how to write up a statement for your lawyer

by Bernita Crooks 8 min read

  1. Understand your purpose. There are many reasons why you may wish to contact your attorney. ...
  2. Lead with the most important point. Once you have confirmed that writing a letter will serve your purpose, write an opening paragraph that explains why you are writing and ...
  3. Fill in the middle with your reasons. Once you have explained your purpose, the proceeding paragraphs should explain your reasons for making a particular request or asking a particular ...
  4. Close with a paragraph that summarizes your main point. If you are making a request, be sure to repeat it in the final paragraph.
  5. Use simple language. Your main goal in writing to your attorney should be to communicate your message as clearly as possible.
  6. Keep it short. Think about your purpose in writing the letter and include only the information necessary to achieving that purpose.

Writing a Statement of Facts
  1. Tell a story. ...
  2. Don't be argumentative. ...
  3. You can – and should – still advocate. ...
  4. Acknowledge unfavorable facts. ...
  5. Eliminate irrelevant facts. ...
  6. Describe the record accurately. ...
  7. You can include law in the facts if it's appropriate. ...
  8. It's not just what you say, but how you say it.
Apr 19, 2020

Full Answer

How to write a legal statement?

Aim to use short, polished sentences in your statement, rather than overly wordy ones. Keep the language simple. You only have a short space to make your point, so it is vital to be clear, while communicating your enthusiasm for law. Superfluous text will detract from the impact of …

How to create a written statement in 5 steps?

Jan 22, 2019 · For the body of the statement, think about who did what and to whom, when they did it and how they did it. Use these details to set the stage. Then, write down the pertinent facts in separately numbered paragraphs – usually, a legal statement is laid out in chronological order. Keep the paragraphs short and concise.

How to write a letter to a lawyer for legal documents?

5 Steps to Create a Written Statement Step 1: Statement Is Created in the Doc File Step 2: Title of the Statement Must Be Put At the Top of the Document Step 3: Address Your Name and the Purpose In the Statement

How to write a written statement for an appeal?

Introductory Statement Introduce yourself to the jury as a lawyer. Introduction of the client to the jury- introduce your client to the jury in an empathetic way to relate. Provide all... State the facts plus details of all important information related to the client’s case. Additionally, provide ...


How do you write a good legal statement?

Include the date of the legal statement; the topic of the statement; the date(s) of the topic to be discussed; the basic facts involved in the reasoning for the statement; the identities of all pertinent parties; their connections to the case; and if possible, the signatures of the parties.

How do you write a personal statement for court?

How to submit a personal statementIntroduction: Write the date. ... First Paragraph (write 3-5 sentences): Introduce yourself to the judge. ... Second Paragraph (write 3-5 sentences): ... Third Paragraph (write 3-5 sentences): ... Fourth Paragraph (write 3-5 sentences): ... Fifth Paragraph (write 3-5 sentences): ... Closing:

How do you write a case statement?

Include information about your own personal background (character, education, experience) if you believe it will help your case and make you seem more reputable to the judge. Describe the incident, including dates, times, the names of parties involved and the loss that was incurred.

How do you write a simple statement?

How to Identify a Simple SentenceIdentify the subject and the predicate. A simple sentence must have at least one subject (someone or something performing an action) and a predicate (a verb or verbal phrase describing that action).Look for a conjunction. ... Note any mid-sentence punctuation. ... Check for a complete thought.Feb 25, 2022

Can the accused see witness statements?

Although witnesses are not entitled as of right to see a copy of their statement before the day of trial, there is no general rule that prohibits a witness from seeing their statement before trial. Many courts have approved the practice of allowing witnesses to see their statements prior to trial.Dec 4, 2019

How long is a personal statement?

Your personal statement length can be up to 4,000 characters long. This may sound a lot, but it's a word limit of around 550–1000 words with spaces and only about 1 side of typed A4 paper. You need to keep it concise and make sure it's clear and easy to read.

What is a statement of law?

A Statement of Claim is legal notice filed by a person (called the Plaintiff) who seeks a judgement against you in Court. The Plaintiff prepares a Statement of Claim and files it in the Court of Queen's Bench.

What makes a good case statement?

A case statement is a concise document that clearly explains what need your organization seeks to meet, how you have and plan to meet that need, and what you could achieve with additional resources.

What documents are statements of case?

statements of case (particulars of claim, defences, counterclaims, and amendments) Statements of case are documents which contain the alleged factual basis on which the claimant or defendant relies to make or defend a legal claim.

What is an example of a statement sentence?

It is true that bananas have no bones, and I do like bananas, but I like bananas because they are tasty and healthy, not because they have no bones. I would thus say something false if I said “I like bananas because they have no bones.” That's why “I like bananas because they have no bones” is a statement.

What are 5 sentences examples?

5 sentences:We kept hearing the sound of the garbage truck.I knew that I had forgotten to do my homework.My mother had also wanted to make an appointment with the pediatrician.The weatherman predicted that the day would be filled with sunshine.The new anchor kept talking about the election.Jan 26, 2016

What are 5 examples of simple sentences?

Examples of simple sentences include the following:Joe waited for the train. "Joe" = subject, "waited" = verb.The train was late. ... Mary and Samantha took the bus. ... I looked for Mary and Samantha at the bus station. ... Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station early but waited until noon for the bus.

What is a legal statement of facts?

A legal statement of facts is a valid document in the eyes of the law. It sets its focus on a particular situation and backs the statement using facts. This document serves a single purpose, so it is important that the document be direct, to the point, brief, and easy to comprehend. In other words, you want to create a statement ...

How to start a signature?

Signatures if possible. Remember, this is a logical, professional document, so start by simply jotting down the basic facts. For instance, you want to start with the subject, date, include only the facts which will support the statement, evidence which supports the facts, name all who are involved in the case, and how they are connected to the case.

How to organize facts?

A good method of organizing your facts is to create a strong introductory paragraph by making a summary of your most important facts. For instance, you would compose the topic sentence of your introductory paragraph to include your most important facts. The remainder of the paragraph would contain strong, supporting details.

How to write a letter to an attorney?

To write a letter to your attorney, start by writing your address, and, if applicable, your email and cell number in the upper left corner of the page. Under this information, include the date and your attorney’s name and address. Finally, include your case number or your full name.

Where should my attorney's name be placed in a letter?

Your attorney's name and address should be placed on the left regardless of whether you are using full block or modified block format. If there is a paralegal that is working on your specific case, you may wish to write to include it in parenthesis next to the attorney's name.

What to do if your lawyer is not working?

If you are concerned your lawyer is not working on your case, write him a polite but firm letter explaining your concerns. If you feel more comfortable emailing or calling him, that would be fine as well. You are under no obligation to express your concerns in a formal letter.

What is a legal statement?

A legal statement is an objective statement of fact that will stand up to scrutiny in a court of law. As such, it must be specific, precise and absent of argument and exaggeration. There are many types of legal statements which are used for different legal purposes such as a motion to dismiss a frivolous court action, ...

How to make a good judge?

Don't exaggerate, don't make recommendations and don't attempt to draw any biased conclusions. It's the judge's job to form an opinion, not yours. Any unnecessary editorializing may damage your credibility. References.

What is written statement?

The written statement is a legal statement that the people have to go through when they face some legal ups and downs and generally in the official purpose. For eg: when a new head of the organization is selected then you have to address the committee through written statements.

What is legal statement?

The legal statements are the statements made if the unauthorized transaction from your bank account is made then you can write the legal statement letter to the bank. This will help the bank to beware of the matter and take action from their end. The template of the simple written statement can be downloaded to write formally the statement to the bank regarding the unauthorized transaction.

What is the written statement about women's rights?

The written statement is given in the cases about women’s rights in a particular region in the world whose evidence and the proof is written in the statement. The statement sets out in the writing some of your terms known as the ‘principle” statement.

Why do you make a statement in a document?

You can make the statement in the document file so that the edits and the changes can be made according to the needs and the situation. When you make a written statement then you should keep in mind that you use it in other legal statements.

What does "mention the necessary points" mean?

This means that the collected evidence and information must also be mentioned in the written form otherwise it will not be considered legal.

What do you need to know before writing an opening statement?

Before writing an Opening Statement, firstly, you need to comprehend why the opening statement is imperative. This ensures that you write the best opening statement possible. The following three tips will help you accomplish your mission;

How to start an opening statement?

The first step of writing an opening statement is to start with an introduction describing the intentions and overall purpose of the opening statement. This will allow you the chance to grab the attention of the jury as, at this point, they will be interested in listening to the facts in the form of a story.

What should be included in an introductory statement?

In your introductory statement, you need to include the following; Introduce yourself to the jury as a lawyer. Introduction of the client to the jury- introduce your client to the jury in an empathetic way to relate. Provide all the relevant information regarding the client’s case to ensure that the jury understands the client’s nature ...

What is the opening statement of a trial?

An opening statement is essential for any successful trial. It should include an introductory statement, the main body comprising all the relevant information, and a conclusion. Usually, the relevant information must include possible disputes as well as weaknesses.

What is the purpose of opening statement?

An opening statement provides the lawyer with an opportunity to address the jury in a trial and shapes the impression of the case and the jury. It forecasts to the jury the evidence they will see and hear during the trial. In other words, it lets the jury know what to expect and allows them to understand the evidence when it is presented to them.

How to get a jury to like you?

Create a good rapport with your jury. Ensure that the jury likes you, as you will require them to decide the verdict of the case in your favor. Address them as the intelligent people they are, and be sincere while conveying your beliefs.

How to write a statement of witness?

Clearly identify yourself as the witness. Identify the location of the event you have witnessed. Specify the time and date of the occurrence. Identify if you have any medical conditions that may affect your ability to remember things. Always end the statement with the line “the statement is true to the best of my knowledge.

How to use witness statement template?

Always use a Witness Statement Form Template as a reference when you are going to make your own statement form. When using a witness statement form template, avoid copying the template word for word. Always stick to the truth and avoid using overly complex words. Be as clear as possible in all of your statements.

What is a witness statement?

The primary purpose of a witness statement form or a witness statement form sample is to be used as evidence for a certain case or trial. However, a witness statement can also be used for other purposes, such as: 1 It can be used as a means to justify misunderstandings among a group of people. 2 It can be used to clarify any false claims about a certain piece of property or information. 3 It can be used as a means of legally binding what a person said about a certain situation.

What is the purpose of a symlink?

It can be used as a means to justify misunderstandings among a group of people. It can be used to clarify any false claims about a certain piece of property or information. It can be used as a means of legally binding what a person said about a certain situation.

Is a witness statement a financial statement?

Drafting a witness statement form is actually quite similar to the process of a financial statement form. This is because both statement forms are typically used as a means of legally stating a certain amount of information that is usually backed up with proven facts.

What to talk about in a professional section?

For a professional section, you can talk about how the injury impacted your work skills, missed time at work, and future in the same work industry. In a separate section, you can talk about your home life, the impact on your family, and any effects on your daily life. This also includes hobbies or tasks like cooking.

How to show the impact of an injury?

One of the best ways to show the impact of your injury is by showcasing a before and after section. This type of writing will directly show how your life has changed due to the injury. Break down these little steps as much as possible to ensure you've got everything covered.

How to categorize feelings?

To help categorize your feelings and stay as organized as possible, you should start with a free flow writing session. Instead of typing on a computer, use a notepad and pen to write out as much as possible. Instead of planning anything out, just express your feelings and emotions when dealing with the injury.

What is a personal injury case?

A personal injury case involves many pieces of evidence, including facts from the actual case and your own witness account. To help figure out the details of your case, a personal injury lawyer may have you fill out a pain and suffering statement.

When writing out a timeline, do you want to add more than just the facts?

When writing out a timeline, you want to add more than just the facts, and you want to place your emotions in the writing. For example, if the injury occurred in a car accident, then one of the timeline segments may involve when the crash occurred. Instead of just writing "The headlights swerved into my lane.".

How to punch up pain and suffering?

An easy way to punch up the drama of your pain and suffering statement is with a little onomatopoeia. The words are used to describe sounds that occurred during your injury. For example, if you broke any bones, you can describe the impact using words like CRUNCH and SNAP.

How to write a statement for a masters degree?

For those who are required to create statements to apply for something such as a Master’s degree, then be sure the you follow these 3 components: 1 Motivation. Show what motivates you to work hard and what lead you to make the decisions you have made. 2 Aspiration. Show how far you are willing to go once you acquire the very thing you need. 3 Perspiration. Show what you needed to do to acquire your past achievements and what kind of goals you are dedicated to.

What is an example of a statement form?

An example of statement forms that one might be willing to utilize is a personal financial statement wherein the information it holds is a list of a persons’s income and expenses.

What are the guidelines for writing a financial statement?

Guidelines for Writing a Statement of Significance. If one were to make use and place information within financial statement forms, then these guidelines should prove useful: Know all of your assets. So every income you make from your salary and any other source such as allowances must be placed in the form.

Why are statements important?

Statements are also useful for in the world of business. Some statements can help look into certain incidents within a workplace wherein certain important decisions can be made based on the information provided. Then there are those pieces of information that can be documented by businesses such as through profit and loss statements wherein it ...

What is the one thing consistent in every statement form?

The one thing consistent in every statement form is that one is required to place in personal information. So that mean’s the person’s name, address, and contact details. And it must contain only details that are considered as fact and nothing else. If you would like to know more on what to include in a statement, ...


Key Considerations When Composing A Legal Statement of Facts

As stated before, a legal statement is all about facts, particularly about specific scenarios. Its importance lies within various legal purposes which will include judgment on a court or accounting witnesses for any information he or she has given. This written documentis therefore essential to a wide range of legal cases. …
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Putting It All Together

Proofread The Document


Essentially, this is a document that logically outlines the facts, and demonstrates you or your client’s position, and does so utilizing a professional tone. It’s always good to keep in mind that while a judge knows the law well, he or she is familiar with your particular case. As such, you wish the court to see things in your favor. …
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  1. Well defined, clear thesis
  2. Strong, purposeful introduction
  3. Structured arguments backed by facts, backed by evidence
  4. Organized, easy to comprehend the structure
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