in luke 10 how did jesus respond to the lawyer

by Levi Mann I 9 min read

So Jesus wants to know the lawyer’s answer to his own question. The lawyer responds with the standard answer given at the time (10:27), one that Jesus himself gives to this matter. Jesus tells him that this is the right answer, but then says, “do this and you will live” (10:28).

But Jesus did not respond as expected. He did not congratulate the lawyer as a man of good standing. To the contrary, he buckled the lawyer's knees and threw him into a ditch. He did so by telling a story, a parable.

Full Answer

What is the first question the lawyer asked Jesus in Luke?

Luke 10:25- Luke 10:37. The lawyer’s first question was intended to ‘tempt’ Jesus, which here seems to mean, rather, ‘to test’; that is, to ascertain His orthodoxy or His ability. Christ walks calmly through the snare, as if not seeing it.

What did Luke talk to Jesus about in Luke 10?

Luke 10:26; Luke 10:26. He came to catechize Christ, and to know him; but Christ will catechize him, and make him know himself. He talks to him as a lawyer, as one conversant in the law: the studies of his profession would inform him; let him practise according to his knowledge, and he should not come short of eternal life.

Did an expert in the law stand up to test Jesus?

Luke 10:25 One day an expert in the law stood up to test Him. "Teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?" On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus.

What does the Bible say about lawyers?

—On the word “lawyer” and its difference from the more generic “scribe,” see Note on Matthew 22:35. Here, as there, the “tempting” does not necessarily imply hostile purpose. It was simply a test-question to see if the new Teacher was sound in His view of the ethical obligations of the Law.


What was the answer given by the lawyer when Jesus asked him which now of these three thinkest thou was Neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves '?

He answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbour as yourself." He said to him, "You have answered correctly.

What does Jesus do to the law?

Jesus does not say no part of the law will ever pass away; he says no part of it shall pass away until it is fulfilled. He says he came to do this very thing, to fulfill it. So, with his coming, the law has been fulfilled and has passed away. We now live under the law of Christ, not beneath the law of Moses.

How did Jesus answer this man?

Mark 14: 61-64 “Once again the high priest interrogated him: 'Are you the messiah, the Son of the Blessed One? ' Then Jesus answered: 'I am; and you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Power and coming with the clouds of heaven.

What does the Bible say in Luke 10?

He answered: "`Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind' ; and, `Love your neighbor as yourself.

What was Jesus attitude toward the law?

According to Matthew 5:21–26 and 5:27–30, Jesus also held that observance of the law should be not only external but internal: hatred and lust, as well as murder and adultery, are wrong. The Jesus of Matthew in particular is a moral perfectionist (5:17–48).

What did Jesus say about the law?

The World English Bible translates the passage as: "Don't think that I came to destroy the law or the. prophets. I didn't come to destroy, but to fulfill."

How did Jesus respond to the lawyers question what must I do to inherit eternal life?

But Jesus did not respond as expected. He did not congratulate the lawyer as a man of good standing. To the contrary, he buckled the lawyer's knees and threw him into a ditch. He did so by telling a story, a parable.

Did Jesus have a wife?

"Christian tradition has long held that Jesus was not married, even though no reliable historical evidence exists to support that claim," King said in a press release.

What is Jesus real name?

Jesus' name in Hebrew was “Yeshua” which translates to English as Joshua.

What is Luke 10/19 all about?

Explanation and Commentary of Luke 10:19 The mightiest of demons, even satan himself, does not have as much power and authority as the weakest of believers who are filled with the Holy Spirit of God. The disciples returned from a ministry trip taken after being empowered by Jesus to cast out demons and heal the sick.

Who is the Lord of the harvest in Luke 10?

Jesus refers to God as “the Lord of the harvest” (Matthew 9:38).

What does it mean to say peace to this house?

While sending, he advises them to first say, 'Peace to this house'. Because the gospel message Jesus brought to this world is all about 'peace'. How so? When we accept the gospel, we are at peace with God. Moreover, when we preach that gospel, we help others to be at peace with God.

What does the Bible say about serpents and scorpions?

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy ( Luke 10:18-19 ): God help us, let that sink into your heart. You as a child of the kingdom, the power that God has made available to us, over all the power of the enemy.

What did Jesus tell the disciples about the traveller?

In reply Jesus told a story in which a traveller was beaten, robbed, and left to die. Two Jews, one a priest and the other a Levite, deliberately passed him by, but a Samaritan stopped and helped him ( Luke 10:30-35 ). Jesus then forced the questioner to answer his own question.

What happens if you don't put God before all things?

If they do not put God before all things and their neighbour before themselves, they can have no assurance of eternal life ( Luke 10:25-28 ). The teacher was disappointed with this answer and, in an attempt to excuse his own failings, asked how anyone could know who was or was not his neighbour ( Luke 10:29 ).

What did Jesus' teacher test him with?

A Jewish teacher of the law came to Jesus to test him with a question about eternal life. His question showed that he thought of eternal life as something to be obtained by some special act. Jesus’ reply showed that obtaining eternal life is inseparably linked with the way people live their daily lives.

What does the present section of the Bible remind us of?

The present section also reminds the reader of Jesus’ allegiance to the Old Testament Scriptures, which He viewed as authoritative. Thus it balances Jesus’ former words about Him revealing the Father ( Luke 10:22) with the importance of Scripture in that process. Copyright Statement. These files are public domain.

What does "inherit" mean in the Bible?

The term "inherit" had a particular significance for Jewish readers distinguishing a special way of receiving eternal life (cf. Matthew 5:5; Matthew 19:29; Matthew 25:34 ). However, Gentiles readers for whom Luke wrote would have regarded it as synonymous with obtaining eternal life (cf. Mark 10:17 ).

What is the incident in Mark 12:28-34?

The incident that Mark recorded in Mark 12:28-34 is quite similar to this one, but the differences in the accounts point to two separate situations. In view of the question at stake it is easy to see how people might have asked it of Jesus many different times. Furthermore this particular question was of great concern to the scribes, who studied the law professionally. The fact that the Holy Spirit recorded the same lesson twice in Scripture is a testimony to His greatness as a teacher since great teachers deliberately repeat themselves.

What is the point of being rescued by the Samaritan?

To be rescued by the Samaritan – and this is the point – is like being a man who wants to “justify himself” but is instead rescued from distress by the grace of Jesus Christ. By telling this parable, Jesus ironically gave the lawyer a great gift, a work of kindness, even though the lawyer may not have thought so.

What did the lawyer depend on?

The lawyer depended upon the concepts “love God” and “love neighbor” to remain fixed and stable, a system of religious justification, and, again like most of us, he had found a sweet spot in that religious system that allowed him to be satisfied with himself and his life.

What is the Torah's heart?

These are words that children are taught to recite because these words are the very heart of the Torah – love of God and love of neighbor, that’s what life is all about. “You have given the right answer,” Jesus confirms. Luke 10:25-37 (NRSV) The Parable of the Good Samaritan. 25 Just then a lawyer stood up to test Jesus.

Why does Jesus undermine the lawyer's standing?

Jesus undermines the lawyer’s standing in order to show that the lawyer, like all the rest of humanity, needs not to stand his ground but to see the face of grace, and then to move, to repent. It is important to keep in view that the story Jesus told the lawyer was a parable, not an example story.

What does Luke say about the lawyer?

Luke says the lawyer intended to put Jesus to the test, and to do so, he asks two questions.

Why was Jesus not born to justify the righteous?

Jesus was not born to justify the righteous; he was born, as the angels over Bethlehem proclaimed, to be a savior. In Jesus, the system is not standing still. God is moving toward humanity in mercy and calling humanity to move toward God in repentance. And that is why Jesus throws the lawyer into the ditch beside the Jericho road.

What does the Torah say about love of God and neighbor?

But they so quickly settle into commonplace religious respectability. Love of God and neighbor become “go to church and be nice to others.”. God first, others second, me last. There’s no “I” in “Team.”. We’ve recited this in Vacation Bible School just before ...
