
by Xavier Williamson 9 min read

Do lawyers go to court for maritime cases?

It is amazing how many attorneys never actually go to court to argue motions or try cases before judges and juries. Maritime lawsuits are defended by the insurance companies and company lawyers. These company lawyers will fight every issue in your maritime case and this often involves arguing motions before the court. Very often Jones Act and maritime cases are prepared all the way up until the point of the trial at which time a fair settlement can finally be reached. If not, your case will need to be presented to a jury. Your maritime injury lawyer will most likely spend as much time in court on your case as he will working on the case outside of court. It is very important that your attorney has extensive courtroom experience so that he can successfully handle your case.

Can you settle a ship accident before a trial?

Although it’s not uncommon for parties to reach a fair settlement right before a trial, maritime law attorneys should still be prepared to explain to a jury how horrible shipping schedules or poor maintenance led to your injuries.