if someone rear ends me and i dont have a lawyer but im hurt at the court date what do i do?

by Einar Watsica V 10 min read

Is rear end always at fault?

In most rear-end motor vehicle accidents, the rear driver is at fault for the accident. However, the rear driver is not always at fault in a rear-end collision. The lead driver or another vehicle could be the cause of the rear-end accident.

How do I get the most money out of my fender bender?

How to Get the Most Money From a Car AccidentRemain at the Scene of the Accident. ... Gather Information at the Scene. ... Obtain Witness Information. ... Seek Medical Treatment. ... Report the Accident to Your Insurance Carrier. ... Keep All of Your Bills. ... Keep a Record of Your Injuries and Recovery. ... Keep Going to Your Doctor.More items...β€’Mar 24, 2021

What do I say to my insurance when I rear end someone?

Tell the police what happened, and be honest. While it may be tempting to make excuses or leave out some details, these inconsistencies can come to light later and impact your liability for the accident. Explain exactly what occurred. Make sure you swap insurance information with the person you hit.Mar 13, 2019

What to do when you get hit from behind in a car?

What to Do When You're Rear-EndedCheck for injuries. Seek medical attention for those injured.Call the police and report the accident.Take pictures and document the positions of the vehicles. Explain to the police officer how the accident occurred.Get a copy of the accident report.Contact your insurance company.

How do I get more money on my insurance claim?

Contact your insurance provider as soon as possible: The first thing you should do is contact your insurance right away. This will present a more accurate recollection of the events that took place. The more accurate and the better you're able to recall the incident, the stronger your claim will be.Sep 30, 2021

What does getting whiplash mean?

an abrupt snapping motion or change of direction resembling the lash of a whip. Also whiplash injury. a neck injury caused by a sudden jerking backward, forward, or both, of the head: Whiplash resulted when their car was struck from behind. Also called whiplash curve .

What to expect after being rear ended?

It can take weeks for the symptoms of an injury from a rear-end collision to appear. Some injuries like broken bones or soft tissue damage are immediately apparent. But brain injuries, concussion symptoms, and herniated discs may not be noticeable at first glance or could grow worse over time.

How do you explain an accident to insurance?

Accidents. While accidents and their causes vary wildly, the general definition of an accident is an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury. Accident insurers may define accidents differently in their specific policies.

Who is at fault in a rear-end collision?

The party who is most often at fault in a rear-end collision is the driver at the back of a collision. A rear-end collision could occur because the following driver did not leave enough space between their car in the car in front.Feb 2, 2022

What happens to your body when you get hit from behind?

Injuries from rear-end collisions may result in scar tissue formation and permanent loss of normal range of motion. Over time, progressive wear and tear, or post-traumatic osteoarthritis, may also result causing disc degeneration, joint degeneration and bone spurs.Jun 19, 2017

Which way does your head go when rear-ended?

The Mechanics of a Rear-End Accident. When a client is rear-ended, his or her head initially moves backward and then snaps forward when the vehicle comes to rest. Indeed, this is why head rests are installed in vehicles.Sep 30, 2018

What is it called when you get hit from behind?

One of the most common forms of car accidents is rear-end collisions, in which your car is hit from behind, most often at a low speed. Fortunately, these types of accidents often cause minor damage to the vehicles involved and result in less serious injuries than other types of crashes.Sep 15, 2020