how will a disability lawyer no if there ia a weak case

by Murphy Jerde 5 min read

The short answer to this is no. When preparing for a disability hearing, an attorney will frequently receive hundreds of pages of medical records, many of which have nothing to do with your impairment. Your attorney will review the medical records to see what is relevant to your case and submit only that information to Social Security.

Full Answer

Why hire a disability lawyer or advocate?

Learn when to hire a disability lawyer or advocate, and how they can help you win your Social Security disability case. Disability applicants who hire an attorney or advocate to handle their Social Security disability (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability claim are more likely to be approved than those who don't.

What do Social Security disability lawyers do?

What Do They Do? Learn when to hire a disability lawyer or advocate, and how they can help you win your Social Security disability case. Disability applicants who hire an attorney or advocate to handle their Social Security disability (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability claim are more likely to be approved than those who don't.

Why would a lawyer refuse to take a disability case?

Concerns about disability applicant. An attorney or law firm may decline to take a case if they feel the client may be troublesome or is not trustworthy, which may be evident if any of the following factors are present: inconsistent statements from the claimant, or dishonesty

Do disability lawyers get paid for winning cases?

Disability lawyers and law firms only get paid if they win your case, so they may reject cases that are unlikely to end in an award for benefits. Get help with your claim now. Our experts have helped thousands like you get cash benefits.

How can I tell if my SSDI hearing went well?

At most disability hearings, you can also expect the ALJ to ask detailed questions about your condition and how it affects your work and relationships with loved ones. If the ALJ does not ask a lot of questions, this may be a good indicator that the ALJ has sufficient medical evidence to make a favorable decision.

What percentage of disability claims are denied?

According to the Social Security Administration (SSA), the average acceptance rate of initial applications is 22 percent, and approximately 63 percent of SSDI applications are denied. Understanding why these applications are not approved may help you be successful if you need to apply for benefits.

How can I speed up my disability case?

Here are some more ways to speed up your disability application.Requesting an OTR Decision. ... Requesting an Attorney Advisor Decision. ... Compassionate Allowances List. ... Terminal Illnesses. ... Presumptive Disability. ... Dire Need. ... Military Service Members. ... Contacting a Member of Congress.

How do you win a disability claim?

Top Ways to Increase Chances of Winning Disability ClaimEnsure That Your Application is Complete. ... Keep Accurate and Complete Medical Documentation. ... Maintain a Good Relationship With Your Physician(s) ... Keep Close Tabs on the Status of Your Claim. ... Follow up on all Treatment Recommendations.

What is the most approved disability?

1. Arthritis. Arthritis and other musculoskeletal disabilities are the most commonly approved conditions for disability benefits. If you are unable to walk due to arthritis, or unable to perform dexterous movements like typing or writing, you will qualify.

What is the hardest state to get disability?

OklahomaOklahoma is the hardest state to get for Social Security disability. This state has an SSDI approval rate of only 33.4% in 2020 and also had the worst approval rate in 2019 with 34.6% of SSDI applications approved. Alaska had the second-worst approval rate, with 35.3% of applications approved in 2020 and 36.2% in 2019.

What is the average time to get approved for disability?

about 3 to 5 monthsGenerally, it takes about 3 to 5 months to get a decision. However, the exact time depends on how long it takes to get your medical records and any other evidence needed to make a decision. * How does Social Security make the decision? We send your application to a state agency that makes disability decisions.

Who makes the final decision on Social Security disability?

While the DDS office reviews applications and makes recommendations to the SSA, it is the SSA which makes the final decision to accept or reject claims for disability benefits.

How do you survive while waiting for disability approval?

While you wait for disability benefits to be approved, consider seeking assistance through other local, state, and federal support programs. These may include: Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

What are the odds of winning a disability case?

Learn More: Appealing After A DenialStateInitial Approval RateAlaska60.7%Arizona60.7%Arkansas72.2%California70.0%47 more rows

Does SSDI pay back pay?

If your SSDI application does take longer than 5 months to process, you will be awarded back pay and/or retroactive pay for up to 12 months. Back pay covers any time between your application, otherwise known as the EOD.

What questions do they ask in a disability interview?

What Type of Questions Will Be Asked at Your Disability Interview...When did your condition become disabling?What is the contact information for your doctors?What are the dates of the visits to your doctors?What are the names of medications that you are currently taking?What medical tests have you undergone?

What is a good disability lawyer?

A good disability lawyer will develop the best theory of disability for winning your case, prepare you for your hearing, and arrange for witnesses. Hearing approval rates are about twice as high for applicants who bring lawyers. To learn how a disability lawyer handles other aspects of your case and appeal hearing, ...

What to ask your doctor for in a disability appeal?

Your attorney will ask your doctors for supportive statements, submit only the relevant medical records to the judge, and know how to handle bad evidence. In preparing to represent you in a disability appeal hearing, your attorney will want you to answer some detailed questions about your symptoms and limitations.

What happens if an ALJ misleads an attorney?

If your attorney attempts to cover-up the evidence or mislead the ALJ about its importance, both you and your attorney's credibility will be damaged.

What does an attorney do with medical records?

Your attorney will review the medical records to see what is relevant to your case and submit only that information to Social Security. Because of their heavy caseloads, administrative law judges (ALJ) do not have the time to sift through hundreds of pages of documents to determine what is relevant and what isn't.

Is Social Security giving more weight to doctors?

In the past, Social Security had to give more weight to the opinions of treating doctors who have treated you for a period of time, who know your medical history, and are supportive of your disability claim. As of March 27, 2017, this is no longer true.

Can you do less than sedentary work?

When trying to prove that you can do what Social Security calls "less than sedentary work," your attorney will need medical evidence to prove that you have certain functional limitations, like not being able to lift ten pounds or needing to lie down frequently during the day .

Can medical records be harmful to disability?

It is not uncommon for medical records to contain information that is not only unhelpful but may be harmful to a disability applicant's case. Social Security regulations and ethics rules require a disability attorney to submit all relevant evidence to Social Security.

What factors do lawyers consider when they decide to take a case?

Here are some of the factors lawyers consider when they decide to take a case. Some of the factors, such as age or medical condition, you can't change, but with other factors, you might be able to take actions to make your case more attractive to a disability attorney.

Why do lawyers focus on other factors when taking a case?

Because medical records are complicated, and a lawyer isn't always in the best position to assess whether Social Security is likely to grant a medical allowance for a complex medical condition, lawyers often focus on other factors when deciding to take a case.

What to do if you don't have a good case?

You might ask the attorney or paralegal you spoke to for details on why they don't think you have a good case. If it has to do with your medical records, recent work, substance use, or receipt of unemployment benefits, you can address these issues before continuing with your claim.

What happens if you don't see a doctor?

If you aren't currently seeing a doctor, and don't have a history over the past several years of seeing a doctor, you'll have a harder time finding a lawyer to take your case. Good medical records are probably the most important factor in getting an approval for benefits, and this is especially true for mental claims.

Can I file for disability if I haven't worked for years?

More disability claims are denied for financial or work credit eligibility reasons than for medical reasons. For SSDI, if you haven't worked for a numbers of years, meaning your " date last insured " is in the past, a lawyer won't likely take your case—unless you might be eligible for disability through SSI.

Can a disability lawyer take your case?

Some disability lawyers won't take your case until you've been denied benefits. They'd rather not help out at the application stage, but they'd be more than willing to represent you at the appeal hearing.

Can a lawyer take a case for fibromyalgia?

Having what appears to be a severe medical condition will obviously help convince a lawyer to take your case, but there are certain conditions that some lawyers don't like to see in your medical file. Fibromyalgia is one of them. Historically it's been difficult to get benefits for fibromyalgia, though it's gotten easier since Social Security published a ruling on the subject. Also, applying for fibromyalgia along with similar conditions, especially a lesser known condition like Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, may signal to Social Security that you still haven't received the proper diagnosis.

Why can't my disability lawyer argue my case?

There are legitimate reason they may not be able to argue your case: you have started working too much and they know you will be denied, you have not been responsive to their request for information or they have lost contact with you. Your lawyer may also have determined they have taken on too many cases and they do not believe they can effectively work your case.

How long does it take to get a disability hearing?

The good news if you are waiting for a hearing it can take up to 12 months to get on the hearing schedule. This should be more than enough time to start interviewing disability lawyers and find the perfect lawyer to argue your case before the administrative law judge.

What is disability lawyer?

Disability lawyers are trained to counter negative testimony presented by the vocational expert and to elicit supportive opinions. This skill requires an understanding of the complex way in which different jobs, and the skills needed to do them, are categorized.

Why don't doctors help with disability?

A supportive opinion from your doctor (s) is vital to winning a disability claim. However, doctors are sometimes unwilling to help disability applicants. There are many different reasons why doctors may not want to help; for example, a doctor may be unsure about how the disability process works or may be too busy to fill out forms. Some doctors may have personal opinions about Social Security benefits that make them unwilling to help. Also, a doctor simply may not believe the applicant is disabled.

What are the bad facts about disability?

Sometimes "bad facts" come in the form of a doctor's opinion that states that the applicant is not disabled or that the applicant is exaggerating symptoms. Other times, an applicant has not seen a doctor for many years or has been inconsistent with following a treatment plan, either of which can hurt the applicant's chances. Regardless of the specifics of the "bad facts," disability attorneys are often able to confront and explain the issues to the ALJ in ways that minimize damage to the applicant's case.

Why are lawyers more likely to win on appeal?

Applicants with lawyers are more likely to win on appeal is because most disability attorneys have extensive experience with the appeal hearing process. This experience gives attorneys the specialized skills needed to win your appeal. Experienced disability attorneys have also learned to work through the process correctly so there are as few additional difficulties as possible.

Why is it important to ask questions to an attorney?

This is important because if there are any areas in the applicant's testimony that weaken the case, the attorney is trained to spot the problem and to use further questioning to correct or clarify the applicant's testimony.

What does it mean when an attorney decides on the best argument?

Once the attorney has decided on the best argument, he or she can determine how to meet the requirements of the rules and regulations using the facts of the case. This also means that an attorney can anticipate weaknesses in a case and decide how best to manage them.

Can I hire an attorney for disability?

Disability applicants who hire an attorney or advocate to handle their Social Security disability (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability claim are more likely to be approved than those who don't. The reasons for this are many, and knowing them may help you decide if hiring a legal representative is the right choice for you.

What can a disability lawyer do?

Although disability lawyers work on a contingency fee basis and are only paid if you win, if you think you can win without a lawyer it would be a waste of money to hire one. The main consideration is whether or not you can effectively perform the tasks that disability lawyers generally do and win your case on your own.

Limitations of the disability lawyer

Whether or not you win your SSDI or SSI case can be based on many factors, many of which are not under the control of the disability lawyer. The disability lawyer cannot, therefore, guarantee any type of outcome.

In conclusion

Considering whether or not you will get an automatic approval by hiring a SSDI or SSI lawyer should be only one consideration before determining whether or not to hire one.