how win custody case without lawyer texas

by Lisandro Will Jr. 3 min read

To win a custody battle, first gather evidence that youre a good parent, like testimonies from neighbors or child care workers. Under texas law, either parent may file a petition seeking child custody modification anytime. Advocates find all fall into two (2) strong factual cases for modification and two (2) weak ones (which are easier to defend).

Full Answer

How to win a child custody case?

A proactive key in how to win a child custody case is behaving beyond reproach. Because even if you never drink around your children, that doesn’t necessarily stop your ex from making up stories to paint you as an unfit parent. That leads to our second point. One of the biggest problems in a child custody hearing is the “he said, she said” element.

What happens at a child custody hearing in Texas?

In Texas, child custody hearings are ultimately based on the child’s best interest. If your spouse can accurately claim that you behave irresponsibly around the children by drinking, using drugs, smoking or engaging in other reckless behaviors, they can gain an advantage in your custody hearing.

What happens if you fail to follow court orders for custody?

Whether it takes a drug test or attend a therapy session, failure to follow court orders puts your dedication to your child in question and can completely undermine your case for custody. Even if you and your ex are willing to compromise, having a proper defense is the only way to ensure a truly fair deal.

Is losing custody the most stressful part of a divorce?

For most parents, the most stressful part of an impending divorce is the possibility of losing custody. Money is one thing, finding a Houston divorce lawyer is another, but the idea of missing out on your child’s life is something you can’t put a price on.


How do you win a child custody case in Texas?

How to Get Full Custody in TexasDecide the location of your child's residence,Consent to healthcare for your child,Hold or spend support payments for your child,Handle your child's legal issues,Make decisions about your child's education,Consent to your child's marriage,More items...•

How do I file for custody without a lawyer in Texas?

For parents who want to file for child custody but who cannot afford a lawyer, filing pro se is a viable alternative....File a Petition for CustodyProof of paternity or legal parentage7.Child's birth certificate.Any existing orders related to the child.

What do judges look at when deciding custody in Texas?

Age and health of the child(ren) Age and health of the parents (or a non-parent conservator involved in the matter) Special needs of any involved parties. Stability of home environment of the child.

What do judges look for in child custody cases?

Mental and Physical Well-Being of Parents Parents' mental well-being is of great concern to a judge in a child custody case. Psychological disorders, overwhelming stress, drug or alcohol abuse, and mental health crises can prevent a parent from acting in their child's best interests.

What can be used against you in a custody battle?

The Reigning King of What Can Be Used Against You in a Custody Battle: Verbal or Physical Altercations. We wanted to start with the most simple pitfall to avoid: When tempers get high, it's quite alluring to get into a verbal sparring match with your ex-spouse.

How do I file for emergency custody in Texas?

To get emergency temporary custody, Texas Courts require you to show that your child is in immediate danger. It could be due to physical abuse, sexual abuse, or drug or alcohol abuse by the parent. Verbal or emotional abuse typically doesn't qualify as dangerous enough for emergency temporary custody in Texas.

Who pays attorney fees in child custody cases Texas?

In some Texas child support cases, attorney's fees may be awarded. When a party fails to make child support payments, the court is to order that party to pay the other party's reasonable attorney's fees and court costs in pursuing the child support.

What affects child custody in Texas?

The final most important factor in child custody in Texas depends in part on the age of the child. The courts may consider the wishes of an older child who is the subject of the custody dispute. If the older child states a desire to live with a specific parent, the court likely will factor that into its decision.

How do you prove best interest of the child?

How to prove the best interest of the childPrepare a parenting plan. ... Keep track of your parenting time. ... Maintain a journal to show you meet parenting duties. ... Keep a log of child-related expenses. ... Get reliable child care. ... Ask others to testify on your behalf. ... Show that you're willing to work with the other parent.More items...

How can a mother get full custody?

Factors Considered for Granting Full CustodyBest interests of the child: The family court usually determines that it's best for parents to share custody of a child. ... Courtroom demeanor: A judge may determine a parent's fitness for full custody, in part, on the basis of the parent's demeanor in court.More items...•

What are the 12 best interest factors child custody?

Child Custody and The 12 Best Interest FactorsPermanence of the family home. ... Moral fitness of the parties. ... Parents health. ... Successful schooling. ... Preference of the child. ... Parent facilitates and encourages a close and continuing parent-child relationship with other parent. ... Domestic violence. ... Court determined relevant factor.More items...•

Which custody arrangement is most common?

The most common joint custody arrangements include the 2-2-3 plan and the 2-2-5 plan. Both involve spending alternate sets of days with either parent. Also common is the alternate week plan, where the child spends one week with a parent and the next week with the other.

2. Custody & Child Support – Commonly Requested Legal Forms

Aug 5, 2021 — The Texas State Law Library publishes legal research guides to help both self-represented litigants/pro se litigants and attorneys/legal (4) …


The Attorney General’s Office accepts applications from mothers, fathers and other individuals who request services. Our attorneys represent the State of Texas 20 pages (14) …

7. 5 Crucial Steps Dads Should Take to Get Custody in Texas

1. Speak with an experienced family law attorney right away. · 2. Avoid moving out of the marital residence without your kids. · 3. Stay the course with your (21) …

8. Emergency Temporary Custody in Texas: How Does it Work?

Mar 22, 2021 — How to File for an Emergency Child Custody Petition in Texas. There are two forms that your family law attorney will review with you and answer (24) …

9. Petition for Child Custody and Support – Missouri Courts

If you are not sure, take your paperwork to a lawyer to discuss your status as a legal parent. How do I get started? 1. Gather the documents you may need: a (27) …

10. What You Should Know About Custody Battles in Texas

Custody battle usually means a legal scuffle over the primary residence of a There are other reasons as well that parents find themselves in lawyer’s (29) …

What to do after divorce?

If you’re constantly rescheduling visitations or canceling your days of custody, your spouse can make it seem like you’re an uncaring parent and use that against you to gain full custody of your children.

What is the biggest problem in a custody hearing?

One of the biggest problems in a child custody hearing is the “he said, she said” element. An easy and effective way to undermine lies and gain an early advantage is to schedule your own in-home evaluation. During the evaluation, a court-appointed evaluator will visit your home and assess whether or not it is a suitable environment for raising your child.

How to win custody of a child?

While some custody keys can be complex or tough, this key in how to win custody of your child is pretty straightforward yet extremely important. If the court asks you to do something related to a custody hearing, do it. Whether it takes a drug test or attend a therapy session, failure to follow court orders puts your dedication to your child in ...

Can you win custody if you never drink?

If your spouse can accurately claim that you behave irresponsibly around the children by drinking, using drugs, smoking or engaging in other reckless behaviors, they can gain an advantage in your custody hearing. A proactive key in how to win a child custody case is behaving beyond reproach. Because even if you never drink around your children, ...

What is the most stressful part of divorce?

For most parents, the most stressful part of an impending divorce is the possibility of losing custody. Money is one thing, finding a Houston divorce lawyer is another, but the idea of missing out on your child’s life is something you can’t put a price on.

Can a narcissistic spouse compromise?

Whether you’re dealing with an emotional partner or narcissistic spouse, compromise can open many doors for you and your child. If you and your spouse can come to a mutual agreement regarding whole or joint custody outside of court, it can be far more beneficial for both yourself and your children.

Can you leave your children unsupervised in Texas?

This should go without saying, but drinking, using drugs or leaving your children unsupervised can be very damaging in a custody hearing. In Texas, child custody hearings are ultimately based on the child’s best interest. If your spouse can accurately claim that you behave irresponsibly around the children by drinking, using drugs, smoking or engaging in other reckless behaviors, they can gain an advantage in your custody hearing.

Why do parents have sole custody?

Some parents, usually fathers, will agree to let the other parent have full or sole custody (sole managing conservatorship) because they want to resolve things quickly for their children. They may even feel compassion for the other parent or be holding out hope for reconciliation and step back because they want to make things go as smoothly as possible for the other party.

What are the rights of a parent in Texas?

These specific parental rights and duties have been set forth in the Texas Family Code and include the right to make decisions about where the child lives, education, medical care and religious affiliation among others.

Why is it so hard to understand that the other parent is a good parent?

In the midst of a contentious divorce, some parents have a hard time understanding that the other parent is a good parent simply because the parental relationship didn’t work out.

How long can a child be left in possession of an individual without expressing intent to return?

Voluntarily left a child in possession of an individual (not the other parent) without expressing intent to return, not providing support for the child and remaining away for at least 3 months.

Can you terminate parental rights in Texas?

Terminating parental rights in order to get full custody in Texas is NOT easy. Unless the other parent voluntarily relinquishes parental rights, the burden is on the other parent (or interested party, such as a grandparent) to provide clear and convincing evidence that termination of parental rights is in the best interest of the child.

Is sole custody necessary in Texas?

The state of Texas refers to full custody—or sole custody—as sole managing conservatorship. Again, there are very limited circumstances where a judge will agree to grant one parent sole custody in Texas but it is possible. In addition, sole managing conservatorship may not be necessary depending on your goals.

What does it mean when a child is not supported?

Knowingly placed or allowed the child to be in surroundings or engaged in conduct that endangered the child’s physical or emotional wellbeing. Failed to support the child according to the parent’s ability within a set period of time.

How to Gain Full Custody in Texas

Texas courts do not commonly grant full custody because a party must prove to the judge full custody is in the child’s best interest. The judge may conclude a sole managing conservatorship is not necessary, considering the extreme nature of one parent’s sole custody.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one would like to know more about how to win child custody in Texas, get your free consultation with one of our child custody lawyers today!
