i am being sued. my insurance company hires a lawyer to represent me. what are the implications

by Kassandra Stokes 7 min read

If you owe the amount that the creditor is seeking in its lawsuit, hiring a lawyer might be a waste of time and money. If you don't have a defense or counterclaim and the creditor can easily prove its case, then you'll lose. You'll then owe the judgment amount, have to pay your own attorney, and might have pay the creditor's attorneys' fees too.

Full Answer

Does the insurance company represent you in a lawsuit?

 · When you buy liability insurance, part of the insurance company’s obligation is to provide a defense for you if you are sued. The insurance company will do this by hiring and paying for an experienced attorney to represent you in court. Even though the insurance company selects the lawyer and must approve the payment of all legal fees and ...

What should I do if my insurance company sues me?

 · The short answer is yes, your insurance company has an obligation to defend you if you are sued, provided you have liability insurance. However, they can avoid involvement if there is not adequate coverage on your part, which is why it is vital for any driver to fully understand what is included when they purchase an insurance policy.

Can I represent myself in a lawsuit?

 · On the other hand, if you think that your policy may not be enough to protect valuable assets and these could be easily discoverable, then it would make sense to hire your own lawyer to sort of look over the case and protect your interest, and just to make sure that your company settles the case within the policy limits, if requested and ...

Does the insurance company choose the lawyer or the Attorney?

 · The attorney for the insurance company is supposed to represent you and not the insurance company. However, if you have say $25,000 liability insurance limits and the …

What happens if someone sues you and you ignore it?

Although it might be tempting to ignore a summons and complaint, ignoring a lawsuit does not make it go away. And it could result in the court awarding a money judgment against you by default. That can lead to your wages being garnished, your bank accounts attached, or your property being taken!

How do you stop someone from suing you?

Ten common sense ways to avoid being suedMaintain good communications. ... Avoid giving false expectations. ... Make the client make the hard decisions. ... Document your advice and the client's decisions. ... Don't initiate hostilities against the client. ... Avoid, or handle with care, the borderline personality client.More items...

What does it mean to sue an insurance company?

You can sue your insurance company if they violate or fail the terms of the insurance policy. Common violations include not paying claims in a timely fashion, not paying properly filed claims, or making bad faith claims.

What happens after a company gets sued?

If your business is sued, it will have to be served with process in order for the court to have jurisdiction over it. This also provides the court with the power to render a decision and to order the business to pay money damages to the plaintiff or take other actions.

What should you do if you are being sued?

If you have been sued in small claims court, you have several options:You can settle your case before the trial. ... You can prove you were sued in the wrong court. ... You can go to your trial and try to win. ... You can sue the person suing you. ... You can agree with the plaintiff's claim and pay the money. ... You can do nothing.

Can you settle out of court after being served?

Summary: Yes, you can settle after service. The best way to settle a debt lawsuit is first to file a response, then contact the otherside and make an offer.

What can you sue for emotional distress?

It may be possible for you to sue for emotional distress, depending on your situation. The main factor that will mean you can make a claim is whether someone's negligence caused the harm you first suffered. This could be because you were hurt in an accident that was someone else's fault.

How do you scare insurance adjusters?

The best way to scare insurance carriers or adjusters is to have an attorney by your side to fight for you. You should not settle for less.

What are good reasons to sue?

If you have injured them, broken a contract with them, broken or damaged their property or said something defamatory, they may want to sue you for money or to make you do something. Being involved in a court case can be time consuming, expensive and confusing.

How much does a lawsuit cost a company?

The average employment lawsuit will cost a company $200,000; this is made up of $80,000 for the employer's attorneys' fees, $80,000 for the employee's attorneys' fees, and $40,000 in settlement to the employee.

For what reason might someone decide to bring a civil law suit against a person or a business?

Civil Suits Can Be Brought By Anyone. A civil case is usually instigated by a private party—a person or business who has allegedly suffered some kind of harm or damage. In contrast, a criminal case is brought by a prosecutor or other attorney representing the local government.

How much does it cost to sue a company?

You will pay between $30 to $75 to file the lawsuit. If you cannot afford to pay court fees, you can ask the court to waive the fees.

How do you respond to a threat of legal action?

Determine how best to proceed. Stand your ground, but be polite as abrasive language is likely to result in inflaming the recipient and making the situation worse. Explain to the threatening party that you will be adding the sender's letter or email to the CMLP Legal Threats Database--and do so!

Can you sue someone for wrongfully suing you?

First and foremost, it is important to understand that one cannot sue somebody for suing them. This is a common mistake made by angry litigants who represent themselves. One must have a valid legal theory when suing another party, and simply being angry over a lawsuit does not qualify.

Is suing and pressing charges the same?

When charges are pressed, the accused person may have to go to trial. Pressing charges is different than suing in civil court. When a person decides to take this action, he will not benefit monetarily as a result of the outcome of the case.

What is a counter sue mean?

transitive + intransitive. : to sue (someone) in return : to bring a counterclaim against someone They were dissuaded from suing one another because they knew their target likely had patents that covered similar territory and they could be countersued quickly—the legal equivalent of mutually assured destruction.—

What is the duty to indemnify clause in insurance?

There is another clause in insurance policies called the “ Duty to Indemnify .”. If the court finds you liable for damages, the insurance company will pay the amount that the court has assessed as just.

Can insurance companies avoid involvement?

They can avoid involvement if there is no coverage involved. They will send a lawyer and pay for his service if you need to go to court. All the legal expenses have to be approved by the insurance company.

Does insurance pay for counter suit?

If the court’s decision is to reject your defense, the insurance company is not obliged to pay for any claim that is not covered by your policy. If there is a plan to file a counter suit, the insurance company is no longer obligated to pay for lawyer’s fees.

Can you retain your own counsel?

You could retain your own counsel to co-represent you, but you need to make certain he does not "interfere" with the defense provided by the insurance company. In any event, you would likely have to pay for your own counsel. More. 0 found this answer helpful. found this helpful.

Can insurance companies pay for attorney without reservation of rights?

If the insurance company is paying for the attorney without any reservation of rights, ie. a suggestion that they may assert an exclusion as a basis to deny coverage or come after you fees, then they have a right to control the defense. You could retain your own counsel to co-represent you, but you need to make certain he does not "interfere" with the defense provided by the insurance company. In any event, you would likely have to pay for your own counsel.

What to do if someone is suing you for more than you pay?

If the other driver is suing you for more than the car insurance company wants to pay, your attorney can negotiate with them to get them to cover all of the damages. Often lawsuits over auto accidents can be settled out of court with an experienced attorney working with your car insurance company.

What to do when you are sued for an auto accident?

When you are sued over an auto accident, you should carefully consider hiring a lawyer to represent you in court. Attorneys that deal with auto accidents on a routine basis are much more familiar with the law and rights to compensation than you will be able to educate yourself on your own.

Why do car insurance companies have more pull?

An attorney often has more pull with the car insurance companies, because if they do not honor the policy to its full extent they know they will be held accountable if an attorney is involved. Representing yourself has other disadvantages as well. You will be unlikely to settle out of court if you do not have an attorney. ...

What are the disadvantages of representing yourself in court?

If you choose to represent yourself in court, you will likely wind up paying much more out of pocket. The car insurance companies are not as likely to negotiate with you as they might be with an attorney. They are also less likely to back you up if you were obviously negligent.

What happens if you don't have a good defense?

If you do not have a good defense, you could wind up paying much more in a lawsuit than if you hire an attorney to represent you.

What is car insurance?

Your car insurance is there to pay for damages and medical expenses of other drivers when you are at fault. This is the sum total of what liability car insurance is for, and why it is mandated by most states. If you are sued over the auto accident, the first thing you should do is contact your car insurance company to let them know about ...

What to do when you are in an accident?

Talking to Your Insurance Company. Your first call when you are in an auto accident should be to your car insurance company. You will need to file a claim, especially if you are the at-fault or negligent party in the accident. Your car insurance is there to pay for damages and medical expenses of other drivers when you are at fault.

What to do if your insurance company does not provide legal counsel?

If the insurance company does not provide legal counsel, you should identify, interview, and engage a litigation attorney.

What happens if you don't have insurance?

If you do not have insurance, then you should not have been on the road at all. You will have to hire a personal injury attorney; they usually advertise on TV, billboards, lavatory walls, buses, and any structure or medium possible. Of course, you will have to pay up front. so, it is always best to have auto insurance.

What to do if you have no insurance?

If you have no auto insurance, you should hire an insurance defense attorney. Report Abuse. Report Abuse.

What to do if you have not been served with suit papers?

If you have not yet been served with suit papers, notify the agent and claims department immediately and give them all of the information they ask for.

What to do if you have a car accident?

The first thing to do is notify your auto insurance agent. Your insurance company should provide a defense for you by hiring a lawyer who specializes in insurance defense matters.

What to do if you don't have insurance on your car?

If you did not have insurance then you need to hire an attorney that handles civil matters to determine what is the best approach to take. Report Abuse.

What to do if you don't have an attorney?

If you have insurance, you should submit the lawsuit to your insurance company and they will provide an attorney free of charge. If you do not have an attorney, you should contact one as soon as possible. Report Abuse. Report Abuse.

Who pays the lawyer for insurance?

The lawyer assigned to represent you will be paid by the insurance company. This is one of the important benefits of your insurance policy. Although the lawyer is paid by your insurance company, the lawyer must represent you and not your insurance company.

What to do if your insurance company refuses to settle?

When your insurance company refuses to settle and you’re concerned about personal liability, you may want to consider hiring a lawyer to review the file to determine if a settlement is warranted. Your lawyer can put pressure on your insurance company to settle and obtain a release to release you from further liability.

What to do if you receive a bad faith letter from a personal injury lawyer?

If you receive a bad faith letter from a personal injury lawyer before a lawsuit is started or from your insurance company or your defense attorney after the lawsuit is started, you should consult with your own private attorney immediately. Your own attorney will put pressure on your insurance company to settle.

What happens after a lawsuit is started?

After a lawsuit is started, you will probably have to testify at a deposition.

What happens if you receive a summons and complaint?

Upon receipt of the Summons and Complaint, your insurance company will immediately assign a lawyer to represent you. You should receive a letter from your lawyer advising that you are being represented for the defense of your alleged negligence.

How to forward summons and complaint to insurance company?

When a Summons and Complaint is served on you, you should immediately forward a copy of the Summons and Complaint to your insurance company by certified mail return receipt requested. If you have not previously obtained a claim number, get one now.

What happens if my insurance company cannot settle my claim?

Your insurance company may attempt to settle the claim. If the claim cannot be settled, a lawsuit will usually be started by the personal injury lawyer.

Why is it important to understand your insurer's role in the event of a lawsuit?

Understanding your insurer's role in the event of a lawsuit can help you better cooperate with them and allow the process to go as smoothly as possible.

What is the duty of an insurance company?

The insurer has two duties to you: to defend you and to indemnify you (pay any sum you are legally required to pay the plaintiff) up to the policy limits (learn how high your limit should be in Auto Liability Insurance - How Much Is Enough? ). Their duty to defend means they will hire a law firm to defend you and will pay all of the fees and costs charged by the law firm.

How many personal injury cases settle before trial?

Note that with respect to personal injury cases (as opposed to criminal litigation), roughly 95% of them settle before trial, so you will most likely not have to endure one.

What happens if a case doesn't settle?

If the case doesn't settle during the discovery process, you will likely be required to attend proceedings later, likely including an arbitration and, if the case never settles, a trial. Your lawyer will thoroughly prepare you for all of these events.

Can a lawyer send a notice of deposition?

The plaintiff’s lawyers will also almost certainly send your lawyer a notice of deposition. At your deposition the opposing lawyer (s), your lawyer, yourself, and a court reporter who will record everything said on a shorthand typewriter will be present.

How to contact insurance company if you lost your policy?

If you have lost or cannot find these documents, call the agent who sold you the policy or look in the phone book and call the insurance company directly. Tell them that you have received a summons and complaint (to learn more about insurance agents and what they do, see Insurance Agents: What's the Point? ).

What is a summons and complaint?

You open it and find two formal legal documents: a summons and a complaint. The summons officially informs you that you have been sued. The complaint contains the formal allegations made by the plaintiff (s) in the case against you, the defendant or one of the defendants. The allegations arise out of circumstances for which you are insured: an ...

What is the answer to a lawsuit?

An answer is your opportunity to respond to the complaint’s factual allegations and legal claims. It also allows you to assert "affirmative defenses," facts or legal arguments you raise to defeat plaintiff’s claim. Filing an answer prevents the plaintiff from getting a default judgment against you. It signals to the court and the other side that you intend to defend the case.

What happens if you do nothing in a lawsuit?

If you do nothing, the plaintiff can – and probably will! – ask the court for a default judgment.

How to find out which court a case was filed in?

On the first page of the summons or complaint, there's a "caption" (heading). That caption should indicate which court the case was filed in (district or justice).

What does "fail to state a claim" mean?

In other words, you are arguing that plaintiff failed to state a legal claim in the complaint, and there is no relief legally available to plaintiff based on her allegations.

What happens if you don't file a written response?

If you do not file a written response within the required time, the “plaintiff” (the party suing you) can ask the court for a default judgment against you for everything she asked for in her complaint. After the plaintiff gets a default judgment, she can try to garnish your wages, attach your bank account, or take your property.

How to respond to a civil case?

Then take the following steps to decide how (and whether) you want to respond: Step 1: Calculate your deadline to respond. Step 2: Evaluate your options. Step 3: Prepare a response.

What to do if you have been served with a summons?

Learn what to do if you’ve been served with a summons and complaint, including how much time you have to respond and what options might be available to you. Remember that if you do nothing, the person suing you can ask the court for a money judgment against you!

What is the unpleasantness of being a litigant?

The Incredible Unpleasantness of Being a Litigant. There's nothing worse than that sinking feeling you get when you are handed a legal document that announces you're being sued. Say hello to lawyers, courtrooms, big bills, sour stomachs, and sleepless nights. Here are things you may not know about being on the receiving end of a lawsuit.

Do you have to accept papers in a lawsuit?

1. You're it. You don't have to "accept" the papers that begin the lawsuit. You just have to be "given" the papers … which can mean that the server announced what the papers were and then presented them to you … even if you throw them on the ground. (p.s. That may earn you a citation for littering!)