: rule interpleader, under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 22; and statutory interpleader, ...

How to initiate an interpleader action?

To initiate an interpleader action, the stakeholder must file a complaint alleging that it has no claim to the asset or property in dispute and does not know to which claimant the stake should be delivered. The stakeholder must also establish the possibility of multiple lawsuits.

What happens in an interpleader action?

In the absence of an interpleader action, the stakeholder must either give the asset or property to one of the parties claiming ownership or face a lawsuit for wrongfully giving the asset or property to the other claimant. An interpleader action, therefore, enables the stakeholder to turn the dispute over to a court.

What is the most important distinction between interpleader and subject matter jurisdiction?

The most important distinction involves the requirements for subject matter jurisdiction. For interpleader under Rule 22, subject matter jurisdiction must be based on Article III of the Constitution and the jurisdictional statutes.

Can a person hold money?

It is not uncommon for a person or entity holding money to be placed in a situation where multiple parties claim entitlement to the funds being held. Given the competing claims to the funds, the holder can wait for the parties to resolve their dispute or file an interpleader action asking the court to decide who should get the funds being held.

Do stakeholders have to deposit stakes in court?

The stakeholder may be required to deposit the stake with the court and must notify the claimants that they can assert their ownership claims in court for determination. The court must then decide whether the interpleader is proper.

What happens after an interpleader case?

After the competing parties appear in the interpleader case, the insurance company typically seeks an agreed order of dismissal. If the parties agree, the order typically provides an award of some attorney’s fees from the policy proceeds for ...

How does an interpleader suit work?

How interpleader suits work. An interpleader lawsuit allows someone holding disputed funds (like an insurance company) to file a lawsuit and let a court decide the proper owner. The interpleader prevents the life insurance company from being obliged to determine - at its peril - which person has the better claim.

What is interpleasing in Texas?

Texas and federal law protects an insurance company that files an interpleader in response to a beneficiary contest. Texas common law provides that an insurer faced with rival claims to policy proceeds could interplead the funds, join the rivals who claimed them, and be discharged from further liability.

What happens if the parties do not agree?

If the parties do not agree, the court will consider the amount of reasonable and necessary fees for the insurance company. The awarded fees will generally be much lower if the competing parties agree to dismiss the insurance company as soon as possible after it files the interpleader.

How long does it take for insurance companies to negotiate a compromise?

This letter will typically provide notice of competing claims to the policy proceeds and that the insurance company will allow 30 to 60 days for the parties to negotiate a compromise.

Can you file an interpleader without a letter?

Some will simply refer the matter to outside counsel to file the interpleader, without sending a pre-interpleader letter. If the dispute cannot be resolved at this stage - during the pre-interpleader period - the claimants and their lawyers will appear in the interpleader lawsuit.

Can you pay the wrong person for life insurance?

Paying the wrong person can expose the life insurance company to a lawsuit from a disgruntled claimant and even result in double liability. The insurance company will rarely intentionally ignore a contest letter from a lawyer. That is particularly true when the allegations include lack of mental capacity, undue influence or fraud.


Definition and Examples of Interpleader

  • An interpleader is a legal procedure that determines the rightful owner of money or property claimed by two or more parties.1 Custodians of such money and property use the procedure when they face, or may face, multiple lawsuits from the claimants. Let’s say a person dies and three surviving family members claim to be the rightful beneficiary of the deceased person’s life insur…
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Understanding An Interpleader

  • A “stakeholder” is the custodian of disputed money and property. A stakeholder can be an association, corporation, firm, or person. Stakeholders seeking interpleader action can’t have an interest in the property they hold. For example, a trustee may seek interpleader action in the disposition of an estate in which they are not entitled to inherit any money or property.2 Stakeho…
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Pros and Cons of Interpleader Actions

  • Pros Explained
    1. Stakeholders avoid multiple lawsuits: Interpleader action can prevent a stakeholder from facing multiple lawsuits over the same money or property. 2. Court rules on ownership: The process relieves the stakeholder of the burden of deciding which claimant should receive the money or p…
  • Cons Explained
    1. Depleted stakes: Often, a stakeholder can’t simply unload a money or property dispute by seeking interpleader. A court may require the stakeholder to remain in the case until it makes a final ruling, so the plaintiff must continue to retain attorneys. If the court grants the stakeholder r…
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The Bottom Line

  • Stakeholders can use an interpleader action to settle a dispute over money or property. But the procedure favors the stakeholder, at the expense of the claimants. A defendant in an interpleader case may need to hire an attorney to present a case that will convince the court that they are the rightful owner. When the court rules for a defendant, the...
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