if you hurt your shoulder at work and need surgery how much money can you get if you have a lawyer

by Zion Glover 5 min read

The most severe shoulder injuries may have a typical settlement payout in the range of $150,0000 to $300,000 or more.

How much do workers with shoulder injuries get paid out?

Between January 1, 2011, and June 30, 2012, there were 1,990 awards for shoulder injuries, amounting to over $50.5 million paid out to workers with shoulder injuries. Many common tasks can stress the shoulder in ways that make it prone to injury.

Do I need shoulder surgery for my shoulder injury?

Many types of shoulder injuries will require treatment through minimally invasive measures at first, which can include rest, medication, and physical therapy, among others. However, shoulder injuries may require surgery if these treatments don’t work, which can result in more recovery time along with more expenses.

Can I get workers compensation for shoulder pain?

Under workers compensation law your employer and its insurance carrier are responsible for the payment of benefits if your work-related accident aggravates, accelerates, worsens, or flares any preexisting injury or condition affecting your shoulder such a rotator cuff tendinitis, subacromial bursitis, or degenerative joint disease.

Can I claim for shoulder pain after rotator cuff surgery?

If you have experienced shoulder pain or required rotator cuff surgery in the past, point out that your symptoms resolved, and you were able to return to work before the injury that is the subject of your claim.

What is a fair settlement for a shoulder injury?

The average payout for shoulder injury settlement is near $100,000. Most automobile accident victims with shoulder damage experience pain for between one to two months.

How much disability is shoulder surgery?

Rotator cuff surgery is rated based on the severity of the pain and the thickness of the rotator cuff tear. Most often, VA rates this condition as 10 or 20 percent disabling.

What is the average payout for a rotator cuff injury?

These injuries can cause varying levels of debilitation and recovery time which is why average amounts for settlements for a torn rotator cuff range between lows of $30,000 and highs of $500,000+.

How long does it takes to settle a shoulder injury case?

In mild cases a rotator cuff tear can heal in 2-4 weeks, while severe cases can take several months to heal. Shoulder fractures typically heal in about six to eight weeks, but how long the pain lasts can vary by individual and the specific treatments used.

How much disability will I get for shoulder pain?

Importantly, the minimum rating for any total shoulder replacement is 30 percent for the dominant arm and 20 percent for the non-dominant arm.

What percentage of disability is a shoulder injury?

Shoulder dislocation. If you experience frequent dislocations, you may receive a rating of 30% for the dominant arm and 20% for your non-dominant arm. If your dislocation occurs infrequently, your disability will be rated at 20%.

Does rotator cuff surgery qualify for disability?

Some people may be able to qualify for disability benefits after a serious rotator cuff tear, but the specifics depend on each person's medical records. In order to receive Social Security Disability, the applicant's disability must be expected to persist for at least 12 months.

What is a serious shoulder injury?

Call 911 if you have sudden pressure or crushing pain in your shoulder, especially if the pain runs from your chest to the left jaw, arm or neck, or occurs with shortness of breath, dizziness, or sweating.

Is rotator cuff a disability?

Rotator cuff tears can severely limit a person's range of motion, which may qualify them for disability benefits based on their inability to work.

How long are you out of work for a torn rotator cuff?

If you have a desk job, you may be able to go back to work or your normal routine in 1 to 2 weeks. If you have a more active job, you may be away from work for a few months.

Can you still work with a torn rotator cuff?

Since a rotator cuff injury can take upwards of six months to heal, you may not be able to perform your job duties for some time. You may need to take some time off work in the initial days and weeks, and may need light duty until you fully recover. Your time off work could also depend on whether you require surgery.

How is impairment rating calculated?

To calculate the impairment award, the CE multiplies the percentage points of the impairment rating of the employee's covered illness or illnesses by $2,500.00. For example, if a physician assigns an impairment rating of 40% or 40 points, the CE multiplies 40 by $2,500.00, to equal a $100,000.00 impairment award.

What percentage of shoulder injuries involve rotator cuff tears?

About 90% of the shoulder injury cases I handle involve rotator cuff tears.

What is shoulder injury?

Shoulder injuries, especially rotator cuff tears, are common in work-related accidents and motor vehicle crashes. Were hurt in a car crash when your seat belt or airbag put too much stress on your shoulder. This article aims to discuss how to negotiate a fair workers comp settlement for shoulder injuries.

What is the Average Value of a Rotator Cuff Injury under Workers Comp?

The average settlement value of a workers compensation claim involving a torn rotator cuff is between $50,000.00 and $125,000.00. This amount does not include the medical or wage loss benefits the insurer may have paid before you settle. Many of my clients receive tens of thousands of dollars in workers comp benefits before negotiating a settlement for their shoulder injuries.

How do you know if you have rotator cuff pain?

Common symptoms of a rotator cuff injury include hearing or feeling a pop in the shoulder; immediate shoulder pain; difficulty lifting the injured arm as high overhead as the non-injured arm; arm weakness; cracking or snapping in your shoulder; trouble putting your arms behind your back; or, pain that wakes you up when sleeping.

Why does it take so long for a rotator cuff tear to heal?

Multiple arteries from the axillary nerve provide the blood supply to the rotator cuff. If your work-related shoulder injury causes damage to these arteries , it may take much longer for your rotator cuff tear to heal. This delay may result in permanent impairment.

Why is the supraspinatus muscle vulnerable to degenerative changes?

The supraspinatus muscle and tendon are vulnerable to degenerative changes because of their location and how often they are used. These factors make a rotator cuff tear more likely.

How long can you get partial disability for a labrum tear?

You are eligible for up to 200 weeks of permanent partial disability benefits for a shoulder injury, labrum tear, or torn rotator cuff. Such an injury often causes permanent impairment to your entire arm. Your work history.

What happens to wages when you get injured on the job?

Employees injured on the job, particularly those requiring surgery to recover from the injury, will lose wages due to time off work required for treatment and recovery, along with other losses.

How long does it take for a shoulder injury to develop?

Other injuries can take weeks, months, or even years to develop as a result of repeated that put stress on the shoulder. In some cases, accidents may occur in the workplace that result in an injury ...

What are the benefits of working in a hospital?

If you suffer a shoulder injury or other type of injury or illness related to your job, you may be able to receive benefits to help you get the treatment you need for a full and successful recovery. Workers’ compensation can help pay for a variety of bills pertaining to your injury, including: 1 Doctor visits 2 Surgery 3 Medication 4 Rehabilitation 5 Hospital stays 6 Transportation to and from doctors’ appointments 7 Medical equipment

What are the most common types of injuries in workers compensation?

Shoulder injuries are among the many common types of injuries among workers’ compensation claims. These injuries can result from a one-time accident or develop over time due to repeated stress, heavy lifting, or other causes. The shoulder consists of multiple joints, muscles, and tendons, all of which are vulnerable to injury, particularly when used for heavy lifting and other actions.

What are the different types of shoulder injuries?

Some common types of shoulder injuries include: Dislocation. Tendonitis. Impingement.

What are the treatments for a rotator cuff tear?

Many types of shoulder injuries will require treatment through minimally invasive measures at first, which can include rest, medication, and physical therapy, among others. However, shoulder injuries may require surgery if these treatments don’t work, which can result in more recovery time along with more expenses.

What happens if an employer denies a claim?

If the employer accepts the claim, they should provide benefits along with health care access. If they deny it, you can file an appeal to the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission (IWCC), which will investigate the claim and decision.

What are the benefits of shoulder surgery?

In any case, these are some of the benefits that you can expect to receive or require because of a shoulder injury: – Coverage for medical treatment and care, – Coverage for medical expenses, – Remuneration for your pain and suffering, and. – Coverage of all the economic losses you have experienced (lost income).

What are some examples of universal conditions that indicate that you have experienced pain and suffering from an accident?

These are some examples of the universal conditions which indicate that you have experienced pain and suffering from the accident: – Disorders in everyday functioning, i.e. the usual way of life , – Physical damage that takes a long time to heal, – Physical deformations of the body that can affect your social life.

Can shoulder injuries be minor?

Some shoulder injuries can be minor; however, some can be significant requiring complex surgeries. In the following lines, we are going to advise you on how to gain the best possible settlement in case you get involved in an accident resulting in any type of shoulder injury. Many law firms offer free, one-time legal help, ...

Do law firms offer free legal services?

Many law firms offer free, one-time legal help, which you should get the advantage of. This, in fact, should be your first step if you get injured. You want to be well informed about your rights. We strongly advise you to thoroughly research the attorney’s fees in your area to find the optimal price for their services. Keep in mind that many law firms offer the services of their paralegal, which is a person trained in subsidiary legal matters but not fully qualified as a lawyer. Remember, you need a lawyer!

Can you get injured in a traffic accident?

Fortunately, such accidents are not very common, however, they do happen. Today we are going to discuss one of the most common traffic injuries – a shoulder injury. Some shoulder injuries can be minor; however, some can be significant requiring complex surgeries. In the following lines, we are going to advise you on how to gain the best possible settlement in case you get involved in an accident resulting in any type of shoulder injury.

Why would an insurance company deny a claim for shoulder injury?

One of the many reasons why an insurance company might decide to deny a shoulder injury claim is that the injured worker reported the injury after a weekend or being off for a period of time.

Did you hurt your shoulder or tear your rotator cuff at work?

An injury to a shoulder is very common in the workers’ compensation field. Shoulder injuries can occur in a variety of different ways, and can be very debilitating. Despite the commonality and seriousness of these types of injuries, they are often disputed by the insurance company, which leads to litigation.

How much is a shoulder injury award?

While lower back injuries were the most common workplace injury, shoulder injury awards were more valuable, averaging $25,378 per award compared to the average award of $22,447 received for back injuries.

Why are employees at risk for shoulder injuries?

Employees involved in tasks such as painting walls, hanging curtains, repairing vehicles raised on a lift, filing, and lifting objects are at risk for shoulder injuries due to excessive overhead arm motion.

Can shoulder injuries occur in conjunction with other injuries?

Shoulder injuries sometimes occur in conjunction with injuries to another body part. The following table shows average awards for shoulder combination injuries:

What is the most painful injury?

Of all the injuries you could suffer, a rotator cuff injury is among the most uncomfortable and frustrating. It limits your mobility and may cause significant pain throughout the shoulder, chest and arms.

Can you tear your rotator cuff?

Whether you fall, swim for work, lift heavy items or just use your shoulders often, there is a risk that you could tear your rotator cuff at work. If that happens, it’s important to seek medical care as soon as you can. If there is an extensive tear, you may need surgery to address it. Sometimes, the specific tears may not be operable, but other tendons or joints could be used to repair the region.

How much does shoulder surgery cost?

If you have a shoulder injury, the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that your total costs will be $20,000, and that’s assuming you do not need surgery.

How long can you get workers compensation after shoulder injury?

While the exact amount varies, you will most likely receive about two-thirds of your salary before your shoulder injury. Some states put a limit on how long you can receive workers’ compensation payments. For example, in New York, you can receive it for up to 525 weeks if you have lost all your earning capacity.

What happens if you don't accept a lump sum?

If you choose not to accept the lump sum, you can take your employer to court. If you win your case, you may receive more compensation than the lump sum would have offered you. On the other hand, you risk losing all the benefits if you lose.

Why is shoulder joint important?

The shoulder joint is one of the most important joints in the body because of its wide range of motion. But because it has such a wide range of motion, it can also be injured easily. Often, shoulder injuries require surgery to help them heal properly. This makes workers comp shoulder injuries very costly and stressful.

Do you have to check your state laws before you file for workers comp?

Workers’ compensation laws vary by state, so you should always check your state laws before making a decision. It’s always best to contact an experienced workers’ comp attorney before making any important decisions when it comes to your benefits.

Can you get a disability if you have a shoulder injury?

Permanent Total Disability (PTD): If your injury prevents you from working at all, you may be able to get two-thirds of your weekly earnings for the rest of your life. If you have a shoulder injury, it is very unlikely you will have a permanent total disability.

When Will There Be Enough Insurance To Pay the Fair Value of a Surgery Case?

There are a few situations where it is virtually certain that there will be enough liability insurance to pay for the fair settlement value of the case where the injury requires surgery . Some examples include when a person’s surgery was due to the negligence of:

How Much of the Settlement Was for Pain and Suffering?

The motorcycle rider’s medical expenses that he owed were about $52,000.00. Therefore, I assume that the insurance claims adjuster was paying $393,000.00 for pain and suffering.

Does The Length of the Surgery Affect the Case Settlement Value?

Yes, it affects the full case value. A tourniquet is a device which applies pressure to a limb or extremity so as to limit – but not stop – the flow of blood. It may be used in emergencies, surgery, or in post-operative rehabilitation. The tourniquet time is listed on the operative (surgery) report.

What Factors Increase Pain and Suffering Values for a Spinal Fusion Surgery?

The following factors would increase the pain and suffering settlement amount of a spinal fusion surgery:

What if I’m Unable to Have the Surgery Because I Have a Pre-Existing Health Condition?

Let’s assume that you’re injured from an accident. Someone else was at fault. You need surgery. However, the surgeon says that he can’t operate because your have a pre-existing injury.

Will Uber and Lyft passengers get a bigger settlement if they have surgery?

In most cases yes, but only if the Uber or Lyft driver was at fault in the accident. In this instance, the passenger can make a claim up to the Uber or Lyft driver’s $1 million liability policy.

Can an insurance adjuster argue an injury is related to an accident?

If your injury is clearly related to the accident, then the insurance adjuster is not likely to argue this point. The most common example of an injury being related to the accident is if you have a fracture (broken bone).

Why do shoulder pain sufferers qualify for disability?

Prevents the sufferer from returning to work. Many shoulder pain sufferers qualify for Social Security disability because they have a “major dysfunction of a joint.”. In order to qualify pursuant to this Blue Book listing, a claimant must show that he has one of the following conditions: Partial shoulder dislocation.

How to diagnose shoulder injury?

In order to properly diagnose such an injury, a doctor typically uses a three-stage approach. First, a full medical history is taken. This history outlines the problems associated with the shoulder. Second, a physical examination is performed in order to assess the physical limitations and pain levels imposed by the shoulder injury. Finally, tests are completed in order to confirm shoulder problems. These tests may include x-rays, x-rays using dye injections, ultrasounds, and MRIs.

What are the different types of shoulder injuries?

Some common types of shoulder injuries which can prevent you from working and result in disability include: Shoulder separation. Tendinitis. Bursitis. Torn rotator cuff. Frozen shoulder. Shoulder fracture. Arthritis. In order to properly diagnose such an injury, a doctor typically uses a three-stage approach.

What is partial shoulder dislocation?

Partial shoulder dislocation. Partial or full fusing of the shoulder joints. This is typically caused by tissue growing between the joints. Shoulder instability due to continuous dislocations, shoulder separations, or ongoing shoulder weakness.

Can you get disability if you are unable to meet the Blue Book?

If you are unable to meet the requirements of this listing, you may still qualify for Social Security disability benefits by proving that the condition is equal in severity to another Blue Book listing or that you cannot work due to your condition.

Can you get disability for shoulder injury?

Shoulder Injuries May Qualify You for Social Security Disability Benefits. Not all shoulder injuries are alike, and not everyone who suffers from a shoulder injury will qualify for Social Security disability. Shoulder injuries come in many different forms, with different limitations, and different prognoses.